49 research outputs found

    Istraživanje enteropatogenih sojeva bakterije E. coli izdvojenih iz domaćega iranskoga mekanoga sira.

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of contamination of the domestic Iranian soft cheese with EPEC serogroupes in south-eastern Iran-Kerman. Seventy-seven random samples of domestic Iranian soft cheese were collected from different groceries and markets in sterile conditions, cultured in selective media and examined for biochemical tests. Among the 77 samples, E coli was isolated from 76 (98.70%) of them and 15 (19.48%) of the isolates were EPEC. Eight EPEC identified serogroups were included: O26(I), O86(II), O114(IV), O142 (IV and I), O119(II), O128(III), and O127(II). All these types are pathogens. O127 was the most prevalent serogroup, followed by O128 and O119. The occurrence of a high proportion of E coli in our cheese samples may be due to lack of proper sanitation and absence of pasteurization of milk used for cheese making. Therefore, stringent hygienic measures must be followed and pasteurization of milk should be imposed to prevent contamination of cheese with coliforms, thus avoiding additional outbreaks of food-borne illness caused by E coli.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju kontaminacije domaćega iranskoga mekanoga sira enteropatogenim serološkim skupinama E. coli (EPEC) u jugoistočnom Iranu (Kermanu). Ukupno 77 slučajno odabranih uzoraka domaćega iranskoga mekanoga sira prikupljeno je pod sterilnim uvjetima iz različih trgovina i tržnica. Uzorci su bili nacijepljeni na selektivne hranjive podloge i pretraženi biokemijskim testovima. E. Coli bila je izdvojena iz 76 (98,70%) od 77 pretraženih uzoraka od čega je 15 (19,48%) izolata bilo enteropatogeno. Identificirano je bilo osam EPEC seroloških skupina: O26(I), O86(II), O114(IV), O142(IV i I), O119 (II), O128(III) i O127(II). Svi su navedeni tipovi patogeni. Najčešće je bila izdvojena serološka skupina O127, a slijedile su O128 i O119. Visoki udio pojavnosti E. coli u uzorcima pretraženih sireva može se pripisati nedostatnoj sanitaciji i izostanku pasterizacije mlijeka koja se primjenjuje pri izradu sira. Zbog toga se moraju primjenjivati strože higijenske mjere te uvesti pasterizacija mlijeka kako bi se spriječilo zagađenje koliformnim uzročnicima. Na taj način izbjegle bi se zaraze uzrokovane hranom zagađenom bakterijom E. coli

    Multi-criteria Planning Approach for Ranking of Land Management Alternatives at Different Spatial Scales

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    Abstract: Integrated land management decisions require comprehensive sets of criteria in order to properly account for all managerial alternatives. Economic criteria have been used to evaluate possible alternatives in most cases. However, it is important to consider the broadest possible range of social, economic and environmental criteria. This paper describes an integrated framework for land management planning at different spatial scales, comprising watershed, sub-watershed and land-unit levels. The structure includes four elements: (1) application of the strategic land management planning approach using the Delphi method and group decision analysis at sub-watershed scales, (2) identification of decision criteria at the land unit scale using socio-economic analysis and hydrologic modelling, (3) multi-criteria decision analysis of different alternatives, and (4) multi-stakeholder alternative prioritization. The Kan watershed north of Tehran, Iran, was selected as a case study. The major objective of this research is to integrate quantitative and qualitative decision criteria for planning purposes. This approach can be adapted to prioritize a wide variety of land and water resources management decisions in similar watersheds

    Određivanje P (F11) i F1 fimbrija bakterije Escherichia coli izdvojene iz pilića s avijarnim celulitisom.

