117 research outputs found

    On The Stability of Interpretable Models

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    Interpretable classification models are built with the purpose of providing a comprehensible description of the decision logic to an external oversight agent. When considered in isolation, a decision tree, a set of classification rules, or a linear model, are widely recognized as human-interpretable. However, such models are generated as part of a larger analytical process. Bias in data collection and preparation, or in model's construction may severely affect the accountability of the design process. We conduct an experimental study of the stability of interpretable models with respect to feature selection, instance selection, and model selection. Our conclusions should raise awareness and attention of the scientific community on the need of a stability impact assessment of interpretable models

    CALIME: Causality-Aware Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations

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    A significant drawback of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) approaches is the assumption of feature independence. This paper focuses on integrating causal knowledge in XAI methods to increase trust and help users assess explanations' quality. We propose a novel extension to a widely used local and model-agnostic explainer that explicitly encodes causal relationships in the data generated around the input instance to explain. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves superior performance comparing the initial one for both the fidelity in mimicking the black-box and the stability of the explanations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ICAI 202

    Local Rule-Based Explanations of Black Box Decision Systems

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    The recent years have witnessed the rise of accurate but obscure decision systems which hide the logic of their internal decision processes to the users. The lack of explanations for the decisions of black box systems is a key ethical issue, and a limitation to the adoption of machine learning components in socially sensitive and safety-critical contexts. %Therefore, we need explanations that reveals the reasons why a predictor takes a certain decision. In this paper we focus on the problem of black box outcome explanation, i.e., explaining the reasons of the decision taken on a specific instance. We propose LORE, an agnostic method able to provide interpretable and faithful explanations. LORE first leans a local interpretable predictor on a synthetic neighborhood generated by a genetic algorithm. Then it derives from the logic of the local interpretable predictor a meaningful explanation consisting of: a decision rule, which explains the reasons of the decision; and a set of counterfactual rules, suggesting the changes in the instance's features that lead to a different outcome. Wide experiments show that LORE outperforms existing methods and baselines both in the quality of explanations and in the accuracy in mimicking the black box

    Mobility Ranking - Human Mobility Analysis using Ranking Measures

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    This work investigates the impact of ranking measures in the analysis of mobility network. We consider big datasets of GPS trajectories that allowed us to construct two different kinds of networks: the network of carpooling between car drivers, and the bipartite graph between drivers and visited locations. We show how an analysis based on ranking drivers and locations reveals interesting properties of these networks

    Individual and Collective Stop-Based Adaptive Trajectory Segmentation

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    Identifying the portions of trajectory data where movement ends and a significant stop starts is a basic, yet fundamental task that can affect the quality of any mobility analytics process. Most of the many existing solutions adopted by researchers and practitioners are simply based on fixed spatial and temporal thresholds stating when the moving object remained still for a significant amount of time, yet such thresholds remain as static parameters for the user to guess. In this work we study the trajectory segmentation from a multi-granularity perspec tive, looking for a better understanding of the problem and for an automatic, user-adaptive and essentially parameter-free solution that flexibly adjusts the segmentation criteria to the specific user under study and to the geographical areas they traverse. Experiments over real data, and comparison against simple and state-of-the-art competitors show that the flexibility of the proposed methods has a positive impact on results

    City Indicators for Geographical Transfer Learning: An Application to Crash Prediction

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    The massive and increasing availability of mobility data enables the study and the prediction of human mobility behavior and activities at various levels. In this paper, we tackle the problem of predicting the crash risk of a car driver in the long term. This is a very challenging task, requiring a deep knowledge of both the driver and their surroundings, yet it has several useful applications to public safety (e.g. by coaching high-risk drivers) and the insurance market (e.g. by adapting pricing to risk). We model each user with a data-driven approach based on a network representation of users’ mobility. In addition, we represent the areas in which users moves through the definition of a wide set of city indicators that capture different aspects of the city. These indicators are based on human mobility and are automatically computed from a set of different data sources, including mobility traces and road networks. Through these city indicators we develop a geographical transfer learning approach for the crash risk task such that we can build effective predictive models for another area where labeled data is not available. Empirical results over real datasets show the superiority of our solution

    City Indicators for Mobility Data Mining

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    Classifying cities and other geographical units is a classical task in urban geography, typically carried out through manual analysis of specific characteristics of the area. The primary objective of this paper is to contribute to this process through the definition of a wide set of city indicators that capture different aspects of the city, mainly based on human mobility and automatically computed from a set of data sources, including mobility traces and road networks. The secondary objective is to prove that such set of characteristics is indeed rich enough to support a simple task of geographical transfer learning, namely identifying which groups of geographical areas can share with each other a basic traffic prediction model. The experiments show that similarity in terms of our city indicators also means better transferability of predictive models, opening the way to the development of more sophisticated solutions that leverage city indicators

    A Protocol for Continual Explanation of SHAP

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    Continual Learning trains models on a stream of data, with the aim of learning new information without forgetting previous knowledge. Given the dynamic nature of such environments, explaining the predictions of these models can be challenging. We study the behavior of SHAP values explanations in Continual Learning and propose an evaluation protocol to robustly assess the change of explanations in Class-Incremental scenarios. We observed that, while Replay strategies enforce the stability of SHAP values in feedforward/convolutional models, they are not able to do the same with fully-trained recurrent models. We show that alternative recurrent approaches, like randomized recurrent models, are more effective in keeping the explanations stable over time.Comment: ESANN 2023, 6 pages, added link to cod
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