23 research outputs found

    Highly compressed water structure observed in a perchlorate aqueous solution

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    The discovery by the Phoenix Lander of calcium and magnesium perchlorates in Martian soil samples has fueled much speculation that flows of perchlorate brines might be the cause of the observed channeling and weathering in the surface. Here, we study the structure of a mimetic of Martian water, magnesium perchlorate aqueous solution at its eutectic composition, using neutron diffraction in combination with hydrogen isotope labeling and empirical potential structure refinement. We find that the tetrahedral structure of water is heavily perturbed, the effect being equivalent to pressurizing pure water to pressures of order 2 GPa or more. The Mg2+ and ClO4− ions appear charge-ordered, confining the water on length scales of order 9 Å, preventing ice formation at low temperature. This may explain the low evaporation rates and high deliquescence of these salt solutions, which are essential for stability within the low relative humidity environment of the Martian atmosphere

    Temperature-Dependent Segregation in Alcohol-Water Binary Mixtures Is Driven by Water Clustering

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    Previous neutron scattering work, combined with computer simulated structure analysis, has established that binary mixtures of methanol and water partially segregate into water-rich and alcohol-rich components. It has furthermore been noted that, between methanol mole fractions of 0.27 and 0.54, both components, water and methanol, simultaneously form percolating clusters. This partial segregation is enhanced with decreasing temperature. The mole fraction of 0.27 also corresponds to the point of maximum excess entropy for ethanol–water mixtures. Here, we study the degree of molecular segregation in aqueous ethanol solutions at a mole fraction of 0.27 and compare it with that in methanol–water solutions at the same concentration. Structural information is extracted for these solutions using neutron diffraction coupled with empirical potential structure refinement. We show that ethanol, like methanol, bi-percolates at this concentration and that, in a similar manner to methanol, alcohol segregation, as measured by the proximity of neighboring methyl sidechains, is increased upon cooling the solution. Water clustering is found to be significantly enhanced in both alcohol solutions compared to the water clustering that occurs for random, hard sphere-like, mixing with no hydrogen bonds between molecules. Alcohol clustering via the hydrophobic groups is, on the other hand, only slightly sensitive to the water hydrogen bond network. These results support the idea that it is the water clustering that drives the partial segregation of the two components, and hence the observed excess entropy of mixing

    Trehalose in Water Revisited

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    Structural evidence for solvent-stabilisation by aspartic acid as a mechanism for halophilic protein stability in high salt concentrations.

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    Halophilic organisms have adapted to survive in high salt environments, where mesophilic organisms would perish. One of the biggest challenges faced by halophilic proteins is the ability to maintain both the structure and function at molar concentrations of salt. A distinct adaptation of halophilic proteins, compared to mesophilic homologues, is the abundance of aspartic acid on the protein surface. Mutagenesis and crystallographic studies of halophilic proteins suggest an important role for solvent interactions with the surface aspartic acid residues. This interaction, between the regions of the acidic protein surface and the solvent, is thought to maintain a hydration layer around the protein at molar salt concentrations thereby allowing halophilic proteins to retain their functional state. Here we present neutron diffraction data of the monomeric zwitterionic form of aspartic acid solutions at physiological pH in 0.25 M and 2.5 M concentration of potassium chloride, to mimic mesophilic and halophilic-like environmental conditions. We have used isotopic substitution in combination with empirical potential structure refinement to extract atomic-scale information from the data. Our study provides structural insights that support the hypothesis that carboxyl groups on acidic residues bind water more tightly under high salt conditions, in support of the residue-ion interaction model of halophilic protein stabilisation. Furthermore our data show that in the presence of high salt the self-association between the zwitterionic form of aspartic acid molecules is reduced, suggesting a possible mechanism through which protein aggregation is prevented

    Role of Water in Sucrose, Lactose, and Sucralose Taste: The Sweeter, The Wetter?

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    Natural sugars combine energy supply and, except a few cases, a pleasant taste. On the other hand, exaggerated consumption may impact population health. This has busted the research for the synthesis of increasingly cheaper artificial sweeteners, with low energy content and intense taste. Here, we suggest that studies of the hydration properties of three disaccharides, namely, the natural sucrose and lactose and the artificial sucralose, may explain the difference by orders of magnitude among their sweetness. This is done by analyzing via Monte Carlo simulations the neutron diffraction differential cross sections of aqueous solutions of the three sugars and their isotopes. Our results show that the strength of the sugar-water hydrogen bond interaction is one of the factors influencing sweetness, another being the number of water molecules within the first neighboring shell of the sugar whether bonded or not