629 research outputs found

    Has the Elite Foundation Agenda Spread Beyond the Gates? An Organizational Network Analysis of Nonmajor Philanthropic Giving in K-12 Education

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    Previous research focusing on major philanthropic foundations suggests that these actors have collectively converged around a set of jurisdictional challengers promoting market-based education reforms. Using correspondence analysis, network analysis, and geographic information science, this article empirically tests whether this convergence has permeated to less prominent foundations and their grantees, or if these foundations are pursuing alternative organizational strategies to shape K–12 outcomes. The analysis draws from a sample of 15 nonmajor foundations and their 1,069 grantees serving some aspect of K–12 education in 2010. We find that nonmajor foundations have adopted some elements of major foundations’ organizational strategies to influence K–12 education but that their strategies are heterogeneous and reflect both challenges to—and opportunities for—a more varied and democratic structure of policy making

    Collaborative Assessment and Survey Administration: A MISO Survey Case Study

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    The Managing Information Services Outcomes (MISO) Survey was originally developed in 2005 at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, USA by staff from a consortium of higher education institutions to assess library and technology services using a single instrument. Since then, the survey has grown and changed under the collaborative management of an all-volunteer team of library and IT professionals from various participating institutions throughout the United States. The survey has been implemented at 171 institutions. This chapter reviews the guiding principles, ongoing partnerships, and the value of working across departments, across campuses, and across cohorts of participating institutions to leverage local expertise, reduce costs, and create a culture of collaboration and assessment. In an environment where libraries are increasingly dependent on information technology, assessing library services in the context of IT brings layered intelligence to data-informed decision making. -- Chapter 9, p. 17

    Applying an Organizational Psychology Model for Developing Shared Goals in Interdisciplinary Research Teams

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    Developing solutions to contemporary sustainability challenges requires new integrative forms of knowledge production, such as those embodied by interdisciplinary research approaches. The growing interest and investment toward building successful interdisciplinary collaborations has led to an emergent body of literature focused on understanding how to optimize interdisciplinary research processes. One of the recurrent themes throughout this literature has been the importance of establishing shared goals at the onset of research efforts, which can increase the efficiency and efficacy of both knowledge production processes, and efforts to link that knowledge to decision-making processes. To date, however, there remains little guidance for the most effective methods for establishing shared goals within interdisciplinary research environments. To help address this gap, in this paper and via a case study, we explore the utility of an organizational psychology model, the ASPIRe model, for developing shared goals within sustainability-focused interdisciplinary research teams.viewers who provided helpful and constructive comments on this manuscript. Funding for this work was provided by the Centre for Marine Socioecology at the University of Tasmania, Australia

    Time-sequenced Multi-Radio-Frequency Observations of Cygnus X-3 in Flare

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    Multifrequency observations from the VLA, VLBA and OVRO Millimeter Array of a major radio outburst of Cygnus X-3 in 2001 September are presented, measuring the evolution of the spectrum of the source over three decades in frequency, over a period of six days. Following the peak of the flare, as the intensity declines the high-frequency spectrum at frequency nu steepens from nu^{-0.4} to nu^{-0.6}, after which the spectral index remains at this latter terminal value; a trend previously observed but hitherto not satisfactorily explained. VLBA observations, for the first time, track over several days the expansion of a sequence of knots whose initial diameters are approximately 8 milliarcseconds. The light-crossing time within these plasmons is of the same order as the time-scale over which the spectrum is observed to evolve. We contend that properly accounting for light-travel time effects in and between plasmons which are initially optically thick, but which after expansion become optically thin, explains the key features of the spectral evolution, for example the observed timescale. Using the VLBA images, we have directly measured for the first time the proper motions of individual knots, analysis of which shows a two-sided jet whose axis is precessing. The best-fit jet speed is roughly beta = 0.63 and the precession period is about 5 days, significantly lower than fitted for a previous flare. Extrapolation of the positions of the knots measured by the VLBA back to zero-separation shows this to occur approximately 2.5 days after the detection of the rise in flux density of Cygnus X-3.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    Exile Vol. XXXI No. 1

