34 research outputs found

    In Silico Proteomics EVOO Therapy for Lipid Lowering in the Patients of Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by inherited and/or acquired deficiency in the production of insulin by the pancreas, or by ineffectiveness of the insulin produced. Diabetes is a life-long disease marked by elevated levels of sugar in the blood. It is considered as the second progressing cause of color blindness and kidney defects throughout the world. There are four times higher chances of getting heart disease and strokes suffering with diabetes than other ailments. Type-2 diabetes has approximately 90% cases in Pakistan and need to be checked out for its therapy. Olive oil could be helpful in diabetes via many of ways, as prolonged inflammation plays a role as an enhancer of diabetes and other diabetes problems. This study reports identification of some of the cheapest ways to lower the cholesterol in the diabetes mellitus in the local population by using advanced technologies. In this work, the main focus of the research was to use olive oil as a therapy, and as a lipid lowering agent, to improve and reduce the chance of blood pressure, lipids, and hence diabetes and cardiovascular diseases

    Huge Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors Originating In Neurofibromatosis Type 1

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    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) are malignant soft tissue neoplasms which account for 2% of all soft tissue sarcomas. These tumors are associated with poor prognosis, propensity to metastasize and high recurrence rates. About half of the MPNST arise from pre-existing neurofibroma and are associated with Neurofibromatosis type I (NF1), 10% are radiotherapy induced others are sporadic. Pathogenesis of MPNST is not fully understood yet. MPNST are common in extremities followed by trunk but are less common in head and neck area. MPNST show limited sensitivity to radiotherapy and chemotherapy and wide surgical resection is mainstay of treatment. We present a series of 3 cases of MPNST of head and neck region originating in patients having NF1

    Therapeutic Effect of Folate and Cobalamin in Diabetics

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    Diabetes Mellitus type 2 is a metabolic ailment. It is a condition when insulin is produced by our body but, it is not used properly by us. The number of diabetic patients is increasing in the whole world. The problem of obesity is also very closely related to it, which itself is expanding. The individuals diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus have high chance of microvascular problems (like nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy). They are also at the verge of facing macrovascular ailments (like cardiovascular comorbidities). This indicates that many antidiabetic agents should be administered in combination, to maintain normal sugar level in blood. The management for the patients suffering from diabetes should be effective and harmless for them. It should also improve the general well-being of the patients. So many remedies have been developed for the management of diabetes. Several of them are being developed. We should enhance insulin sensitivity to let our body use insulin effectively. We also must stop the increasing pancreatic β-cell failure which is a specific characteristic of Diabetes Mellitus type 2. The microvascular complications must also be avoided or revoked. Our direst need is to develop agents which may help us in achieving goals mentioned earlier. Many micronutrients are involved in combating the Diabetes Mellitus and complication associated to the malady. These micronutrients are vitamins. Our main focus in this chapter are Vitamins B9 (Folate) and B12 (Cobalamin). Many researches have shown that the said parameters were decreased in patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus. The level of these two vitamins should be maintained to the normal level and not toward the border line. The maintained level of these vitamins will help in controlling the main problems in patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus like neuropathy, anemia and many others. By taking these vitamins along with other preventive measures, Diabetes Mellitus can be controlled and can be less dangerous

    Uterine artery embolization combined with methotrexate for broad ligament ectopic pregnancy in a 30-year old primigravida

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    We present the case of 30-year old primigravida female at 11 weeks\u27 gestation who was diagnosed to have ectopic pregnancy on obstetric ultrasound. An MRI pelvis was ordered to assess invasion into the posterior myometrium which confirmed a single right-sided broad ligament-extra uterine pelvic ectopic pregnancy with extrinsic mass effect on the right lower uterine segment without frank myometrial invasion. On an urgent basis, a uterine artery embolization (UAE) was performed by targeting the right femoral artery. Selective catheterization was performed of both uterine arteries and the right side showed a major feeder of the gestational sac. Supplied dose of methotrexate (95mg) was infused in the right uterine artery and both arteries were then embolized by gel foam slurry. Thus, prompt treatment reduced the risk of infertility and saved the patient from obstetrical emergency. Further exploration needs to be done in this field to explore conservative management options to preserve fertility

    Chemical Biology Toolsets for Drug Discovery and Target Identification

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    Chemical biology is the scientific discipline that deals with the application of chemical techniques and often small molecules produced through synthetic chemistry, to the manipulation and study of biological systems. Its working framework ranges from simple chemical entities to complex drugs by employing the principles of biological origin. This chapter particularly focuses on the principles and working models of chemical biology to discover new drug leads. Drug discovery is an extensive and multifaceted complex process. Chemical biology uses both natural and synthetic compounds with the best therapeutic potential and verifies them by employing the best possible chemical toolsets. Screening of compounds is done by the use of phenotypic as well as the target-based screening to identify and characterize the potent hits. After the identification of target, it is characterized, and validated by extensive testing. The next step is the validation of hits obtained, and lead compounds are tested in clinical trials before introducing them for commercial application

    Geospatial techniques for comparative case study of spatiotemporal changes in New Karachi and North Karachi parks

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    The well-known fact is that parks play a significant role in sustaining the urban environment. Megacities like Karachi are developing rapidly with a simultaneous increase in the city area, putting immense pressure on open green spaces. The widespread built-up development is replacing the previously existing vegetative cover. The lack of green spaces is the main concern, and this problem will only worsen due to overpopulation associated with the rapid growth of cities. The lack of evidence-based planning contributes to the unbalanced spatial distribution of parks in quantity and quality. The present research aimed to compare and find out the quality and status of parks such as park areas under encroachment and temporal changes in the vegetative cover of parks in the predominantly low to middle-income residential areas of New Karachi and North Karachi Towns of Karachi metropolitan. Geospatial techniques have been used for mapping, assessments, and analyses. Results indicate that boundary walls are a good solution to stop or reduce park encroachments as correlation indicates the parks with boundary walls have a significantly lower percentage of encroachment in 2022. The existing work indicated that the number of trees has increased in most parks in both towns in 2022. The overall correlation results indicate that factors affecting park quality positively have a positive association with other positively affecting factors and a negative association with factors that affect park quality negatively. There is a dire need to implement better planning strategies to enhance the quality of existing parks and construct new parks in the study area

    Application of MCE-AHP technical for modelling paddy zoning: A case study in Vietnam

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    The main aim of present study was to determine the most suitable land for paddy via AHP - GIS and Remote Sensing. Ba Thuoc district - Thanh Hoa province was selected as the target area to conduct the experimental set-up. As per opinion of scientists and the guidance of World Food Organization (FAO) on agricultural crops, the criteria selected to estimate the ecological adaptation of crops include soil type, soil texture, soil depth, soil pH, N (%), elevation, slope, distance from rivers, yearly precipitation, low-average and high temperature, average sunny hours, saltwater intrusion. The land suitability map was generated by superimposing the component maps considering the weighting of the criteria. The obtained results showed that in the experimental area nearly 8.26% of the land-use region was very appropriate for rice growing, 26.29% was observed medium appropriate, 43.35% was less appropriate and 22.1% was not fit for paddy cultivation. Overall, the data may be of value for country government, policy makers, managers as well as local authorities to induce local farmers for paddy production on most suitable area


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    Sindh sparrows, prevalent in Sindh region of Pakistan, are non-migratory birds abundant in human-inhabited areas globally, except Antarctica. Given their close association with human settlements, these birds serve as crucial indicators for biological monitoring in regions affected by pollution. This study focused on assessing the hematological parameters and heavy metal concentrations in various organs of Sindh sparrows in the Punjab regions of Pakistan. The collected blood samples underwent analysis for hematological indices and heavy metal concentrations. The results indicated variability in hematological analysis of sparrows. Fluctuations were observed in the concentrations of different heavy metals, with significant differences in zinc and iron, while chromium, cadmium, and nickel concentrations showed non-significant differences. The patterns of heavy metal accumulation revealed higher concentrations of chromium, nickel, and iron in the liver, contrasting with the cadmium and zinc in kidneys. In conclusion, significant correlations were observed among the concentrations of Zinc, Chromium, Cadmium, Nickel, and Iron in kidney, liver, and muscles of both male and female Sindh sparrows. The findings underscore the need for further comprehensive studies to assess heavy metal accumulation in birds, highlighting the urgency to address environmental pollution that poses risks to avian species and human populations worldwide