23 research outputs found

    Treatment with biologic agents in child and adolescent

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    OBJETIVO: Revisar os mecanismos fisiopatológicos e novos alvos terapêuticos, os agentes biológicos disponíveis, principais indicações e a evidência científica atual para o uso de terapias biológicas na população pediátrica. FONTES DE DADOS: Pesquisa na base de dados Medline e SciELO, nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa, entre 2000 e 2009. As palavras-chave usadas foram "agentes biológicos", "crianças" e "adolescentes". SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Os agentes biológicos são uma importante opção terapêutica para tratar as doenças autoimunes refratárias às terapias convencionais na infância e na adolescência. Com exceção da artrite idiopática juvenil, a maioria dos estudos em outras doenças autoimunes não é controlada. CONCLUSÕES: Os agentes biológicos têm demonstrado eficácia no tratamento de doenças autoimunes pediátricas como artrite idiopática juvenil, miopatias idiopáticas inflamatórias, lúpus eritematoso juvenil, vasculites, uveítes crônicas, doenças inflamatórias intestinais e púrpura trombocitopênica imune crônica, assim como no linfoma não-Hodgkin. Considerando-se o custo elevado e os potenciais eventos adversos, o uso desses agentes deve ser individualizado e acompanhado por especialista.OBJECTIVE: To review the physiopathology and new therapeutical targets, the available biologic agents, the main indications and the current scientific evidence for the use of biological therapies in the pediatric population. DATA SOURCES: A bibliographical search was obtained from Medline and SciELO databases in English and Portuguese from 2000 to 2009. The key-words included were "biologic agent", "children" and "adolescent". DATA SYNTHESIS: Biologic agents are important therapeutic options to treat refractory autoimmune diseases to conventional therapies in childhood and adolescence. Excluding juvenile idiopathic arthritis, the majority of studies in other autoimmune diseases are uncontrolled trials. CONCLUSIONS: Biologic agents have shown efficacy in the treatment of pediatric autoimmune diseases such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis, idiopathic inflammatory myositis, juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, chronic uveitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, and chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura, as well as in non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Considering the high cost and the potential adverse events, the choice to use them must be individualized and followed by a specialist

    Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma física de soluções para atração de público no Suzano Shopping

