1,603 research outputs found

    6G Vision: Towards Future Collaborative Cognitive Communication (3C) Systems

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    6G networks are expected to have a breakthrough by enabling the emergence of collaborative cognitive communication services over heterogeneous environments for industry 5.0 applications. These applications are required to adapt human-centric approach to make the most of human intuition and intelligence in Industry 4.0 automation.It calls for a transdisciplinarity research domain to investigate innovative systems with overlapping realms of Psychology, Sociology, Communication networks, Artificial Intelligence , Natural Language Processing and Collaborative Computing. The author at the Cognitive Systems Research Centre, London South Bank University has coined the expression “3C Systems" to refer to such artifacts which stands for "Collaborative Cognitive Communication Systems”. In this paper, an innovative framework for 3C Systems is proposed that is able to analyze and predict both the human as well as machine behaviors. It proactively diagnoses issues and recommends solutions without requiring any human intervention. The proposed concept of 3C Systems would potentially contribute towards 6G standardization. The automation and orchestration aspects of this research have variety of applications stretched across city infrastructures, retail, business, tourism, health, law, education and travel. A thorough insight to a broad view of 6G vision has been presented towards envisioned 3C Systems, while covering its enabling technologies. The experimental results for the proof of concept implementation has been presented. Results affirm the technical capabilities of the concept, to contribute to several industry 5.0 applications including, but not limited to holographic communication, self-driving vehicles, context-aware infrastructure and personalized interfaces

    Completeness of case ascertainment and survival time error in English cancer registries: impact on 1-year survival estimates.

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    BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that cancer registries in England are too dependent on processing of information from death certificates, and consequently that cancer survival statistics reported for England are systematically biased and too low. METHODS: We have linked routine cancer registration records for colorectal, lung, and breast cancer patients with information from the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) database for the period 2001-2007. Based on record linkage with the HES database, records missing in the cancer register were identified, and dates of diagnosis were revised. The effects of those revisions on the estimated survival time and proportion of patients surviving for 1 year or more were studied. Cases that were absent in the cancer register and present in the HES data with a relevant diagnosis code and a relevant surgery code were used to estimate (a) the completeness of the cancer register. Differences in survival times calculated from the two data sources were used to estimate (b) the possible extent of error in the recorded survival time in the cancer register. Finally, we combined (a) and (b) to estimate (c) the resulting differences in 1-year cumulative survival estimates. RESULTS: Completeness of case ascertainment in English cancer registries is high, around 98-99%. Using HES data added 1.9%, 0.4% and 2.0% to the number of colorectal, lung, and breast cancer registrations, respectively. Around 5-6% of rapidly fatal cancer registrations had survival time extended by more than a month, and almost 3% of rapidly fatal breast cancer records were extended by more than a year. The resulting impact on estimates of 1-year survival was small, amounting to 1.0, 0.8, and 0.4 percentage points for colorectal, lung, and breast cancer, respectively. INTERPRETATION: English cancer registration data cannot be dismissed as unfit for the purpose of cancer survival analysis. However, investigators should retain a critical attitude to data quality and sources of error in international cancer survival studies

    Asthma diagnosis and treatment - 1012. The efficacy of budesonide in the treatmetn of acute asthma in children: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial.

