20 research outputs found

    Structure and ligand binding of As-p18, an extracellular fatty acid binding protein from the eggs of a parasitic nematode

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    Intracellular lipid-binding proteins (iLBPs) of the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) family of animals transport, mainly fatty acids or retinoids, are confined to the cytosol and have highly similar 3D structures. In contrast, nematodes possess fatty acid-binding proteins (nemFABPs) that are secreted into the perivitelline fluid surrounding their developing embryos. We report structures of As-p18, a nemFABP of the large intestinal roundworm Ascaris suum, with ligand bound, determined using X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In common with other FABPs, As-p18 comprises a ten β-strand barrel capped by two short α-helices, with the carboxylate head group of oleate tethered in the interior of the protein. However, As-p18 exhibits two distinctive longer loops amongst β-strands not previously seen in a FABP. One of these is adjacent to the presumed ligand entry portal, so it may help to target the protein for efficient loading or unloading of ligand. The second, larger loop is at the opposite end of the molecule and has no equivalent in any iLBP structure yet determined. As-p18 preferentially binds a single 18-carbon fatty acid ligand in its central cavity but in an orientation that differs from iLBPs. The unusual structural features of nemFABPs may relate to resourcing of developing embryos of nematodes

    Useable diffraction data from a multiple microdomain-containing crystal of Ascaris suum As-p18 fatty-acid-binding protein using a microfocus beamline

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    As-p18 is a fatty-acid-binding protein from the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum. Although it exhibits sequence similarity to mammalian intracellular fatty-acid-binding proteins, it contains features that are unique to nematodes. Crystals were obtained, but initial diffraction data analysis revealed that they were composed of a number of microdomains. Interpretable data could only be collected using a microfocus beamline with a beam size of 12 8 m.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas de La Plat

    Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic data from TktA, a transketolase from the lactic acid bacteriumLactobacillus salivarius

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    The enzyme transketolase from the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus salivarius (subsp. salivarius UCC118) has been recombinantly expressed and purified using an Escherichia coli expression system. Purified transketolase from L. salivarius has been crystallized using the vapour-diffusion technique. The crystals belonged to the trigonal space group P3221, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 75.43, c = 184.11 Å, and showed diffraction to 2.3 Å resolution

    Crystal Structure of the Response Regulator 02 Receiver Domain, the Essential YycF Two-Component System of Streptococcus pneumoniae in both Complexed and Native States

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    A variety of bacterial cellular responses to environmental signals are mediated by two-component signal transduction systems comprising a membrane-associated histidine protein kinase and a cytoplasmic response regulator (RR), which interpret specific stimuli and produce a measured physiological response. In RR activation, transient phosphorylation of a highly conserved aspartic acid residue drives the conformation changes needed for full activation of the protein. Sequence homology reveals that RR02 from Streptococcus pneumoniae belongs to the OmpR subfamily of RRs. The structures of the receiver domains from four members of this family, DrrB and DrrD from Thermotoga maritima, PhoB from Escherichia coli, and PhoP from Bacillus subtilis, have been elucidated. These domains are globally very similar in that they are composed of a doubly wound α(5)β(5); however, they differ remarkably in the fine detail of the β4-α4 and α4 regions. The structures presented here reveal a further difference of the geometry in this region. RR02 is has been shown to be the essential RR in the gram-positive bacterium S. pneumoniae R. Lange, C. Wagner, A. de Saizieu, N. Flint, J. Molnos, M. Stieger, P. Caspers, M. Kamber, W. Keck, and K. E. Amrein, Gene 237:223-234, 1999; J. P. Throup, K. K. Koretke, A. P. Bryant, K. A. Ingraham, A. F. Chalker, Y. Ge, A. Marra, N. G. Wallis, J. R. Brown, D. J. Holmes, M. Rosenberg, and M. K. Burnham, Mol. Microbiol. 35:566-576, 2000). RR02 functions as part of a phosphotransfer system that ultimately controls the levels of competence within the bacteria. Here we report the native structure of the receiver domain of RR02 from serotype 4 S. pneumoniae (as well as acetate- and phosphate-bound forms) at different pH levels. Two native structures at 2.3 Å, phased by single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (xenon SAD), and 1.85 Å and a third structure at pH 5.9 revealed the presence of a phosphate ion outside the active site. The fourth structure revealed the presence of an acetate molecule in the active site

