29 research outputs found

    Interacci贸n entre los radio-jets y el material interestelar en radiogalaxias

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    En este trabajo se estudian los sistemas nebulares (gas ionizado) localizados en las regiones m谩s externas de potentes radiogalaxias y conocidos como Regiones Extendidas con Emisi贸n de L铆neas (EELR). Fueron descubiertos en forma sistem谩tica mediante observaciones con el Telescopio Espacial Hubble (HST). Las propiedades que las definen desde su propio nombre son las grandes distancias hasta las cuales es posible localizarlas, superando el alcance de la componente estelar en las mismas im谩genes del HST, y el tipo de l铆neas de emisi贸n que componen su espectro. El estudio consta de la determinaci贸n del proceso de ionizaci贸n dominante en la zona, mediante la comparaci贸n de los dos principales mecanismos posibles: la ionizaci贸n de las nebulosas por parte del campo de radiaci贸n emitido por la fuente central, y la ionizaci贸n por ondas de choque radiativas, desencadenadas por la interacci贸n de la radiofuente, en particular, sus jets, con el medio que atraviesa (s贸lo en un objeto los procesos de choque estar铆an desencadenados por otro mecanismo). Los an谩lisis requieren de la evaluaci贸n de las propiedades f铆sicas del sistema gaseoso, ya sea la profundidad 贸ptica, la distancia que las separa de la fuente puntual, el comportamiento espacial de la emisi贸n o sus caracter铆sticas cinem谩ticas, para poder estudiarlas bajo las hip贸tesis de cada modelo. El rol que desempe帽e el n煤cleo activo nunca ser谩 despreciable, sin embargo, el inter茅s por el estudio sistem谩tico de la interacci贸n entre los jets y el material interestelar radica en que este mecanismo podr铆a explicar el estado de ionizaci贸n de las EELR de la mano de su estado cinem谩tico. La t茅cnica empleada fue la espectroscop铆a 贸ptica de ranura larga (long-slit). Todos los espectros nebulares se tomaron especialmente para el desarrollo de esta Tesis con el instrumento GMOS del Telescopio Gemini Norte (TGN). La excelente calidad de los datos obtenidos permiti贸 completar las tres l铆neas principales de la investigaci贸n: el an谩lisis espectrosc贸pico, el comportamiento espacial de la emisi贸n y la cinem谩tica de la regi贸n. El objetivo principal fue obtener una explicaci贸n tan global como fuera posible sobre las caracter铆sticas multibanda de la emisi贸n, con especial 茅nfasis en la relaci贸n espacial que pudiera haber entre la emisi贸n y la cinem谩tica en las distintas bandas del espectro, y en la relaci贸n de alineamiento entre las estructuras en 贸ptico y en radio. Los modelos se analizaron seg煤n sus predicciones sobre las estructuras de ionizaci贸n y con la informaci贸n contenida en los cocientes de l铆neas (diagramas de diag贸stico). En general, la estructura de ionizaci贸n no puede resolverse espacialmente en ninguno de los dos escenarios, pero la informaci贸n contenida en el comportamiento espacial de las l铆neas de emisi贸n fue determinante para evaluar el dominio de una regi贸n sobre otra y, consecuentemente, de un mecanismo de ionizaci贸n sobre el otro. Se encontraron fuentes donde se puede asegurar el dominio de un mecanismo concreto, y fuentes donde se necesita la contribuci贸n de ambos para poder explicar tanto las caracter铆sticas espectrales, como la intensidad de la radiaci贸n observada. En la mayor铆a de los objetos analizados (cinco de siete) la EELR est谩 alineada con los radio-jets. Sin embargo, los resultados son compatibles no con la direcci贸n de alineaci贸n radio-贸ptico sino con la informaci贸n contenida en los campos de velocidades. En los casos donde se puede asegurar que la ionizaci贸n ocurre predominantemente como consecuencia de procesos de choque, el campo de velocidades siempre muestra importantes indicios de movimientos de perturbaci贸n con velocidades altas. En los casos donde domina la fotoionizaci贸n del campo central, las perturbaciones cinem谩ticas nunca son significativas.Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sica

