793 research outputs found

    Extremal Polynomials and Entire Functions of Exponential Type

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    In this paper, we discuss asymptotic relations for the approximation of ∣x∣α,α>0\left\vert x\right\vert ^{\alpha},\alpha>0 in L∞[−1,1]L_{\infty}\left[ -1,1\right] by Lagrange interpolation polynomials based on the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials of first kind. The limiting process reveals an entire function of exponential type for which we can present an explicit formula. As a consequence, we further deduce an asymptotic relation for the Approximation error when α→∞\alpha\rightarrow\infty. Finally, we present connections of our results together with some recent work of Ganzburg [5] and Lubinsky [10], by presenting numerical results, indicating a possible constructive way towards a representation for the Bernstein constants.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Preventing Sheet Metal Wrinkling in Coil Lines

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    Coil lines are used in metal packaging facilities to treat the metal before forming the final product. As the sidewalls of cans are becoming thinner and thinner, one can see that the equipment has not been designed properly to feed up lighter plate weight metal. Thinner can walls cause the metal sheet to be fed into the machine crooked and results in a wrinkling of the first few feet of metal, which then needs to be thrown away. Because the current equipment is not working properly, operators have been feeding sheets of metal up a ten-foot ladder into the machine to feed the sheet in straight. This method puts the operator at a safety risk. The feed mechanism that is currently installed does work better with heavier plate weight metal. After talking with the operators and looking at the current equipment, a conceptual design test prototype was built to see if it would fix the problem. When running numerous tests with the prototype it was verified that the conceptual design would fix the problem. After the test prototype proved to be successful, a full design of the roller system was implemented. The design is currently finished and is in the process of being purchased. The expected installation date will be December 3-7th of this year

    Desenvolvimento de um método rápido, eficiente e de baixo custo para extração de DNA de artrópodos.

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    Aqui, é apresentado um método rápido e eficiente para obtenção de DNA de boa qualidade a partir de pequenas amostras de tecidos de artrópodos, gerando pequenas quantidades de resíduos perigosos. Comparamos a eficiência do método com outro protocolo caseiro utilizando fenol e com dois kits comerciais. A qualidade do DNA obtido foi verificada em espectrofotômetro e avaliada por um ensaio de AFLP. Foi obtido DNA pouco fragmentado a partir de todas as amostras, mas as melhores leituras foram obtidas para o DNA extraído com o novo método. O ensaio de AFLP indicou que os DNAs obtidos estavam adequados para uso em técnicas de biologia molecular sensíveis a contaminantes. Porém, os protocolos caseiros foram mais eficientes em extrair DNA do que kits comerciais, sem perder nenhuma qualidade na pureza das amostras. Além disso, eles foram mais rápidos e baratos, chegando a custar dez vezes menos que os kits comerciais. O protocolo mais rápido, menos poluente e mais barato foi o descrito aqui (USD 0,52 por amostra)

    Identificação varietal e genotipagem: serviços oferecidos pelo Laboratório de Biologia Molecular da Embrapa Uva e Vinho.

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    Captação de Fucsina ácida em gemas de macieira em diferentes estádios de dormência.

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    No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a fucsina como indicadora do estádio de dormência, objetivando otimizar um método para aplicação e avaliação do corante nos tecidos, paralelamente com a obtenção de resultados de brotação forçada.Resumo

    Jean-Joseph Marie Amiot in Beijing: Entdeckung und Erforschung chinesischer Musik im 18. Jahrhundert

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    In his satire The Banishment of the Jesuits from China (published in 1785 in Constantinople), Johann Rauthenstrauch unsparingly attacks the self-satisfied aberrations of the European missionary societies and blames Europe for cultural colonisation. From the beginning of Jesuit mission in China in the late 16th century, the Jesuits not only gained high proficiency in the Chinese language, but also studied Chinese rites and customs in detail. After a period of tolerance towards the Jesuits (under emperor Kangxi, who died in 1722), the Jesuit mission was severely restricted under his successors. The activities of Jesuit scholars like Jean-Joseph Amiot were limited to the area of the Forbidden City and concentrated mainly on science, astronomy and music theory – disciplines which were looked on benevolently by the emperors. Amiot’s approach towards Chinese music was not primarily ethnomusicological, rather his ambition was to uncover the roots of ancient music in living traditions of Chinese music. Although his main area of study was ancient music theory, he also paid much attention to problems of intercultural dialogue as well as to the contemporary situation of music in China. His tolerant and open-minded attitude towards Chinese music resulted in a large collection of contemporary Chinese melodies which he collected systematically and transcribed into European notation. The musical activities of the Jesuits, in the Forbidden City as well as in the services, were characterised by a balance of European and Chinese traits, avoiding any European claim for cultural superiority. An important facet of Amiot’s biography is his life-long intensive process of learning and a deep respect for the genuine cultural and spiritual traditions of China

    „Ohne Anfang, ohne Ende, ohne Mitte“ – Gedanken zum Verhältnis von Sprache und Musik in Hans Zenders Shir hashirim

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    Hans Zenders abendfüllendes Werk Shir hashirim lässt sich als ein Komplex mehrerer, außerordentlich differenzierter Lesarten des Hoheliedes interpretieren. Dabei bilden textliche und musikalische Kohärenz (im Sinne syntaktischer und intertextueller Bezugsfelder) eine ebenso wichtige Rolle wie deren Sprengung durch die Aufsplitterung von Worten und Textteilen und die Exponierung von primär klanglicher und lautsprachlicher Sonanz

    Estudo estrutural e funcional do gene VvAGL11 e seu papel na morfogênese de sementes de Vitis vinifera.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar estruturalmente a sequência codificadora de VvAGL11 e avaliar sua funcionalidade na morfogênese de sementes, por meio da complementação do mutante 'Seedstick' (stk) de Arabidopsis thaliana
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