21 research outputs found

    Woody species of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque area, south-central Angola

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    The species composition of the vegetation in most regions of Angola has been poorly studied and most studies date back to the pre-independence era. In this study, we provide a detailed account of the woody flora of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque study site of “The Future Okavango” (TFO) project, situated on the Angolan Central Plateau. The checklist is based on a vegetation survey using vegetation plots of 1,000 m² and also includes records from botanical collections made elsewhere at the study site. In total, we documented 154 woody species belonging to 99 genera of 37 plant families in 100 km². The study represents the first comprehensive account of the woody vegetation of the area including all habitats and growth forms

    Structural diversity and tree density drives variation in the biodiversity-ecosystem function relationship of woodlands and savannas

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    Positive biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships (BEFRs) have been widely documented, but it is unclear if BEFRs should be expected in disturbance-driven systems. Disturbance may limit competition and niche differentiation, which are frequently posited to underlie BEFRs. We provide the first exploration of the relationship between tree species diversity and biomass, one measure of ecosystem function, across southern African woodlands and savannas, an ecological system rife with disturbance from fire, herbivores and humans. We used >1000 vegetation plots distributed across 10 southern African countries, and structural equation modelling, to determine the relationship between tree species diversity and aboveground woody biomass, accounting for interacting effects of resource availability, disturbance by fire, tree stem density and vegetation type. We found positive effects of tree species diversity on aboveground biomass, operating via increased structural diversity. The observed BEFR was highly dependent on organismal density, with a minimum threshold of c. 180 mature stems ha-1. We found that water availability mainly affects biomass indirectly, via increasing species diversity. The study underlines the close association between tree diversity, ecosystem structure, environment and function in highly disturbed savannas and woodlands. We suggest that tree diversity is an under-appreciated determinant of wooded ecosystem structure and function

    Precipitation gradients drive high tree species turnover in the woodlands of eastern and southern Africa

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    Savannas cover one-fifth of the Earth's surface, harbour substantial biodiversity, and provide a broad range of ecosystem services to hundreds of millions of people. The community composition of trees in tropical moist forests varies with climate, but whether the same processes structure communities in disturbance-driven savannas remains relatively unknown. We investigate how biodiversity is structured over large environmental and disturbance gradients in woodlands of eastern and southern Africa. We use tree inventory data from the Socio-Ecological Observatory for Studying African Woodlands (SEOSAW) network, covering 755 ha in a total of 6780 plots across nine countries of eastern and southern Africa, to investigate how alpha, beta, and phylogenetic diversity varies across environmental and disturbance gradients. We find strong climate-richness patterns, with precipitation playing a primary role in determining patterns of tree richness and high turnover across these savannas. Savannas with greater rainfall contain more tree species, suggesting that low water availability places distributional limits on species, creating the observed climate-richness patterns. Both fire and herbivory have minimal effects on tree diversity, despite their role in determining savanna distribution and structure. High turnover of tree species, genera, and families is similar to turnover in seasonally dry tropical forests of the Americas, suggesting this is a feature of semiarid tree floras. The greater richness and phylogenetic diversity of wetter plots shows that broad-scale ecological patterns apply to disturbance-driven savanna systems. High taxonomic turnover suggests that savannas from across the regional rainfall gradient should be protected if we are to maximise the conservation of unique tree communities

    Precipitation gradients drive high tree species turnover in the woodlands of eastern and southern Africa

