
Melodic Intonation Therapy in subacute aphasia


Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) is based on the observation that persons with severe nonfluent aphasia are often able to sing words or even short phrases they cannot produce during speech. MIT uses the melodic elements of speech, such as intonation and rhythm, to facilitate and improve language production. Although clinicians disagree about the usefulness of MIT, it has been translated into several languages and is frequently applied worldwide. Many studies have reported successful application of MIT. However, most studies are case-studies without control condition in chronic patients. Hence, the level of evidence for MIT is low and little is known about its effect in earlier phases post stroke, when treatment interacts with processes of spontaneous recovery. We examined MIT in the subacute phase post stroke. The purpose of this multicenter study was threefold. First, we evaluated the efficacy of MIT in the subacute phase. Further, we examined the effect of the timing of MIT in this early phase post stroke. Thirdly, we investigated potential determinants influencing therapy outcome

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