716 research outputs found

    qq-Poincar\'e supersymmetry in AdS5/CFT4AdS_5/CFT_4

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    We consider the exact S-matrix governing the planar spectral problem for strings on AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5 and N=4\mathcal N=4 super Yang-Mills, and we show that it is invariant under a novel "boost" symmetry, which acts as a differentiation with respect to the particle momentum. This generator leads us also to reinterpret the usual centrally extended psu(22)\mathfrak{psu}(2|2) symmetry, and to conclude that the S-matrix is invariant under a qq-Poincar\'e supersymmetry algebra, where the deformation parameter is related to the 't Hooft coupling. We determine the two-particle action (coproduct) that turns out to be non-local, and study the property of the new symmetry under crossing transformations. We look at both the strong-coupling (large tension in the string theory) and weak-coupling (spin-chain description of the gauge theory) limits; in the former regime we calculate the cobracket utilising the universal classical r-matrix of Beisert and Spill. In the eventuality that the boost has higher partners, we also construct a quantum affine version of 2D Poincar\'e symmetry, by contraction of the quantum affine algebra Uq(sl2^)U_q(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_2}) in Drinfeld's second realisation.Comment: 35 pages. Added discussion on antipode in the presence of the phase. Published versio

    qq-Poincar\'e invariance of the AdS3/CFT2AdS_3/CFT_2 RR-matrix

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    We consider the exact RR-matrix of AdS3/CFT2AdS_3/CFT_2, which is the building block for describing the scattering of worldsheet excitations of the light-cone gauge-fixed backgrounds AdS3×S3×T4AdS_3 \times S^3 \times T^4 and AdS3×S3×S3×S1AdS_3 \times S^3 \times S^3 \times S^1 with pure Ramond-Ramond fluxes. We show that RR is invariant under a "deformed boost" symmetry, for which we write an explicit exact coproduct, i.e. its action on 2-particle states. When we include the boost, the symmetries of the RR-matrix close into a qq-Poincar\'e superalgebra. Our findings suggest that the recently discovered boost invariance in AdS5/CFT4AdS_5/CFT_4 may be a common feature of AdS/CFTAdS/CFT systems that are treatable with the exact techniques of integrability. With the aim of going towards a universal formulation of the underlying Hopf algebra, we also propose a universal form of the AdS3/CFT2AdS_3/CFT_2 classical rr-matrix.Comment: 26 pages. Minor improvements and references added. Published versio

    Puzzles of eta-deformed AdS_5 x S^5

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    We derive the part of the Lagrangian for the sigma model on the eta-deformed AdS_5 x S^5 space which is quadratic in fermions and has the full dependence on bosons. We then show that there exists a field redefinition which brings the corresponding Lagrangian to the standard form of type IIB Green-Schwarz superstring. Reading off the corresponding RR couplings, we observe that they fail to satisfy the supergravity equations of motion, despite the presence of kappa-symmetry. However, in a special scaling limit our solution reproduces the supergravity background found by Maldacena and Russo. Further, using the fermionic Lagrangian, we compute a number of new matrix elements of the tree level world-sheet scattering matrix. We then show that after a unitary transformation on the basis of two-particle states which is not one-particle factorisable, the corresponding T-matrix factorises into two equivalent parts. Each part satisfies the classical Yang-Baxter equation and coincides with the large tension limit of the q-deformed S-matrix.Comment: 59 pages, 1 figure, v2: minor correction

    All-loop Bethe ansatz equations for AdS3/CFT2

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    Using the S-matrix for the d(2,1;alpha)^2 symmetric spin-chain of AdS3/CFT2, we propose a new set of all-loop Bethe equations for the system. These equations differ from the ones previously found in the literature by the choice of relative grading between the two copies of the d(2,1;alpha) superalgebra, and involve four undetermined scalar factors that play the role of dressing phases. Imposing crossing symmetry and comparing with the near-BMN form of the S-matrix found in the literature, we find several novel features. In particular, the scalar factors must differ from the Beisert-Eden-Staudacher phase, and should couple nodes of different masses to each other. In the semiclassical limit the phases are given by a suitable generalization of Arutyunov-Frolov-Staudacher phase.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures. v2: references added. v3: changed notation for the crossing equations, added references. Published versio

    A dynamic su(1|1)^2 S-matrix for AdS3/CFT2

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    We derive the S-matrix for the d(2,1;alpha)^2 symmetric spin-chain of AdS3/CFT2 by considering the centrally extended su(1|1)^2 algebra acting on the spin-chain excitations. The S-matrix is determined uniquely up to four scalar factors, which are further constrained by a set of crossing relations. The resulting scattering includes non-trivial processes between magnons of different masses that were previously overlooked.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figures. v2: corrected a misprint in appendix E, updated references, corrected some typos. v3: added a new appendix F with comparison to the literature, changed notation for the crossing equations, added references. Published versio

    Supergravity solution-generating techniques and canonical transformations of σ-models from O(D, D)

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    Within the framework of the flux formulation of Double Field Theory (DFT) we employ a generalised Scherk-Schwarz ansatz and discuss the classification of the twists that in the presence of the strong constraint give rise to constant generalised fluxes interpreted as gaugings. We analyse the various possibilities of turning on the fluxes Hijk, Fijk, Qijk and Rijk, and the solutions for the twists allowed in each case. While we do not impose the DFT (or equivalently supergravity) equations of motion, our results provide solution-generating techniques in supergravity when applied to a background that does solve the DFT equations. At the same time, our results give rise also to canonical transformations of 2-dimensional σ-models, a fact which is interesting especially because these are integrability-preserving transformations on the worldsheet. Both the solution-generating techniques of supergravity and the canonical transformations of 2-dimensional σ-models arise as maps that leave the generalised fluxes of DFT and their flat derivatives invariant. These maps include the known abelian/non-abelian/Poisson-Lie T-duality transformations, Yang-Baxter deformations, as well as novel generalisations of themS