379 research outputs found

    Role of Social Media Marketing in Building CauseOriented Campaigns

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    This study investigates the intricate interplay between social media marketing strategies and the success of cause-oriented campaigns. Focusing on the Lebanese context, the research examines how Audience Engagement, Content Strategy, and Influencer Collaboration impact the effectiveness of cause-oriented programs. A quantitative approach is employed, with data collected through an online survey distributed to over 100 respondents in Lebanon. The analysis employs regression analysis to explore the relationships between the predictors and the outcome variable. The findings underscore the pivotal role of Audience Engagement, well-crafted Content Strategies, and strategic collaboration with Influencers in driving the success of cause-oriented campaigns. While shedding light on these critical factors, the study also reveals the limitations and challenges associated withimplementing such campaigns in the Lebanese context. The insights from this research contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamics involved in leveraging social media marketing for causeoriented initiatives, offering practical recommendations for practitioners in the field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Legal insider trading and stock market reaction: evidence from the Netherlands

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    This paper provides an analysis of legal insider trading on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange by using data published in the register held by the AFM, the dutch financial markets authority. The sample includes 822 transactions executed by corporate insiders between the beginning of January 1999 and the end of September 2005. Our analysis shows that the financial markets' response is not significant for purchases, and that the abnormal returns associated with the sales do not have the expected sign. However, over a longer time horizon, the average cumulated abnormal returns are positive for the stocks purchased, and negative for stocks sold by insiders. This result suggests either that insiders use long-term information for their trading activities or that they are able to time the market.

    Stochastic Kimura Equations

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    In this work we study the one-dimensional stochastic Kimura equation tu(z,t)=zz2u(z,t)+u(z,t)W˙(z,t)\partial_{t}u\left(z,t\right)=z\partial_{z}^{2}u\left(z,t\right)+u\left(z,t\right)\dot{W}\left(z,t\right) for z,t>0z,t>0 equipped with a Dirichlet boundary condition at 00, with W˙\dot{W} being a Gaussian space-time noise. This equation can be seen as a degenerate analog of the parabolic Anderson model. We combine the Wiener chaos theory from Malliavin calculus, the Duhamel perturbation technique from PDEs, and the kernel analysis of (deterministic) degenerate diffusion equations to develop a solution theory for the stochastic Kimura equation. We establish results on existence, uniqueness, moments, and continuity for the solution u(z,t)u\left(z,t\right). In particular, we investigate how the stochastic potential and the degeneracy in the diffusion operator jointly affect the properties of u(z,t)u\left(z,t\right) near the boundary. We also derive explicit estimates on the comparison under the L2L^{2}- norm between u(z,t)u\left(z,t\right) and its deterministic counterpart for (z,t)\left(z,t\right) within a proper range.Comment: 45 page

    De l'insécurité culturelle: traduction et acculturation /

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    Stratégies communicatives et comportements tutélaires des enseignants de français au Liban /

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    How the Design of Social Media Enables Social Innovation

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    Relevamiento topográfico y control de calidad de paquete estructural

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    Práctica Supervisada (IC)--FCEFN-UNC, 201

    3D-моделирование для жизненного цикла сооружения

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    Owners and construction management are in permanent search to increase competitiveness, reduce cost and time and maintain a high quality of products and services. In this objective project management tend to organize work execution by implementing comprehensive, linked and sequential processes, making full use of every work effort and limiting work duplication and rework. Since the ’90s, the 3D-modeling is used to coordinate, plan, build and manage future structures. The BIM approach proposes to stakeholders to participate in an intelligent centrally shared 3D-model making use of every contribution to this model, facilitating the coordination, solving the interfaces, reducing duplication efforts and carrying the developed data information throughout the life cycle of the structure and beyond the construction phase. Completing a complex structure requires an important level of design management and coordination of the interface between architect, designer, mechanic, electrician, and other designers. Basic input is required from equipment suppliers. Now, for a good reason, everyone in charge of the process is focused on achieving their process with less cost and less time. Thus, he inadvertently reduces the effort associated with surrounding or subsequent actions, and focuses on his main result. For example, structural engineering developing a 3D-model will focus on clean structural design focusing on structural continuity, geometry identification, and calculation model for finite elements of software. Likewise, a mechanical engineer will model plumbing and mechanical networks for fabrication and installation purposes. It is the same with other design disciplines.Собственники и руководители строительства находятся в постоянном процессе повышения конкурентоспособности, сокращения затрат и времени, поддержания высокого качества продукции и услуг. Цель управления проектами – организовать выполнение работ путем реализации комплексных, связанных и последовательных мероприятий, в полной мере использовать ограничения дублирования переделок. С 1990-х годов 3D-моделирование используется для координации, планирования, создания и эксплуатации будущего сооружения. BIM-подход предлагает заинтересованным сторонам участвовать в общей интеллектуальной 3D-модели, облегчая координацию, решая интерфейсы, уменьшая усилия по дублированию и сохраняя информацию о разработанных данных на протяжении всего жизненного цикла конструкции и по завершении этапа строительства. Для выполнения сложной структуры взаимодействия необходимы высокий уровень управления проектированием и координация интерфейса между архитектором, конструктором, механиком, электриком и другими проектировщиками. От поставщиков оборудования требуются основные входные данные. В связи с этим каждый ответственный за процесс нацелен на достижение собственного результата с меньшими затратами и временем исполнения. Тем самым он непреднамеренно сокращает усилия, связанные с сопутствующими действиями, и сосредоточивается на своем основном результате. Например, структурная инженерия, разрабатывающая  3D-модель, будет нацелена на чистый структурный дизайн, ориентируясь на непрерывность конструкции, идентификацию геометрии и модель расчета для конечных элементов программного обеспечения. Точно так же будут моделироваться водопроводные и другие сети для изготовления и монтажа

    Práctica profesional en grupo Cambio Rural de productores ganaderos del departamento Ischilín, Córdoba

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    El trabajo final consiste en la realización de una práctica profesional en el ámbito del programa Cambio Rural II con productores ganaderos del Norte de Córdoba. El Programa Cambio Rural se fundamenta en un sistema de extensión de carácter público-privado, con un enfoque de trabajo que apunta a lograr la interacción de actores de distinto perfil, para contribuir al fortalecimiento del desarrollo local. Permite canalizar las demandas y/o desafíos priorizados en conjunto, mediante el trabajo grupal participativo, por diferentes actores de los territorios (productores, emprendedores y organizaciones locales). La finalidad del trabajo grupal es transformar una situación inicial problemática en una situación final que refleje cambios positivos. Estos cambios impactan en el productor, en el ámbito familiar, en el establecimiento y/o en el entorno en el que vive y desarrolla su actividad.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale