78 research outputs found

    Optimization of the Extraction Process to Obtain a Colorant Ingredient from Leaves of Ocimum basilicum var. Purpurascens

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    Heat-Assisted Extraction (HAE) was used for the optimized production of an extract rich in anthocyanin compounds from Ocimum basilicum var. purpurascens leaves. The optimization was performed using the response surface methodology employing a central composite experimental design with five-levels for each of the assessed variables. The independent variables studied were the extraction time (t, 20–120 min), temperature (T, 25–85 C), and solvent (S, 0–100% of ethanol, v/v). Anthocyanin compounds were analysed by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS and the extraction yields were used as response variables. Theoretical models were developed for the obtained experimental data, then the models were validated by a selected number of statistical tests, and finally, those models were used in the prediction and optimization steps. The optimal HAE conditions for the extraction of anthocyanin compounds were: t = 65.37 3.62 min, T = 85.00 1.17 C and S = 62.50 4.24%, and originated 114.74 0.58 TA mg/g of extract. This study highlighted the red rubin basil leaves as a promising natural matrix to extract pigmented compounds, using green solvents and reduced extraction times. The extract rich in anthocyanins also showed antimicrobial and anti-proliferative properties against four human tumor cell lines, without any toxicity on a primary porcine liver cell line.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Program PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013), Lillian Barros and Ricardo C. Calhelha contracts. The authors are also grateful to the Interreg España-Portugal for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E). This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project Mobilizador Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479: ValorNatural®. Authors are also grateful to Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, grant No. 173032. The authors thank the GAIN (Xunta de Galicia) for financial support (P.P. 0000 421S 140.08) to Miguel A. Prieto by a post-doctoral (modality B) grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Untargeted metabolomics and in vitro functional analysis unravel the intraspecific bioactive potential of flowers from underexplored Camellia japonica cultivars facing their industrial application

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    The Camellia genus comprises a vast array of underexplored medicinal plants that merit a systematic valorization to exploit their potential as natural sources of phytochemicals with associated health-promoting properties. In this work, flower extracts from eight poorly characterized Camellia japonica L. cultivars were subjected to polyphenol profiling through untargeted metabolomics combined with in vitro functional analysis. Anthocyanins, mostly represented by cyanidin 3-O-glycosides, flavones, and flavonols, were found as the major constituents of C. japonica flowers, together with hydroxycinnamic acids, tyrosols, alkylphenols, and stilbenes, which were detected for the first time in this species. The application of multivariate statistics revealed a flower colordependent fingerprint of C. japonica cultivars, featuring anthocyanins and other flavonoids as metabolite markers associated with color-flowered cultivars with respect to white-flowered ones. The accumulation of anthocyanins, especially reported in ‘Eugenia de Montijo’ flowers, was highly correlated with the cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory properties of the derived extracts, including AGS, Caco-2, and MCF7 cancer cell lines. Moreover, the flavones accumulation reported in ‘Carolyn Tuttle’ extracts was also associated with high rates of free-radical scavenging activity, as well as a potent cytotoxicity against the Caco-2 cell line. In general, C. japonica anthocyanin-enriched flower extracts were revealed as promising candidates for the industrial production of polyphenols with associated biological activities of high interest for critical sectors in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.The research leading to these results was supported by MICINN supporting the Ramón y Cajal grant for M.A.-P. (RYC-2017–22891) and the Juan de la Cierva Formación grant for T.-O. (FJC2019–042549-I). The authors acknowledge Xunta de Galicia for funding the post-doctoral grant of L. C. (ED481B-2021/152) and the program EXCELENCIAED431F 2020/12, which supported the work by F.C. The authors are also grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020), and national funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program contract for L.-B. and R. C.-C. The work by P.G.-P. was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Universities under the application 33.50.460A.752 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR through a Margarita Salas contract by the Universidade de Vigo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rubus ulmifolius Schott as a novel source of food colorant: extraction optimization of coloring pigments and incorporation in a bakery product

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    Color has been considered to be the flashiest attribute of foodstu s and researchers have shown a great interest in the extraction of pigmented compounds from vegetal products, with the purpose to provide alternative counterparts to the food industry; (2) Methods: This study aimed to explore Rubus ulmifolius Schott fruits as a potential source of anthocyanins, optimizing the extraction method, evaluating the bioactivity and incorporating the rich extract into a bakery food product; (3) Results: After the extraction optimization, results showed R. ulmifolius fruits to be a great source of anthocyanins, obtaining an amount of 33.58 mg AT/g E, with an extraction yield of 62.08%. The rich anthocyanin extract showed antitumor and antimicrobial potential in some tumor cell lines and strains, respectively, as well as the absence of toxicity; (4) Conclusions: The extract when incorporated in a bakery product showed a good coloring capacity, maintaining the nutritional value, revealing its use to be a great approach for replacing artificial colorants.This research was funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Program PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2019).L. Barros and R. Calhelha also thank the national funding by FCT, P.I.; through the institutional scientific employment program-contract for their contracts; Interreg España-Portugal for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E); and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-023289: DeCodE and project Mobilizador Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479: ValorNatural®.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Historia de la ganadería en el Departamento de Sucre. Periodo 1850-1970