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    Avian cellulitis has been induced by virulent strains of E. coli. The purpose of this study was to determine P (F11) and F1 fimbriae of 90 E. coli isolates of avian cellulitis. Isolates were subjected to six consecutive passages on solid and static broth for expression of fimbriae. Five (5.5%) isolates from O1 serogroup, showed a mannose-resistant haemagglutination MRHA pattern when grown on solid medium. In the SDS-PAGE, crude fimbrial extracts of MRHA strain showed a major fimbrial subunit of 18 kDa. This band was also reacted with anti F11 serum on immunoblotting. Sixty-nine (76.6%) E. coli isolates from different serogroups showed mannose-sensitive hemagglutinating (MSHA) pattern when grown on static broth medium. In immunoblotting test, crude fimbrial extracts of MSHA isolates demonstrated a single band with 17 to 17.5 kDa apparent molecular weight as revealed by absorbed anti-F1A serum. It would appear that avian cellulitis E. coli isolates have F1 and P fimbriae similar to those of colisepticemic E. coli isolates.Avijarni celulitis uzrokuju virulentni sojevi E. coli. Svrha istraživanja bila je ustanoviti P (F11) i F1 fimbrije u 90 izolata E. coli uzročnika avijarnog celulitisa. Izolati su bili šest puta uzastopno pasirani na čvrstoj podlozi i bujonu za rast fimbrija. Pet (5,5%) izolata serološke skupine O bili su manoza-rezistentne hemaglutinacijske aktivnosti (MRHA) uzgojeni na čvrstoj hranjivoj podlozi. Postupkom poliakrilamid gel elektroforeze (SDS-PAGE) sirovi fimbrijski ekstrakti MRHA soja sadržavali su veću fimbrijsku podjedinicu od 18 kDa. Ta je podjedinica također reagirala s protuserumom za F11 u testu imunobloting. Šezdesetdevet (76,6%) izolata E. coli iz različitih seroloških skupina uzgojenih na statičnom hranjivom bujonu sadržavalo je manoza osjetljive hemaglutinacijske uzorke. Imunobloting testom dokazano je da sirovi fimbrijski ekstrakti manoza osjetljivih izolata sadrže jednu podjenicu molekulske mase od 17 do 17,5 kDa što je otkriveno apsorpcijom anti F1A seruma. Čini se da izolati E. coli koji uzrokuju avijarni celulitis imaju F1 i P fimbrije slične onim izolatima E. coli koji uzrokuju koliseptikemiju

    Evaluation Of Flood Mitigation Alternatives Using Hydrological Modeling

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    Flood damage is one of the most important natural hazards in arid and semi-arid regions. Hydrological modeling is needed for integrated watershed assessment, determining the effects of upstream watershed disturbances and flood control measures on flooding. Historical flash floods threatening Kan watershed have shown that flood control measures are urgently needed to protect natural resources, tourist sites and metropolitans area. Kan watershed has two sub-basins with common outlet, which is caused accelerated impacts on peak flows and flood volumes in mainstream. This watershed is a very interesting case for study of synchronized flood hydrographs analysis and possible challenges for reducing the intensity of floods. In this paper, an event based hydrological model, HEC-HMS, was used to modeling the watershed response to any changes by structural and non-structural flood control measures and synchronized hydrograph analysis. A multiple decision-making method was used to find optimal flood mitigation alternative based on 25 and 100 years peak flood discharges and time lag between peak flood discharges at outlet of two sub basins. Synchronized hydrograph analyses have shown that flood control measures should not implement in Kiga sub-basin. For local flood mitigation at the Kiga sub-basin some methods for facilitating the flood flows were proposed. The analyses showed that magnitudes of the peak discharges downstream could be reduced if upstream peak flows are desynchronized. In these cases hydrograph analyses play the key role in rational flood mitigation planning

    Istraživanje avijarnog celulitisa u tovnih pilića.

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    Avian cellulitis in broiler chickens, especially on the thighs and abdominal wall, has been observed more frequently in recent years. In the present study, over a one-year period 98 broiler carcasses with cellulitis were diagnosed at slaughterhouse. The lesions were characterized by thickening and brown discoloration of the skin. A fibrinopurulent exudate with some caseation was seen in the subcutaneous tissues. Microscopically, hyperkeratosis, thickening of the dermis, infiltration of mononuclear cells and heterophils, along with fibrinocaseous exudates, were present. In 90 of the 98 (91.8%) broiler bacteriological samples E. coli was isolated, and in 82 (91.1%) of these samples it was the only bacterial species found. Serotyping results revealed that E. coli isolates were distributed among 6 different serotypes. The most prevalent serotype was O78 (52.2%). In addition, Staphylococcus aureus and Actinomyces pyogenes were isolated from 12 and 2 cases, respectively. This study confirms the frequent association of E. coli with cellulitis lesions in broiler chickens, along with isolation of S. aureus and A. pyogenes. The latter have not been reported in the previous studies.Avijarni celulitis posebice na koži nogu i trbušne stijenke tovnih pilića često je opisivan u posljednje vrijeme. U radu je tijekom jednogodišnjeg razdoblja celulitis dokazan u 98 tovnih pilića na jednoj klaonici. Promjene su se očitovale zadebljanjem i smeđkastom bojom kože. Utvrđen je fibrinopurulentni eksudat s kazeifikacijom u potkožnom tkivu. Mikroskopski je utvrđena hiperkeratoza, zadebljanje kože, infiltracija mononuklearnih stanica i heterofila zajedno s fibrinokazeoznim eksudatom. U 90 (91,8%) od 98 tovnih pilića izdvojena je bakterija Escherichia coli, a u 82 (91,1%) bila je jedina izdvojena vrsta. Serotipizacijom je potvrđen nalaz šest različitih serovarova. Najčešći serovar bio je O78 (52,2%). Bakterija Staphylococcus aureus bila je izdvojena iz 12 pilića dok je bakterija Actinomyces pyogenes izdvojena iz 2 pileta. Ovim istraživanjem je potvrđena česta povezanost bakterije Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus i Actinomyces pyogenes sa znakovima avijarnog celulitisa, a po prvi put su dokazane i vrste S. aureus i A. pyogenes. To nije dokazano dosada