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    Background Current evidence suggests that inhaled glucocorticoids (IGC) have a more profound topical none genomic effect on bronchial airways as compared to systemic glucocorticoids. The value of adding IGC to current therapy of acute asthma is not well established. Methods We conducted a double-blind, randomized, two-arm, parallel groups, controlled clinical trial to compare the addition of budesonide 1500 mcg or placebo (normal saline) to standard acute asthma treatment (albuterol and ipratropium bromide) administered in 3 divided mixed doses within 1 hour in the emergency department (ED). Children 2-12 years of age with moderate or severe acute asthma, scoring 8-15/15 on a well-validated scoring system were included. Both groups received a single dose of prednisone 2 mg/kg/day (max. 60 mg) at the beginning of therapy. The primary outcome was admission rate within 2-4 hours from starting therapy. Results A total of 723 children were enrolled in the study over 17 months duration, of whom 139 were allowed to re-enroll and be randomized to constitute 906 randomization assignments (458 on the treatment group and 448 on the control group); with baseline mean + SD asthma score of 10.63 + 1.73; age 5.52 + 2.76 years; 35% girls; 30.8% (16.5%) with baseline severe asthma score of ≥12 (≥ 13). Statistical Analysis plan allowed for the potential dependency in response due to reenrollments of a subset of children, using Generalized Linear Mixed Modeling (GLMM) techniques. Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics were not significantly different between the two randomized groups. Seventy-five out of 458 (16.4%) of the treatment group vs. 82/448 (18.3%) of the control group were admitted, (OR 0.85, CI: 0.59-1.23, p-value=0.39). Among the severe asthmatics with baseline score ≥13, treatment vs. placebo group, GLMM adjusted admission rate was 30% vs. 47%, indicating a 17% difference in admission rate in favor of the treatment group (adjusted OR of 0.49, CI: 0.25-0.95; p-value= 0.035) that indicated a 51% reduction in the risk of admission for the treatment vs. control group. Conclusions Children with baseline severe asthma score ≥13 who were treated with budesonide had a significant reduction in their admission rate

    Increasing risk of glacial lake outburst floods as a consequence of climate change in the Himalayan region

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    The greater Himalayan Mountains host the largest snow covered area outside the polar regions and serves as the source for some of the major fluvial systems of the world. The region acts as the lifeline for approximately 10% of the world’s population. The terrain is geologically active, highly susceptible to climate change processes and plays a significant role in global hydro-meteorological cycles and biodiversity. With the increasing impacts of climate change to the glaciers and ice caps during the past few decades, people living in the Himalayas have become vulnerable to a higher risk of floods, avalanches and glacial lake outburst floods(GLOFs). This study reviewed the work carried out by earlier researchers to understand the history and science of GLOFs and their potential risk to the communities in the Himalayanbelt, particularly in Pakistan

    Gallstone ileus: retrospective review of a single centre\u27s experience using two surgical procedures

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    Introduction:Gallstone ileus is responsible for 1-3 percent of cases of mechanical small bowel obstruction. Debate continues regarding choice of optimal surgical procedure. One-stage procedure includes enterolithotomy, cholecystectomy and repair of fistula at the same setting, whereas staged procedure includes enterolithotomy alone, with fistula repair at a later stage. This study aims to determine factors influencing choice of surgical procedure in Patients with gallstone ileus. Methods : Data was collected for Patients diagnosed with gallstone ileus between 1990 and 2005. Five Patients underwent enterolithotomy alone (Group 1), while the remaining five Patients underwent enterolithotomy with cholecystectomy and repair of fistula as a single stage procedure (Group 2). Results: In Group 1, Patients presented late with deranged physiological parameters and pre-existing comorbidities accounting for an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score of 3 or above. In Group 2, Patients presented early with preserved physiological status accounting for an ASA score of 2. The mean operative time was 126 +/- 23 minutes in Group 1 and 245 +/- 54.4 minutes in Group 2. There was no mortality, three Patients in Group 1 had superficial wound infection, and one Patient in Group 2 had injury to the common bile duct necessitating hepaticojejunostomy. The mean follow-up period was 3.5 +/- 1.5 years. None of the Patients in both groups had recurrent symptoms requiring further intervention. Conclusions: Choice of surgical procedure was largely determined by the clinical status of the Patient. Single-stage procedure was performed in haemodynamically-stable Patients, while enterolithotomy alone was considered sufficient for unstable Patients

    Structural and optical properties of surfactant assisted SiO2-TiO2 hybrid matrix for pH sensing: sol-gel approach

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    Structural and optical properties of surfactant-assisted SiO2-TiO2 hybrid matrix as a highly responsive optical sensing material by sol-gel method are investigated. Microscopic results indicate the uniform morphology with large pores without any cracks. Matrices have a high surface area (489–342 m2/g), which has more capability to sense the broader pH range. From UV–visible spectroscopy, it is found that after encapsulation, matrix has ~ 78 % optical transparency with low refractive index of 1.44 corresponding to thickness 138.7 nm. Sensing analysis revealed that the prepared coating has good sensitivity at pH 12 and fast response time. Low refractive index and highly porous matrix, combined for achieving a good responsive optical chemical sensors. This research also opens an aveanue for ths material to be considered as a functional coating

