22 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Pengalaman Kerja, Pengendalian Internal terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan pada Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Makassar

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan Tingkat Pendidikan terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan pada kantor kementerian agama kota Makassar, yang ditunjukkan tingkat signifikansi dibawah 0,05 (0,029 < 0,05). Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan pengalaman kerja terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan pada kantor kementerian agama kota Makassar, yang ditunjukkan tingkat signifikan dibawah 0,05 (0,016 < 0,05). Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan pengendalian internal terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan pada kantor kementerian agama kota Makassar, yang ditunjukkan tingkat signifikan dibawah 0,05 (0,014 < 0,05)

    The impact of initial oral health training on teacher’s knowledge, attitudes, and actions change

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Formal education is the main place for children to improve their knowledge. Teachers are the sources of information which is easily received by children, so the teacher’s role in children’s education is very important. Oral health training able to improve the skills and information resource in a community. Teachers, as the trainee, can play a role in improving the access to information regarding oral health. The objective of this research was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of the teachers before and after the performance of initial training on oral health care. Methods: Questionnaires, with the research variables were knowledge, attitude, and practice of oral health care. The study population was Arraffi Elementary School teachers. The sampling technique was total sampling. The data collecting was done by distributing questionnaires and self-report before and after training. Results: Wilcoxon test shown that P-value pretest and posttest of knowledge was 0.675, attitude was 0.354, and practice was 0.129. Knowledge regarding oral care showed an increasing in achievement percentage. Posttest results of attitude showed the increase in the percentage of positive and negative statements. Posttest results on practice showed some behavior having an increasing percentage, but one behavior remain unchanged. There was no significant difference of knowledge, attitude and practice before and after initial training. Conclusions: There was no impact of initial oral health training on teacher’s knowledge, attitudes, and actions change. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Teacher, Trainin

    Pengaruh pelatihan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi pada guru sekolah dasar sistem full day terhadap perubahan status kebersihan mulut siswa

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    Effect of dental care training on primary full day school teachers towards student’s oral hygiene status alteration. Elementary School age is the most appropriate age of having proper toothbrush technique teaching, because at this age children are entering mixed dentition period, so they should be able to do proper toothbrush technique. The practice of brushing teeth in full-day system elementary school is fundamental because most of the student’s time was spent in school, and they were also having lunch there, so the students should have been able to maintain the health of their teeth, which can only be implied with active role of teachers. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of dental care training towards student’s oral hygiene status alteration. The method of this research was mixed methods that consisted of quantitative research phase that was done by providing questionnaires about knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of teachers after toothbrushing training, and the student’s toothbrushing skill that was measured through the oral hygiene status (OHIS green Vermillion). Whilst the phase of qualitative research was done by observation using observation checklist to identied the inhibiting factors of delivering the training results to the students. The sampling technique was total sampling, with all the teachers were taken as samples. The results from linear regression test showed that there was a moderate relation between the training effect towards student’s oral hygiene status alteration (R : 0.43). The contribution percentage of teacher’s knowledge, attitude and action variable used in the research model was seen on R square value that was 18.5%, whilst on the value of 81.5% was inuenced by other variables not included in the research. This value was the result of students’ variety perceptions about toothbrushing; the unconducive situation of the classrooms; difculties of teachers to delivered the counselling materials; teacher’s feeling of knowledge limitations; and forgetfulness of the usage of the dental model replica. There was a signicant effect of the action towards the oral hygiene status of the students, but there was no signicant inuence of knowledge and attitude towards the oral hygiene status of the students. Conclusions: Dental care training on full-day primary school teachers did not signicantly change their knowledge and attitude of toothbrushing, but continuous and proper practice after training, however, gave signicant effect on student’s oral hygiene status. Inhibiting factors of alteration were coming from internal environment of both teachers and students, and also due to lack of facilities. ABSTRAKUsia Sekolah Dasar merupakan usia yang tepat untuk mengajarkan teknik menyikat gigi  yang  baik  dan  benar, karena pada usia ini anak sedang dalam memasuki periode gigi campuran  dan sudah harus mampu menyikat  gigi baik dan benar. Penerapan penyikatan gigi di Sekolah Dasar dengan sistem full day sangat diperlukan, mengingat waktu anak di sekolah lebih lama dan melewati waktu makan siang sehingga anak harus mampu menjaga kesehatan giginya sendiri. Penerapan tersebut sangat membutuhkan peran guru. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan penyikatan gigi pada guru terhadap status kebersihan mulut siswa. Mixed methode terdiri dari tahap penelitian kuantitatif dengan pemberian kuisioner pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan guru setelah pelatihan penyikatan gigi dan keterampilan menyikat gigi siswa diukur melalui status kebersihan mulut (OHIS green Vermillion) dan tahap penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi menggunakan cek list observasi untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat transfer hasil pelatihan pada siswa. Metode penelitian deskriptif analitik. Sampel penelitian diambil dari seluruh populasi, dimana semua guru diambil sebagai sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian melalui uji korelasi linier menunjukkan hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan terhadap status kebersihan gigi dan mulut adalah sedang (R:0.43). Prosentase sumbangan variabel pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan guru yang digunakan dalam model terlihat pada nilai R square yaitu sebesar 18,5%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 81,5% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam penelitian. ada pengaruh signikan tindakan terhadap status kebersihan mulut siswa, namun tidak ada pengaruh secara signikan pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap status kebersihan mulut siswa. Faktor internal guru dan siswa serta faktor eksternal berupa penyediaan fasilitas. Simpulan penelitian mixed methode ini adalah pelatihan penyikatan gigi pada guru sekolah dasar sistem full day berpengaruh sebesar 18,5%, terhadap status kebersihan mulut siswa. Faktor penghambat menerapkan hasil pelatihan yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal guru dan siswa

