72 research outputs found

    Grado de madurez gerencial en la ejecución de proyectos de la empresa DLA construcciones SAS de la ciudad de Villavicencio

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    La gestión de proyectos debe ser una práctica administrativa adelantada en las empresas que así lo requieran, un ejemplo de ello son las del sector de la construcción. Entre las empresas llamadas a implementar un modelo óptimo de gestión en la ejecución de proyectos, se encuentra la empresa DLA Construcciones S.A.S., organización villavicense cuyo objeto social es la edificación y construcción de apartamentos, edificios entre otras construcciones en la región. Este estudio busca determinar el grado de madurez de la empresa DLA Construcciones S.A.S. respecto a la gestión de proyectos, para ello se tomó como punto de partida los procesos definidos en la Guía Técnica Colombiana GTC ISO 21500 y los parámetros de la metodología PMBOK. De esta manera, se adelantó un estudio definido bajo una metodología de enfoque mixto (cuanti-cualitativo), apoyado en la investigación de tipo descriptiva; para lo cual se diseñó un cuestionario de autoevaluación, con base al OPM3 del PMI® y la NTC – ISO 21500, el cual fue aplicado a 6 colaboradores de la organización, quienes son responsables de la gestión de proyectos en DLA Construcciones S.A.S; con la información obtenida y el análisis de los resultados, se halló que esta empresa posee grado de madurez en gestión de proyectos intermedio bajo, respecto a algunos de los procesos reunidos dentro de los grupos temáticos que se ejecutan dentro de la organización. En consideración se planteó una propuesta estratégica que le permita priorizar e implementar buenas prácticas de gestión de proyectos basadas en la GTC ISO 21500 y el modelo de madurez en gestión de proyectos de Harol Kerzner.Project management should be an advanced administrative practice in companies that require it, an example of which are those of the construction sector. Among the companies called to implement an optimal management model in the execution of projects is the company DLA Construcciones S.A.S., an organization from Villavicencio whose corporate purpose is the construction and construction of apartments, buildings and other constructions in the region. This study seeks to determine the degree of maturity of the company DLA Construcciones S.A.S. with respect to project management. For this purpose, the processes defined in the Colombian Technical Guide GTC ISO 21500 and the parameters of the PMBOK methodology were taken as a starting point. In this way, a study defined under a methodology of mixed approach (quantitative-qualitative) was advanced, supported by descriptive research; For which a self-assessment questionnaire was designed, based on the OPM3 of the PMI® and the NTC - ISO 21500, which was applied to 6 collaborators of the organization, who are responsible for the project management in DLA Construcciones SAS, with the Information obtained and the analysis of the results, it was found that this company has a degree of maturity in low intermediate project management, regarding some of the processes gathered within the thematic groups that are executed within the organization. In consideration, a strategic proposal was proposed that would allow it to prioritize and implement good project management practices based on ISO 21500 GTC and Harol Kerzner's project management maturity model

    Desarrollo de competencias en tecnologías de la información y comunicación, un aporte a las tendencias actuales en servicios bibliotecarios

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    El presente documento busca identificar los elementos que se deben considerar para potenciar las habilidades en TIC en los estudiantes de sexto semestre de la Electiva Profesional II Herramientas Web de la Fundación Universitaria UNINPAHU que les permita proponer servicios de información acordes a las nuevas tendencias y necesidades de los usuarios en las bibliotecas donde se desempeñan. Con el auge de las nuevas tecnologías se ha contribuido a experimentar cambios en el comportamiento de los profesionales de la información, en aras de satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas de los usuarios de diversas unidades de información; sin embargo, se ha de considerar que las TIC son un medio para lograr un fin y es necesario que los bibliotecólogos se actualicen de manera constante para generar cambios que permitan contribuir en los procesos con los cuales están inmersos en su contexto laboral

    Desarrollo de competencias en tecnologías de la información y comunicación, un aporte a las tendencias actuales en servicios bibliotecarios

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    El presente documento busca identificar los elementos que se deben considerar para potenciar las habilidades en TIC en los estudiantes de sexto semestre de la Electiva Profesional II Herramientas Web de la Fundación Universitaria UNINPAHU que les permita proponer servicios de información acordes a las nuevas tendencias y necesidades de los usuarios en las bibliotecas donde se desempeñan. Con el auge de las nuevas tecnologías se ha contribuido a experimentar cambios en el comportamiento de los profesionales de la información, en aras de satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas de los usuarios de diversas unidades de información; sin embargo, se ha de considerar que las TIC son un medio para lograr un fin y es necesario que los bibliotecólogos se actualicen de manera constante para generar cambios que permitan contribuir en los procesos con los cuales están inmersos en su contexto laboral

    Hydrodynamic Regulation of Monocyte Inflammatory Response to an Intracellular Pathogen

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    Systemic bacterial infections elicit inflammatory response that promotes acute or chronic complications such as sepsis, arthritis or atherosclerosis. Of interest, cells in circulation experience hydrodynamic shear forces, which have been shown to be a potent regulator of cellular function in the vasculature and play an important role in maintaining tissue homeostasis. In this study, we have examined the effect of shear forces due to blood flow in modulating the inflammatory response of cells to infection. Using an in vitro model, we analyzed the effects of physiological levels of shear stress on the inflammatory response of monocytes infected with chlamydia, an intracellular pathogen which causes bronchitis and is implicated in the development of atherosclerosis. We found that chlamydial infection alters the morphology of monocytes and trigger the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-8, IL-1β and IL-6. We also found that the exposure of chlamydia-infected monocytes to short durations of arterial shear stress significantly enhances the secretion of cytokines in a time-dependent manner and the expression of surface adhesion molecule ICAM-1. As a functional consequence, infection and shear stress increased monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells under flow and in the activation and aggregation of platelets. Overall, our study demonstrates that shear stress enhances the inflammatory response of monocytes to infection, suggesting that mechanical forces may contribute to disease pathophysiology. These results provide a novel perspective on our understanding of systemic infection and inflammation

