272 research outputs found

    Een kwestie van gezond verstand

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    Rede, In verkorte vorm uitgesproken ter aanvaarding van de bijzondere leerstoel Neurorevalidatie aan het Erasmus MC, faculteit der Geneeskunde van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op 11 oktober 2013 Bewijs van effectiviteit en bewijs van efficiëntie. Dat wordt meer en meer het motto in de gezondheidszorg. Wat werkt voor wie, voor wie niet en hoe kan het sneller en vooral goedkoper? En, zoals Robert Dijkgraaf dat ironisch formuleert: “Wie kan die bewijzen beter leveren dan de wetenschap, de hofleverancier van zekerheden in onzekere tijden?” Dit geldt ook voor de neurorevalidatie, dat deel van de revalidatiegeneeskunde dat zich richt op het behandelen en voorkomen van de gevolgen van niet-aangeboren hersenaandoeningen (NAH). Een NAH legt grote druk op het individu, op zijn mantelzorgers en op de maatschappij. Het verbeteren van de effectiviteit en efficiëntie van de neurorevalidatie is een continue noodzaak en vormt het centrale thema van mijn leerstoel. De gevolgen van NAH worden echter bepaald door een kluwen van mechanismen die op elkaar ingrijpen en specifiek zijn voor het letsel, die de patiënt typeren of zijn fysieke en sociale leefomgeving. Wetenschap en maatschappij treffen elkaar in de neurorevalidatie. Interventies worden, soms serieel in de tijd soms parallel, gericht op medische, sensomotorische, psychische, linguïstische en sociale problematiek. De omgeving van de patiënt zoals mantelzorgers en werkgevers, wordt betrokken in de behandeling en schotten in het Nederlandse zorgstelsel moeten worden geslecht om tot een optimaal resultaat te komen. De vragen die ontstaan wanneer gezondheidszorg en maatschappij elkaar treffen kunnen niet altijd opgelost worden door wetenschappelijk onderzoek

    Complex regional pain syndrome 1 : a study on pain and motor impairments

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    This thesis, is compiled of publications on reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type 1 (CRPS 1), as it was renamed by the committee on taxonomy of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). It is a puzzling syndrome both from a clinical point of view as well as in the perspective of basic pain science. Therapies rendered may vary and include physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical immobilization, surgical or chemical sympathectomies, pharmacotherapy and psychological treatment. A well accepted treatment algorithm is lacking and treatment regimens hardly seem driven by the progress made in basic pain science. The leading thread of this thesis is the concept of CRPS 1 as a neuropathic pain syndrome of unknown etiology involving multiple and timedependent mechanisms. It is discussed that besides the affected extremity also spinal and suprapinal structures may become involved. The scope of the publications varies from clinical studies on pain management performed in the context of an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team, to experimental studies on motor impairments and immunology. The clinical and experimental work was at least partly performed before the introduction of the t= complex regional pain syndrome 1. It is for this reason that the reader may encounter the t= reflex sympathetic dystrophy in some chapters

    Light-Weight Wearable Gyroscopic Actuators Can Modulate Balance Performance and Gait Characteristics:A Proof-of-Concept Study

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    Falling is a major cause of morbidity, and is often caused by a decrease in postural stability. A key component of postural stability is whole-body centroidal angular momentum, which can be influenced by control moment gyroscopes. In this proof-of-concept study, we explore the influence of our wearable robotic gyroscopic actuator “GyroPack” on the balance performance and gait characteristics of non-impaired individuals (seven female/eight male, 30 ± 7 years, 68.8 ± 8.4 kg). Participants performed a series of balance and walking tasks with and without wearing the GyroPack. The device displayed various control modes, which were hypothesised to positively, negatively, or neutrally impact postural control. When configured as a damper, the GyroPack increased mediolateral standing time and walking distance, on a balance beam, and decreased trunk angular velocity variability, while walking on a treadmill. When configured as a negative damper, both peak trunk angular rate and trunk angular velocity variability increased during treadmill walking. This exploratory study shows that gyroscopic actuators can influence balance and gait kinematics. Our results mirror the findings of our earlier studies; though, with more than 50% mass reduction of the device, practical and clinical applicability now appears within reach.</p