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    Tesis (Economista) -- Universidad de Cartagena. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Programa de Economía, 2000.El presente estudio tiene por objeto describir todo el proceso histórico económico del desenvolvimiento del sector ganadero en sus diferentes etapas del desarrollo en el periodo 1850 - 1970 y ademas la influencia del desarrollo de la ganadería en el departamento de Sucre y en la región Costa Caribe

    Desempenho produtivo de novilhas leiteiras suplementadas na época da seca em pastagens diferidas, sob duas taxas de lotação

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    Objetivou-se avaliar as características relacionadas ao desempenho produtivo de novilhas mestiças Gir x Holandês mantidas em pastagem diferidas de Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex. A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu, manejada em sistema de lotação intermitente, na época da seca do ano. Os tratamentos avaliados foram taxa de lotação de 1,0 UA/ha e suplementação com 6,0 g/kg de peso corporal (PC)/dia e da taxa de lotação de 2,0 UA/ha e suplementação com 12,0 g/kg de PC/dia de suplemento proteico-energético. As novilhas tinham idade média de 17,46 ± 3,74 meses e PC médio inicial de 304,83 ± 33,7 kg e foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso. Os animais foram pesados e mensurados quanto à altura na cernelha (AC), perímetro torácico (PT), comprimento da garupa (CG) e escore da condição corporal (ECC). O PC médio do lote foi usado para os cálculos de ajuste da quantidade de suplemento oferecido. Verificou-se que o desempenho produtivo das novilhas que foram submetidas a lotação de 2 UA/ha e suplementação de 12,0 g/kg de PC/dia apresentaram maior ganho médio diário (0,579 kg/animal/dia) do aquelas submetidas a lotação de 1 UA/ha e suplementação de 6,0 g/kg de PC/dia (0,361 kg/animal/ dia). Com relação ao desenvolvimento corporal dos animais, verificou-se que o PT inicial, a AC inicial e final, o CG inicial e o ECC, não diferiram entre as combinações de taxas de lotação e de níveis de suplementação. As novilhas apresentaram melhor desempenho produtivo, em situações de pastagens vedadas, com combinação de taxa de lotação de 2 UA/ha e suplementação de 12,0 g/ kg de PC/dia

    Productive performance of dairy heifers supplemented in the dry season differed pasture, under two stoking rates

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    The objective was to evaluate the characteristics of productive performance of crossbred Holstein x Gir heifers grazing on Brachiaria brizantha differed (Hochst. A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu managed in a rotational stocking, during the dry season of the year. The treatments evaluated were stocking rate of 1.0 UA / ha and 6.0 g / kg body weight (BW) / day and stocking rate of 2.0 UA / ha and 12.0 g / kg BW / day-energy protein supplement. The heifers had a average age of 17.46 ± 3.74 months and BW averaging 304.83 ± 33.7 kg and were distributed to a randomized block. The animals were weighed and measured for height at the withers (HW), heart girth (HG), rump length (RL) and body condition score (BCS). The BW average batch was used for the calculations to adjust the amount of supplement offered. It was found that the performance of heifers that were subjected to stocking with 2 UA/ha and 12.0 g / kg BW had higher average daily gain (0.579 kg / animal) in comparison to those undergoing stocking with 1 UA/ha and 6.0 g / kg BW (0.361 kg / animal). With respect to the development of animal body, it was found that the initial HG, initial and final HW, the initial RL and BCS did not differ between combinations of stocking rates and levels of supplementation. The heifers showed better productive performance in situations differed pastures, with 2 UA/ha and 12.0g/kg BW/day the protein-energetic supplement.</p

    Desempenho produtivo de novilhas leiteiras suplementadas na época da seca em pastagens diferidas, sob duas taxas de lotação

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    Objetivou-se avaliar as características relacionadas ao desempenho produtivo de novilhas mestiças Gir x Holandês mantidas em pastagem diferidas de Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex. A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu, manejada em sistema de lotação intermitente, na época da seca do ano. Os tratamentos avaliados foram taxa de lotação de 1,0 UA/ha e suplementação com 6,0 g/kg de peso corporal (PC)/dia e da taxa de lotação de 2,0 UA/ha e suplementação com 12,0 g/kg de PC/dia de suplemento proteico-energético. As novilhas tinham idade média de 17,46 ± 3,74 meses e PC médio inicial de 304,83 ± 33,7 kg e foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso. Os animais foram pesados e mensurados quanto à altura na cernelha (AC), perímetro torácico (PT), comprimento da garupa (CG) e escore da condição corporal (ECC). O PC médio do lote foi usado para os cálculos de ajuste da quantidade de suplemento oferecido. Verificou-se que o desempenho produtivo das novilhas que foram submetidas a lotação de 2 UA/ha e suplementação de 12,0 g/kg de PC/dia apresentaram maior ganho médio diário (0,579 kg/animal/dia) do aquelas submetidas a lotação de 1 UA/ha e suplementação de 6,0 g/kg de PC/dia (0,361 kg/animal/ dia). Com relação ao desenvolvimento corporal dos animais, verificou-se que o PT inicial, a AC inicial e final, o CG inicial e o ECC, não diferiram entre as combinações de taxas de lotação e de níveis de suplementação. As novilhas apresentaram melhor desempenho produtivo, em situações de pastagens vedadas, com combinação de taxa de lotação de 2 UA/ha e suplementação de 12,0 g/ kg de PC/dia

