240 research outputs found

    Strategic directions of strengthening financial security of Ukraine (Стратегічні напрями зміцнення фінансової безпеки України) (Стратегические направления укрепление финансовой безопасности Украины)

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    Scientific and applied tools for macrofinancial stabilization and the formation of preconditions for the restoration of the banking system, maintaining exchange rate stability, harmonizing the development of the domestic financial market and ensuring transparency of public finances are systemized; directions of debt, fiscal, exchange rate and monetary policy reform are grounded; structure of the mechanism of management of innovative modernization of the economy is given; priority areas for activation of the non-banking financial sector are formulated; strategic guidelines for strengthening Ukraine’s financial security are defined; the need for the development and adoption of a number of important legal and regulatory documents on the improvement of the public finance management system is grounded. (У статті систематизовано науково-прикладний інструментарій забезпечення макрофінансової стабілізації та формування передумов для відновлення банківської системи, підтримання курсової стабільності, гармонізації розвитку вітчизняного фінансового ринку та забезпечення прозорості публічних фінансів; обґрунтовано напрями реформування боргової, бюджетно-податкової, валютно-курсової, монетарної політики; окреслено структуру механізму управління інноваційною модернізацією економіки; сформульовано пріоритетні напрями активізації небанківського фінансового сектору; визначено стратегічні орієнтири зміцнення фінансової безпеки України; обґрунтовано необхідність розробки та прийняття низки важливих нормативно-правових документів із питань удосконалення системи управління державними фінансами.) (Систематизирован научно-прикладной инструментарий обеспечения макрофинансовой стабилизации и формирования предпосылок для восстановления банковской системы, поддержки курсовой стабильности, гармонизации развития отечественного финансового рынка и обеспечения прозрачности публичных финансов; обоснованы направления реформирования долговой, бюджетно-налоговой, валютно-курсовой, монетарной политики; очерчена структура механизма управления инновационной модернизацией экономики; сформулированы приоритетные направлениями активизации небанковского финансового сектора; определены стратегические ориентиры укрепления финансовой безопасности Украины; обоснована необходимость разработки и принятия ряда важных нормативно-правовых документов по вопросамсовершенствования системы управления государственными финансами.

    Financing of public works as a form of temporary legal employment of unemployed citizens in Ukraine

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    Purpose: The article deals with the essence and structure of the state mechanism for the organization and conduct of public works. Special features of forming legal and socio-economic conditions of implementing the right to employment of unemployed persons are examined. Design/methodology/approach: The principal role in the organization of public works belongs to state institutions authorized to manage flows of funds. The key entities making managerial decisions on the organization of public works and their financial planning are state authorities (local state administrations), local self-government bodies (executive committees of village, town, and city councils), and territorial bodies of central executive body (bodies of State Employment Service). The source of public works financing is local budgets, financial resources of employers, the Fund of compulsory state social unemployment insurance. Findings: The basis for local authorities' decision-making is various territorial employment programs approved by the relevant local authorities. Practical Implications: In order to ensure the effective conduct of public works, it is proposed to amend the norms of authoritative and regulatory acts resulting in duplication of pecuniary liabilities by means of equal distribution between the local budget and the Fund of compulsory state social unemployment insurance. Originality/value: Public works are regarded as a social service that is available to unemployed citizens through the payment of insurance fees during their employment.peer-reviewe

    Science Classroom Inquiry (SCI) simulations: A novel method to scaffold science learning

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    Science education is progressively more focused on employing inquiry-based learning methods in the classroom and increasing scientific literacy among students. However, due to time and resource constraints, many classroom science activities and laboratory experiments focus on simple inquiry, with a step-by-step approach to reach predetermined outcomes. The science classroom inquiry (SCI) simulations were designed to give students real life, authentic science experiences within the confines of a typical classroom. The SCI simulations allow students to engage with a science problem in a meaningful, inquiry-based manner. Three discrete SCI simulations were created as website applications for use with middle school and high school students. For each simulation, students were tasked with solving a scientific problem through investigation and hypothesis testing. After completion of the simulation, 67% of students reported a change in how they perceived authentic science practices, specifically related to the complex and dynamic nature of scientific research and how scientists approach problems. Moreover, 80% of the students who did not report a change in how they viewed the practice of science indicated that the simulation confirmed or strengthened their prior understanding. Additionally, we found a statistically significant positive correlation between students' self-reported changes in understanding of authentic science practices and the degree to which each simulation benefitted learning. Since SCI simulations were effective in promoting both student learning and student understanding of authentic science practices with both middle and high school students, we propose that SCI simulations are a valuable and versatile technology that can be used to educate and inspire a wide range of science students on the real-world complexities inherent in scientific study

    Electronic documents as resources for sociological research on the level of security of financial and legal relations

