123 research outputs found

    Embelin as lead compound for new neuroserpin polymerization inhibitors

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    Familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies (FENIB) is a severe and lethal neurodegenerative disease. Upon specific point mutations in the SERPINI1gene-coding for the human protein neuroserpin (NS) the resulting pathologic NS variants polymerize and accumulate within the endoplasmic reticulum of neurons in the central nervous system. To date, embelin (EMB) is the only known inhibitor of NS polymerization in vitro. This molecule is capable of preventing NS polymerization and dissolving preformed polymers. Here, we show that lowering EMB concentration results in increasing size of NS oligomers in vitro. Moreover, we observe that in cells expressing NS, the polymerization of G392E NS is reduced, but this effect is mediated by an increased proteasomal degradation rather than polymerization impairment. For these reasons we designed a systematic chemical evolution of the EMB scaffold aimed to improve its anti-polymerization properties. The effect of EMB analogs against NS polymerization was assessed in vitro. None of the EMB analogs displayed an anti-polymerization activity better than the one reported for EMB, indicating that the EMB–NS interaction surface is very specific and highly optimized. Thus, our results indicate that EMB is, to date, still the best candidate for developing a treatment against NS polymerization

    Functional and dysfunctional conformers of human neuroserpin Characterized by optical spectroscopies and molecular dynamics

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    Neuroserpin (NS) is a serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN) involved in different neurological pathologies, including the Familial Encephalopathy with Neuroserpin Inclusion Bodies (FENIB), related to the aberrant polymerization of NS mutants. Here we present an in vitro and in silico characterization of native neuroserpin and its dysfunctional conformation isoforms: the proteolytically cleaved conformer, the inactive latent conformer, and the polymeric species. Based on circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, we present an experimental validation of the latent model and highlight the main structural features of the different conformers. In particular, emission spectra of aromatic residues yield distinct conformational fingerprints, that provide a novel and simple spectroscopic tool for selecting serpin conformers in vitro. Based on the structural relationship between cleaved and latent serpins, we propose a structural model for latent NS, for which an experimental crystallographic structure is lacking. Molecular Dynamics simulations suggest that NS conformational stability and flexibility arise from a spatial distribution of intramolecular salt-bridges and hydrogen bonds

    Glycosylation Tunes Neuroserpin Physiological and Pathological Properties

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    Neuroserpin (NS) is a member of the serine protease inhibitors superfamily. Specific point mutations are responsible for its accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum of neurons that leads to a pathological condition named familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies (FENIB). Wild-type NS presents two N-glycosylation chains and does not form polymers in vivo, while non-glycosylated NS causes aberrant polymer accumulation in cell models. To date, all in vitro studies have been conducted on bacterially expressed NS, de facto neglecting the role of glycosylation in the biochemical properties of NS. Here, we report the expression and purification of human glycosylated NS (gNS) using a novel eukaryotic expression system, LEXSY. Our results confirm the correct N-glycosylation of wild-type gNS. The fold and stability of gNS are not altered compared to bacterially expressed NS, as demonstrated by the circular dichroism and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence assays. Intriguingly, gNS displays a remarkably reduced polymerisation propensity compared to non-glycosylated NS, in keeping with what was previously observed for wild-type NS in vivo and in cell models. Thus, our results support the relevance of gNS as a new in vitro tool to study the molecular bases of FENIB

    On the molecular structure of human neuroserpin polymers

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    The polymerization of serpins is at the root of a large class of diseases; the molecular structure of serpin polymers has been recently debated. Here, we study the polymerization kinetics of human neuroserpin by Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy and by time-lapse Size Exclusion Chromatography. Firstly we show that two distinct neuroserpin polymers, formed at 45 and 85 °C, display the same isosbestic points in the Amide I′ band, and therefore share common secondary structure features. We also find a concentration independent polymerization rate at 45 °C, suggesting that the polymerization rate-limiting step is the formation of an activated monomeric species. The polymer structures are consistent with a model that predicts the bare insertion of portions of the reactive center loop into the A β-sheet of neighboring serpin molecule, although with different extents at 45 and 85 °C

    Two Novel Fish Paralogs Provide Insights Into the Rid Family of Imine Deaminases Active in Pre-Empting enamine/imine Metabolic Damage

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    Reactive Intermediate Deaminase (Rid) protein superfamily includes eight families among which the RidA is conserved in all domains of life. RidA proteins accelerate the deamination of the reactive 2-aminoacrylate (2AA), an enamine produced by some pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes. 2AA accumulation inhibits target enzymes with a detrimental impact on fitness. As a consequence of whole genome duplication, teleost fish have two ridA paralogs, while other extant vertebrates contain a single-copy gene. We investigated the biochemical properties of the products of two paralogs, identified in Salmo salar. SsRidA-1 and SsRidA-2 complemented the growth defect of a Salmonella enterica ridA mutant, an in vivo model of 2AA stress. In vitro, both proteins hydrolyzed 2-imino acids (IA) to keto-acids and ammonia. SsRidA-1 was active on IA derived from nonpolar amino acids and poorly active or inactive on IA derived from other amino acids tested. In contrast, SsRidA-2 had a generally low catalytic efficiency, but showed a relatively higher activity with IA derived from L-Glu and aromatic amino acids. The crystal structures of SsRidA-1 and SsRidA-2 provided hints of the remarkably different conformational stability and substrate specificity. Overall, SsRidA-1 is similar to the mammalian orthologs whereas SsRidA-2 displays unique properties likely generated by functional specialization of a duplicated ancestral gene