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    A indústria de Shopping Center experimentou um período de forte crescimento e elevados resultados desde o início dos anos 2000 até final de 2014. Entretanto, com a crise econômica e o avanço do comércio online, vê-se diante de novos desafios para continuar crescendo e entregando resultados aos seus investidores. Neste âmbito, o Suzano Shopping, inaugurado exatamente no ano 2000, enfrenta o dilema de voltar a registrar crescimento no fluxo de clientes e, consequentemente, gerar novos negócios e receitas para todos os stakeholders da cadeia de valor, pois, ainda em 2018 é considerado um empreendimento pequeno e defasado conceitualmente, perante novos concorrentes que surgiram ao longo dos últimos tempos na região, registrando, nos últimos dois anos (2016 e 2017) redução de tráfego de pessoas. A partir desta problemática, procurou-se identificar os motivos desta ocorrência por meio de um diagnóstico, englobando pesquisas com diversos públicos, os quais apontaram caminhos. Sugere-se, então, a implantação, nos próximos três anos (2019-2021), de soluções voltadas à criação de valor ao cliente do Suzano Shopping que, combinadas entre si, tornam-se uma verdadeira plataforma física de soluções, com o objetivo de manter o empreendimento cada vez mais frequentado, de forma diversificada e atraente a esses clientes, bem como mais competitivo perante seus concorrentes. Embora se possa considerar bastante replicável, a aplicabilidade desta proposta de plataforma precisa ser bem planejada e feita sobre medida para cada empreendimento do porte de um Shopping, pois existe um número razoável de complexidades no caminho, como características peculiares e particulares, que precisarão ser vencidas. Mas fazer parte de um projeto que resulta numa clara transformação de todo um empreendimento, desde a mentalidade dos funcionários e equipes, passando pela mudança física de um edifício/prédio, onde os resultados começam a surgir, com clientes mais satisfeitos e toda a cadeia de stakeholders empolgada e apoiando sua implementação e realização, tornou-se extremamente gratificante. Isto, a despeito das dificuldades inerentes à idealização da proposta, seu desenvolvimento e, especialmente, aprovação e alinhamento em torno dos diversos stakeholders envolvidos, especialmente pelo nível de inovação considerado para esta proposta, que possui um novo olhar sobre este tipo de empreendimento – um novo modelo de negócio.The Shopping Center industry experienced a period of strong growth and high results from the beginning of the years 2000 to the end of 2014. However, with the economic crisis and the advance of online commerce, we face new challenges to continue growing and delivering results to its investors. In this context, Suzano Shopping, inaugurated exactly in the year 2000, faces the dilemma of regaining growth in the flow of customers and, consequently, generating new business and revenues for all stakeholders in the value chain, since in 2018 it is considered a small and conceptually outdated enterprise, facing new competitors that have emerged in recent times in the region, registering, in the last two years (2016 and 2017), a reduction in people traffic. Based on this problem, we sought to identify the reasons for this occurrence through a diagnosis, encompassing research with several audiences, which pointed out ways. It is therefore suggested that, in the next three years (2019-2021), solutions be developed to create customer value for Suzano Shopping, which, combined with each other, will become a true physical platform for solutions, with the objective to keep the enterprise more and more frequent, in a diversified and attractive way to these clients, as well as more competitive before its competitors. Although it may be considered quite replicable, the applicability of this platform proposal needs to be well planned and tailored to each venture of the size of a Shopping Mall, as there are a reasonable number of complexities along the way, such as peculiar and particular characteristics that need to be overcome . But being part of a project that results in a clear transformation of an entire enterprise, from the mentality of employees and teams, to the physical change of a building / building, where results begin to emerge, with more satisfied customers and the entire supply chain. and supporting its implementation and implementation, has become extremely rewarding. This, despite the difficulties inherent in the proposal's idealization, its development and, especially, approval and alignment around the various stakeholders involved, especially the level of innovation considered for this proposal, which has a new look at this type of enterprise - a new business model

    Testicular Sertoli cell function evaluation in male systemic lupus erytemathosus patients