    The fingerprints of photoionization and shock-ionization in two CSS sources

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    We investigate the ionization state of the extended emission-line regions (EELRs) around two compact steep-spectrum (CSS) radio galaxies, 3C 268.3 and 3C 303.1, in order to identify the contribution of photoionization and shock-ionization. We perform a new spectroscopical (long-slit) analysis with GMOS/Gemini with the slit oriented in the radio-jet direction, where outflows are known to exist. The [Ne V] 位3426 emission is the most interesting feature of the spectra and the one key to breaking the degeneracy between the models: since this emission-line is more extended than He II, it challenges the ionization structure proposed by any photoionization model, also its intensity relative to H 尾 does not behave as expected with respect to the ionization parameter U in the same scenario. On the contrary, when it is compared to the intensity of [O II] 位3727/H 尾 and all these results are joined, the whole scenario is plausible to be explained as emission coming from the hot, compressed, shocked gas in shock-ionization models. Although the model fitting is strongly sensitive to the chosen line ratios, it argues for the presence of external and strong ionizing fields, such as the precursor field created by the shock or/and the AGN radiation field. In this paper, we show how AGN photoionization and shock-ionization triggered by jet鈥揷loud interaction work together in these EELRs in order to explain the observed trends and line-ratio behaviours in a kinematically acceptable way.Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicasInstituto de Astrof铆sica de La Plat

    The fingerprints of photoionization and shock-ionization in two CSS sources

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    We investigate the ionization state of the extended emission-line regions (EELRs) around two compact steep-spectrum (CSS) radio galaxies, 3C 268.3 and 3C 303.1, in order to identify the contribution of photoionization and shock-ionization. We perform a new spectroscopical (long-slit) analysis with GMOS/Gemini with the slit oriented in the radio-jet direction, where outflows are known to exist. The [Ne V] 位3426 emission is the most interesting feature of the spectra and the one key to breaking the degeneracy between the models: since this emission-line is more extended than He II, it challenges the ionization structure proposed by any photoionization model, also its intensity relative to H 尾 does not behave as expected with respect to the ionization parameter U in the same scenario. On the contrary, when it is compared to the intensity of [O II] 位3727/H 尾 and all these results are joined, the whole scenario is plausible to be explained as emission coming from the hot, compressed, shocked gas in shock-ionization models. Although the model fitting is strongly sensitive to the chosen line ratios, it argues for the presence of external and strong ionizing fields, such as the precursor field created by the shock or/and the AGN radiation field. In this paper, we show how AGN photoionization and shock-ionization triggered by jet鈥揷loud interaction work together in these EELRs in order to explain the observed trends and line-ratio behaviours in a kinematically acceptable way.Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicasInstituto de Astrof铆sica de La Plat

    Searching for evidence of jet-cloud interaction in radio galaxies : First results for 3C 381

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    We present results of Gemini spectroscopy and Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the 3C 381 radio galaxy. Possible ionizing mechanisms for the extended emission-line region were studied through state-of-the-art diagnostic analysis employing line ratios. Photoionization from the central engine as well as mixed medium photoionization models fail in reproducing both the strengths and the behaviour of the highest excitation lines, such as [Ne v]位3424, He ii and [O iii]位5007, which are measured at very large distances from the active galactic nucleus. Shock-ionization models provide a better fit to the observation. Expanding shocks with velocities higher than 500 km s-1 are capable of reaching the observed intensity ratios for lines with different ionization states and excitation degrees. This model also provides a direct explanation of the mechanical energy input needed to explain the high-velocity line-splitting observed in the velocity field.Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sica

    Shock ionization in the extended emission-line region of 3C 305: the last piece of the (optical) puzzle

