21,450 research outputs found

    Young women's accounts of intimate partner violence during adolescence and subsequent recovery processes: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2011 The British Psychological Society.Objective. Previous qualitative research into the experience of intimate partner violence (IPV) has largely focused upon mature women's accounts. The objectives of this interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) were to explore three young women's understandings of why they had been vulnerable to IPV in mid-to-late adolescence, their experiences of IPV, and their recovery processes. Design. This study followed guidelines for IPA, largely focusing upon shared aspects of the experience of IPV as narrated by three young women who considered that they had since recovered from the experience. Method. Semi-structured interviews explored participants’ retrospective understandings of how they had become entrapped in a long-term abusive relationship in adolescence, how IPV had affected them at the time, and the processes that they had found helpful to recover well-being. Findings. Participants largely attributed their vulnerability to IPV to feeling confused about feelings and relationships, disconnected, and powerless in early adolescence. IPV was described as escalating insidiously, rendering participants confined, anxious and powerless, ensnaring them in their partner's family, marginalized in their own families, and undermining their identities. Recovery processes began with pivotal moments. Participants described repairing identity through engaging in age-appropriate activities, extricating self from the partner's family, and rebuilding family relationships. Conclusions. Participants described experiences of IPV and recovery in adolescence that differed in some ways from those previously identified in adult women and were interpreted using theories of adolescent identity development and attachment

    Variability in Plio-Pleistocene climates, habitats, and ungulate biomass in southern Africa

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    Vrba, and deMenocal and Bloemendal have emphasised the importance of climatic change, particularly temperature, in the context of evolution on the African continent within the past 5 million years. There is no doubt that long-term changes in climate would have affected African habitats, which in turn would have affected the distribution and abundance of populations of various mammalian taxa, including ungulates and hominids. In this study we explore relationships between oxygen isotope ratios (as determined from Shackleton's analysis of foraminifera from deep-sea cores), and estimates of ungulate biomass as determined from faunal assemblages from Plio-Pleistocene sites in southern Africa, using an approach outlined previously. We go further to assess temporal variability in ungulate biomass in terms of changes in habitat, gene pools and hominid evolutio

    External bioelectrodes - A battery substitute for biological telemetry systems Final report, period ending 28 Feb. 1966

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    Electrode pair power output in saline and on skin for determination of telemetry system power source material

    Thermoradiation inactivation of naturally occurring organisms in soil

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    Samples of soil collected from Kennedy Space Center near spacecraft assembly facilities were found to contain microorganisms very resistant to conventional sterilization techniques. The inactivation behavior of the naturally occurring spores in soil was investigated using dry heat and ionizing radiation, first separately, then in combination. Dry heat inactivation rates of spores were determined for 105 and 125 C. Radiation inactivation rates were determined for dose rates of 660 and 76 krad/hr at 25 C. Simultaneous combinations of heat and radiation were then investigated at 105, 110, 115, 120, and 125 C. Combined treatment was found to be highly synergistic requiring greatly reduced radiation doses to accomplish sterilization

    An outburst scenario for the X-ray spectral variability in 3C 111

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    We present a combined Suzaku and Swift BAT broad-band E=0.6-200keV spectral analysis of three 3C 111 observations obtained in 2010. The data are well described with an absorbed power-law continuum and a weak (R~0.2) cold reflection component from distant material. We constrain the continuum cutoff at E_c~150-200keV, which is in accordance with X-ray Comptonization corona models and supports claims that the jet emission is only dominant at much higher energies. Fe XXVI Ly\alpha emission and absorption lines are also present in the first and second observations, respectively. The modelling and interpretation of the emission line is complex and we explore three possibilities. If originating from ionized disc reflection, this should be emitted at r_in> 50r_g or, in the lamp-post configuration, the illuminating source should be at a height of h> 30r_g over the black hole. Alternatively, the line could be modeled with a hot collisionally ionized plasma with temperature kT = 22.0^{+6.1}_{-3.2} keV or a photo-ionized plasma with log\xi=4.52^{+0.10}_{-0.16} erg s^{-1} cm and column density N_H > 3x10^23 cm^{-2}. However, the first and second scenarios are less favored on statistical and physical grounds, respectively. The blue-shifted absorption line in the second observation can be modelled as an ultra-fast outflow (UFO) with ionization parameter log\xi=4.47^{+0.76}_{-0.04} erg s^{-1} cm, column density N_H=(5.3^{+1.8}_{-1.3})x 10^{22} cm^{-2} and outflow velocity v_out = 0.104+/-0.006 c. Interestingly, the parameters of the photo-ionized emission model remarkably match those of the absorbing UFO. We suggest an outburst scenario in which an accretion disc wind, initially lying out of the line of sight and observed in emission, then crosses our view to the source and it is observed in absorption as a mildly-relativistic UFO.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNARS on July 1st 201

