11 research outputs found

    Challenges of developing a digital scribe to reduce clinical documentation burden.

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    Clinicians spend a large amount of time on clinical documentation of patient encounters, often impacting quality of care and clinician satisfaction, and causing physician burnout. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) open the possibility of automating clinical documentation with digital scribes, using speech recognition to eliminate manual documentation by clinicians or medical scribes. However, developing a digital scribe is fraught with problems due to the complex nature of clinical environments and clinical conversations. This paper identifies and discusses major challenges associated with developing automated speech-based documentation in clinical settings: recording high-quality audio, converting audio to transcripts using speech recognition, inducing topic structure from conversation data, extracting medical concepts, generating clinically meaningful summaries of conversations, and obtaining clinical data for AI and ML algorithms

    Conversational Agents for Health and Wellbeing

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    Conversational agents have increasingly been deployed in healthcare applications. However, significant challenges remain in developing this technology. Recent research in this area has highlighted that: i) patient safety was rarely evaluated; ii) health outcomes were poorly measured, and iii) no standardised evaluation methods were employed. The conversational agents in healthcare are lagging behind the developments in other domains. This one-day workshop aims to create a roadmap for healthcare conversational agents to develop standardised design and evaluation frameworks. This will prioritise health outcomes and patient safety while ensuring a high-quality user experience. In doing so, this workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners from HCI, healthcare and related speech and chatbot domains to collaborate on these key challenges

    Identifying relevant information in medical conversations to summarize a clinician-patient encounter

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    To inform the development of automated summarization of clinical conversations, this study sought to estimate the proportion of doctor-patient communication in general practice (GP) consultations used for generating a consultation summary. Two researchers with a medical degree read the transcripts of 44 GP consultations and highlighted the phrases to be used for generating a summary of the consultation. For all consultations, less than 20% of all words in the transcripts were needed for inclusion in the summary. On average, 9.1% of all words in the transcripts, 26.6% of all medical terms, and 27.3% of all speaker turns were highlighted. The results indicate that communication content used for generating a consultation summary makes up a small portion of GP consultations, and automated summarization solutions—such as digital scribes—must focus on identifying the 20% relevant information for automatically generating consultation summaries. </jats:p

    Envisioning an artificial intelligence documentation assistant for future primary care consultations: A co-design study with general practitioners

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    Abstract Objective The study sought to understand the potential roles of a future artificial intelligence (AI) documentation assistant in primary care consultations and to identify implications for doctors, patients, healthcare system, and technology design from the perspective of general practitioners. Materials and Methods Co-design workshops with general practitioners were conducted. The workshops focused on (1) understanding the current consultation context and identifying existing problems, (2) ideating future solutions to these problems, and (3) discussing future roles for AI in primary care. The workshop activities included affinity diagramming, brainwriting, and video prototyping methods. The workshops were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Inductive thematic analysis of the transcripts of conversations was performed. Results Two researchers facilitated 3 co-design workshops with 16 general practitioners. Three main themes emerged: professional autonomy, human-AI collaboration, and new models of care. Major implications identified within these themes included (1) concerns with medico-legal aspects arising from constant recording and accessibility of full consultation records, (2) future consultations taking place out of the exam rooms in a distributed system involving empowered patients, (3) human conversation and empathy remaining the core tasks of doctors in any future AI-enabled consultations, and (4) questioning the current focus of AI initiatives on improved efficiency as opposed to patient care. Conclusions AI documentation assistants will likely to be integral to the future primary care consultations. However, these technologies will still need to be supervised by a human until strong evidence for reliable autonomous performance is available. Therefore, different human-AI collaboration models will need to be designed and evaluated to ensure patient safety, quality of care, doctor safety, and doctor autonomy. </jats:sec

    Empirical analysis of Zipf's law, power law, and lognormal distributions in medical discharge reports.