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    We present new Gemini spectroscopical data of the extended emission-line region of the 3C 305 radio galaxy in order to achieve a final answer to the long-standing question about the ionizing mechanism. The spectra show strong kinematic disturbances within the most intense line-emitting region. The relative intensities of the emission lines agree with the hypothesis that the gas is shocked during the interaction of powerful radio jets with the ambient medium. The emission from the recombination region acts as a very effective cooling mechanism, which is supported by the presence of a neutral outflow. However, the observed intensity is almost an order of magnitude lower than expected in a pure shock model. So, autoionizing shock models, in low-density and low-abundance regimes, are required in order to account for the observed emission within the region. This scenario also supports the hypothesis that the optical emitting gas and the X-ray plasma are in pressure balance.Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicasInstituto de Astrof铆sica de La Plat

    Shock ionization in the extended emission-line region of 3C 305: the last piece of the (optical) puzzle

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    We present new Gemini spectroscopical data of the extended emission-line region of the 3C 305 radio galaxy in order to achieve a final answer to the long-standing question about the ionizing mechanism. The spectra show strong kinematic disturbances within the most intense line-emitting region. The relative intensities of the emission lines agree with the hypothesis that the gas is shocked during the interaction of powerful radio jets with the ambient medium. The emission from the recombination region acts as a very effective cooling mechanism, which is supported by the presence of a neutral outflow. However, the observed intensity is almost an order of magnitude lower than expected in a pure shock model. So, autoionizing shock models, in low-density and low-abundance regimes, are required in order to account for the observed emission within the region. This scenario also supports the hypothesis that the optical emitting gas and the X-ray plasma are in pressure balance.Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicasInstituto de Astrof铆sica de La Plat

    Searching for evidence of jet-cloud interaction in radio galaxies : First results for 3C 381

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    We present results of Gemini spectroscopy and Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the 3C 381 radio galaxy. Possible ionizing mechanisms for the extended emission-line region were studied through state-of-the-art diagnostic analysis employing line ratios. Photoionization from the central engine as well as mixed medium photoionization models fail in reproducing both the strengths and the behaviour of the highest excitation lines, such as [Ne v]位3424, He ii and [O iii]位5007, which are measured at very large distances from the active galactic nucleus. Shock-ionization models provide a better fit to the observation. Expanding shocks with velocities higher than 500 km s-1 are capable of reaching the observed intensity ratios for lines with different ionization states and excitation degrees. This model also provides a direct explanation of the mechanical energy input needed to explain the high-velocity line-splitting observed in the velocity field.Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sica

    Search of Extended Objects in the Southern Sky (SExOSS) using S-PLUS DR1: photometric characterization of extragalactic sources

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    The SExOSS (Search of Extended Objects in the Southern Sky) project is planning to study alarge sample of extended sources in the southern sky. Using The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey(S-PLUS) data taken in 12 filters (5 broad + 7 narrow bands), the first step will consist to analyze the photometricrelationships shown using the broandband magnitudes, and through a deeper characterization made from narrowband filters behaviour. Such a characterization could reveal the existence of new photometric relationshipsinvolving one or more of those narrow band magnitudes available in this survey. In the present work, the firstresults obtained are shown, on a sample of extended sources included in the first data release (DR1) of S-PLUS.This first release corresponds to the Stripe-82 sky area previously observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).For our analysis, we considered a subsample of objects that had spectra in the SDSS to be able to perform aspectroscopic classification of their internal activity (galaxies with/without star formation, active nuclei, etc.) andthen searching for links between the properties shown in the narrow band photometry. The S-PLUS DR1 hasmore than 3 脳 105sources, of which about 3 脳 104 have been found to be extended and matched in the SDSS. Wepresent here the results obtained on a subsample selected by considering threshold values for the signtal-to-noiselevel in both the SDSS spectra and the magnitude value in the DR1 database, on which a blind classification ofinternal activity was carried out.Fil: Haack, Rodrigo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; ArgentinaFil: Andruchow, Ileana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: L贸pez, Iv谩n. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; ArgentinaFil: Reynaldi, Mar铆a Victoria. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; ArgentinaFil: Saponara, Juliana. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernaci贸n. Comisi贸n de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronom铆a. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronom铆a; ArgentinaFil: Smith Castelli, Analia Viviana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; Argentina62潞 Reuni贸n Anual de la Asociacion Argentina de AstronomiaRosarioArgentinaUniversidad Nacional de RosarioComplejo Astron贸mico Municipal Galileo Galile