    Prevalencija gena za aerobaktin i adhezine u bakterije Escherichia coli izdvojene iz krvi bakteremične teško bolesne novorođene teladi

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    Escherichia coli isolates are one of the most prevalent bacteria in the blood of bacteremic calves. Twenty two E. coli were isolated from the blood of severely diseased calves. The O-serogroup of E. coli isolates was determined. The presence and prevalence of virulence genes included iucD for (aerobactin), afaE-VIII (afimbrial adhesin), clpG (CS31A adhesin), f5 (F5 fimbria), f17A (F17 fimbrial family), f17a-A, f17b-A, f17c-A and f17d-A genes (F17a-A. F17b-A, F17c-A and F17d-A fimbria), f41 (F41 fi mbria) and papC (P fimbrial adhesin) were examined by PCR assays. Nine different O serogroup O78 (3 isolates), O115 (2), O21 (2), O8 (1), O9 (1), O15 (1), O20 (1), O141 (1) and O153 (1) were determined and 9 isolates were nontypeable. Most of the isolates (20/22) were positive for at least one of the examined genes. All the isolates were negative for F5, F41, P, F17a-A and F17b-A encoding genes. The iucD was the most prevalent virulence gene with positive isolates belonging to 5 serogroups. Eight f17A positive isolates belonged to f17b-A and f17c-A variants equally. CS31A and AfaE-VIII encoding genes were detected in 6 and 4 isolates respectively. Six different combinations of virulence genes were detected: the two most prevalent combinations of afaE-VIII- f17A and iucD-clpG were found in 4 and 3 isolates respectively.Escherichia coli jedna je od najčešće prisutnih bakterija u krvi bakteremične teladi. U radu su 22 izolata E. coli bila izdvojena iz krvi teško bolesne teladi. Izolati su pripadali serološkoj skupini O. Lančanom reakcijom polimerazom istražena je prisutnost i prevalencija sljedećih gena odgovornih za virulenciju: iucD za aerobaktin, afaE-VIII za afimbrijski adhezin, clpG za adhezin CS31A, f5 za fi mbrije F5, f17A za fimbrijsku porodicu F17 gene f17a-A, f17b-A, f17c-A i f17d-A (fi mbrije F17a-A. F17b-A, F17c-A i F17d-A), f41 (fimbrije F41) i papC (fimbrijski adhezin P). Dokazano je bilo devet različitih seroloških skupina O: O78 (3 izolata), O115 (2), O21 (2), O8 (1), O9 (1), O15 (1), O20 (1), O141 (1) i O153 (1) dok se devet izolata nije moglo tipizirati. Većina izolata (20/22) bila je pozitivna najmanje za jedan od pretraživanih gena. Svi izolati bili su negativni za gene koji kodiraju za F5, F41, P, F17a-A i F17b-A. Gen iucD bio je najčešće ustanovljen gen za virulenciju, a izolati s tim genom pripadali su u pet seroloških skupina. Osam izolata pozitivnih za f17A pripadalo je varijantama f17b-A i f17c-A. Gen koji kodira za CS31A bio je dokazan u šest izolata, a gen koji kodira za AfaE-VIII u četiri izolata. Dokazano je šest različitih kombinacija gena za virulenciju. Dvije najčešće kombinacije bile su afaEVIII- f17A koja je ustanovljena u četiri izolata i iucD-clpG ustanovljena u tri izolata

    Molecular study on diarrheagenic Escherichia coli pathotypes isolated from under 5 years old children in southeast of Iran