    Family dental health care service

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    The Family Dental Health Care Service is a new approach that includes efforts to serve oral and dental patients that focuses on maintenance, improvement and protection. This oral and dental health approach uses basic dentistry science and technology. The vision of the Family Dental Health Care Service is the family independences in the effort of dental health maintenance and to achieve the highest oral and dental health degree as possible through family dentist care that is efficient, effective, fair, evenly distributed, safe and has a good quality. To support this effort, the Ministry of Health has issued Health Care Policy and Implementation Guideline as well as the licensing standard for family dentist practice

    The role of communication in hospital health promotion

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    The health promotion program is an effort to help society in improving healthy attitudes. It also can teach people to help themselves how to deal with health problems. Hospital workers have an important role to distribute health information in terms of improving the lives of individuals (themselves, patients) and the health of environment.It is inevitably that hospital workers are heterogenic due to their education (paramedic: doctor, nurse; non paramedic: administration, cleaning service), and their tasks and responsibility (superior, subordinate). However, in their hospital service duties, they should be collaborative each others. Moreover, they should be strengthening their commitment to serve any patient or client by ignoring their economic condition, education, or disease complaining as well.In conclusion, good communication between hospital workers and patient, between hospital worker themselves, hospital worker and society as well is a significant sign that health promotion program is success


