16 research outputs found


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    Não há resumo. Este trabalho faz parte dossiê temático associado ao II Seminário da RP/UFT, com o tema: “Formação e prática docente – concepções, trajetórias e desafios da Residência Pedagógica da UFT".&nbsp


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    Não há. Este trabalho faz parte dossiê temático associado ao II Seminário da RP/UFT, com o tema: “Formação e prática docente – concepções, trajetórias e desafios da Residência Pedagógica da UFT".&nbsp


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    Este trabalho faz parte dossiê temático associado ao II Seminário da RP/UFT, com o tema: “Formação e prática docente – concepções, trajetórias e desafios da Residência Pedagógica da UFT". A estrutura não comporta resumo

    Antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine on intratubular Candida albicans

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    This study investigated the efficacy of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine gel for the elimination of intratubular Candida albicans (C. albicans). Human single-rooted teeth contaminated with C. albicans were treated with calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel, calcium hydroxide plus 2% chlorhexidine gel, or saline (0.9% sodium chloride) as a positive control. The samples obtained at depths of 0–100 and 100–200 µm from the root canal system were analyzed for C. albicans load by counting the number of colony forming units and for the percentage of viable C. albicans using fluorescence microscopy. First, the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide and the 2% chlorhexidine gel was evaluated by counting the number of colony forming units. After 14 days of intracanal medication, there was a significant decrease in the number of C. albicans colony forming units at a depth of 0–100 µm with chlorhexidine treatment either with or without calcium hydroxide compared with the calcium hydroxide only treatment. However, there were no differences in the number of colony forming units at the 100–200 µm depth for any of the medications investigated. C. albicans viability was also evaluated by vital staining techniques and fluorescence microscopy analysis. Antifungal activity against C. albicans significantly increased at both depths in the chlorhexidine groups with and without calcium hydroxide compared with the groups treated with calcium hydroxide only. Treatments with only chlorhexidine or chlorhexidine in combination with calcium hydroxide were effective for elimination of C. albicansFAPESP 2007/00306-1FAPESP 2007/003061CAPESCAPE

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    1 p : il.A cor é uma sensação criada pela interação da luz com a matéria, detectada pelos olhos e percebida pelo cérebro. Como podemos comparar as diversas fontes de luz?Qual a melhor? Como podemos julgá-las sem se deixar influenciar pela percepção humana?Para responder a estas perguntas é necessário definirmos uma métrica para a cor,ou seja,uma maneira de julgar a qualidade de uma fonte de luz branca, que se ja independente da forma subjetiva com que vemos o mundo a nossa volta

    Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Bixa orellana and Its Component Ellagic Acid Exert Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties against Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. massiliense

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    Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. massiliense (Mabs) causes chronic infections, which has led to the need for new antimycobacterial agents. In this study, we investigated the antimycobacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of the ethyl acetate fraction of Bixa orellana leaves (BoEA) and ellagic acid (ElAc). In silico analysis predicted that ElAc had low toxicity, was not mutagenic or carcinogenic, and had antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities. Apparently, ElAc can interact with COX2 and Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) enzymes, which could explain both activities. In vitro analysis showed that BoEA and ElAc exerted antimicrobial activity against Mabs (minimum inhibitory concentration of 1.56, 1.56 mg/mL and bactericidal concentration of 6.25, 3.12 mg/mL, respectively. Clarithromycin showed MIC and MBC of 1 and 6 µg/mL). Treatment with BoEA or ElAc increased survival of Tenebrio molitor larvae after lethal infection with Mabs and reduced carrageenan-induced paw edema in mice, around 40% of edema volume after the fourth hour, similarly to diclofenac. In conclusion, BoEA and ElAc exert antimicrobial effects against Mabs and have anti-inflammatory effects, making them potential sources of antimycobacterial drugs. The biological activities of ElAc may be due to its high binding affinities predicted for COX2 and DHFR enzymes

    Histórias de resistência de mulheres negras Resistance stories of African-Brazilian women

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    Esta é uma pesquisa intervenção na qual foram usadas oficinas de narrativas de histórias como dispositivo para estimular o empoderamento de mulheres. Essas oficinas, que contaram com a participação de dez mulheres em situação de violência de gênero, foram realizadas na sede da organização não-governamental Maria Mulher, situada na Vila Cruzeiro do Sul, no município de Porto Alegre. A partir de oficinas de narrativas de histórias em que se tematizaram histórias do feminino, especialmente afro-brasileiras, a pesquisa teve como objetivo principal compreender o que acontece com as mulheres que sofreram ou sofrem violência. Realizadas em cinco encontros nos quais as mulheres contaram e ouviram histórias e participaram de vivências, as oficinas oportunizaram espaço para narrar, ouvir e ritualizar as histórias das orixás e ressignificar as vidas a partir dessas vivências. Essa intervenção operou com as subjetividades das mulheres que fizeram parte da pesquisa e mostrou-se capaz de fortalecer algumas delas. A experiência constituiu um dispositivo de estímulo ao empoderamento das mulheres e contribuiu para o resgate da memória individual e coletiva desse grupo.<br>This study consists of an intervention using narrative workshops as a device to stimulate the empowerment of women. Ten women, victims of gender violence, took part in a workshop developed by non-governmental organization for African-Brazilian women Maria Mulher, which gives assistance to women living in Vila Cruzeiro do Sul, in the city of Porto Alegre. The main objective of the research was to debate questions related to gender and violence, making use of stories and histories related to the feminine, specifically African-Brazilian stories. Five meetings were held, where the women told and were told stories, took part in group discussions, experiences and rituals. The workshops gave those women a space where they could tell and hear stories, take part in the rituals of the orixás [African-Brazilian deities] of the black culture and tell their personal histories using those experiences. This intervention was an attempt at invoking different subjective experiences, and made it possible to empower the women who took part in the research, contributing for the rescue of the individual and collective memory of this group