8 research outputs found

    Extreme environments as reservoirs of invasive plants: the case of the garbage dump in Huehuetlan El Grande, Puebla, Mexico

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    The study aimed to highlight the role of extreme environments (so-called because of the high accumulation of nutrients and other harmful products) as sites of reservoirs of invasive plants, taking as an example the community "dump" of the municipal seat of Huehuetlan el Grande, Puebla, Mexico. The results show that 56 species belonging to 52 genera and 25 families were found; the families with the highest number of species were Asteraceae and Solanaceae. The species found are from 30 different countries, being America and Ecuador with a greater number of records. According to the origin of sites, use, industrial possibilities and, if they are wild or cultivated species, it was found that there were 14 species on the roadside: 11 weeds, 9 cultivated, 8 forage, one with industrial possibilities and one threatened. The correlation analysis showed that only the number of species vs. precipitation had significant differences. It is a fact that the conditions of the "community garbage dump" represent an opportunity for invasive species to survive and persist in the seed bank, waiting for adequate conditions to germinate and settle in increasingly larger areas, favored by the growing deterioration that human activity has caused in recent years

    Genotypic variation and relationships between seedling and adult plant traits in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines grown under contrasting nitrogen levels

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    Genotypes with better root development have good nutrient acquisition capacity and may yield better under limited nitrogen (N) conditions and consequently can help reduce the N fertilization rate and hence mitigate some economic and ecological problems. This study focused on the genotypic variation among diverse maize inbred lines for seedling and adult plant traits under contrasting N levels. Seventy four lines were screened under high and low N levels in a climate chamber and in the field. High phenotypic diversity was observed for seedling and adult plant traits together with moderate to high broad-sense heritability estimates. Seedling total root length and root dry weight were significantly correlated with other root traits in maize. Of the adult plant traits evaluated in the field, the anthesis-silking interval and the leaf chlorophyll contents were significantly correlated with grain yield under both low and high N levels. In one location, the seminal root length was correlated with grain yield both under low and high N levels and the root dry weight was correlated with grain yield under high N. Selection indices based on secondary root traits along with grain yield could lead to an increase in selection efficiency for grain yield under N stress condition. By identifying lines with better root development, particularly lines with longer SRL, it may be possible to select inbred lines with higher grain yield particularly under low N condition

    Association analysis of genes involved in maize (Zea mays L.) root development with seedling and agronomic traits under contrasting nitrogen levels

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    Genotypes with large and well distributed root system might have the potential to adapt to soils with limited nutrient availability. For this purpose, an association study (AS) panel consisting of 74 diverse set of inbred maize lines were screened for seedling root traits and adult plant root traits under two contrasting nitrogen (N) levels (low and high N). Allele re-sequencing of RTCL, RTH3, RUM1, and RUL1 genes related to root development was carried out for AS panel lines. Association analysis was carried out between individual polymorphisms, and both seedling and adult plant traits, while controlling for spurious associations due to population structure and kinship relations. Based on the SNPs identified in RTCL, RTH3, RUM1, and RUL1, lines within the AS panel were grouped into 16, 9, 22, and 7 haplotypes, respectively. Association analysis revealed several polymorphisms within root genes putatively associated with the variability in seedling root and adult plant traits development under contrasting N levels. The highest number of significantly associated SNPs with seedling root traits were found in RTCL (19 SNPs) followed by RUM1 (4 SNPs) and in case of RTH3 and RUL1, two and three SNPs, respectively, were significantly associated with root traits. RTCL and RTH3 were also found to be associated with grain yield. Thus considerable allelic diversity is present within the candidate genes studied and can be utilized to develop functional markers that allow identification of maize lines with improved root architecture and yield under N stress conditions

    Análisis de las especies comestibles ofertadas en el tianguis El Moralillo de Tepexi de Rodríguez, Puebla, México

