764 research outputs found
Adults density of Grapholita molesta in cages : Mendoza (Argentina)
Grapholita molesta es una importante
plaga que afecta brotes y frutos del duraznero
en Mendoza, Argentina. Algunos autores han
citado que Carpocapsa pomonella requiere,
en condiciones artificiales, una densidad
poblacional de 100 adultos para alcanzar una
alta fecundidad y que esta situación se puede
extender a la especie en estudio. El objetivo
del trabajo fue evaluar distintas densidades
poblacionales de la especie mediante la
fecundidad, viabilidad y longevidad.
La especie se crió en una cámara con
condiciones abióticas controladas. El diseño
fue en bloques al azar para eliminar la
influencia de la luz y el desarrollo generacional.
Se realizaron cuatro repeticiones. Los
resultados se procesaron mediante el programa
El análisis de los resultados entre bloques
y tratamientos no tuvo diferencias significativas
por lo que no hubo variación en la incidencia
de la luz y el desarrollo generacional. La
viabilidad tuvo diferencias significativas entre
los tratamientos mientras que la fecundidad y
la longevidad no las presentaron.
La densidad poblacional influyó positivamente
sobre la viabilidad cuando la cantidad
de parejas fue la menor y disminuyó al
incrementarse la proporción de las mismas.
Es decir, el hacinamiento de los individuos
afectó la viabilidad de Grapholita molesta
pero no la fecundidad ni la longevidad.Grapholita molesta is an important pest
that affects buds and fruits of peach tree in
Mendoza, Argentina. Some authors have
mentioned that Carpocapsa pomonella
requires, in artificial conditions, a population
density of 100 adults to reach high fecundity
and this situation can be extended to
Grapholita molesta. This work was done in
order to evaluate different population
densities of Grapholita molesta by mean of
fecundity, viability and longevity.
Rearing was made in a chamber with
controlled abiotic conditions. Experimental
design was blocks at random to eliminate light
and generational development influence. It
was made 4 replications. Results were
processed by mean of Statistica software.
Analysis of results between blocks and
treatments did not have significant differences
reason why there was no variation
in the incidence of light and generational
development. Viability had significant
differences among treatments. Fecundity
and longevity did not present significant
Population density influenced positively
on viability when couple amount was the
least, and it decreased when proportion of
the same ones was increased. That is to say,
individual stacking affected Grapholita molesta
viability but it did not affect fecundity
nor longevity.Fil: Ribbert, Diego Alfredo.
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias BiológicasFil: Marín, María Susana.
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ciencias Biológica
Datenschutz als Rahmen für das Customer Relationship Management: Einfluss des geltenden Rechts auf die Spezifikation von Führungsinformationssystemen
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die momentan geltenden nationalen Bestimmungen des Datenschutzes zu untersuchen und Ihre Auswirkungen auf den Bereich des CRM zu beleuchten. Dazu wird im nächsten Abschnitt zunächst das Konzept CRM erläutert. In Abschnitt 3 werden rechtliche Bestimmungen im Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten diskutiert. Abschnitt 4 beschreibt, wie Kundendaten innerhalb des CRM unter Beachtung geltenden Datenschutzrechts verarbeitet werden können. Abschließend behandelt Abschnitt 5 die Spezifikation von analytischen Anwendungssystemen, die für Zwecke des CRM eingesetzt werden können und beschreibt, welche Implikationen geltendes Datenschutzrecht auf solche Spezifikationen hat
Concpetual Design of WWW Based Information Systems
Today, companies and their information systems are facing a very dynamic and fast changing environment. Fast changing demands require varying information in varying places. Users must find relevant information in a fast and perspicuous way. Thus, information systems both have to be flexible and clearly structured to fulfill these requirements and be able to handle the increasing amount of information efficiently. WWW-based information systems provide flexibility as they separate content, layout and navigation. However, several conceptual shortcomings prevent the Web from being a more productive and efficient resource of information today. Several technical enhancements (e.g. the semantic web) have been made in order to solve these problems. However, a theoretically proved and easy to use modeling method for WWW-based information systems is still missing. Our modeling method allows modeling these information systems on a conceptual level by abstracting from technical details. By this, meaningful navigation structures can be achieved with great clarity. In this paper we will develop this method using a meta-model based approach
An Epistemological Foundation of Concpetual Modeling
In a business environment, making the right decisions is vital for the success of a company. Making right decisions is inevitably bound to the availability and provision of relevant information. Information systems are supposed to be able to provide this information in an efficient way. Thus, within information systems development a detailed analysis of information supply and information demands has to prevail. Based on Szyperski’s information set and subset-model we will give an epistemological foundation of information modeling in general and show, why conceptual modeling in particular is capable of developing effective and efficient information systems. Furthermore, we derive conceptual modeling requirements based on our findings
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