4,797 research outputs found

    Ethnographic Intimacy: Thinking Through the Ethics of Social Research in Sex Worlds

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    Ethnographic researchers entering sensitive fields of research become entangled in ethical dilemmas when they encounter \'sticky\' questions, situations and issues. In undertaking research within two distinct sex worlds: female sex work and male sexual negotiation/risk and HIV, we struggled to manage the contingent links between our relationships with the people who inhabit these worlds, the ethical requirements of our institutional ethics committees, and our hybrid selves. In the context of \'doing\' intimate ethnography, we were required to craft ourselves into the field and establish a number of intimate and prolonged relationships. While the participants in our studies were active in giving their consent, this did not obviate the risk that they would become objectified within the field relationship and the texts the research generated. These issues are central to our discussion as we consider the lack of fit between ethical guidelines and the practical reality of fieldwork.Ethnography; Informed Consent; Ethics Committees; Reflexivity; Sex Work; Risk and HIV

    Los manuales de convivencia escolar : Una apuesta por una sana convivencia

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    73 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEsta investigaci?n tiene como prop?sito compartir y socializar el proceso, los resultados y las conclusiones derivados de la revisi?n y an?lisis descriptivo de 21 manuales de convivencia escolar, que equivalen al 10% de las instituciones educativas oficiales del departamento del Tolima, frente al cumplimiento de la normatividad para la garant?a de derechos de la comunidad educativa. Los instrumentos utilizados incluyeron variables de los aspectos m?nimos que debe contener un manual de convivencia, como el enfoque de g?nero, DDHH, los derechos y deberes de los integrantes de la comunidad educativa; mecanismos de elecci?n de gobierno escolar; acuerdos de convivencia e implementaci?n de la Ley 1620 de 2013, entre otros. Se realiz? una revisi?n extensiva de cada uno de los manuales y las recomendaciones para que las IE adelanten el proceso de ajuste y cualificaci?n de los MCE. A partir de la revisi?n, se evidencio en los Manuales de Convivencia Escolar aspectos relacionados con disposiciones que afectan el libre desarrollo de la personalidad, como el corte del cabello, la prohibici?n del uso del maquillaje, los tatuajes, los piercing, otros accesorios; el uso del informe el cual se encuentra discriminado por g?nero que no es garante del derecho a la identidad de g?nero. No promueven los contenidos m?nimos de la norma legal relacionada con el enfoque de g?nero, DDHH, participaci?n y responsabilidad democr?tica, enfoque poblacional y respeto por la diversidad y aborda el ambiente escolar con medidas pedag?gicas desde una perspectiva de castigo y sanciones que conllevan a suspensi?n, exclusi?n o expulsi?n de los estudiantes de las IE. As? mismo, se incluyen contenidos que no corresponden con la naturaleza de los MCE en virtud de las directrices y normatividad que regula la materia.This resarch has the pourpose of share and socialice the processes, results and conclussions based on the review and descriptive analysis of 21 coexistence school manuals, that are equivalent of the 10% of the total of schools in the departament of Tolima, facing to the accomplishment of the regulation for the warranty of the education community. The resources used in this investigation included variables of the minimmun requirements that a coexistence manual should include, such as the gender approach, Human rights, the rights and duties of the education community, Mechanisms of choice of school government; Agreements of coexistence and implementation of Law 1620 of 2013, among others. An extensive review of each of the manuals and recommendations was made for educational institutions to advance the process of adjustment and qualification of the schoolar coexistence manuals. Based on the research, it was possible to determined that the coexistences manuals often included rules that affect the free development of the personality, like the cut of the hair, the prohibition of the use of makeup, tattoos, piercing, other accessories; The use of the uniform which is discriminated by gender and does not guarantee the right to gender identity. Nor do they promote the minimmun content of the general regulation regarding gender approach, human rights, participation and responsabilities in democracy, poblational focus and respect for the diversity and Addresses the school environment with pedagogical measures from a perspective of punishment and sanctions that lead to suspension, exclusion or expulsion of students. Also, they include contents that do not correspond with the nature of the schools coexistence manuals under the guidelines and regulation that conduct the subject. Keywords: manual, coexistence, educational institutions, school climate, rights and duties

    A Virtual Laboratory for the Study of History and Cultural Dynamics

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    This article presents a Virtual Laboratory that enables the researcher to try hypothesis and confirm data analysis about different historical processes and cultural dynamics. This Virtual Cultural Laboratory (VCL) is developed using agent-based modeling technology. Individuals' tendencies and preferences as well as the behavior of cultural objects in the transformation of cultural information are taken into consideration. In addition, the effect of local interactions at different scales over time and space is visualized through the VCL interface. Information repositories, cultural items, borders, population size, individual' tendencies and other features are determined by the user. Finally, the researcher can also isolate specific factors whose effect on the global system might be of interest to the researcher. All the code can be found at http://projects.cultureplex.ca/Cultural Dynamics, Cultural Complexity, Multi-Agent Based Simulation, Netlogo, Virtual Laboratory

    Business strategy and earnings quality

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    ABSTRACT: Using the Miles and Snow (1978) strategy typology, this study investigates whether business strategy is associated with the quality of reported earnings. In a sample of U.S. listed firms, we predict and find that defender strategy firms are associated with higher levels of earnings management and prospector-strategy firms are associated with higher levels of accounting conservatism. However, this relation between business strategy and earnings quality is altered during high and low economic growth periods. In high-growth periods, while prospector firms exhibit lesser accounting conservatism, defender firms exhibit lesser earning management. In low-growth periods, the prospector firms become more conservative in reporting while the defender firms engage in more aggressive earnings management. Our findings provide direct evidence of the link between business strategy and earnings quality