    Diversity of Urinary Tract Pathogens and Drug Resistant Isolates of Escherichia coli in different age and gender Groups of Pakistanis

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    Purpose: This paper was mainly aimed to investigate drug resistance of the various urinary tract infection (UTI) pathogens from patients of different gender and age groups of Pakistanis. Method: For these purposes, urine samples of 109 patients were analyzed. Samples were screened on CLED agar. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by Kirby Bauer\'s disc diffusion method. Isolated colonies were processed for biochemical characterization and antibiotic sensitivity to ampicillin, amikacin, augmentin, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, cotrimoxazole, ciprofloxin, imipenem, meropenem, tazocine, trimethoprim, gentamicin and nitrofuratoin. Result: E.Coli was found to be the most frequent causative agent of UTIs (66%) followed by Enterococci (8.3%), Candida spp. and Pseodomonas spp. (7.3% each), Klebsiella spp. (5.5%) and Enterobacter spp. (2.7%). Proteus. and Morgenella species were found in less than 1% of the cases. E.coli showed variable antimicrobial resistance to different antibiotics as 92%, 86%, 80%, 62%, 47%, 20% and 4% of the isolates were found to be resistant to ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, ciprofloxin, gentamicin, nitrofuratoin and amikacin, respectively. Conclusion: The most effective in vitro agents were found to be amikacin followed by gentamicin (among the parenterals), and ciprofloxin among the orally administratered ones. A higher prevalence of UTIs was observed in the female population and E.coli showed no resistance to nitrofuratoin in age groups of 50+ and 70+ in both genders. Keywords: Urinary tract infections, Age, Gender, Resistant microbes, E.coli. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 7 (3) 2008: pp. 1025-103

    Core Gene Expression and Association of Genotypes with Viral Load in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) - Infected Patients in Punjab, Pakistan

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    Purpose: To determine genotypic distribution, ribonucleic acid (RNA) RNA viral load and express core gene from Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infected patients in Punjab, Pakistan.Methods: A total of 1690 HCV RNA positive patients were included in the study. HCV genotyping was tested by type-specific genotyping assay, viral load, by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and HCV core protein was expressed in E. coli. Antigenicity of core protein was confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA).Results: Out of total 1690 serum samples, type-specific PCR fragments were observed in 1482 (87.69 %) of the samples. In both genders, genotype 3a (55.44 %) was most prevalent followed by 3b (15.03 %), 1a (6.98 %) and 1b (3.14 %). Regionally, genotype 3a occurred most frequently in Jaranwala (59.72 %). Patients infected with genotype 3 had pre-treatment viral load values of 52.56, 15.79 and 31.65 %, while patients infected by other genotypes showed viral load values of 13.43, 35.27 and 51.3 % for low, intermediate and high categories of viral load, respectively. ELISA showed that core protein possessed greater antigenicity.Conclusion: HCV genotype 3a is the most prevalent genotype in Punjab, although the distribution of HCV genotypes in eight cities of Punjab was not uniform. HCV core protein used to develop local screening assays may be more effective than current commercial assays.Keywords: Hepatitis C, Antigenicity, Genotyping, Viral load, Core gen

    Machine learning classification of human joint tissue from diffuse reflectance spectroscopy data

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    Objective: To assess if incorporation of DRS sensing into real-time robotic surgery systems has merit. DRS as a technology is relatively simple, cost-effective and provides a non-contact approach to tissue differentiation. Methods: Supervised machine learning analysis of diffuse reflectance spectra was performed to classify human joint tissue that was collected from surgical procedures. Results: We have used supervised machine learning in the classification of a DRS human joint tissue data set and achieved classification accuracy in excess of 99%. Sensitivity for the various classes were; cartilage 99.7%, subchondral 99.2%, meniscus 100% and cancellous 100%. Full wavelength range is required for maximum classification accuracy. The wavelength resolution must be larger than 8nm. A SNR better than 10:1 was required to achieve a classification accuracy greater than 50%. The 800-900nm wavelength range gave the greatest accuracy amongst those investigated. Conclusion: DRS is a viable method for differentiating human joint tissue and has the potential to be incorporated into robotic orthopaedic surgery