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    Objective: To determine the phylogenetic groups and prevalence of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) (DEC) genes from children less than five years of age with diarrhea in southeast of Iran. Methods: A total of 142 E. coli isolates were isolated from diarrheic samples. The isolates were examined for detection of virulence determinants and their phylogenetic background by PCR technique. Results: The E. coli isolates fall into four phylogenetic groups: A (40.14%), B1 (18.31%), B2 (16.90%) and D (24.65%). Eighty isolates were positive for at least one of the examined DEC genes. E. coli isolates were classified in enterotoxigenic E. coli (52 isolates), enteroaggregative E. coli (23), atypical enteropathogenic E. coli (9), enteroinvasive E. coli (2). Conclusions: This study demonstrated the importance of enterotoxigenic E. coli and enteroaggregative E. coli pathotypes in the childhood diarrhea. An epidemiologic surveillance especially for DEC, would be useful in control and prevention of infectious diarrhea in children

    Investigation of Visitors’ Participation and Willingness to Pay for the Baba Aman Recreational Park, Iran

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    The aim of this study is to estimate the recreational value of Baba Aman Natural Park near Bojnord in Northeast Iran. The recreational value of Baba Aman Park has been analyzed using a contingent valuation method. For this purpose, 201 on-site questionnaires were administered between June and September of 2006. Visitor’s willingness to pay (WTP) for Baba Aman recreational park has been estimated for future entrance fees associated with two scenarios including current conditions and proposed improvements of the recreational services in the park. Average WTP was estimated 1.5 and 2 times more than the current entrance fee, considering two scenarios. These amounts are insignificant when compared to the cost of improving the recreational services of the area. However, found that only 25% of visitors are willing to pay more money beyond the current entrance fee. Statistical analysis has revealed that the monthly income and level of education have significant effects on WTP amounts. Implications are discussed and conclusion drawn

    Istraživanje patoloških promjena kod celulitisa uzrokovanog bakterijom Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae u pokusno zaraženih tovnih pilića.

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    Avian cellulitis is a serious problem for the commercial broiler industry. Although various agents were isolated from cellulitis lesions, the ability of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in reproduction of cellulitis is not known. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of these bacteria for induction of avian cellulitis. The study involved two experimental groups, each consisting of twenty randomly selected 15-day-old, mixed sex, healthy, commercially grown broiler chickens of the same strain. A single scratch was induced with a 1.5-inch 18-gauge needle, creating a lesion 2 cm in length on the right dorsolateral surface of the body parallel to the vertebrae. In Group 1, 1ml of 10² bacterial suspension - isolated from a turkey cock with erysipelas - was inoculated into the scratches. Birds in Group 2 received 1ml of the sterile phosphate-buffered saline as negative controls. At 48-hr post inoculation the birds were killed and pathologic and bacteriologic examinations were carried out. Birds in Group1 showed weakness, depression and mild diarrhoea. In this group, 65% of birds showed swelling of the skin with necrosis, infiltration of heterophils and fibrinous exudates, which was characteristic of cellulitis. The remaining 35% of birds were dead within 24-hrs post inoculation, with signs of mild cellulitis. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae was recovered from skin and some other internal organs from birds in Group 1. Birds in Group 2 were normal. Results of the present study revealed that E. rhusiopathiae can be considered as a causative agent of avian cellulitis, with public health hazards.Celulitis peradi ozbiljan je problem u proizvodnji tovnih pilića. Iako su različiti agensi izdvojeni iz celulitičnih lezija, sposobnost Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae u izazivanju celulitisa nije poznata. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio istražiti ulogu ove bakterije u nastanku celulitisa peradi. Korištene su dvije pokusne skupine, od kojih je svaka bila sastavljena od nasumce odabranih dvadeset komercijalno uzgajanih, zdravih, petnaestodnevnih tovnih pilića, mješovita spolnog sastava i istog soja. Na desnoj dorzolateralnoj strani tijela peralelno s kralježnicom, iglom je načinjena ogrebotina duga 2 cm. Pilićima jedne skupine u tu je ogrebotinu inokuliran 1 ml suspenzije s 102 bakterijskih stanica uzročnika izdvojenog iz purana s vrbancem. Pilići druge skupine primili su 1 ml sterilne puferirane otopine fosfatne soli kao negativnu kontrolu. Pilići su bili žrtvovani 48 sati nakon inokulacije, a potom su načinjena patološka i bakteriološka istraživanja. U 65% pilića iz prve skupine uočeno je otečenje kože s nekrozama, infiltracija heterofila i fibrinozni eksudat, što je osebujno za celulitis. Preostalih 35% pilića je uginulo unutar 24 sata nakon inokulacije sa znakovima blagog celulitisa. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae bio je ustanovljen u koži i nekim unutarnjim organima pilića iz prve skupine. Pilići iz druge skupine bili su zdravi. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da se E. rhusiopathiae može smatrati uzročnikom celulitisa peradi i predstavlja opasnost za javno zdravstvo