    Structure–function dissection of D6, an atypical scavenger receptor

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    Chemokines direct leukocyte migration by activating intracellular signalling pathways through G-protein coupled chemokine receptors. However, they also bind to other surface proteins, including a group of molecules which we refer to as ‘atypical’ chemokine receptors. One such molecule is D6. D6 is structurally-related to other chemokine receptors, and binds specific pro-inflammatory chemokines with high affinity, but surprisingly, when expressed in heterologous cell lines, it is unable to transduce signals after chemokine engagement. Instead, by using the approaches outlined in this chapter, evidence has emerged that D6 acts as a chemokine scavenger which uses unique intracellular trafficking properties to continuously sequester extracellular chemokines into cells. It is envisaged that this suppresses inflammation in vivo by limiting pro-inflammatory chemokine bioavailability, and indeed, D6 deficient mice show exaggerated inflammatory responses to a variety of challenges. In addition to the in vitro functional studies, we also describe the methods we have used to express, purify and analyse large quantities of D6 protein. The unusually high stability of D6 and its broad subcellular distribution enables D6 to be expressed to very high levels in transfected cells, making it possible, at least in principal, to produce enough D6 to allow for purification of quantities suitable for crystallisation. This is a key step on the path towards generating a three-dimensional structure of the molecule. Thus, the protocols we outline have helped establish chemokine scavenging as a novel paradigm in chemokine biology, and may also ultimately provide unprecedented insight into the structure of D6 and other chemokine receptors

    Putting the Squeeze on Valence Tautomerism in Cobalt-Dioxolene Complexes

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    Two isostructural cobalt complexes, [Co(Mentpa)(dbdiox)]+ (Mentpa = tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine where n = 2 or 3, corresponding to successive methylation of the 6-position of the pyridine rings, dbdiox = 3,5-di-tert-butyl-1,2-dioxolene), were studied using single-crystal X-ray diffraction, and supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The less sterically hindered dimethylated complex exhibits two-step thermally-induced interconversion between the high-spin CoII-seminquinonate and low-spin CoIII-catecholate forms (valence tautometrism) at 155 and 95 K due to the presence of two symmetry-independent complexes. In contrast, the more sterically hindered trimethylated complex does not display thermal valence tautomerism. Both complexes exhibit unique behaviour under high pressure. The dimethylated species undergoes gradual, one-step valence tautomerism in both symmetry-independent complexes concurrently between 0.43 GPa and 1.30 GPa. In the trimethylated species, pressure is sufficient to overcome steric hindrance, leading to one-step valence tautomerism between 2.60 GPa and 3.10 GPa; the first record of pressure-induced valence tautomerism in a thermally inactive complex

    Molecular Basis of a Dominant SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Derived Epitope Presented by HLA-A*02:01 Recognised by a Public TCR

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    The data currently available on how the immune system recognises the SARS-CoV-2 virus is growing rapidly. While there are structures of some SARS-CoV-2 proteins in complex with antibodies, which helps us understand how the immune system is able to recognise this new virus; however, we lack data on how T cells are able to recognise this virus. T cells, especially the cytotoxic CD8+ T cells, are critical for viral recognition and clearance. Here we report the X-ray crystallography structure of a T cell receptor, shared among unrelated individuals (public TCR) in complex with a dominant spike-derived CD8+ T cell epitope (YLQ peptide). We show that YLQ activates a polyfunctional CD8+ T cell response in COVID-19 recovered patients. We detail the molecular basis for the shared TCR gene usage observed in HLA-A*02:01+ individuals, providing an understanding of TCR recognition towards a SARS-CoV-2 epitope. Interestingly, the YLQ peptide conformation did not change upon TCR binding, facilitating the high-affinity interaction observed

    Crystallization and preliminary structural studies of champedak galactose-binding lectin

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    Galactose-binding lectin from champedak was crystallized at 293 K. Preliminary X-ray diffraction analyses are reported