508 research outputs found

    Frequently Asked Questions About Soil Testing

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    Smart Material Planning Optimization Problem Analysis

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    Mostly, the concept of smart manufacturing is addressed based upon how to effectively facilitate the production activities by using the automation equipment; however, causing the fluctuation of production may frequently root to the uncertain incoming sales orders. These uncertain factors may be influenced by various economic parameters, such as changes within trade regulations, competitor innovations, and changes within the market. In order to reduce the difference between the forecasted demand versus actual demand and to minimize risk, these factors need to be taken into account and be fully investigated. The current widely applied forecast methods are factory capacity-driven and based on the trend against the activity history. When the uncertainty comes from the external, then the forecasts derived from these models cannot provide convincing insights to let the firms make decisions confidently. Many previous prestigious studies focused on the problem-solving optimization mathematic methods and articulated the causality among latent factors; few have addressed to a holistic framework that the firms can practice on. This study presents a clear operable step-by-step framework to manage and cushion the impact from the external uncertain factors. It also introduces three novel and feasible production planning models with the consideration of the economic parameters. The empirical case was a multi-nation machinery-making firm who has adopted the proposed framework to optimize the material forecasts pursuing their smart manufacturing goals

    Salinity and Plant Tolerance

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    Understanding Your Soil Test Report

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    Regular soil testing helps to develop and maintain more productive soils for farming, gardening, and landscaping. The purpose of this guide is to help you understand and interpret the results from a Utah State University soil test report. Additional Utah State University Extension bulletins are available, which address solutions to specific soil problems and offer guidance on fertilizer selection and use. See “Where to obtain additional information” at the end of this guide

    Observations of the Diurnal Dependence of the High-Latitude \u3ci\u3eF\u3c/i\u3e Region Ion Density by DMSP Satellites

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    Data from the DMSP F2 and F4 satellites for the period December 5-10, 1979, have been used to study the diurnal dependence of the high-latitude ion density at 800-km altitude. A 24-hour periodicity in the minimum orbital density (MOD) during a crossing of the high-latitude region is observed in both the winter and summer hemispheres. The phase of the variation in MOD is such that it has a minimum during the 24-hour period between 0700 and 0900 UT. Both the long term variation of the high-latitude ion density on a time scale of days, and the orbit by orbit variations at the same geomagnetic location in the northern (winter) hemisphere for the magnetically quiet time period chosen show good qualitative agreement with the diurnal dependence predicted by a theoretical model of the ionospheric density at high latitudes under conditions of low convection speeds (Sojka et al., 1981a)

    Portzone model for Øresundsregionen: – fremskrivning af trafikpotentialet for ny togtunnel mellem Helsingør-Helsingborg

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    Dette papir beskriver HH-projektet, der har til formål at belyse de trafikale konsekvenser af en togtunnel mellem Helsingør og Helsingborg set i sammenhæng med den udvikling, som allerede er i gang i Øresundsområdet. Fokus i papiret vil være koncentreret omkring de data og modelmæssige overvejelser, projektet har givet anledning til, hvorimod projektets tidsplan ikke har gjort det muligt at præsentere endelige efterspørgsler. Opdragsgiveren er HH- konsortiet, der med sekretariat i Helsingør Kommune, yderligere har Frederiksborg amt og HUR som partnere på den danske side, mens Helsingborg Stad og Region Skåne er de svenske partnere. Yderligere bidrager EU’s Interreg projekt med midler. Dette projekt løses af Atkins Danmark, Transek samt medarbejdere fra CTT på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet med Atkins som ledende part. Partnerne indgår i fire projektteams omkring: Scenarieanalyse Tilgængelighedsberegninger Trafikprognoseberegninger samt Multikriterieanalyse. Opgaven er startet februar 2002 og skal afsluttes dette år. Dette papir beskriver primært trafikprognoseberegningen som dannes med udgangspunkt i den konstruerede portzone model, samt udvalgte dele af scenariekonstruktionen. For yderligere dokumentation henvises til projektoplægget udarbejdet af Atkins Danmark januar 2002. Modellen er konstrueret med henblik på at kunne besvare en række spørgsmål vedrørende den fremtidige trafik over Øresund. Mere præcist skal man kunne behandle Konkurrencen mellem de alternative ruter over Øresund (porte). Effekter af ændringer i infrastruktur og plandata. Effekter af ændringer i befolkningsmønstret. Turfordelingen på destinationer samt. Effekter af forskellige integrationsniveauer. I det aktuelle udredningsarbejde arbejdes der med et basisår anno 2001, samt to fremskrivningsår: henholdsvis 2015, som et midtvejs scenarie, samt 2030 som en fuld planhorisont. For hver at disse fremskrivningsår analyseres fire forskellige tilstande. Først og fremmest med/uden HH forbindelse og dernæst med/uden fuld integration

    Prospectus, February 10, 1982

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    LOCAL LEADERS URGE ERA CHANGES; Severe winter causes hassle for Urbana Mayor Markland; Cartoonist tells how men, women, differ; Disney succeeds with \u27Night Crossing\u27; Chanute schedules events; Here\u27s place to eat for hungry; Cavaliers end Cobra streak; Blacker leads women to victory; How do I love thee?: Buy your honey one of these gifts; Ice biggest problem for airport managers; PC happenings...: Ski club selling pizza, Party to honor Susan B. Anthony, Insurance deadline is Feb. 12; Classifieds; Area entertainment...https://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1982/1029/thumbnail.jp