2 research outputs found

    Minimum Common String Partition: Exact Algorithms

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    In the minimum common string partition problem (MCSP), one gets two strings and is asked to find the minimum number of cuts in the first string such that the second string can be obtained by rearranging the resulting pieces. It is a difficult algorithmic problem having applications in computational biology, text processing, and data compression. MCSP has been studied extensively from various algorithmic angles: there are many papers studying approximation, heuristic, and parameterized algorithms. At the same time, almost nothing is known about its exact complexity. In this paper, we present new results in this direction. We improve the known 2? upper bound (where n is the length of input strings) to ?? where ? ? 1.618... is the golden ratio. The algorithm uses Fibonacci numbers to encode subsets as monomials of a certain implicit polynomial and extracts one of its coefficients using the fast Fourier transform. Then, we show that the case of constant size alphabet can be solved in subexponential time 2^{O(nlog log n/log n)} by a hybrid strategy: enumerate all long pieces and use dynamic programming over histograms of short pieces. Finally, we prove almost matching lower bounds assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis

    Computations with polynomial evaluation oracle: ruling out superlinear SETH-based lower bounds

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    The field of fine-grained complexity aims at proving conditional lower bounds on the time complexity of computational problems. One of the most popular assumptions, Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), implies that SAT cannot be solved in 2(1−ϵ)n2^{(1-\epsilon)n} time. In recent years, it has been proved that known algorithms for many problems are optimal under SETH. Despite the wide applicability of SETH, for many problems, there are no known SETH-based lower bounds, so the quest for new reductions continues. Two barriers for proving SETH-based lower bounds are known. Carmosino et al. (ITCS 2016) introduced the Nondeterministic Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (NSETH) stating that TAUT cannot be solved in time 2(1−ϵ)n2^{(1-\epsilon)n} even if one allows nondeterminism. They used this hypothesis to show that some natural fine-grained reductions would be difficult to obtain: proving that, say, 3-SUM requires time n1.5+ϵn^{1.5+\epsilon} under SETH, breaks NSETH and this, in turn, implies strong circuit lower bounds. Recently, Belova et al. (SODA 2023) introduced the so-called polynomial formulations to show that for many NP-hard problems, proving any explicit exponential lower bound under SETH also implies strong circuit lower bounds. We prove that for a range of problems from P, including kk-SUM and triangle detection, proving superlinear lower bounds under SETH is challenging as it implies new circuit lower bounds. To this end, we show that these problems can be solved in nearly linear time with oracle calls to evaluating a polynomial of constant degree. Then, we introduce a strengthening of SETH stating that solving SAT in time 2(1−ε)n2^{(1-\varepsilon)n} is difficult even if one has constant degree polynomial evaluation oracle calls. This hypothesis is stronger and less believable than SETH, but refuting it is still challenging: we show that this implies circuit lower bounds