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a função das células testiculares de Sertoli em homens com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES). Métodos: Trinta e quatro pacientes consecutivos foram prospectivamente selecionados para avaliar a função das células testiculares de Sertoli pelos níveis séricos da inibina B. Características clínicas, tratamento, análises dos espermatozóides, avaliação urológica, ultrasonografia testicular, hormônios e anticorpos anti-espermatozóides foram avaliados. Resultados: Os pacientes foram subdivididos em dois grupos: níveis séricos reduzidos (Grupo 1, n=8) e níveis séricos normais (Grupo 2, n=26) de inibina B. As medianas da concentração média de espermatozóides (p=0,024), da contagem total de espermatozóides (p=0,023) e da contagem total de espermatozóides móveis (p=0,025) foram menores no Grupo 1. Os níveis de inibina B foram positivamente correlacionados com a concentração de espermatozóides (r=0,343) e contagem total de espermatozóides móveis (r=0,357), e negativamente correlacionados com FSH (r=0,699) e LH (r=0,397). A mediana de inibina B sérica foi menor nos pacientes com LES tratados com pulsoterapia com ciclofosfamida endovenosa (CICIV) comparada aos não tratados com este medicamento (p=0,031). Avaliação dos 26 pacientes com LES e níveis normais de inibina B e FSH revelou que a mediana da relação inibina B/FSH foi menor nos pacientes lúpicos com oligozoospermia comparada aos pacientes com normozoospermia (p=0,004). Esta relação também foi menor nos pacientes com LES tratados com CICIV do que naqueles sem esta terapia (p=0,04). Conclusão: Este é o primeiro estudo que identificou uma alta freqüência de disfunção das células testiculares de Sertoli em homens com LES associada a anormalidades dos espermatozóides. Outros estudos prospectivos são necessários para determinar se os níveis séricos de inibina e a relação inibina B/FSH serão um marcador útil e precoce de toxicidade pela CICIV neste pacientesObjective: To assess the testicular Sertoli cell function in male SLE patients. Methods: 34 consecutive patients were prospectively selected to evaluate the testicular Sertoli cell function by serum inhibin B levels. Clinical features, treatment, semen analysis, urologic evaluation, testicular ultrasound, hormones, and antisperm antibodies were determined. Results: Patients were subdivided into two Groups: low serum inhibin B (Group 1, n=8) and normal levels (Group 2, n=26). The medians of sperm concentration (p=0.024), total sperm count (p=0.023) and total motile sperm count (p=0.025) were lower in Group 1. Inhibin B levels were positively correlated with sperm concentration (r=0.343), total motile sperm count (r=0.357), and negatively correlated with FSH (r=0.699) and LH (r=0.397). The median serum inhibin B was lower in SLE patients treated with intravenous cyclophosphamide pulsetherapy (IVCYC) compared to those without this therapy (p=0.031). Further evaluation of the 26 SLE patients with normal inhibin B and FSH levels revealed that medians of inhibin B/FSH ratio were lower in SLE patients with oligozoospermia compared to normozoospermia (p=0.004). This ratio was also lower in SLE patients treated with IVCYC than those without this therapy (p=0.04). Conclusions: This is the first study to identify a high frequency of testicular Sertoli cell dysfunction in male SLE associated with sperm abnormalities. Further prospective studies are necessary to determine if inhibin levels and inhibin B/FSH ratio will be an earlier and useful marker of IVCYC toxicity in these patient

    Normalized power variance of eLORETA at high-convexity area predicts shunt response in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus

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    Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is a neuropsychiatric disease characterized by gait disturbance, cognitive deterioration and urinary incontinence associated with excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain ventricles. These symptoms, in particular gait disturbance, can be potentially improved by shunt operation in the early stage of the disease, and the intervention associates with a worse outcome when performed late during the course of the disease. Despite the variable outcome of shunt operation, noninvasive presurgical prediction methods of shunt response have not been established yet. In the present study, we used normalized power variance (NPV), a sensitive measure of the instability of cortical electrical activity, to analyze cortical electrical activity derived from EEG data using exact-low-resolution-electromagnetic-tomography (eLORETA) in 15 shunt responders and 19 non-responders. We found that shunt responders showed significantly higher NPV values at high-convexity areas in beta frequency band than non-responders. In addition, using this difference, we could discriminate shunt responders from non-responders with leave-one-subject-out cross-validation accuracy of 67.6% (23/34) [positive predictive value of 61.1% (11/18) and negative predictive value of 75.0% (12/16)]. Our findings indicate that eLORETA-NPV can be a useful tool for noninvasive prediction of clinical response to shunt operation in patients with iNPH

    Aspectos da sexualidade e gravidez em adolescentes com artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ)

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever aspectos da sexualidade, gravidez e pós-parto de três adolescentes com artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ). No período entre 1983 e 2004, 4.638 pacientes foram acompanhados na Unidade de Reumatologia Pediátrica do Departamento de Pediatria da FMUSP, entre os quais 537 (11,5%) apresentaram o diagnóstico de AIJ (critérios do ILAR). Entre os pacientes com AIJ, três engravidaram durante o seguimento ambulatorial. A idade da primeira atividade sexual variou de 16 a 18 anos. A paciente 1 apresentou uma gestação gemelar a termo, permanecendo em atividade da doença durante toda a gravidez, em uso de 15mg/dia de prednisona. As pacientes 2 e 3 encontravam-se em remissão da doença, sem uso de medicamentos, apresentando gestação a termo sem intercorrências. A paciente 2, porém, evoluiu com recidiva da doença um ano após o parto. Todos os recém-nascidos foram adequados para idade gestacional e evoluíram adequadamente no período neonatal. Apenas a paciente 1 necessitou de prednisona, naproxeno e cloroquina na amamentação. O aumento da gravidez na adolescência é uma realidade nos serviços de reumatologia pediátrica, o que impõe novos debates sobre os aspectos da sexualidade e contracepção nessa população