    Electron energy-loss spectrometry on lithiated graphite

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    Transmission electron energy-loss spectrometry was used to investigate the electronic states of metallic Li and LiC6, which is the Li-intercalated graphite used in Li-ion batteries. The Li K edges of metallic Li and LiC6 were nearly identical, and the C K edges were only weakly affected by the presence of Li. These results suggest only a small charge transfer from Li to C in LiC6, contrary to prior results from surface spectra obtained by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Effects of radiation damage and sample oxidation in the transmission electron microscopy are also reported

    A useful tool to identify recessions in the euro area

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    This paper investigates the identification and dating of the European business cycle, using different methods. We concentrate on methods and statistical series that provide timely and accurate information about the contemporaneous state of the economy in order to provide the reader with a useful tool that allows him or her to analyze current business conditions and make predictions about the future state of the economy. In this spirit, we find that the European Commission industrial confidence indicator (ICI) is useful in providing that information.business cycle, confidence indicators, markov switching, turning points, recession, tool to identify recessions in the euro area, Bengoechea, P�rez Quir�s,

    Elastic Scattering of Electrons by Atoms

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    Elastic scattering is defined as scattering in which the incident particle or radiation does not give up any of its energy to the scatterer. Electrons are elastically scattered in atoms by both the nucleus and the atomic electrons which screen the nuclear charge. When considering only nuclear scattering the first Born approximation quantum mechanical cross section and the classical Rutherford cross section are identical. The effects of the atomic electrons can be taken into account by a simple screening term or by more exact treatments based on Hartree-Fock or Dirac-Fack wave functions. The partial wave expansion can be used to go beyond the first Born approximation but it is only really appropriate for isolated atoms. All elastic scattering cross sections at energies of interest in electron microscopy are strongly forward peaked. Mott cross sections calculated by solving the radial Dirac equation incorporate more than just the relativistic changes in mass and wave vector and so can-not be compared directly to Rutherford cross sections

    El cuento y la f?bula como estrategia de ense?anza para fortalecer la oralidad en los estudiantes del ciclo 1 de la escuela normal superior Mar?a Auxiliadora de Soacha (programa promundo activo)

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    90 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto de investigaci?n titulado el cuento y la f?bula como estrategia de ense?anza para fortalecer la oralidad en los estudiantes del ciclo 1 de la Escuela Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora Soacha (Programa Promundo Activo), inici? a partir de la observaci?n realizada en la instituci?n nombrada anteriormente a nivel humano, cultural, curricular, social y pedag?gico. La comunidad educativa se caracteriza por vivenciar un ambiente de salesianidad, mediante el cual proponen amparo y estimulo de evangelizaci?n, se rescata dentro de la observaci?n la asistencia de los docentes en cada uno de los espacios formativos, permitiendo de esta manera la atenci?n constante a sus estudiantes. Sin embargo el grupo investigador detect? como uno de los problemas m?s significativos dentro del desarrollo acad?mico del ciclo uno, la dificultad de los estudiantes para expresarse con propiedad en forma oral, impidiendo que exista una buena comunicaci?n e interacci?n entre los estudiantes y entre docentes-estudiantes. Por tal raz?n la pregunta problema que encamin? la propuesta investigativa fue ?C?mo se puede fortalecer la oralidad a trav?s del cuento y la f?bula en los estudiantes del ciclo uno de la Escuela Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora de Soacha (Programa Promundo Activo)? Identificada la problem?tica se plante? como objetivo fortalecer la oralidad en los estudiantes de ciclo uno, lo cual se llev? a cabo realizando lectura de im?genes, construcci?n de secuencias de cuentos, descripci?n de personajes y personificaci?n de los mismos, para lograr finalmente la implementaci?n de un rinc?n de la imaginaci?n para la construcci?n de cuentos.The research project entitled the story and fable as a teaching strategy to strengthen orality in students from cycle 1 of the Normal School Mary Help Soacha (Promundo Active Program), started from the observation made at the institution named above to human, cultural, curricular, social and educational level. The educational community is characterized by experiencing an atmosphere of Salesian, whereby proposed protection and encouragement of evangelization, rescues within the observation attendance of teachers in each of the training areas, thus allowing constant attention to their students. However the research group detected as one of the most significant development within the academic cycle, one problem, the difficulty of students to express themselves correctly in oral form, preventing that there is good communication and interaction among students and between teachers-students. For this reason the question problem was headed the research proposal How can strengthen orality through the story and fable cycle students in one of the Normal School Mary Help of Soacha (Promundo Active Programme)? Identified problems arose aim to strengthen students orality in cycle one, which was carried out by performing image reading stories construction sequences, character descriptions and embodiment thereof, to finally achieve the implementation of a corner of the imagination to build stories. Key words: Orality - Story -F?bula - Teaching

    Nitrogenase Iron Protein Classification using CNN Neural Network

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    The nitrogenase iron protein (NifH) is extensively used to study nitrogen fixation, the ecologically vital process of reducing atmospheric nitrogen to a bioavailable form. The discovery rate of novel NifH sequences is high, and there is an ongoing need for software tools to mine NifH records from the GenBank repository. Since record annotations are unreliable, because they contain errors, classifiers based on sequence alone are required. The ARBitrator classifier is highly successful but must be initialized by extensive manual effort. A Deep Learning approach could substantially reduce manual intervention. However, attempts to build a character-based Deep Learning NifH classifier were unsuccessful. We hypothesized that we could generate visual representations of protein sequences and use a Convolutional Neural Network to classify the representations. Here we present the resulting classifier, which has achieved false positive and false negative rates of 0.19% and 0.22%, respectively