164 research outputs found

    Noninvasive detection of bilirubin using pulsatile absorption.

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    Bilirubin, the yellow substance usually responsible for neonatal jaundice, is currently monitored invasively or by observing/measuring skin colour. This paper investigates the feasibility of monitoring serum bilirubin concentration using light absorbance in a similar fashion to pulse oximetry. The light absorbance of bilirubin is shown to be sufficiently different to haemoglobin to in theory allow direct noninvasive serum bilirubin monitoring using light absorbance around 480nm

    Vessel calibre and haemoglobin effects on pulse oximetry

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    Despite its success as a clinical monitoring tool, pulse oximetry may be improved with respect to the need for empirical calibration and the reports of biases in readings associated with peripheral vasoconstriction and haemoglobin concentration. To effect this improvement, this work aims to improve the understanding of the photoplethysmography signal - as used by pulse oximeters, and investigates the effect of vessel calibre and haemoglobin concentration on pulse oximetry. The digital temperature and the transmission of a wide spectrum of light through the fingers of 57 people with known haemoglobin concentrations were measured, and simulations of the transmission of that spectrum of light through finger models were performed. Ratios of pulsatile attenuations of light as used in pulse oximetry were dependent upon peripheral temperature and on blood haemoglobin concentration. In addition, both the simulation and in vivo results showed that the pulsatile attenuation of light through fingers was approximately proportional to the absorption coefficients of blood, only when the absorption coefficients were small. These findings were explained in terms of discrete blood vessels acting as barriers to light transmission through tissue. Due to the influence of discrete blood vessels on light transmission, pulse oximeter outputs tend to be dependent upon haemoglobin concentration and on the calibre of pulsing blood vessels - which are affected by vasoconstriction/vasodilation. The effects of discrete blood vessels may account for part of the difference between the Beer–Lambert pulse oximetry model and empirical calibration

    Principal components of recurrence quantification analysis of EMG

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    A nonlinear dynamical signal analysis technique, recurrence quantification analysis (RQA), was applied to surface electromyograms (EMG) recorded during a series of isometric contractions. None of the ten RQA features calculated adequately related the EMG to the force level so principal components analysis was applied to combine these features into a lower number of variables. Linear regression of the first principal component gave similar lines for each subject. However, the error was too great for these lines to be used in predicting force from the principal component

    Recurrence plot features: an example using ECG

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    Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are analysed using the nonlinear method of recurrence plots, which reveals subtle time correlations in time-domain signals. Large-scale features in the recurrence plots, which consist entirely of single dots, line segments of different orientations and white spaces, are directly related to time-domain features in the original signals. The relationship between recurrence plot features and time-domain features is easy to see for these ECG signals, and can be used to infer time-domain features of other signals (such as other bioelectric signals) that are more difficult to interpret due to their complexity

    Removing power line noise from recorded EMG

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    Three methods for offline removal of power line interference (hum) from electromyograms (EMGs) were compared using both simulated and recorded EMG signals. The first method was a simple recursive digital notch filter. In the second method (Regression-Subtraction), the amplitude and phase of the interference were estimated by regressing sine and cosine functions onto a 'quiet period' before the start of the muscular contraction. A sinusoid with this frequency, magnitude and phase was then subtracted from the entire length of the signal. In the third method (Spectrum Interpolation), it was assumed that the magnitude of the original component of the signal at the frequency of the interference can be approximated by interpolating between the adjacent frequency bins in the power spectrum. While Regression-Subtraction was found to give the highest SNR for the output signal under ideal conditions, Spectrum Interpolation was found to be comparable if the phase of the interference was not constant and superior if the interference contained strong harmonic components

    Recurrence plot features of ECG signals

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    Single beats from ECG recording were used to demonstrate how the nonlinear dynamical analysis method of recurrence plots can be used to qualitatively describe data. It is concluded that, for ECG examples, the characteristics of the signals that cause particular features of the recurrence plots are easily identified. However, features in recurrence plots obtained from other signals must have similar underlying causes. Recurrence plots may therefore reveal time-domain features of a signal that make it easier to describe

    Correlated Poincare indices for measuring heart rate variability

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    Poincare indices are usually applied to HRV to summarise long data sets collected over 24 hrs. Many applications of HRV are interested in dynamic, short term changes (0.85) between the indices for each of the 12 subjects (p<0.001) (particularly with the common measures SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50 and meanRR) were identified. These indices will not be used for further investigation of dynamic effects of fentanyl and midazolam, two sedative drugs used in anaesthesia and intensive care. Indices that proved less suitable for short term analysis (eg, presence of outliers, inability to produce a valid index with smaller number of beats) were also identified. A shortlist of Poincare indices that do not correlate strongly with commonly used measures may prove interesting in determining dynamic characteristics of the effect of sedative drugs on autonomic nervous system activity

    ECG noise cancellation using digital filters

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    A digital filter structure is proposed to maximally remove noise from the ECG signals. This structure is based on cascading a zero-phase bandpass, an adaptive filter, and multi-band-pass filter. It provides an efficient method for removing noise from the ECG signals. This filter structure has low implementation complexity and introduces little noise into a typical ECG. It can be applied to real-time applications particularly automatic cardiac arrhythmia classifiers
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