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    Drawing by Chris Bradley 1 How Goes the Wombat, Prithee by Jennie Benford 3 Holy Shit (for Mary) by Stephanie Athey 4-5 ..... blues by Britton R. Creelman 6 Photograph (anonymous) 7 Prose by Leigh Walton 9-12 San Jacinto by Petersen S. Thomas 13 Rebuttal by Betsy Oster 15 Running Alone by Ann Townsend McMullen 16 Windows in Florence by Michael Parr 17 Rangers by Caroline Palmer 19 Salamapo by Mary Deborah Clark 20-21 Funeral by J. K. Rand 22 Deeds Give No Title by Douglas Jones 23 Be Careful, There\u27s a Straight Bar Next Door by Karen J. Hall 25 The Rivers of Saigon by Alex Dickson 26 2 Sketches by Alfred Sturla Bodvarsson 27 Upon the Occasion of Reading 236 sonnets at One Sitting by Jeff Masten 28 I just believe in Me by Rob Jackson 29 Close by Stephanie Athey 31 Teller by Katherine Fox Reynolds 32 Woman in Greece by Michael Parr 33 Part of the Job by Joan DeWitt 35-44 Contributor Notes 46 Editorial decision is shared equally among the seven member editorial board. -title page Polymorphous: Cover Lithograph by Aimee Creelman - title pag

    Using Real-World Data to Guide Ustekinumab Dosing Strategies for Psoriasis: A Prospective Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Study.

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    Variation in response to biologic therapy for inflammatory diseases, such as psoriasis, is partly driven by variation in drug exposure. Real-world psoriasis data were used to develop a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) model for the first-line therapeutic antibody ustekinumab. The impact of differing dosing strategies on response was explored. Data were collected from a UK prospective multicenter observational cohort (491 patients on ustekinumab monotherapy, drug levels, and anti-drug antibody measurements on 797 serum samples, 1,590 measurements of Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI)). Ustekinumab PKs were described with a linear one-compartment model. A maximum effect (Emax ) model inhibited progression of psoriatic skin lesions in the turnover PD mechanism describing PASI evolution while on treatment. A mixture model on half-maximal effective concentration identified a potential nonresponder group, with simulations suggesting that, in future, the model could be incorporated into a Bayesian therapeutic drug monitoring "dashboard" to individualize dosing and improve treatment outcomes

    Cooperation between CYB5R3 and NOX4 via coenzyme Q mitigates endothelial inflammation

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    NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) regulates endothelial inflammation by producing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and to a lesser extent O2•-. The ratio of NOX4-derived H2O2 and O2•- can be altered by coenzyme Q (CoQ) mimics. Therefore, we hypothesize that cytochrome b5 reductase 3 (CYB5R3), a CoQ reductase abundant in vascular endothelial cells, regulates inflammatory activation. To examine endothelial CYB5R3 in vivo, we created tamoxifen-inducible endothelium-specific Cyb5r3 knockout mice (R3 KO). Radiotelemetry measurements of systolic blood pressure showed systemic hypotension in lipopolysaccharides (LPS) challenged mice, which was exacerbated in R3 KO mice. Meanwhile, LPS treatment caused greater endothelial dysfunction in R3 KO mice, evaluated by acetylcholine-induced vasodilation in the isolated aorta, accompanied by elevated mRNA expression of vascular adhesion molecule 1 (Vcam-1). Similarly, in cultured human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC), LPS and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) induced VCAM-1 protein expression was enhanced by Cyb5r3 siRNA, which was ablated by silencing the Nox4 gene simultaneously. Moreover, super-resolution confocal microscopy indicated mitochondrial co-localization of CYB5R3 and NOX4 in HAECs. APEX2-based electron microscopy and proximity biotinylation also demonstrated CYB5R3's localization on the mitochondrial outer membrane and its interaction with NOX4, which was further confirmed by the proximity ligation assay. Notably, Cyb5r3 knockdown HAECs showed less total H2O2 but more mitochondrial O2•-. Using inactive or non-membrane bound active CYB5R3, we found that CYB5R3 activity and membrane translocation are needed for optimal generation of H2O2 by NOX4. Lastly, cells lacking the CoQ synthesizing enzyme COQ6 showed decreased NOX4-derived H2O2, indicating a requirement for endogenous CoQ in NOX4 activity. In conclusion, CYB5R3 mitigates endothelial inflammatory activation by assisting in NOX4-dependent H2O2 generation via CoQ.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 awards [R01 HL 133864 (A.C.S), R01 HL 128304 (A.C.S), R01 HL 149825 (A.C.S), R01 HL 153532 (A.C.S), R01 GM 125944 (F.J.S.), R01 DK 112854 (F.J.S.), 1S10OD021540-01 (Center for Biologic Imaging, University of Pittsburgh), 1S10RR019003-01 (Simon Watkins (S.W.)), 1S10RR025488-01 (S.W.), 1S10RR016236-01 (S.W)]. American Heart Association (AHA) [Established Investigator Award 19EIA34770095 (A.C.S.)], Post-doctoral Fellowship 19POST34410028 (S.Y.)]. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Minority Hematology Graduate Award (A.M.D-O.). Junta de Andalucía grant BIO-177 (P.N.), the FEDER Funding Program from the European Union and Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant RED2018-102576-T (P.N.)