    Embelin as Lead Compound for New Neuroserpin Polymerization Inhibitors

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    Familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies (FENIB) is a severe and lethal neurodegenerative disease. Upon specific point mutations in the SERPINI1gene-coding for the human protein neuroserpin (NS) the resulting pathologic NS variants polymerize and accumulate within the endoplasmic reticulum of neurons in the central nervous system. To date, embelin (EMB) is the only known inhibitor of NS polymerization in vitro. This molecule is capable of preventing NS polymerization and dissolving preformed polymers. Here, we show that lowering EMB concentration results in increasing size of NS oligomers in vitro. Moreover, we observe that in cells expressing NS, the polymerization of G392E NS is reduced, but this effect is mediated by an increased proteasomal degradation rather than polymerization impairment. For these reasons we designed a systematic chemical evolution of the EMB scaffold aimed to improve its anti-polymerization properties. The effect of EMB analogs against NS polymerization was assessed in vitro. None of the EMB analogs displayed an anti-polymerization activity better than the one reported for EMB, indicating that the EMB\u2013NS interaction surface is very specific and highly optimized. Thus, our results indicate that EMB is, to date, still the best candidate for developing a treatment against NS polymerizatio

    Decoding the structural bases of D76N ß2-microglobulin high amyloidogenicity through crystallography and Asn-Scan mutagenesis

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    D76N is the first natural variant of human \u3b2-2 microglobulin (\u3b22m) so far identified. Contrary to the wt protein, this mutant readily forms amyloid fibres in physiological conditions, leading to a systemic and severe amyloidosis. Although the Asp76Asn mutant has been extensively characterized, the molecular bases of its instability and aggregation propensity remain elu- sive. In this work all Asp residues of human \u3b22m were individually substituted to Asn; D-to- N mutants (D34N, D38N, D53N, D59N, D96N and D98N) were characterised in terms of thermodynamic stability and aggregation propensity. Moreover, crystal structures of the D38N, D53N, D59N and D98N variants were solved at high-resolution (1.24\u20131.70 \uc5). Despite showing some significant variations in their thermal stabilities, none showed the dramatic drop in melting temperature (relative to the wt protein) as observed for the patho- genic mutant. Consistently, none of the variants here described displayed any increase in aggregation propensity under the experimental conditions tested. The crystal structures confirmed that D-to-N mutations are generally well tolerated, and lead only to minor reorga- nization of the side chains in close proximity of the mutated residue. D38N is the only excep- tion, where backbone readjustments and a redistribution of the surface electrostatic charges are observed. Overall, our results suggest that neither removing negative charges at sites 34, 38, 53, 59, 96 and 98, nor the difference in \u3b22m pI, are the cause of the aggres- sive phenotype observed in D76N. We propose that the dramatic effects of the D76N natu- ral mutation must be linked to effects related to the crucial location of this residue within the \u3b22m fold

    The crystal structure of FdxA, a 7Fe ferredoxin from Mycobacterium smegmatis

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    Mycobacterium smegmatis ferredoxin FdxA, which has an orthologue ferredoxin in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, FdxC, contains both one [3Fe-4S] and one [4Fe-4S] cluster. M. smegmatis FdxA has been shown to be a preferred ferredoxin substrate of FprA [F. Fischer, D. Raimondi, A. Aliverti, G. Zanetti, Mycobacterium tuberculosis FprA, a novel bacterial NADPH-ferredoxin reductase, Eur. J. Biochem. 269 (2002) 3005-3013], an adrenodoxin reductase-like flavoprotein of M. tuberculosis, suggesting that M. tuberculosis FdxC could be the physiological partner of the enzyme in providing reducing power to the cytochromes P450. We report here the crystal structure of FdxA at 1.6A resolution (R(factor) 16.5%, R(free) 20.2%). Besides providing an insight on protein architecture for this 106-residue ferredoxin, our crystallographic investigation highlights lability of the [4Fe-4S] center, which is shown to loose a Fe atom during crystal growth. Due to their high similarity (87% sequence identity), the structure here reported can be considered a valuable model for M. tuberculosis FdxC, thus representing a step forward in the study of the complex mycobacterial redox pathways

    Molecular basis of a novel renal amyloidosis due to N184K gelsolin variant

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    Mutations in gelsolin are responsible for a systemic amyloidosis first described in 1969. Until recently, the disease was associated with two substitutions of the same residue, leading to the loss of the calcium binding site. Novel interest arose in 2014 when the N184K variant of the protein was identified as the etiological agent of a novel kidney-localized amyloidosis. Here we provide a first rationale for N184K pathogenicity. We show that the mutation induces a destabilization of gelsolin second domain, without compromising its calcium binding capacity. X-ray data combined with molecular dynamics simulations demonstrates that the primary source of the destabilization is a loss of connectivity in proximity of the metal. Such rearrangement of the H-bond network does not have a major impact on the overall fold of the domain, nevertheless, it increases the flexibility of a stretch of the protein, which is consequently processed by furin protease. Overall our data suggest that the N184K variant is subjected to the same aberrant proteolytic events responsible for the formation of amyloidogenic fragments in the previously characterized mutants. At the same time our data suggest that a broader number of mutations, unrelated to the metal binding site, can lead to a pathogenic phenotype
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