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    Electronic documents, such as contracts, court decisions, financial reports, etc., can contain valuable information about social factors that affect the security of financial and legal relations. Analysis of these documents helps to identify the interrelationships between public trust, power, technology, and other social phenomena in the context of their impact on the security of individuals and society as a whole. The purpose of the article is to determine the possibilities of using electronic documents as resources for sociological research to assess the level of security of financial and legal relations. The study uses historical and logical methods to highlight the current state of affairs in the field of digital data analytics, and the methods of comparison and generalization form the basis for classifying risk indicators available in the texts of electronic documents. It is indicated that in the context of the spread of digital interaction between people, understanding the sociological aspects of their behaviour reflected in electronic documents becomes key to assessing the risks of illegal financial transactions. The article substantiates the important role of electronic documents as a valuable resource for sociological research. The study is based on an interdisciplinary approach, highlighting the possibilities of integrating sociological analysis, network research, linguistic pattern recognition and data mining methods to obtain meaningful information from large amounts of electronic documents. The main results of the study include the classification of indicators of illicit financial transaction behaviour present in the texts of electronic documents. The study highlights the practical value of using electronic documents in sociological research, offering practical guidance for government officials, lawyers, and analysts to improve risk assessment and develop security measures. The materials systematized in this study demonstrate the potential of open-source intelligence (OSINT) and advanced data analytics to build meaningful sociological models using electronic documents, highlighting their importance in addressing contemporary security analytical challenge

    Digital transformation: Background, trends, risks, and threats

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    The modern world economy is characterised by the use of digital technologies as one of the factors of economic growth. Digital transformation creates new opportunities for development, but at the same time there are risks and threats to conventional economies. Therefore, the study of digital transformation is becoming particularly relevant. The purpose of this study was to reveal the essence of the term “digital transformation”, highlight its advantages and disadvantages, and analyse the process of digitalisation of the economy of Ukraine. During theoretical exploration, the following methods of scientific cognition were used: analysis, synthesis, observation, generalisation, classification. Theoretical assumptions were tested using analytical materials. Based on the analysis, conclusions were drawn, and practical recommendations were developed. In theoretical research, the differences between the terms “digitalisation” and “digitisation” were investigated. The main prerequisites for the spread of digital technologies are highlighted: the development of the physical infrastructure of internet access in the world, the growth of the number of internet users; the development of e-commerce; the development of the country’s IT industry; the improvement of the national e-government system. It was established that the main obstacles to the digital transformation of Ukrainian society are factors formed in the political, economic, technological, and psychological spheres. The dynamics of indices used to assess the spread of digital technologies is analysed: the e-Participation Index and the e-Governance Development Index. It was established that recently there has been a positive trend in them. The main advantages of implementing digital technologies were systematised. At the state level, the positive impact is manifested in improving the quality of life of the population; the level of productivity of public labour; reducing the share of hard work; preserving health and extending human life expectancy; simplifying access to information. The positive impact of digital technologies on the business environment is manifested in reducing the cost of selling products, searching and processing information, making transactions, launching and promoting goods to the market, the duration of the business cycle; inventing innovative technologies and switching to the production of innovative products. The advantages for individuals are to reduce the cost of internet services and transactions, simplify access to educational, entertainment and information resources. The main risks and threats created by the digital transformation of society are described: technological, economic, political, social, legal, and personal. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of identifying and neutralising risks and threats of digitalisation

    Sherwin-Williams\u27 Data Mart Strategy: Creating Intelligence Across the Supply Chain

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    Companies can build a data warehouse using a top-down or a bottom-up approach, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. With the top-down approach, a project team creates an enterprise data warehouse that combines data from across the organization, and end-user applications are developed after the warehouse is in place. This strategy is likely to result in a scaleable data warehouse, but like most large IT projects, it is time consuming, expensive, and may fail to deliver benefits within a reasonable timeframe. With the bottom-up approach, a project team begins by creating a data mart that has a limited set of data sources and that meets very specific user requirements. After the data mart is complete, subsequent marts are developed, and they are conformed to data structures and processes that are already in place. The data marts are incrementally architected into an enterprise data warehouse that meets the needs of users across the organization. The appeal of the data mart strategy is that a mart can be built quickly, at relatively little cost and risk, while providing a proof of concept for data warehousing. The risk is that the initial data mart will not scale into an enterprise data warehouse, and what has been built will have to be scrapped and redone. This article provides a case study of Sherwin-Williams\u27 successful use of the bottom-up, data mart strategy. It provides background information on Sherwin-Williams, the data warehousing project, the benefits being realized from the warehouse, and the lessons learned. The case is a textbook example of how to successfully execute a data mart strategy. Video clips of interviews with key individuals at Sherwin-Williams help bring the case alive

    Science Classroom Inquiry (SCI) Simulations: A Novel Method to Scaffold Science Learning

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    Science education is progressively more focused on employing inquiry-based learning methods in the classroom and increasing scientific literacy among students. However, due to time and resource constraints, many classroom science activities and laboratory experiments focus on simple inquiry, with a step-by-step approach to reach predetermined outcomes. The science classroom inquiry (SCI) simulations were designed to give students real life, authentic science experiences within the confines of a typical classroom. The SCI simulations allow students to engage with a science problem in a meaningful, inquiry-based manner. Three discrete SCI simulations were created as website applications for use with middle school and high school students. For each simulation, students were tasked with solving a scientific problem through investigation and hypothesis testing. After completion of the simulation, 67% of students reported a change in how they perceived authentic science practices, specifically related to the complex and dynamic nature of scientific research and how scientists approach problems. Moreover, 80% of the students who did not report a change in how they viewed the practice of science indicated that the simulation confirmed or strengthened their prior understanding. Additionally, we found a statistically significant positive correlation between students’ self-reported changes in understanding of authentic science practices and the degree to which each simulation benefitted learning. Since SCI simulations were effective in promoting both student learning and student understanding of authentic science practices with both middle and high school students, we propose that SCI simulations are a valuable and versatile technology that can be used to educate and inspire a wide range of science students on the real-world complexities inherent in scientific study