    The implementation and use of Ada on distributed systems with reliability requirements

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    The issues involved in the use of the programming language Ada on distributed systems are discussed. The effects of Ada programs on hardware failures such as loss of a processor are emphasized. It is shown that many Ada language elements are not well suited to this environment. Processor failure can easily lead to difficulties on those processors which remain. As an example, the calling task in a rendezvous may be suspended forever if the processor executing the serving task fails. A mechanism for detecting failure is proposed and changes to the Ada run time support system are suggested which avoid most of the difficulties. Ada program structures are defined which allow programs to reconfigure and continue to provide service following processor failure

    XMM-Newton Archival Study of the ULX Population in Nearby Galaxies

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    We present the results of an archival XMM-Newton study of the bright X-ray point sources (L_X > 10^38 erg/s) in 32 nearby galaxies. From our list of approximately 100 point sources, we attempt to determine if there is a low-state counterpart to the Ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) population, searching for a soft-hard state dichotomy similar to that known for Galactic X-ray binaries and testing the specific predictions of the IMBH hypothesis. To this end, we searched for "low-state" objects, which we defined as objects within our sample which had a spectrum well fit by a simple absorbed power law, and "high-state" objects, which we defined as objects better fit by a combined blackbody and a power law. Assuming that ``low-state'' objects accrete at approximately 10% of the Eddington luminosity (Done & Gierlinski 2003) and that "high-state" objects accrete near the Eddington luminosity we further divided our sample of sources into low and high state ULX sources. We classify 16 sources as low-state ULXs and 26 objects as high-state ULXs. As in Galactic black hole systems, the spectral indices, Gamma, of the low-state objects, as well as the luminosities, tend to be lower than those of the high-state objects. The observed range of blackbody temperatures for the high state is 0.1-1 keV, with the most luminous systems tending toward the lowest temperatures. We therefore divide our high-state ULXs into candidate IMBHs (with blackbody temperatures of approximately 0.1 keV) and candidate stellar mass BHs (with blackbody temperatures of approximately 1.0 keV). A subset of the candidate stellar mass BHs have spectra that are well-fit by a Comptonization model, a property similar of Galactic BHs radiating in the "very-high" state near the Eddington limit.Comment: 54 pages, submitted to ApJ (March 2005), accepted (May 2006); changes to organization of pape

    Iron fluorescence from within the innermost stable orbit of black hole accretion disks

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    The fluorescent iron Ka line is a powerful observational probe of the inner regions of black holes accretion disks. Previous studies have assumed that only material outside the radius of marginal stability can contribute to the observed line emission. Here, we show that fluorescence by material inside the radius of marginal stability, which is in the process of spiralling towards the event horizon, can have a observable influence on the iron line profile and equivalent width. For concreteness, we consider the case of a geometrically thin accretion disk, around a Schwarzschild black hole, in which fluorescence is excited by an X-ray source placed at some height above the disk and on the axis of the disk. Fully relativistic line profiles are presented for various source heights and efficiencies. It is found that the extra line flux generally emerges in the extreme red wing of the iron line, due to the large gravitational redshift experienced by photons from the region within the radius of marginal stability. We apply our models to the variable iron line seen in the ASCA spectrum of the Seyfert nucleus MCG-6-30-15. It is found that the change in the line profile, equivalent width, and continuum normalization, can be well explained as being due to a change in the height of the source above the disk. We discuss the implications of these results for distinguishing rapidly-rotating black holes from slowly rotating holes using iron line diagnostics.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. Figures 3 to 7 replaced with corrected versions (previous figures affected by calculational error). Some changes in the best fitting parameter
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