    Transcranial direct current stimulation in post-stroke sub-acute aphasia: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a promising new technique to optimize the effect of regular Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) in the context of aphasia rehabilitation. The present study focuses on the effect of tDCS provided during SLT in the sub-acute stage after stroke. The primary aim is to evaluate the potential effect of tDCS on language functioning, specifically on word-finding, as well as generalization effects to verbal communication. The secondary aim is to evaluate its effect on social participation and quality of life, and its cost-effectiveness. Methods: We strive to include 58 stroke patients with aphasia, enrolled in an inpatient or outpatient stroke rehabilitation program, in a multicenter, double-blind, randomized controlled trial with two parallel groups and 6 months' follow-up. Patients will participate in two separate intervention weeks, with a pause of 2 weeks in between, in the context of their regular aphasia rehabilitation program. The two intervention weeks comprise daily 45-minute sessions of word-finding therapy, combined with either anodal tDCS over the left inferior frontal gyrus (1 mA, 20 minutes; experimental condition) or sham-tDCS over the same region (control condition). The primary outcome measure is word-finding. Secondary outcome measures are verbal communication, social participation, quality of life, and cost-effectiveness of the intervention. Discussion: Our results will contribute to the discussion on whether tDCS should be implemented in regular aphasia rehabilitation programs for the sub-acute post-stroke population in terms of (cost-)effectiveness. Trial registration: Nederlands Trail Register: NTR4364. Registered on 21 February 2014

    Hypopituitarism after subarachnoid haemorrhage, do we know enough?

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    BACKGROUND: Fatigue, slowness, apathy and decrease in level of activity are common long-term complaints after a subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). They resemble the symptoms frequently found in patients with endocrine dysfunction. Pituitary dysfunction may be the result of SAH or its complications. We therefore hypothesized that it may explain some of the long-term complaints after SAH. We reviewed the literature to clarify the occurrence, pattern and severity of endocrine abnormalities and we attempted to identify risk factors for hypopituitarism after SAH. We also assessed the effect of hypopituitarism on long-term functional recovery after SAH. METHODS: In a MEDLINE search for studies published between 1995 and 2014, we used the term subarachnoid haemorrhage in combination with pituitary, hypopituitarism, growth hormone, gonadotropin, testosterone, cortisol function, thyroid function and diabetes insipidus. We selected all case-series and cohort studies reporting endocrine function at least 3 months after SAH and studied their reported prevalence, pathogenesis, risk factors, clinical course and outcome. RESULTS: We identified 16 studies describing pituitary function in the long term after SAH. The reported prevalence of endocrine dysfunction varied from 0 to 55% and the affected pituitary axes differed between studies. Due to methodological issues no inferences on risk factors, course and outcome could be made. CONCLUSIONS: Neuroendocrine dysfunction may be an important and modifiable determinant of poor functional outcome after SAH. There is an urgent need for well-designed prospective studies to more precisely assess its incidence, clinical course and effect on mood, behaviour and quality of life. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12883-014-0205-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Comparison of two configurations of transcranial direct current stimulation for treatment of aphasia

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    Objective: To compare 2 configurations of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for treatment of aphasia. Design: Randomized cross-over study. Subjects: Patients with chronic post-stroke aphasia (n = 13). Methods: TDCS was combined with word-finding therapy in 3 single sessions. In session 1, sham-tDCS/ pseudo-stimulation was applied. In sessions 2 and 3, 2 active configurations were provided in random order: Anodal tDCS over the left inferior frontal gyrus (l-IFG) and anodal tDCS over the left posterior superior temporal gyrus (l-STG). The optimal configuration was determined per individual based on a pre-set improvement in naming trained (> 20%) and untrained picture items (> 10%). Results: Overall, participants improved on trained items (median = 50%; interquartile range = 20-85) and post-treatment performance was highest in the active l-IFG condition (p = 0.040). Of the 13 participants, 6 (46%) showed relevant improvement during active tDCS; either in the l-IFG condition (n = 4; 31%) or in both the l-IFG and l-STG conditions (n = 2; 15%). On the untrained items there was no improvement (median = 0%; interquartile range = 0-0). Conclusion: This randomized cross-over single-session protocol to determine an optimal tDCS configuration for treatment of aphasia suggests that only performance on trained items can be used as guidance for configuration, and that it is relevant for half of the patients. For this subgroup, the l-IFG configuration is the optimal choice