    The excitation mechanisms of X-ray oxygen emission-lines

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    We present the Catalogue of High REsolution Spectra of Obscured Sources (CHRESOS) from the XMM-Newton Science Archive. It comprises soft X-ray emission-lines from C to Si and the Fe 3C and Fe 3G L-shell transitions. Here, we concentrate on the oxygen emission-lines O VII(f) and O VIII Ly伪 to shed light onto the physical processes with which their formation can be related to: active galactic nucleus vs. star-forming regions. We are analysing the relationships between the oxygen lines and the luminosities of: [OIII]位5007, [OIV]25.89渭m, MIR-12渭m, FIR-60渭m, FIR-100渭m, and hard X-rays continuum bands.Fil: Reynaldi, Mar铆a Victoria. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; ArgentinaFil: Guainazzi, Matteo. Agencia Espacial Europea. European Space Research And Technology Centre.; Pa铆ses BajosFil: Bianchi, Stefano. Universit脿 Roma Tre Iii.; ItaliaFil: Andruchow, Ileana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Garc铆a, Federico. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute; Pa铆ses Bajos. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernaci贸n. Comisi贸n de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronom铆a. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronom铆a; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, Ivan. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; ArgentinaFil: Salerno, Nicol谩s. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; ArgentinaSymposium S359: Galaxy Evolution and Feedback across Different EnvironmentsBento Gon莽alvesBrasilInternational Astronomical Unio

    On the origin of X-ray oxygen emission lines in obscured AGN

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    We present the Catalogue of High Resolution Spectra of Obscured Sources (CHRESOS) from the XMM-Newton Science Archive. It comprises the emission-line luminosities of H- and He-like transitions from C to Si, and the Fe 3C and Fe 3G L-shell ones. Here, we concentrate on the soft X-ray O VII (f) and O VIII Ly伪 emission lines to shed light on to the physical processes with which their formation can be related to active galactic nucleus (AGN) versus star-forming regions. We compare their luminosity with that of two other important oxygen key lines [O III] 位5007 脜, in the optical, and [O IV] 25.89 渭m, in the infrared (IR). We also test O VII (f) and O VIII Ly伪 luminosities against that of continuum bands in the IR and hard X-rays, which point to different ionization processes. We probe into those processes by analysing photoionization and collisional ionization model predictions upon our lines. We show that both scenarios can explain the formation and observed intensities of O VII (f) and O VIII Ly伪. By analysing the relationships between O VII (f) and O VIII Ly伪, and all other observables: [O III] 位5007 脜, [O IV] 25.89 渭m emission lines, and mid-infrared (MIR) 12 渭m, far-infrared (FIR) 60 and 100 渭m, 2-10 and 14-195 keV continuum bands, we conclude that the AGN radiation field is mainly responsible of the soft X-ray oxygen excitation.Fil: Reynaldi, Mar铆a Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Guainazzi, Matteo. Agencia Espacial Europea. European Space Research And Technology Centre.; Pa铆ses BajosFil: Bianchi, S. Universita Degli Studi Roma Treviso; ItaliaFil: Andruchow, Ileana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas. Instituto de Astrof铆sica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Garc铆a, Federico. Kapteyn Astronomical Institute; Pa铆ses BajosFil: Salerno, N. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; ArgentinaFil: L贸pez, I. E.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astron贸micas y Geof铆sicas; Argentin