    Effect of Musculoskeletal Pain on Sexuality of Male Adolescents and. Adults with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

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    Objective. To develop a questionnaire for the evaluation of sexuality of male patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Methods. A cohort of male patients with rheumatoid factor (RF)-negative polyarticular. JIA according to the 2004 revised ILAR criteria and inactive disease was Studied. The Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) was applied to all patients. As a control group, 120 age-matched males of the same socioeconomic status were evaluated. A self-administered Structured instrument, the Male Sexual Evaluation Questionnaire (MSEQ), was developed by multiprofessional experts to assess sexual life, including satisfaction, practice. and related functional aspects. Results. Thirty-two male patients with RF-negative polyarticular JIA [mean age 20.8 +/- 3.8 yrs (range 16-26), mean disease duration 15.4 +/- 3.6 yrs (range 13-20)] were studied. Mean HAQ score was 1.25 +/- 0.67 (range 0.1-2.1). Masturbation was practiced similarly by patients and controls (87.5% vs 91%; p > 0.999), although joint pain was observed in only 2 (7%) patients. Regular sexual intercourse (>= once/week) was reported by 78% of patients and 62% of controls (p = 0.86). Joint pain during intercourse was more frequent in patients (48% vs 3% in controls; p < 0.001). The mean HAQ score was higher in the 12 patients with,joint pain (hips = 3, knees = 5, and hips + knees = 4) during intercourse compared to the 13 patients without joint pain (1.82 +/- 0.27 vs 1.43 +/- 0.32; p < 0.05). Preserved desire and satisfaction were universal findings for all JIA patients and controls. Conclusion. The MSEQ was applicable to this cohort of male patients with RF-negative polyarticular JIA and showed that sexual life is preserved despite longterm disease, morbidity/functional dysfunction, and joint pain. (First Release May 1 2009: J Rheumatol 2009;36: 1337-42; doi: 10.3899/jrheum.080867

    Normalized Power Variance: A new Field Orthogonal to Power in EEG Analysis

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    To date, electroencephalogram (EEG) has been used in the diagnosis of epilepsy, dementia, and disturbance of consciousness via the inspection of EEG waves and identification of abnormal electrical discharges and slowing of basic waves. In addition, EEG power analysis combined with a source estimation method like exact-low-resolution-brain-electromagnetic-tomography (eLORETA), which calculates the power of cortical electrical activity from EEG data, has been widely used to investigate cortical electrical activity in neuropsychiatric diseases. However, the recently developed field of mathematics “information geometry” indicates that EEG has another dimension orthogonal to power dimension — that of normalized power variance (NPV). In addition, by introducing the idea of information geometry, a significantly faster convergent estimator of NPV was obtained. Research into this NPV coordinate has been limited thus far. In this study, we applied this NPV analysis of eLORETA to idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) patients prior to a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt operation, where traditional power analysis could not detect any difference associated with CSF shunt operation outcome. Our NPV analysis of eLORETA detected significantly higher NPV values at the high convexity area in the beta frequency band between 17 shunt responders and 19 non-responders. Considering our present and past research findings about NPV, we also discuss the advantage of this application of NPV representing a sensitive early warning signal of cortical impairment. Overall, our findings demonstrated that EEG has another dimension — that of NPV, which contains a lot of information about cortical electrical activity that can be useful in clinical practice