    Legal instruments can enhance high-diversity tropical forest raestoration

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    O insucesso da maioria das iniciativas de restauração de florestas naturalmente biodiversas como a Mata Atlântica desencadeou um movimento intenso de discussão sobre a ciência e prática da restauração ecológica no Estado de São Paulo. Isso convergiu na construção participativa de uma resolução estadual de caráter técnico e orientador para restauração, a qual tem sido revisada e atualizada periodicamente em workshops que reúnem mais de 200 profissionais em cada evento. Essa resolução objetivou potencializar o estabelecimento de florestas biologicamente viáveis e com riqueza de espécies vegetais condizente com a dos ecossistemas de referência, a fim de garantir a persistência das florestas restauradas e proteger a biodiversidade nativa. As contribuições dessa resolução para o aperfeiçoamento e estímulo das ações de restauração são hoje evidentes. Entre 2003 e 2008, período de discussão dessa resolução, a produção de mudas de espécies arbustivas e arbóreas nativas no Estado cresceu de 13.000.000 (55 viveiros) para 33.000.000 (114 viveiros) por ano, e o número médio de espécies produzidas nos viveiros também aumentou de 30 para mais de 80, refletindo o crescimento das ações de restauração. Do ponto de vista deste estudo, esse instrumento legal tem servido como mecanismo legítimo de política pública ambiental e de proteção dos interesses coletivos da sociedade. Particularmente, ele guia e orienta a maior parte dos investimentos em restauração ecológica e aumenta as perspectivas de maximização dos benefícios para a sociedade, que podem e devem ser obtidos com a restauração, incluindo a persistência da biodiversidade nas paisagens antrópicas tropicais.The failure of most efforts undertaken to restore natural high-diversity tropical forests, like the Atlantic Forest, has resulted in a very intense round of discussions on the science and best-practice of ecological restoration in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. This culminated in the participatory elaboration of a state resolution concerning technical and orientation aspects for restoration activities, which has been reviewed and updated periodically in workshops that bring together more than 200 professionals. The aim of this resolution was to maximize the establishment of biologically viable forests, with plant richness consistent with the reference ecosystem, to ensure the persistence of restored forests and protect native biodiversity. The contributions of this resolution for the improvement and stimulation of restoration actions are evident today. Between 2003 and 2008, when the resolution was heavily discussed, seedling production of native shrubs and trees in the state increased from 13,000,000 (55 nurseries) to 33,000,000 (114 nurseries) per year, and average number of plant species produced in nurseries also increased from 30 to over 80, reflecting the increase of restoration actions. In our view, the existing legal instrument has served well as a mechanism to accompany environmental public policy aimed at protection of the collective interests of society. In particular, it guides and orients the bulk of investments in ecological restoration and enhances the prospects for maximizing the societal benefits that can and should be obtained from restoration activities, including the persistence of biodiversity in human-modified tropical landscapes

    Mitochondrial dysfunction in breast cancer cells prevents tumor growth: Understanding chemoprevention with metformin

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    Metformin is a well-established diabetes drug that prevents the onset of most types of human cancers in diabetic patients, especially by targeting cancer stem cells. Metformin exerts its protective effects by functioning as a weak “mitochondrial poison,” as it acts as a complex I inhibitor and prevents oxidative mitochondrial metabolism (OXPHOS). Thus, mitochondrial metabolism must play an essential role in promoting tumor growth. To determine the functional role of “mitochondrial health” in breast cancer pathogenesis, here we used mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) to genetically induce mitochondrial dysfunction in either human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) or cancer-associated fibroblasts (hTERT-BJ1 cells). Our results directly show that all three UCP family members (UCP-1/2/3) induce autophagy and mitochondrial dysfunction in human breast cancer cells, which results in significant reductions in tumor growth. Conversely, induction of mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer-associated fibroblasts has just the opposite effect. More specifically, overexpression of UCP-1 in stromal fibroblasts increases β-oxidation, ketone body production and the release of ATP-rich vesicles, which “fuels” tumor growth by providing high-energy nutrients in a paracrine fashion to epithelial cancer cells. Hence, the effects of mitochondrial dysfunction are truly compartment-specific. Thus, we conclude that the beneficial anticancer effects of mitochondrial inhibitors (such as metformin) may be attributed to the induction of mitochondrial dysfunction in the epithelial cancer cell compartment. Our studies identify cancer cell mitochondria as a clear target for drug discovery and for novel therapeutic interventions