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    Kebisingan adalah suara yang mengganggu/suara yang tidak dikehendaki oleh yang mendengarnya. PT Sinar Pantja Djaja merupakan industri pemintalan benang. Dari hasil pengukuran Hiperkes tahun 2010 dalam proses produksi terdapat intensitas kebisingan yang melebihi nilai ambang batas (NAB) antara 86,95-91,12 dB. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan dengan perubahan tekanan darah pada pekerja unit spinning II PT Sinar Pantja Djaja Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini observasional dengan menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling berjumlah 40 responden. Data dianalisis secara univariat dengan menggunakan tabel distribusi frekuensi dan analisis persentase, bivariat dengan menggunakan uji rank spearman. Hasil pengukuran intensitas kebisingan antara 77,9-95,97 dB. Responden yang mengalami kenaikkan tekanan darah sistolik sebanyak 72,5% dan responmden yang mengalami kenaikkan darah diastolik sebanyak 40%. DAri hasil uji statistik diperoleh bahwa ada hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan dengan perubahan tekanan darah sistolik (p=0,001;r=0,615), tidak ada hubungan intensitas kebisingan dengan perubahan tekanan darah diastolik (p=0,067;r=0,219). Diperoleh kesimpulan ada hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan dengan perubahan tekanan darah sistolik dan tidak ada hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan dengan perubahan tekanan darah diastolik. Maka diperlukan pemantauan intensitas kebisingan di lingkungan spinning II 6 bulan sekali, maintanance mesin secara rutin dan tepat waktu, memberi rotasi kerja sesuai waktu yang diperbolehkan, melakukan pengawasan kepada pekerja dalam penggunaan APD (earplug), memberikan pelatihan pada karyawan. Kata Kunci: Intensitas Kebisingan, Tekanan Sistolik, Tekanan Diastolik, PT Sinar PAntja Djaj

    The relationship between the dental health knowledge and oral hygiene index of the deaf

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    Oral hygiene index can be influenced by behaviour factor. Behavior has three domain consist of knowledge, attitude, and practice. Knowledge will change the behaviour of society which next affects to oral hygiene index. The purpose of the research was to know the relationship between the dental health knowledge and oral and dental hygiene index of the deaf. The research was analytic with the cross-sectional method on 63 subjects on 3,4,5 and 6 level class at hearing impaired in Magelang, obtained using the total sampling. Evaluation of dental health knowledge was viewed from the questionnaire. Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified by Green dan Vermillion used to measured oral hygiene index. The research result showed that 65.08%of the deaf on 3,4,5 and 6 level class at hearing impaired in Magelang was in the good category, OHI-S was in the moderate category. Based on Chi-square test there was no significant relationship between the dental health knowledge and oral hygiene index of the deaf at hearing impaired in Magelang

    <p>Tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa usia 11-12 tahun di SDN Cijayana 1 Kabupaten Garut</p><p>Oral hygiene level of students aged 11-12-years-old at Cijayana 1 State Elementary School of Garut Regency</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Gigi dan mulut merupakan organ penting yang harus dijaga kebersihannya. Indeks kebersihan gigi dan mulut diperoleh dari dua komponen yaitu indeks plak dan indeks kalkulus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa usia 11-12 tahun di SDN Cijayana 1 Kabupaten Garut. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan teknik survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 51 siswa, terdiri dari 24 siswa laki-laki dan 27 siswa perempuan. Data diperoleh melalui pemeriksaan klinis, menggunakan indeks kebersihan gigi dan mulut dari Greene dan Vermillion. Hasil: Indeks kebersihan gigi dan mulut pada siswa usia 11-12 tahun di SDN Cijayana 1 adalah 2,07. Simpulan: Tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut siswa usia 11-12 tahun di SDN Cijayana 1 termasuk kategori sedang. Kata kunci: Kebersihan gigi dan mulut, indeks plak, indeks kalkulus   ABSTRACT Introduction: Teeth and mouth are important organs that must be kept clean. Oral and dental hygiene indexes are obtained from two components, namely plaque index and calculus index. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of dental and oral hygiene of students aged 11-12 years at SDN Cijayana 1 Garut Regency. Methods: This type of research is descriptive with survey techniques. The sampling technique used is total sampling. The number of research samples was 51 students, consisting of 24 male students and 27 female students. Data obtained through clinical examination, using dental and oral hygiene indexes from Greene and Vermillion. Result: Oral and dental hygiene index for students aged 11-12 years at SDN Cijayana 1 is 2.07. Conclusion: The level of dental and oral hygiene of students aged 11-12 years at Cijayana 1 Elementary School is in the moderate category. Keywords: Oral hygiene, plaque index, calculus inde