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    En el estado de Puebla se han estudiado 17 mercados, de los cuales 11 pertenecen a la ciudad de Puebla y los otros a distintos municipios. En dichos estudios no hay homogeneidad en cuanto a la información recabada, esto es el reflejo de la inconsistencia en el muestreo, además de que la mayoría de los trabajos se enfocan al área medicinal y muy pocos a la comestible. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio fue realizar un análisis de las especies comestibles que se comercializan en el tianguis “El Moralillo” en Tepexi de Rodríguez, Puebla, México. El estudio inició con visitas al tianguis donde se registraron las plantas comestibles, y se aplicaron encuestas estructuradas a los comerciantes. Se contabilizó al inicio el número de puestos que conforman la estructura básica del tianguis, asimismo, se registraron las especies comestibles que se comercializan en los locales mediante la presencia-ausencia durante el año. Estos datos fueron utilizados para estimar las especies de menor y mayor presencia. En el tianguis se registraron 593 puestos, donde se identifican 15 categorías, de las cuales, las frutas y verduras representan el 30% de los puestos. Se ofertan 95 especies comestibles, distribuidas en 95 géneros y 49 familias; las familias con mayor número de especies fueron Fabaceae y Solanaceae. En frutas se identificaron 33 especies de mayor presencia, y 37 especies de verduras con mayor presencia. La estructura vegetal de mayor comercialización fue el fruto, hoja, raíz, semilla, hoja, tallo y bulbo, respectivamente. El tianguis ″El Moralillo″ es un tianguis tradicional. El análisis cuantitativo de las especies que se comercializan indica que muchas de las especies de menor presencia son de temporal y colectadas de las comunidades naturales, y ello, posiblemente provoque a mediano plazo la falta de organismos juveniles que reemplacen a los maduros y viejos

    Análisis de las plantas comestibles, frutas y verduras, ofertadas en el tianguis de Tepexi de Rodríguez, Puebla, México

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    ABSTRACT: In the Puebla, state 17 markets have been studied; of which 11 belong to the Puebla city and the others to different municipalities. In these studies, there is no homogeneity in terms of the information collected, this reflects the inconsistency in the sampling, in addition to the fact that most of the works focus on the medicinal area and very few on the edible one. Therefore, the aim of the study was to carry out an analysis of the edible species that are traded in the "El Moralillo" market in Tepexi de Rodríguez, Puebla, Mexico. The study began with visits to the market where the edible plants were registered, and structured surveys were applied to the merchants. The number of posts that make up the basic structure of the market was counted at the beginning, as well as the edible species that are commercialized in the premises through the presence-absence during the year. These data were used to estimate the species of smaller and greater presence. In the market, 593 posts were registered, where 15 categories are identified, of which, fruits and vegetables represent 30% of the posts. 95 edible species are offered, distributed in 95 genera and 49 families; the families with the highest number of species were Fabaceae and Solanaceae. In fruits, 33 species of greater presence were identified and 37 species of vegetables with greater presence. The vegetal structure of greater commercialization was the fruit, leaf, root, seed, leaf, stem and bulb, specifically. The "El Moralillo" market is a traditional market. The quantitative analysis of the species that are commercialized indicates that many of the species with less presence are seasonal and collected from natural communities, and this may cause, in the medium term, the lack of juvenile organisms that replace the mature and old ones.RESUMEN: En el estado de Puebla se han estudiado 17 mercados, de los cuales 11 pertenecen a la ciudad de Puebla y los otros a distintos municipios. En dichos estudios no hay homogeneidad en cuanto a la información recabada, esto es el reflejo de la inconsistencia en el muestreo, además de que la mayoría de los trabajos se enfocan al área medicinal y muy pocos a la comestible. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio fue realizar un análisis de las especies comestibles que se comercializan en el tianguis “El Moralillo” en Tepexi de Rodríguez, Puebla, México. El estudio inició con visitas al tianguis donde se registraron las plantas comestibles, y se aplicaron encuestas estructuradas a los comerciantes. Se contabilizó al inicio el número de puestos que conforman la estructura básica del tianguis, asimismo, se registraron las especies comestibles que se comercializan en los locales mediante la presencia-ausencia durante el año. Estos datos fueron utilizados para estimar las especies de menor y mayor presencia. En el tianguis se registraron 593 puestos, donde se identifican 15 categorías, de las cuales, las frutas y verduras representan el 30% de los puestos. Se ofertan 95 especies comestibles, distribuidas en 95 géneros y 49 familias; las familias con mayor número de especies fueron Fabaceae y Solanaceae. En frutas se identificaron 33 especies de mayor presencia, y 37 especies de verduras con mayor presencia. La estructura vegetal de mayor comercialización fue el fruto, hoja, raíz, semilla, hoja, tallo y bulbo, respectivamente. El tianguis ″El Moralillo″ es un tianguis tradicional. El análisis cuantitativo de las especies que se comercializan indica que muchas de las especies de menor presencia son de temporal y colectadas de las comunidades naturales, y ello, posiblemente provoque a mediano plazo la falta de organismos juveniles que reemplacen a los maduros y viejos

