764 research outputs found


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    This research was aimed to analyze the influence ofeconomic value added, residual income, earnings and cash flowfrom operations on stock returns of the telecommunicationcompanies listed in BEI simultaneously and partially. This researchused quantitative approach and secondary data sources. By usingpurposive sampling, the population was the telecommunicationcompanies listed in BEI and five companies were selected to beresearch samples. The result showed that simultaneously allindependent variables had significant influence on stock returns.While partially independent variables, namely EVA, earnings andcash flow from operations had significant influence on stock return.However, only residual income had significant negative.Keywords: economic value added (EVA), residual income, earnings, cash flow from operations, stock returns

    Pengaruh Tingkat Konsentrasi Belajar Siswa terhadap Daya Pemahaman Materi pada Pembelajaran Kimia di SMA Negeri 2 Batang

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    Konsentrasi belajar adalah pemusatan perhatian dalam proses Perubahan tingkah laku yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk penguasaan, penggunaan, dan penilaian terhadap atau mengenai sikap dan nilai-nilai, pengetahuan dan kecakapan dasar yang terdapat dalam berbagai bidang studi. Prosespembelajaran dikatakan berhasil apabila tujuan pembelajaran itu tercapai. Berhasil tidaknya pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran tergantung pada proses pembelajaran yang dijalani oleh siswa. Jika konsentrasi siswa rendah, maka akan menimbulkan aktivitas yang berkualitas rendah pula serta dapat menimbulkan ketidakseriusan dalam belajar dan daya pemahaman terhadap materi pun menjadi berkurang. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi rendahnya daya pemahaman siswa adalahkonsentrasi. Konsentrasi merupakan modal utama bagi siswa dalam menerima materi ajar serta menjadi indikator suksesnya pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi siswa yaitu dengan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam belajar. Dengan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam belajar diyakini akan membuat siswa aktif dalam mengkonstruksikan pengetahuannya, sehingga siswa menjadi fokus atau konsentrasi terhadap apa yang dipelajarinya

    Analisa Pengembangan Strategi Emotional Branding Dalam Membangun Loyalitas Konsumen Garuda Indonesia Airlines

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan strategi dari emotional branding terhadap loyalitas konsumen Garuda Indonesia di Jakarta, Surabaya, dan Bali berdasarkan empat konsep dasar emotional branding menurut Gobe yaitu hubungan, pengalaman pancaindera, imajinasi, dan visi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan pemilihan subyek dilakukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen loyal Garuda Indonesia yang telah menggunakan layanan jasa Garuda Indonesia dalam satu tahun terakhir sebanyak minimal dua kali.Metode penelitian survei dengan menggunakan analisa regresi linear berganda digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pengalaman pancaindera, imajinasi, dan visi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen sedangkan hubungan berpengaruh secara tidak signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen

    Pengaruh Asan-free Trade Area Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekpor Crude Palm Oil Indonesia 2003-2012

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    International trade that used in traditional and limited, now has progressed veryrapidly. The flow of goods can not be blocked even by doing a free trade agreement.Trade liberalization is intended for all countries in the world, has long been discussed bythe experts of the economy and also the leaders of the countries in the world. Attempts tobring this AFTA born of thinking about how to improve relationships (and also cooperation),especially in the economic field, which is closely among ASEAN membercountries. Entry AFTA will certainly impact the economic actors in each member state.The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of ASEAN Free Trade Area(AFTA) on the growth of Indonesias CPO exports Period 2003-2012. The results showedthat regional cooperation in the form of regional organization is still an option This isdue to the inability of developing countries to deal with the complex development ofinternational relations and the notion that regionalism can increase the level of theeconomy. Indonesia as a country that is known as a producer of CPO feel the influenceof the enactment of AFTA significantly to the development of palm oil exports. Given theopportunity CPO industry is promising, it is expected the Indonesian government tofocus on comparative and competitive advantages possessed.Kata kunci: Asean Free Trade Area, Crude Palm Oi

    Pengaruh Metode Proyek Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Paud At-tamimi, Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    Based on field observations of the fine motor skills of the students have not developed optimally. So that should be the implematation of project methods. This study aims to determine the effect of applying the methods of the project on the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in early childhood At-Tamimi Handsome District of the city of pekanbaru. The sample used in this study 18 the protege. The data collection techniques were used that observation and documentation. Data were analyzed using t-test using SPSS 18.0. the study hypothesis is the aplication of project methods have an influence on the development of fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in early chilhood At-Tamimi Handsome District of the city of Pekanbaru. It can be seen from the analysis of data obtained t = 15 421 and Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000. Because Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05, it can be concluded that there are differences in the fine motor skills of the students significantly after using project methods in teaching. So it means hHo rejected and Ha accepted which means there is a very significant difference between before and after the experiment by applying the method of the project. The effect of applying the method of the project on the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in early childhood At-Tamimi Handsome District of Pekanbaru city by 42.00%

    Analisis Pengaruh Ion Zn (II) pada Penentuan Fe3+ dengan Pengompleks 1,10-fenantrolin pada Ph Optimum Menggunakan Spektrofotometer Uv-vis

