122 research outputs found

    Facebook Advertising likeability factors in Pakistan: As a way to understand the relationship between Pakistan's Culture and Advertising

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    Aquesta recerca intenta comprendre la relacio entre publicitat i cultura mitjancant l'estudi de la importancia de la likeability publicitaria. La singularitat de l'estudi resideix en l'originalitat de la idea de la recerca, es a dir, explorar per primera vegada el constructe "M'agrada” en la publicitat de Facebook al Pakistan. El marc teoric compren quatre parts principals: Facebook i la likeability la seva relacio amb l'etica, la cultura en el context del Pakistan, en segon lloc, els valors culturals i la likeability mitjancant l'exploracio de la relacio de la cultura amb la “simpatia publicitaria” i, en la tercera part, la relacio entre les creences religioses i la publicitat. Explorem la relacio de la likeability amb les creences religioses i, posteriorment, la relacio entre l'etica i la likeability per a comprendre la importancia de les practiques etiques en publicitat. Aquests temes estableixen les bases teoriques i el marc per a recopilar i analitzar dades per a la seva discussio. Tenint en compte la singularitat de l'estudi, hem optat per la metodologia qualitativa. La tecnica de mostreig que s'adapta als objectius de l'estudi es el “Metode de mostreig de bola de neu” per a les entrevistes en profunditat i el “Metode de mostreig intencional” per a l'analisi de contingut. La mostra de la recerca estava composta per professionals de marques, directors de comptes, directors creatius, redactors publicitaris, directors executius d'agencies de publicitat i professionals de la publicitat digital. La recerca es va dur a terme mitjancant la recol・leccio de dades primaries mitjancant entrevistes en profunditat i metodes d'analisis de contingut i s'han presentat les mateixes dades, seguits d'una conclusio. L'estudi conclou que per a ser una empresa likeability, les marques necessiten suport social respectant els valors socials mentre desenvolupen la comunicacio de la marca. L'estudi aconsegueix establir la importancia d'identificar els principis teorics que alineen la marca amb les tradicions culturals, religioses i etiques. La recerca estableix a mes la necessitat que una marca multinacional desenvolupi una comprensio de la cultura local per a adquirir un bon posicionament entre els seus consumidors. En la part final de la tesi, realitzem unes recomanacions teoriques i practiques per a futurs objectius de recerca.Esta investigacion intenta comprender la relacion entre publicidad y cultura mediante el estudio de la importancia de la likeability publicitaria. La singularidad del estudio reside en la originalidad de la idea de la investigacion, es decir, explorar por primera vez el constructo "Me gusta” en la publicidad de Facebook en Pakistan. El marco teorico comprende cuatro partes principales: Facebook y la likeability su relacion con la etica, la cultura en el contexto de Pakistan, en segundo lugar, los valores culturales y la likeability mediante la exploracion de la relacion de la cultura con la “simpatia publicitaria” y, en la tercera parte, la relacion entre las creencias religiosas y la publicidad. Exploramos la relacion de la likeability con las creencias religiosas y, posteriormente, la relacion entre la etica y la likeability para comprender la importancia de las practicas eticas en publicidad. Estos temas sientan las bases teoricas y el marco para recopilar y analizar datos para su discusion. Teniendo en cuenta la singularidad del estudio, hemos optado por la metodologia cualitativa. La tecnica de muestreo que se adapta a los objetivos del estudio es el “Metodo de muestreo de bola de nieve” para las entrevistas en profundidad y el “Metodo de muestreo intencional” para el analisis de contenido. La muestra de la investigacion estaba compuesta por profesionales de marcas, directores de cuentas, directores creativos, redactores publicitarios, directores ejecutivos de agencias de publicidad y profesionales de la publicidad digital. La investigacion se llevo a cabo mediante la recoleccion de datos primarios mediante entrevistas en profundidad y metodos de analisis de contenido y se han presentado los mismos datos, seguidos de una conclusion. El estudio concluye que para ser una empresa likeability, las marcas necesitan apoyo social respetando los valores sociales mientras desarrollan la comunicacion de la marca. El estudio logra establecer la importancia de identificar los principios teoricos que alinean la marca con las tradiciones culturales, religiosas y eticas. La investigacion establece ademas la necesidad de que una marca multinacional desarrolle una comprension de la cultura local para adquirir un buen posicionamiento entre sus consumidores. En la parte final de la tesis, realizamos unes recomendaciones teoricas y practicas para futuros objetivos de investigacion.The current research seeks to understand the relationship between advertising and culture by studying the importance of advertising likeability. The uniqueness of the study resides in the originality of the research idea i.e. explore the construct “Facebook Advertising likeability” first time in Pakistan in the given context. The theoretical framework comprises four major portions: Facebook and Advertising Likeability, its relationship with ethics, culture in the context of Pakistan, Secondly, Cultural Values and Advertising Likeability by exploring culture’s relationship with likeability and in the third part, Religious Beliefs and Advertising Likeability will explore the relationship of likeability with religious beliefs and finally Ethics and Advertising Likeability to understand the importance of ethical practices. These major topics laid the theoretical foundation and framework to collect and analyze data for discussion. Keeping in view the uniqueness of the study, we have chosen qualitative methodology. The sampling technique which suited to the objectives of the study is the “Snowball Sampling method” for the in-depth interviews and the “Purposive sampling method “for content Analysis. The unit of research largely comprised of brand professionals, account directors, creative directors, copywriters, CEOs of advertising agencies, and digital advertising professionals. The investigation was carried out through primary data collection using in-depth interviews and content analysis methods and the same data has been presented, followed by a conclusion. The study concluded that to be a likable entity, brands need social support by paying respect to social values while developing brand communication. The study was able to establish the significance of identifying the theoretical principles that align the brand to be the cultural, religious, and ethical traditions. The research further establishes the need for a multinational brand to develop an understanding of local culture to acquire a positive place among its consumers. Theoretical and practical recommendations with agenda for future research marks as the final step in the dissertation

    Breast Feeding Remains a Strong Protection against Infant Infections.

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    Background: Breast feeding prevents infections in infants. Those who are partially or never breast-fed and receiving bottle feeds are at higher risk of infections as compared to exclusive breast-fed infants. The objectives of this study were to record the effect of exclusive breast feeding versus partial and never breast feeding on infections in infants and also to find an association of infection with type of feed, gestation and vaccination status in infants till six months of age.Material and Methods: A total of 500 Infants were included in this cross-sectional study. Information regarding pattern of feeding and infections was obtained by verbal interview of mother and the questionnaire was filled by the study physician. The outcome evaluated was infections in infants till one year of age. Categorical comparisons were made using chi square test. A ‘p’ value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Out of 500 infants, 59.4% were males. About 59.6% were exclusively breast-fed till 6 months of age, 31.2% were partially breast-fed and 9.2% were never breast-fed. In exclusively breast-fed group, 29.5% infants reported infections as compared to 40.4% in partial breast-fed group and 65.2% in never breast-fed infants (P < 0.000). Similarly, 40.6% of infants in exclusively breast-fed group, 55.1% in partial breast feed and 58.7% in the never breast-fed reported infections in 4-6 months of age, which was statistically significant (P = 0.003). There was no significant difference in infection rates among the three study groups in 7-9 (P=0.192) and 10 -12 months (P=0.42) of age.Conclusions: Exclusive breast feeding till six months of age significantly reduces the risk of infections in infancy

    The Impact of Advertising on the Profitability of Public &Private Sector Commercial Banks

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of advertising on the profitability of commercial banks over the period of 2008- 2012, in the presence of control variables: Credit risk, Operating Efficiency, total advances to total deposits, total loans to total assets and Size(total assets) ratio. Bank’s profitability is measured in terms of return on equity (ROE) .The data has been obtained from the publications of  State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and commercial banks. The regression results confirm the positive and significant effects of advertising expenditure on ROE for private sector banks than public sector banks. Keywords: ROE, ROA, Advertising, Credit Risk, Operating Efficiency, Bank Deposits & Advances JEL- Classification:  G-2

    Use of Zinc and ORS in Home Management of Diarrhea: Knowledge of Mothers attending a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Background: Diarrhea is the second leading cause of mortality in children below 5 years of age in Pakistan. Use of Zinc and ORS has been proven in clinical trials to be beneficial in reducing morbidity and mortality. Poor knowledge regarding home management of diarrhea leads to mortality due to severe dehydration. The objective of this study was to assess the level of knowledge of mothers of under five-year-old children regarding, diarrheal home management in Cantonment General Hospital, Rawalpindi.Material and Methods: This was an observational cross-sectional study carried out at Department of Pediatrics, Cantonment General Hospital, Rawalpindi, from 1st August, 2017 to 31st January, 2018. About 400 mothers of under five-year-old children, coming to the outpatient department of the hospital were enrolled in this study. A self-designed structured and validated questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge of mothers regarding home management of diarrhea using Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) and Zinc. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23 with a p value < 0.05 considered statistically significant.Results: About 91% (n=364) of mothers had awareness regarding use of ORS as a means of diarrheal home management. Regarding level of knowledge variable results were found. A good percentage of mothers had knowledge of the purpose of ORS use (78.3%), administration (60%) and initiation of ORS (68%), but only 20.8% mothers rightly answered the timing of ORS administration. Mothers knowledge about the use of zinc, daily administration and duration of administration (10-14 days) was 38.8% ,20.5% and 17.3% respectively. Mothers who were more educated especially secondary and above and of the age group 22-31, had better awareness of ORS than others, as P value is less than 0.05. Among mothers who were aware of the use of ORS, only 41.8% of them were also aware of the use of zinc.Conclusion: A high awareness level regarding ORS use in mothers was reflected fairly in terms of purpose, administration and initiation of ORS but the kn

    Source of Bleeding and Per-Operative Findings in Extradural Hematoma (EDH): A Three-Year Experience in a Teaching Institute

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the main source of bleeding and operative findings in an extradural hematoma (EDH). Material and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted at the Neurosurgery Department of Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar from March 2017 to April 2020.The study included 550 patients that met the criteria of inclusion well. Demographic profile, location of Extra-Dural hematoma, the source of bleeding, presence or absence of skull fracture and per operative findings were documented in structured proforma. Results: 69% were male and 31% were female patients. The middle age group of 21 – 40 years mostly affected. Rupture or laceration of middle meningeal artery was the communal source of bleeding in 355 (64.5%) patients, followed by fracture bone in 285 (51.8%) of patients and dural venous sinus in 70 (12.7%) of patients. Preoperative findings in our study were linear skull fracture in 250 (45.4.0%), underlying contusion in 165 (30%), and contralateral hematoma in 70 (12.7%) of cases. Conclusion: Rupture or laceration of a Middle meningeal artery (MMA) was the most communal source of bleeding in extradural hematoma. Therefore, per-operative cauterization of this vessel is important to prevent the chances of re-bleed and re-do surgeries

    Assessment of Knowledge of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation among Pharmacy Students of Mirpur, Azad Jammu & Kashmir

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    Introduction: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the most important lifesaving technique in several emergency situations such as cardiac arrest. In future, being part of health care professionals, pharmacy students are deemed to possess basic skills and expertise which are required to perform CPR. Objective: To access the knowledge of cardiopulmonary among pharmacy students of Mirpur Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Methods: It was a questionnaire-based, descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted among 4th and 5th year students of two Pharmacy institutes of Mirpur AJ&K from November 2018 to January 2019. A pre-tested questionnaire from previous study was used to collect data. It comprised of 13 dichotomous questions with “Yes/No” options, regarding knowledge of CPR. Descriptive statistics was used to unfold the demographic characteristics. Inferential statistics (Kruskal Wallis and Man Whitney) tests were used for evaluating difference between dependent continuous variables and independent variables and Chi-square was applied to determine difference between grouped variables. P-value of less than 0.05 is considered significant. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Result: Overall, 131 out of 150(response rate= 92%) students participated in current study. Gender distribution among the participants was almost equal with 66 males (50.4%) males and 65 (49.6%) females took part in current study. Participants of the age group 21-23 years (n=88, 67.2%) were dominant. Only few students (n=23, 17.6%) reported to have taken training in CPR previously. Eighty-eight (66.7%) had average knowledge of CPR. No significant differences among male and female, 4th and 5th year students of both the institutes were found. Conclusion: The study revealed that knowledge level of CPR is adequate in most of the students of pharmacy. However, further improvements are required to perform CPR in an efficient manner. Thus, training in CPR should be mandatory in the pharmacy curriculum

    Polymyalgia Rheumatica Presenting as Nocturnal Pyrexia of Unknown Origin: A Case Report

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    Background. Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a rheumatic disorder characterized by musculoskeletal stiffness and pain, primarily affecting the shoulder, neck, and hip areas. It is more common in females, with the peak incidence usually after the age of 70. Case Report. A 74-year-old man presented with a two-month history of low-grade nocturnal fever up to 100oF (37.7oC) which did not respond to multiple courses of antibiotics. There was unintentional weight loss of 5 kg and mild shoulder stiffness. The patient had a history of Type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with 34 units of insulin (Humulin 70/30) daily and active smoking of 40 pack-years. On examination, mild tenderness of both shoulder girdle muscles and discomfort on external rotation were noted. The initial blood work-up revealed raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Serologies for syphilis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) were negative. Given the negative results of infective and malignancy screening, along with raised inflammatory markers and mild shoulder stiffness, a diagnosis of PMR was made and a trial of prednisolone was initiated, resulting in the resolution of symptoms. Conclusions. The present case report highlights the importance of thoroughly investigating all differential diagnoses of pyrexia of unknown origin, regardless of the patient’s ethnic origin, to facilitate timely diagnosis

    Experimentation on Optimal Configuration and Size of Thin Cylinders in Natural Convection

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    In this paper, an experimental study of laminar, steady state natural convection heat transfer from heated thin cylinders in an infinite air medium has been reported. Two electrically heated cylinders having the same slenderness ratio (L/D) i.e. 6.1 but different diameters i.e. 3.8 cm and 5.08 cm were used. 105 experiments were carried out to study the effect of diameter and inclination angle of thin cylinder on natural convection heat transfer. After mandatory corrections of radiation and endcap heat losses, convective heat transfer results were presented in the form of local and average dimensionless numbers. For vertical configuration of thin cylinder, Nusselt number was varied from 52.99 to 95.10 corresponding to 1.28×108≤Ra*L≤1.08×1010. While for horizontal configuration,Nusselt number was varied from 10.74 to 17.78 corresponding to 9.42×104≤Ra*D≤8.17×106. Results were compared with the published data and found satisfactory as the maximum percentage difference was only 3.09%. The essence of research is that the heat transfer coefficient increases with decrease in diameter and increase in inclination angle. Smoke flow visualization was done to capture patterns of fluid flow. Finally, comparison was made to quantify increase in Nusselt number from slender cylinder as compared to the flat plate