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : Data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository: https://DOI.org/10.5061/dryad.k98sf7mcb (Davies et al. 2023).Savannas cover one-fifth of the Earth’s surface, harbour substantial biodiversity, and provide a broad range of ecosystem services to hundreds of millions of people. The community composition of trees in tropical moist forests varies with climate, but whether the same processes structure communities in disturbance-driven savannas remains relatively unknown. We investigate how biodiversity is structured over large environmental and disturbance gradients in woodlands of eastern and southern Africa. We use tree inventory data from the Socio-Ecological Observatory for Studying African Woodlands (SEOSAW) network, covering 755 ha in a total of 6780 plots across nine countries of eastern and southern Africa, to investigate how alpha, beta, and phylogenetic diversity varies across environmental and disturbance gradients. We find strong climate-richness patterns, with precipitation playing a primary role in determining patterns of tree richness and high turnover across these savannas. Savannas with greater rainfall contain more tree species, suggesting that low water availability places distributional limits on species, creating the observed climate-richness patterns. Both fire and herbivory have minimal effects on tree diversity, despite their role in determining savanna distribution and structure. High turnover of tree species, genera, and families is similar to turnover in seasonally dry tropical forests of the Americas, suggesting this is a feature of semiarid tree floras. The greater richness and phylogenetic diversity of wetter plots shows that broad-scale ecological patterns apply to disturbance-driven savanna systems. High taxonomic turnover suggests that savannas from across the regional rainfall gradient should be protected if we are to maximise the conservation of unique tree communities.The UK Natural Environment Research Council.http://www.ecography.orgam2024Plant Production and Soil ScienceSDG-15:Life on lan

    Woody species of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque area, south-central Angola

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    The species composition of the vegetation in most regions of Angola has been poorly studied and most studies date back to the pre-independence era. In this study, we provide a detailed account of the woody flora of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque study site of “The Future Okavango” (TFO) project, situated on the Angolan Central Plateau. The checklist is based on a vegetation survey using vegetation plots of 1,000 m² and also includes records from botanical collections made elsewhere at the study site. In total, we documented 154 woody species belonging to 99 genera of 37 plant families in 100 km². The study represents the first comprehensive account of the woody vegetation of the area including all habitats and growth forms

    Dominant land cover of the Okavango Basin

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    Dominant land cover classes produced by an unsupervised classification approach, which was based on land surface phenology metrics derived from 16-day MODIS EVI time series covering the obsevation period 2000 to 2001

    Woody species of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque area, south-central Angola

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    The species composition of the vegetation in most regions of Angola has been poorly studied and most studies date back to the pre-independence era. In this study, we provide a detailed account of the woody flora of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque study site of “The Future Okavango” (TFO) project, situated on the Angolan Central Plateau. The checklist is based on a vegetation survey using vegetation plots of 1,000 m² and also includes records from botanical collections made elsewhere at the study site. In total, we documented 154 woody species belonging to 99 genera of 37 plant families in 100 km². The study represents the first comprehensive account of the woody vegetation of the area including all habitats and growth forms

    Linking Land Surface Phenology and Vegetation-Plot Databases to Model Terrestrial Plant α-Diversity of the Okavango Basin

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    In many parts of Africa, spatially-explicit information on plant α-diversity, i.e., the number of species in a given area, is missing as baseline information for spatial planning. We present an approach on how to combine vegetation-plot databases and remotely-sensed land surface phenology (LSP) metrics to predict plant α-diversity on a regional scale. We gathered data on plant α-diversity, measured as species density, from 999 vegetation plots sized 20 m × 50 m covering all major vegetation units of the Okavango basin in the countries of Angola, Namibia and Botswana. As predictor variables, we used MODIS LSP metrics averaged over 12 years (250-m spatial resolution) and three topographic attributes calculated from the SRTM digital elevation model. Furthermore, we tested whether additional climatic data could improve predictions. We tested three predictor subsets: (1) remote sensing variables; (2) climatic variables; and (3) all variables combined. We used two statistical modeling approaches, random forests and boosted regression trees, to predict vascular plant α-diversity. The resulting maps showed that the Miombo woodlands of the Angolan Central Plateau featured the highest diversity, and the lowest values were predicted for the thornbush savanna in the Okavango Delta area. Models built on the entire dataset exhibited the best performance followed by climate-only models and remote sensing-only models. However, models including climate data showed artifacts. In spite of lower model performance, models based only on LSP metrics produced the most realistic maps. Furthermore, they revealed local differences in plant diversity of the landscape mosaic that were blurred by homogenous belts as predicted by climate-based models. This study pinpoints the high potential of LSP metrics used in conjunction with biodiversity data derived from vegetation-plot databases to produce spatial information on a regional scale that is urgently needed for basic natural resource management applications