    Melodic Intonation Therapy in subacute aphasia

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    Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) is based on the observation that persons with severe nonfluent aphasia are often able to sing words or even short phrases they cannot produce during speech. MIT uses the melodic elements of speech, such as intonation and rhythm, to facilitate and improve language production. Although clinicians disagree about the usefulness of MIT, it has been translated into several languages and is frequently applied worldwide. Many studies have reported successful application of MIT. However, most studies are case-studies without control condition in chronic patients. Hence, the level of evidence for MIT is low and little is known about its effect in earlier phases post stroke, when treatment interacts with processes of spontaneous recovery. We examined MIT in the subacute phase post stroke. The purpose of this multicenter study was threefold. First, we evaluated the efficacy of MIT in the subacute phase. Further, we examined the effect of the timing of MIT in this early phase post stroke. Thirdly, we investigated potential determinants influencing therapy outcome

    Energy expenditure in chronic stroke patients playing Wii Sports: a pilot study

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    Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes of long-term disability in modern western countries. Stroke survivors often have functional limitations which might lead to a vicious circle of reduced physical activity, deconditioning and further physical deterioration. Current evidence suggests that routine moderate- or vigorous-intensity physical activity is essential for maintenance and improvement of health among stroke survivors. Nevertheless, long-term participation in physical activities is low among people with disabilities. Active video games, such as Nintendo Wii Sports, might maintain interest and improve long-term participation in physical activities; however, the intensity of physical activity among chronic stroke patients while playing Wii Sports is unknown. We investigated the energy expenditure of chronic stroke patients while playing Wii Sports tennis and boxing. Methods: Ten chronic ([greater than or equal to] 6 months) stroke patients comprising a convenience sample, who were able to walk independently on level ground, were recruited from a rehabilitation centre. They were instructed to play Wii Sports tennis and boxing in random order for 15 minutes each, with a 10-minute break between games. A portable gas analyzer was used to measure oxygen uptake (VO2) during sitting and during Wii Sports game play. Energy expenditure was expressed in metabolic equivalents (METs), calculated as VO2 during Wii Sports divided by VO2 during sitting. We classified physical activity as moderate (3-6 METs) or vigorous (>6 METs) according to the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association Guidelines. Results: Among the 10 chronic stroke patients, 3 were unable to play tennis because they had problems with timing of hitting the ball, and 2 were excluded from the boxing group because of a technical problem with the portable gas analyzer. The mean ([plus/minus]SD) energy expenditure during Wii Sports game play was 3.7 ([plus/minus]0.6) METs for tennis and 4.1 ([plus/minus]0.7) METs for boxing. All 8 participants who played boxing and 6 of the 7 who played tennis attained energy expenditures >3 METs. Conclusions: With the exception of one patient in the tennis group, chronic stroke patients played Wii Sports tennis and boxing at moderate-intensity, sufficient for maintaining and improving health in this population

    Change in Right Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus Integrity Is Associated With Naming Recovery in Subacute Poststroke Aphasia

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    Background. Despite progress made in understanding functional reorganization patterns underlying recovery in subacute aphasia, the relation between recovery and changes in white matter structure remains unclear. Objective. To investigate changes in dorsal and ventral language white matter tract integrity in relation to naming recovery in subacute poststroke aphasia. Methods. Ten participants with aphasia after left-hemisphere stroke underwent language testing and diffusion tensor imaging twice within 3 months post onset, with a 1-month interval between sessions. Deterministic tractography was used to bilaterally reconstruct the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF), inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), middle longitudinal fasciculus (MdLF), and uncinate fasciculus (UF). Per tract, the mean fractional anisotropy (FA) was extracted as a measure of microstructural integrity. Naming accuracy was assessed with the Boston Naming Test (BNT). Correlational analyses were performed to investigate the relationship between changes in FA values and change in BNT score. Results. A strong positive correlation was found between FA change in the right ILF within the ventral stream and change on the BNT (r = 0.91, P <.001). An increase in FA in the right ILF was associated with considerable improvement of naming accuracy (range BNT change score: 12-14), a reduction with limited improvement or slight deterioration. No significant correlations were found between change in naming accuracy and FA change in any of the other right or left ventral and dorsal language tracts. Conclusions. Naming recovery in subacute aphasia is associated with change in the integrity of the right ILF