3,489 research outputs found


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    Para atender um paciente e posteriormente aplicar cuidados ao mesmo, formas rudimentares ainda são utilizadas, especialmente manuais

    Cell Therapy in Chagas Disease

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    Chagas disease which is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is an important cause of cardiomyopathy in Latin America. In later stages chagasic cardiomyopathy is associated with congestive heart failure which is often refractory to medical therapy. In these individuals heart transplantation has been attempted. However, this procedure is fraught with many problems attributable to the surgery and the postsurgical administration of immunosuppressive drugs. Studies in mice suggest that the transplantation of bone-marrow-derived cells ameliorates the inflammation and fibrosis in the heart associated with this infection. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging reveals that bone marrow transplantation ameliorates the infection induced right ventricular enlargement. On the basis of these animal studies the safety of autologous bone marrow transplantation has been assessed in patients with chagasic end-stage heart disease. The initial results are encouraging and more studies need to be performed

    Caracterização morfoagronômica e avaliação de parâmetros genéticos de girassol em três núcleos rurais do Distrito Federal.

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    RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar caracteres genéticos, fenotípicos e ambientais relacionados aos componentes de produção e caracteres agromorfológicos de girassol em três núcleos rurais do Distrito Federal. Os experimentos foram conduzidos nas áreas experimentais da Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina, DF, Embrapa Produtos e Mercado, Recanto das Emas, DF e na Fazenda Agua Limpa, da Universidade de Brasília. Através dos resultados obtidos, foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os genótipos de girassol nos três núcleos rurais do Cerrado para todas as características agronômicas avaliadas. Ainda, baixos coeficientes de variação ambiental para quase todas as características, exceto para o tamanho de capitulo, indicaram boa precisão experimental e altos valores de herdabilidade, coeficientes de variação genéticos e acurácia evidenciaram condições favoráveis à seleção dos materiais para as características agronômicas avaliadas. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to assess genetic, phenotypic and environmental characteristics related to agro-morphological traits of sunflower in three rural centers of Distrito Federal. The experiments were conducted at the experimental areas of Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina, DF, Embrapa Produtos e Mercado, Recanto das Emas, DF e na Fazenda Agua Limpa, da Universidade de Brasília. Through the obtained results, were verified significate genotypic differences of sunflower at the three rural centers of Brazilian Savannah for all traits evaluated. In addition, low coefficients of environmental variation for almost all trait, except the head size, indicate good experimental precision and high values of heritability, genetic variation and accuracy showed favorable conditions to selecting materials for the agronomic traits evaluated

    Two resistance inducers relevant in coffee plant protection show distinct metabolic adjustments.

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    A good strategy in plant protection is to take advantage of the plant immune system by eliciting the plant?s constitutive defenses. Based on this concept resistance inducers have been developed and are commercially available, such as Bion®. An alternative formulation Greenf orce CuCa was developed by UFLA partners in Brazil which showed promising results for the control of coffee rust ( Hemileia vastatrix ). We established as working hypothesis that resistance inducers impose etabolic adjustments at the cellular level, mainly on photosynthesis and its regulation

    Preparation of a Nanoemulsion with Carapa guianensis

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    Andiroba (Carapa guianensis) seeds are the source of an oil with a wide range of biological activities and ethnopharmacological uses. However, few studies have devoted attention to innovative formulations, including nanoemulsions. The present study aimed to obtain a colloidal system with the andiroba oil using a low-energy and organic-solvent-free method. Moreover, the preliminary residual larvicidal activity of the nanoemulsion against Aedes aegypti was evaluated. Oleic and palmitic acids were the major fatty acids, in addition to the phytosterol β-sitosterol and limonoids (tetranortriterpenoids). The required hydrophile-lipophile was around 11.0 and the optimal nanoemulsion was obtained using polysorbate 85. The particle size distribution suggested the presence of small droplets (mean diameter around 150 nm) and low polydispersity index (around 0.150). The effect of temperature on particle size distribution revealed that no major droplet size increase occurred. The preliminary residual larvicidal assay suggested that the mortality increased as a function of time. The present study allowed achievement of a potential bioactive oil in water nanoemulsion that may be a promising controlled release system. Moreover, the ecofriendly approach involved in the preparation associated with the great bioactive potential of C. guianensis makes this nanoemulsion very promising for valorization of this Amazon raw material

    From opportunity seeking to gap filling: Reframing Brazil in Lusophone Africa

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    This chapter inquires whether Brazil’s headways in Africa over recent years were organic in nature and in content or, in fact, were achieved at the expense of other previously established actors. By reframing Brazil’s agenda towards African lusophone countries in juxtaposition to the perceived external downturn of Portugal, the propitious context and consequences of a new player on the continent can be best brought into evidence. The push-and-pull forces enacted by both Brazil and Portugal towards Lusophone Africa are explored through the aftermath of the 2012 military coup in Guinea-Bissau and the adhesion of Equatorial Guinea to the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) in 2014. The chapter offers a reinterpretation of Brazil’s net gains in Africa and argues for its fragility and susceptibility to changing political-economic cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Activation of cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1) modulates oligodendroglial process branching complexity in rat hippocampal cultures stimulated by olfactory ensheathing glia-conditioned medium

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    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) refers to a complex cell-signaling system highly conserved among species formed by numerous receptors, lipid mediators (endocannabinoids) and synthetic and degradative enzymes. It is widely distributed throughout the body including the CNS, where it participates in synaptic signaling, plasticity and neurodevelopment. Besides, the olfactory ensheathing glia (OEG) present in the olfactory system is also known to play an important role in the promotion of axonal growth and/or myelination. Therefore, both OEG and the ECS promote neurogenesis and oligodendrogenesis in the CNS. Here, we investigated if the ECS is expressed in cultured OEG, by assessing the main markers of the ECS through immunofluorescence, western blotting and qRT-PCR and quantifying the content of endocannabinoids in the conditioned medium of these cells. After that, we investigated whether the production and release of endocannabinoids regulate the differentiation of oligodendrocytes co-cultured with hippocampal neurons, through Sholl analysis in oligodendrocytes expressing O4 and MBP markers. Additionally, we evaluated through western blotting the modulation of downstream pathways such as PI3K/Akt/mTOR and ERK/MAPK, being known to be involved in the proliferation and differentiation of oligodendrocytes and activated by CB1, which is the major endocannabinoid responsive receptor in the brain. Our data show that OEG expresses key genes of the ECS, including the CB1 receptor, FAAH and MAGL. Besides, we were able to identify AEA, 2-AG and AEA related mediators palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and oleoylethanolamide (OEA), in the conditioned medium of OEG cultures. These cultures were also treated with URB597 10-9 M, a FAAH selective inhibitor, or JZL184 10-9 M, a MAGL selective inhibitor, which led to the increase in the concentrations of OEA and 2-AG in the conditioned medium. Moreover, we found that the addition of OEG conditioned medium (OEGCM) enhanced the complexity of oligodendrocyte process branching in hippocampal mixed cell cultures and that this effect was inhibited by AM251 10-6 M, a CB1 receptor antagonist. However, treatment with the conditioned medium enriched with OEA or 2-AG did not alter the process branching complexity of premyelinating oligodendrocytes, while decreased the branching complexity in mature oligodendrocytes. We also observed no change in the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK 44/42 in any of the conditions used. In conclusion, our data show that the ECS modulates the number and maturation of oligodendrocytes in hippocampal mixed cell cultures