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    Penelitian tentang analisis pengaruh ion Zn(II) pada penentuan Fe3+ dengan pengompleks 1,10-fenantrolin pada pH optimum telah dilakukan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Kompleks Fe(III) fenantrolin mempunyai panjang gelombang maksimum 363 nm dengan absorbansi sebesar 0,468. Koefisien korelasi (r) yang diperoleh pada kurva kalibrasi adalah 0,9986. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ion Zn(II) dapat mempengaruhi kompleks Fe(III) fenantrolin pada konsentrasi 0,2 ppm Zn2+ dengan menurunkan absorbansi dan % recovery 77,86%


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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) merupakan keluhan pada otot rangka yang disebabkan oleh faktor kerja seseorang saat melakukan pekerjaan. Keluhan MSDs merupakan masalah kesehatan yang terjadi pada pekerjaan yang sering menggunakan kekuatan otot serta sikap kerja yang terlalu banyak membungkuk dengan durasi masa kerja yang lama. saat ini masih banyak para nelayan melakukan pekerjaan dengan menggunakan alat tradisional. Oleh karena itu peneliti tertarik untuk mengkaji lebih dalam tentang hubungan antara sikap kerja dan masa kerja terhadap keluhan musculoskeletal pada nelayan di Kelurahan Batukota Kecamatan Lembeh Utara Kota Bitung Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional study dengan metode survey analitik. Dengan menggunakan Rapid Entire Body Assessment pada sikap kerja dan Nordic Body Map pada keluhan musculoskeletal..Lokasi penelitian di Kelurahan Batukota Kecamatan Lembeh Utara Kota Bitung pada bulan September – November 2018. Total sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu 51 responden. Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu uji korelasi spearmen rank dengan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sikap kerja (p=0,005) dan masa kerja (p=0,044) berhubungan secara signifikan dengan keluhan musculoskeletal. Saran bagi nelayan harus melakukan pemeriksaan secara rutin tiap minggu agar dapat mengetahui serta mengontrol kesehatan tubuh dan stamina agar terhindar dari sakit yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas bekerja.   Kata Kunci :Keluhan Musculoskeletal, Sikap Kerja, Masa Kerja, dan Nelayan  ABSTRACT  Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) were the complaint in parts of skeletal muscle  which caused by factor of someone did work. MSDs complaint were a health issue which occurred in an activity dealt with muscle power also work attitude within bent over for a long work period. Nowadays, there are many fishermen did their job used the traditional tools. Therefore, the researcher interested to examine more deeply about the relation of work attitude and work period with musculoskeletal complaints to fishermen at Batukota Village North Lembeh District Bitung City in 2018. The research used analytic survey method with cross sectional study approach. Location of research at Batukota Village North Lembeh District Bitung City in September – November 2018. Total sample in this research was 51 respondents.  Musculoskeletal compliments used Nordic Body Map and work attitude used Rapid Entire Body Assessment. The statistical test used the spearmen rank correlation test with α = 0.05. Research result showed that work attitude (p = 0.005) and work period (p = 0.044) were significantly associated with musculoskeletal complaints. The advice for fishermen had to do routinely checks every week so they could know and controlled their health and stamina to avoid the illness that could interfere their work activities.   Keywords : Musculoskeletal Compliments, Work Attitude, Work Period and Fisherme

    Pengaruh Penerapan Permainan Boling Run Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk Negeri Pembina 1 Kota Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this research is to study the effect of boling run game implementation on rough motor ability of 4-5 years old child. This research was conducted at kindergarden 1 Pekanbaru City during May 2017. The research used experimental method with one group pre-test post-test design design with 18 samples. The type of instrument used in this study is to use an observation sheet to record about the activities that occurred during the given treatment. Based on the result of hypothesis test, there is influence of boling run game implementation on gross motor ability of children aged 4-5 years in TK Negeri Pembina 1 Kota Pekanbaru. Obtained a tcount of 72.412 with sig 0.000, because sig ttabel = 2,110. It can be interpreted that there is a significant influence on the implementation of bowling run game against rough motor skills in children age 4-5 years in kindergarden 1 Pekanbaru City of 91.39%

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemandirian dengan Metode Bermain Peran pada Anak Usia 3-4 Tahun di Kelompok Bermain Darma Putra Kecamatan Lubuk dalam Kabupaten Siak

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    The background of this research based on the observation in ‘DarmaPutra” play group age 3 -4 years old consist of 12 children only 4 children shownindependent behavior and join learning activity. Without their parents. The children goto toiled without help, they put their bag in the right place, they eat by themselves, theycan put the toys in to rack toy, and they able choose play activity by themselves. Inreality, these are 8 children show the behavior as below : there are children play in thegroup with their parents. Children cannot cremation by themselves, children can notput their bag in to the right place. In this case described that the independent ofchildren still low. The aimed of this research : 1) to know the independency of childrenby using of the role play. 2) to know the implementation of role play In independencyimproment. 3) to know the independency level improvement for children age 3-4 yearsold by using role play method in darma putra playgroup. Its 12 children, consist 7women and 5 toys. This research held on april until june 2014. The data will beprocess byobservation. From the result and discussion, the research makesummarizing as below : the role play can improve the independency of the children age3-4 years old in darma putra playgroup about 89,27 % compare the early data orbefore method implementation with children independency in circlus II