11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pakan terhadap Keempukan Daging pada Kambing Kacang Jantan

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    Penelitian telah dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh kandungan protein dan energi pakan terhadap keempukan daging. Materi penelitian adalah 15 ekor kambing Kacang jantan dengan umur rata-rata 6-18 bulan, dengan bobot badan awal 14,96 ± 3,40 kg (CV = 23%). Bahan pakan yang digunakan adalah rumput gajah, onggok, bungkil kedelai, dan dedak padi yang disusun menjadi complete feed. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 3 perlakuan pakan dan 5 kelompok bobot badan kambing. Perlakuan pakan yang diterapkan adalah kandungan protein dan total digestible nutrients (TDN), yaitu 1) 9,20% protein dan 54,67% TDN (T1), 2) 11,67% protein dan 58,61%, TDN (T2), dan 3) 18,33% protein dan 65,23% TDN (T). Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah keempukan daging Longissimus dorsi (LD) dan Biceps femoris (BF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan nutrisi pada pakan tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap keempukan daging, nilai rata-rata keempukan daging LD dan BF masing-masing adalah 1,13 dan 1,68 kg/cm2. Bobot badan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap keempukan daging LD, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap daging BF. Pada otot LD, nilai keempukan pada kelompok bobot badan terendah (9,04 kg) adalah 1,68 kg/cm2, sedangkan pada kelompok bobot badan tertinggi (18,44 kg) adalah 1,41 kg/cm2. Rata-rata keempukan daging BF adalah 1,68 kg/cm2. Disimpulkan bahwa kandungan protein dan energi pakan tidak mempengaruhi keempukan daging pada kambing Kacang jantan, dan bobot badan yang tinggi menghasilkan daging LD yang lebih empuk

    Pemanfaatan Protein Pakan pada Domba Lokal Jantan yang Mendapat Pakan pada Siang dan Malam Hari (Dietary Protein Utilization In Local Rams Given Feed During The Day And Night)

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    A study was conducted to assess the utilization of protein in local ram being fed during the day and at night. The materials used in this study were 12 local rams with initial body weight of 24.15 + 2.5 kg (CV=10.51%) and age of 1-1,5 years. Feed was given in the form of pellet. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments applied were feeding time, i.e. feeding time from 6 am to 6 pm (T1), feeding time from 6 pm to 6 am (T2), and feeding time for 24 hours a day (T3). The parameters observed were dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), protein digestibility, and protein deposition. The results showed that all the observed parameters were not significantly different (P>0,05). The averages of DMI, ADG, protein digestibility and protein deposition were 1.107,9g/day, 103,8g, 79,3%, 60,5%, respectively. It was concluded that feeding time had no effect on the utilization of dietary protein utilization in local rams

    Excretions of Urinary Creatinine on Young and Mature Kacang Goat Under Different Feeding Levels

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    . This study was aimed to examine the excretion of urinary creatinine in young and mature Kacang goat bucks under different feeding levels. This study used 16 Kacang goat bucks consisting of 2 groups of age, i.e. eight young bucks (aged 6-7 months, weighed 12.75±2.68 kg) and 8 mature bucks (age 9-12 months, weighed 17.34±3.32 kg). The bucks were fed pelleted complete feed containing 78.82% dry matter (DM), 18.80% crude protein (CP), and 76.29% total digestible nutrients (TDN). The bucks were allocated into a 2x2 nested design with four replications. The treatment was the amount of 2.24% dry matter intake (T1) and 4.48% of body weight (BW) (T2) for the young goat, while the mature buck was 1.87% and 3.74%, respectively. The results showed that DM, CP and TDN intake were significant different across ages and highly significantly different between feeding levels. Changes of urinary creatinine from week 0–12 showed no differences in the age group (142 mg/dl) and feeding level (143 mg/dl). Conclusively, age and feed level affected body weight, feed intake and creatinine excretion of Kacang Goat. The more body weight gain (age) and feed level, the more urinal creatinine excretion in male Kacang goat

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pakanberbeda Kualitas terhadap Produksi Protein Mikroba Rumen pada Kambing Kacang Jantan

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    A research was carried out to investigateproduction of microbial nitrogen production in the rumen of kacangbuck given feed of different quality. Fifteen kacangbucks, 6-18 months old, with initial body weight of 14.28 +3.36 kg (CV = 23.55%), were used in this research. The feed stuffs used in this research were napier grass, soybean meal, cassava by product and rice bran that were formed into a mash. This research used a randomized block design with 3 different feed treatments and 5 groups of initial body weight. The feed treatment applied was the content of dietary crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN), i.e. T1: 9.20% CP and 54.67% TDN, T2: 11.67% CP and 58.61% TDN, and T3: 18.33% CP and 65.23% TDN. The results showed that microbial nitrogen production was not significantly different (P>0.05) among the treatments, averaged 5.01 g/day.On the other hand the efficiency of microbial nitrogen production (EMNP) was significantly different (P<0.05) among the treatments; EMNP of T1: 18.47 g N/kg digestible organic matter (DOM) was higher thanthose of T2: 14.10 g N/kg DOM and T3: 13.00g N/kg DOM. The conclusion from this study is that feeding the feed quality 9.20% CPis able to support the performance of microbes in the rumen of kacangbuck

    Keluaran Kreatinin Pada Domba Lokal Jantan Akibat Pemberian Pakan Siang Dan Malam Hari (Creatinine Excretionin Indigenous Ramswith Day and Night Feeding)

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    Aim of study wasto determinethe amount ofcreatininein indigenousrams under day and night feeding. The materialsusedinthis study were 11 indigenousrams of 1 year old, average weighing 24.12+2.54kg(CV=10.53%). They were fed completefeed in form of pellet, containing crude protein (CP) 12.01% and total digestible nutrients (TDN) 66.73%. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and unequal replications. The treatments applied were time of feeding,namely: day time feeding (T1); night time feeding (T2); and day and night time feeding. Parameters measured were dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), and creatinine excretion. Dry matter intake, ADG and creatinine excretion of the second (fifth week) and third (ninth week) had an average number of 1,070 g/day; 95 g; 29 mg/day and 36 mg/day, respectively.However, treatment gained significantly different (P<0.05) on first creatinine excretion (second week) the creatinine excretion of T1, T2, and T3 were 39; 88; and 4 mg/day, respectively. It could be concluded that feeding during the day and night had no effect on creatinine excretionof indigenous rams

    Analisis Kerusakan Centrifuge (Xd-301) Pada Proses Pemisahan Uranil Nitrat Seksi 300 Instalasi Pcp

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    –Centrifuge XD-301 is a uranyl nitrate separator unit from impurities in the Purification installation and Conversion (PCP).Centrifuge has suffered damage due to the condition of the room and the supply of compressed air which contains a lot of water.Therefore it is necessary to analyze the damage to determine the parts to be repaired and effective repair stages.Damage analysis is divided into three parts include: electrical power supply systems, electro-pneumatic system, and electrical systems on the local control panel.The method used in the analysis of the damage is to perform analysis directly on the input and output components. After the analysis is known that there is damage to the electrical system is overloaded, relays, pneumatic systems and centrifugal motor system. Further improvements were made with the replacement of electrical components and the cleaning system of pneumatic systems.Centrifuge XD-301can not function because the motor system has not been replaced. Keywords – Analysis, centrifuge, overload