    Proteins of Leishmania (Viannia) shawi confer protection associated with Th1 immune response and memory generation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Leishmania (Viannia) shawi </it>parasite was first characterized in 1989. Recently the protective effects of soluble leishmanial antigen (SLA) from <it>L. (V.) shawi </it>promastigotes were demonstrated using BALB/c mice, the susceptibility model for this parasite. In order to identify protective fractions, SLA was fractionated by reverse phase HPLC and five antigenic fractions were obtained.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>F1 fraction was purified from L. (V.) shawi parasite extract by reverse phase HPLC. BALB/c mice were immunized once a week for two consecutive weeks by subcutaneous routes in the rump, using 25 μg of F1. After 1 and 16 weeks of last immunization, groups were challenged in the footpad with L. (V.) shawi promastigotes. After 2 months, those same mice were sacrificed and parasite burden, cellular and humoral immune responses were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The F1 fraction induced a high degree of protection associated with an increase in IFN-γ, a decrease in IL-4, increased cell proliferation and activation of CD8<sup>+</sup>T lymphocytes. Long-term protection was acquired in F1-immunized mice, associated with increased CD4<sup>+ </sup>central memory T lymphocytes and activation of both CD4<sup>+ </sup>and CD8<sup>+ </sup>T cells. In addition, F1-immunized groups showed an increase in IgG2a levels.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The inductor capability of antigens to generate memory lymphocytes that can proliferate and secrete beneficial cytokines upon infection could be an important factor in the development of vaccine candidates against American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis.</p

    Dynamics of stress protein expression in leishmania-infected macrophages: evidence for selective induction and recognition of leishmania heat shock protein 60

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    Heat shock protein (HSP) expression was examined in murine bone marrow-derived macrophages infected with stationary phase promastigotes of Leishmania donovani. Immunoblotting with a rabbit polyclonal antiserum raised against HSP60 from Heliothis virescens (moth), revealed the de novo appearance of proteins with subunit sizes of M r 65,000 and 67,000 in leishmania infected macrophages. Expression of the novel M r 65,000 and 67,000 proteins in infected cells was coordinately regulated and at 24 hr of infection reached maximal levels of 52-100% increases above initial levels at 3 hr. Proteins with identical electrophoretic mobilities and which were similarly regulated in response to heat were also detected in leishmania promastigotes. The appearance of these proteins in macrophages was specific to leishmania infection in that neither protein was detected in non-infected cells either in the basal state or following several treatments including: (i) infection with Y. pseudotuberculosis, (ii) phagocytosis of S. aureus, (iii) NaAsC>2, or (iv) heat shock. A monoclonal antibody that recognizes both mammalian HSP70 and HSP70 from Plasmodia detected single isoforms of both leishmania and murine HSP70 in infected cells and neither protein changed quantitatively during infection. Levels of host heat shock proteins 60, 70 and 90 did not change in response to infection, however, marked induction of the mammalian stress protein heme oxygenase-1 was observed under these conditions. Further evidence for selective expression of the M r 65,000 and 67,000 heat-regulated leishmania proteins was provided by the finding that as their concentration was increasing, the abundance of the leishmania surface protease gp63 in infected cells was noted to decrease. The prominence of leishmania HSP60 within infected macrophages suggested the possibility that it might be a target of the host response. To facilitate further studies concerned with the role of this protein in the host response and in the pathogenesis of the leishmaniases, the HSP60 gene of Leishmania major was cloned, sequenced and expressed. A XEMBL-3 L. major genomic library was screened with a PCR-generated DNA probe derived from a highly conserved region of the leishmania HSP60 gene. A single clone that hybridized strongly was selected and characterized. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of an open reading frame of 1770 bp encoding a putative polypeptide of 589 amino acids with a predicted size of M r 64,790 and with the highest degree of amino acid sequence similarity (56%) to HSP60 from T. cruzi. Less extensive amino acid sequence similarity (48%) was observed between the leishmania HSP60 and the corresponding human protein. Notably, regions of significant sequence dissimilarity between the leishmania and human proteins were identified and these were concentrated principally within the carboxy-terminal regions of the proteins. The entire coding region of the leishmania HSP60 gene was amplified by PCR, subcloned into the pET-3a vector and expressed in E. coli. Purified recombinant protein was used to examine sera from patients with tegumentary leishmaniasis from South America for the presence of antibodies to HSP60. Unlike sera from healthy, uninfected controls, sera from patients reacted strongly with recombinant leishmania HSP60. In contrast, these same sera showed little or no reactivity with recombinant mycobacterial HSP65. To examine the protective potential of LHSP60, immunization studies were done in susceptible Balb/c mice. Recombinant leishmania HSP60 alone appeared to confer early (within the first 5 weeks) resistance against infection with L. major as determined by reduced lesion sizes in HSP60 immunized mice. In contrast, long-lasting protection did not develop in rLHSP60 immunized mice as lesion sizes and parasite numbers in these animals at 7 weeks of infection did not differ from those observed in control animals. These findings provide evidence for the selective induction of leishmania HSP60 in infected macrophages and for the recognition of this protein in humans with leishmaniasis. Further studies of this protein should clarify its role in the host response to Leishmania and in disease pathogenesis.Science, Faculty ofMicrobiology and Immunology, Department ofGraduat