553 research outputs found

    Hysteresis in the Mott Transition between Plasma and Insulating Gas

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    We show that hysteresis can occur in the transition between a neutral plasma and the insulating gas consisting of neutral pairs bound by Coulomb attraction. Since the transition depends sensitively on the screening length in the plasma, regions of bistability occur in density--temperature phase space. We present numerical results which indicate where these regions occur for systems such as spin-polarized hydrogen, positronium gas, and excitons in a semiconductor.Comment: 9 pages (Latex/RevTex), 6 postscript figures which are in compressed and uuencoded file, prepared using the utility "uufiles" and separately submitted. They should be automatically included with the text when it is downloaded. Figures also available in hard copy from the authors ([email protected]; [email protected]); paper submitted to Phys. Rev.

    O impacto da terapêutica de ressincronização cardíaca nas células produtoras de IL-17 circulantes em doentes com insuficiência cardíaca avançada: efeito anti-inflamatório da terapêutica de ressincronização cardíaca

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    Provas públicas apresentadas à Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do título de Especialista.OBJETIVO: As células produtoras de IL-17 circulantes têm sido implicadas no ambiente inflamatório da insuficiência cardíaca crónica (ICC) e associadas a um mau prognóstico da doença. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto da terapêutica de ressincronização cardíaca (TRC) na frequência e atividade funcional das células Th17 e Tc17, assim como a expressão de mRNA de IL-17 em doentes com ICC. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos neste estudo 28 doentes com ICC, avaliados antes da TRC (T0) e 6 meses após (T6), e 15 controlos saudáveis. As células Th17 e Tc17 do sangue periférico foram analisadas por citometria de fluxo e a quantificação do mRNA de IL17 por PCR em tempo-real. RESULTADOS: As células Tc17 tendem a estar mais elevadas nos doentes com ICC submetidos à TRC que nos controlos (0.92% (0.24-3.32) versus 0.60% (0.09-3.68), sem atingir significado estatístico. Depois da TRC, a frequência de células Tc17 diminui significativamente, chegando a níveis semelhantes aos encontrados no grupo controlo (HG) (0.92% (0.24-3.32) ao T0 versus 0.56% (0.21-4.20) ao T6, p<0.05), devido, maioritariamente, aos doentes que responderam à TRC. Além disto, a expressão do mRNA de IL-17 foi apenas detetada num pequeno número de doentes respondedores ao T0 (27%) e apenas detetado num doente respondedor ao T6 (7%). Inversamente, nos doentes não-respondedores, a expressão de mRNA de IL-17 aumenta da avaliação inicial (17%) para T6 (42%). Relativamente às células Th17 não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o HG e os doentes com ICC ao T0 e ao T6. CONCLUSÃO: A resposta inflamatória mediada pelas células produtoras de IL-17 do SP parece ser suprimida pela TRC, particularmente nos doentes respondedores.ABSTRACT: PURPOSE: IL-17-producing T cells have been implicated in the inflammatory milieu of chronic heart failure (CHF), which implies a dismal prognosis in affected patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) on the frequency and functional activity of Th17 and Tc17 cells, as well as, on IL-17 mRNA expression in patients with CHF. METHODS: 28 patients with CHF, analysed before CRT (T0) and 6 months later (T6), and 15 healthy controls (HG) were enrolled in this study. Circulating Th17 and Tc17 cells were evaluated by flow cytometry. The quantification of IL-17A mRNA expression was performed by real-time PCR. RESULTS: Circulating Tc17 cells tended to be higher in CHF patients submitted to CRT than in HG (0.92% (0.24-3.32) versus 0.60% (0.09-3.68), although not reaching statistical significance. The frequency of Tc17 cells in CHF patients significantly decreases after CRT reaching levels similar to those of HG (0.92% (0.24-3.32) at T0 versus 0.56% (0.21-4.20) at T6, p<0.05), mainly due to responders to CRT. Additionally, the expression of IL-17 mRNA was detected in a few number of responder patients at T0 (27%) and only detected in one responder at T6 (7%). Conversely, in non-responders, the proportion of patients exhibiting IL-17 mRNA expression increases from baseline (17%) to T6 (42%). No significant differences were observed in Th17 cells between HG, CHF patients in T0 and patients in T6. CONCLUSION: The inflammatory response mediated by circulating IL-17 producing cells seems to be suppressed by CRT, particularly in responders.N/

    Theory for Metal Hydrides with Switchable Optical Properties

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    Recently it has been discovered that lanthanum, yttrium, and other metal hydride films show dramatic changes in the optical properties at the metal-insulator transition. Such changes on a high energy scale suggest the electronic structure is best described by a local model based on negatively charged hydrogen (H^-) ions. We develop a many-body theory for the strong correlation in a H^- ion lattice. The metal hydride is described by a large UU-limit of an Anderson lattice model. We use lanthanum hydride as a prototype of these compounds, and find LaH3_3 is an insulator with a substantial gap consistent with experiments. It may be viewed either as a Kondo insulator or a band insulator due to strong electron correlation. A H vacancy state in LaH3_3 is found to be highly localized due to the strong bonding between the electron orbitals of hydrogen and metal atoms. Unlike the impurity states in the usual semiconductors, there is only weak internal optical transitions within the vacancy. The metal-insulator transition takes place in a band of these vacancy states.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures and 6 tables. Submitted to PR

    Transformation of in-plane ρ(T)\rho (T) in YBa2Cu3O7δYBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-\delta} at fixed oxygen content