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    BACKGROUND:Bayesian modelling and statistical text analysis rely on informed probability priors to encourage good solutions. OBJECTIVE:This paper empirically analyses whether text in medical discharge reports follow Zipf's law, a commonly assumed statistical property of language where word frequency follows a discrete power-law distribution. METHOD:We examined 20,000 medical discharge reports from the MIMIC-III dataset. Methods included splitting the discharge reports into tokens, counting token frequency, fitting power-law distributions to the data, and testing whether alternative distributions-lognormal, exponential, stretched exponential, and truncated power-law-provided superior fits to the data. RESULT:Discharge reports are best fit by the truncated power-law and lognormal distributions. Discharge reports appear to be near-Zipfian by having the truncated power-law provide superior fits over a pure power-law. CONCLUSION:Our findings suggest that Bayesian modelling and statistical text analysis of discharge report text would benefit from using truncated power-law and lognormal probability priors and non-parametric models that capture power-law behavior

    Symbolic and Statistical Learning Approaches to Speech Summarization: A Scoping Review

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    Speech summarization techniques take human speech as input and then output an abridged version as text or speech. Speech summarization has applications in many domains from information technology to health care, for example improving speech archives or reducing clinical documentation burden. This scoping review maps close to 2 decades of speech summarization literature, spanning from the early machine learning works up to ensemble models, with no restrictions on the language summarized, research method, or paper type. We reviewed a total of 110 papers out of a set of 188 found through a literature search and extracted speech features used, methods, scope, and training corpora. Most studies employ one of four speech summarization architectures: (1) Sentence extraction and compaction; (2) Feature extraction and classification or rank-based sentence selection; (3) Sentence compression and compression summarization; and (4) Language modelling. We also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these different methods and speech features. Overall, supervised methods (e.g. Hidden Markov support vector machines, Ranking support vector machines, Conditional random fields) performed better than unsupervised methods. As supervised methods require manually annotated training data which can be costly, there was more interest in unsupervised methods. Recent research into unsupervised methods focusses on extending language modelling, for example by combining Uni-gram modelling with deep neural networks. This review does not include recent work in deep learning

    Responses of Conversational Agents to Health and Lifestyle Prompts: Investigation of Appropriateness and Presentation Structures.

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    BACKGROUND:Conversational agents (CAs) are systems that mimic human conversations using text or spoken language. Their widely used examples include voice-activated systems such as Apple Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Microsoft Cortana. The use of CAs in health care has been on the rise, but concerns about their potential safety risks often remain understudied. OBJECTIVE:This study aimed to analyze how commonly available, general-purpose CAs on smartphones and smart speakers respond to health and lifestyle prompts (questions and open-ended statements) by examining their responses in terms of content and structure alike. METHODS:We followed a piloted script to present health- and lifestyle-related prompts to 8 CAs. The CAs' responses were assessed for their appropriateness on the basis of the prompt type: responses to safety-critical prompts were deemed appropriate if they included a referral to a health professional or service, whereas responses to lifestyle prompts were deemed appropriate if they provided relevant information to address the problem prompted. The response structure was also examined according to information sources (Web search-based or precoded), response content style (informative and/or directive), confirmation of prompt recognition, and empathy. RESULTS:The 8 studied CAs provided in total 240 responses to 30 prompts. They collectively responded appropriately to 41% (46/112) of the safety-critical and 39% (37/96) of the lifestyle prompts. The ratio of appropriate responses deteriorated when safety-critical prompts were rephrased or when the agent used a voice-only interface. The appropriate responses included mostly directive content and empathy statements for the safety-critical prompts and a mix of informative and directive content for the lifestyle prompts. CONCLUSIONS:Our results suggest that the commonly available, general-purpose CAs on smartphones and smart speakers with unconstrained natural language interfaces are limited in their ability to advise on both the safety-critical health prompts and lifestyle prompts. Our study also identified some response structures the CAs employed to present their appropriate responses. Further investigation is needed to establish guidelines for designing suitable response structures for different prompt types

    A review of uncertainty quantification in deep learning:techniques, applications and challenges

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    Abstract Uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods play a pivotal role in reducing the impact of uncertainties during both optimization and decision making processes. They have been applied to solve a variety of real-world problems in science and engineering. Bayesian approximation and ensemble learning techniques are two widely-used types of uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods. In this regard, researchers have proposed different UQ methods and examined their performance in a variety of applications such as computer vision (e.g., self-driving cars and object detection), image processing (e.g., image restoration), medical image analysis (e.g., medical image classification and segmentation), natural language processing (e.g., text classification, social media texts and recidivism risk-scoring), bioinformatics, etc. This study reviews recent advances in UQ methods used in deep learning, investigates the application of these methods in reinforcement learning, and highlights fundamental research challenges and directions associated with UQ