    Vol. 13, Núm. 1 (2015)

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    El experimento se realizó en un invernadero tipo túnel con cubierta de plástico en el Municipio de Puebla,México. El objetivo fue evaluar la respuesta plástica a la defoliación artificial en plantas cultivadas dePhaseolus coccineus L. El diseño experimental fue de un factor con un arreglo de bloques completamenteal azar. Este experimento se llevó a cabo en Phaseolus en estructuras vegetativas y reproductivas debido alcorte. Tres niveles de remoción del vástago fueron aplicadas a las plantas: testigo, 20% y 40% de corte. Enplantas con 20% y 40% de la remoción del vástago produjeron menos ramas primarias pero más largas encomparación con las plantas control. En estructuras reproductivas sólo las inflorescencias de los tratamientosdel 20% y 40% de corte fueron mayores que las plantas testigo. En estructuras vegetativas y reproductivasel patrón de asignación de biomasa reveló que no se presentaron diferencias significativas entre lostratamientos. Sin embargo, los cambios en la respuesta del total de hojas, estructuras reproductivas y patrónde asignación de biomasa en plantas bajo tratamiento de corte, toleraron y sobrecompensaron pérdidas pordaño al inicio de su ciclo de vida

    Genotypic variation and relationships between seedling and adult plant traits in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines grown under contrasting nitrogen levels

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    Genotypes with better root development have good nutrient acquisition capacity and may yield better under limited nitrogen (N) conditions and consequently can help reduce the N fertilization rate and hence mitigate some economic and ecological problems. This study focused on the genotypic variation among diverse maize inbred lines for seedling and adult plant traits under contrasting N levels. Seventy four lines were screened under high and low N levels in a climate chamber and in the field. High phenotypic diversity was observed for seedling and adult plant traits together with moderate to high broad-sense heritability estimates. Seedling total root length and root dry weight were significantly correlated with other root traits in maize. Of the adult plant traits evaluated in the field, the anthesis-silking interval and the leaf chlorophyll contents were significantly correlated with grain yield under both low and high N levels. In one location, the seminal root length was correlated with grain yield both under low and high N levels and the root dry weight was correlated with grain yield under high N. Selection indices based on secondary root traits along with grain yield could lead to an increase in selection efficiency for grain yield under N stress condition. By identifying lines with better root development, particularly lines with longer SRL, it may be possible to select inbred lines with higher grain yield particularly under low N condition.This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Euphytica. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10681-012-0759-0. Posted with permission.</p

    Association analysis of genes involved in maize (Zea mays L.) root development with seedling and agronomic traits under contrasting nitrogen levels

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    Genotypes with large and well distributed root system might have the potential to adapt to soils with limited nutrient availability. For this purpose, an association study (AS) panel consisting of 74 diverse set of inbred maize lines were screened for seedling root traits and adult plant root traits under two contrasting nitrogen (N) levels (low and high N). Allele re-sequencing of RTCL, RTH3, RUM1, and RUL1 genes related to root development was carried out for AS panel lines. Association analysis was carried out between individual polymorphisms, and both seedling and adult plant traits, while controlling for spurious associations due to population structure and kinship relations. Based on the SNPs identified in RTCL, RTH3, RUM1, and RUL1, lines within the AS panel were grouped into 16, 9, 22, and 7 haplotypes, respectively. Association analysis revealed several polymorphisms within root genes putatively associated with the variability in seedling root and adult plant traits development under contrasting N levels. The highest number of significantly associated SNPs with seedling root traits were found in RTCL (19 SNPs) followed by RUM1 (4 SNPs) and in case of RTH3 and RUL1, two and three SNPs, respectively, were significantly associated with root traits. RTCL and RTH3 were also found to be associated with grain yield. Thus considerable allelic diversity is present within the candidate genes studied and can be utilized to develop functional markers that allow identification of maize lines with improved root architecture and yield under N stress conditions.This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Plant Molecular Biology. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11103-015-0314-1. </dl