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    This paper reveals the origin of variation in the magnitude and temperature dependence of the normal state resistivity frequently observed in different YBCO single crystal or thin film samples with the same TcT_{c}. We investigated temperature dependence of resistivity in YBa2Cu3O7δYBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-\delta} thin films with 7- δ=6.95\delta = 6.95 and 6.90, which were subjected to annealing in argon at 400-420 K (120140oC120-140^{o}C). Before annealing these films exhibited a non-linear ρab(T)\rho_{ab}(T), with a flattening below 230 K, similar to ρb(T)\rho_{b}(T) and ρab(T)\rho_{ab}(T) observed in untwinned and twinned YBCO crystals, respectively. For all films the annealing causes an increase of resistivity and a transformation of ρab(T)\rho_{ab}(T) from a non-linear dependence towards a more linear one (less flattening). In films with 7- δ=6.90\delta = 6.90 the increase of resistivity is also associated with an increase in TcT_{c}. We proposed the model that provides an explanation of these phenomena in terms of thermally activated redistribution of residual O(5) oxygens in the chain-layer of YBCO. Good agreement between the experimental data for ρab(t,T)\rho_{ab}(t,T), where t is the annealing time, and numerical calculations was obtained.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    Equation of state and magnetic susceptibility of spin polarized isospin asymmetric nuclear matter

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    Properties of spin polarized isospin asymmetric nuclear matter are studied within the framework of the Brueckner--Hartree--Fock formalism. The single-particle potentials of neutrons and protons with spin up and down are determined for several values of the neutron and proton spin polarizations and the asymmetry parameter. It is found an almost linear and symmetric variation of the single-particle potentials as increasing these parameters. An analytic parametrization of the total energy per particle as a function of the asymmetry and spin polarizations is constructed. This parametrization is employed to compute the magnetic susceptibility of nuclear matter for several values of the asymmetry from neutron to symmetric matter. The results show no indication of a ferromagnetic transition at any density for any asymmetry of nuclear matter.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables (submitted to Phys. Rev. C

    Decoupling of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic zig-zag ladder with anisotropy

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    The spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic zig-zag ladder is studied by exact diagonalization of small systems in the regime of weak inter-chain coupling. A gapless phase with quasi long-range spiral correlations has been predicted to occur in this regime if easy-plane (XY) anisotropy is present. We find in general that the finite zig-zag ladder shows three phases: a gapless collinear phase, a dimer phase and a spiral phase. We study the level crossings of the spectrum,the dimer correlation function, the structure factor and the spin stiffness within these phases, as well as at the transition points. As the inter-chain coupling decreases we observe a transition in the anisotropic XY case from a phase with a gap to a gapless phase that is best described by two decoupled antiferromagnetic chains. The isotropic and the anisotropic XY cases are found to be qualitatively the same, however, in the regime of weak inter-chain coupling for the small systems studied here. We attribute this to a finite-size effect in the isotropic zig-zag case that results from exponentially diverging antiferromagnetic correlations in the weak-coupling limit.Comment: to appear in Physical Review

    Formation of two-dimensional weak localization in conducting Langmuir-Blodgett films

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    We report the magnetotransport properties up to 7 T in the organic highly conducting Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) films formed by a molecular association of the electroactive donor molecule bis(ethylendioxy)tetrathiafulvalene (BEDO-TTF) and stearic acid CH3_3(CH2_2)16_{16}COOH. We show the logarithmic decrease of dc conductivity and the negative transverse magnetoresistance at low temperature. They are interpreted in the weak localization of two-dimensional (2D) electronic system based on the homogeneous conducting layer with the molecular size thickness of BEDO-TTF. The electronic length with phase memory is given at the mesoscopic scale, which provides for the first time evidence of the 2D coherent charge transport in the conducting LB films.Comment: 5 pages, 1 Table and 5 figure

    The unusual electronic structure of the "pseudo-ladder" compound CaCu2O3

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    Experimental and theoretical studies of the unoccupied electronic structure of CaCu2O3 single crystals have been performed using polarization-dependent x-ray absorption spectroscopy and band structure calculations. The measured hole distribution shows an unusual large number of holes in orbitals parallel to the interlayer direction which is in agreement with the theoretical analysis. CaCu2O3 deviates significantly from the standard pd-sigma cuprate picture. The corresponding strong interlayer exchange is responsible for the missing spin gap generic for other two-leg ladder cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures include

    Atomic layering at the liquid silicon surface: a first- principles simulation

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    We simulate the liquid silicon surface with first-principles molecular dynamics in a slab geometry. We find that the atom-density profile presents a pronounced layering, similar to those observed in low-temperature liquid metals like Ga and Hg. The depth-dependent pair correlation function shows that the effect originates from directional bonding of Si atoms at the surface, and propagates into the bulk. The layering has no major effects in the electronic and dynamical properties of the system, that are very similar to those of bulk liquid Si. To our knowledge, this is the first study of a liquid surface by first-principles molecular dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Scaling Behavior of Anomalous Hall Effect and Longitudinal Nonlinear Response in High-Tc Superconductors

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    Based on existing theoretical model and by considering our longitudinal nonlinear response function, we derive a nonliear equation in which the mixed state Hall resistivity can be expressed as an analytical function of magnetic field, temperature and applied current. This equation enables one to compare quantitatively the experimental data with theoretical model. We also find some new scaling relations of the temperature and field dependency of Hall resistivity. The comparison between our theoretical curves and experimental data shows a fair agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure