872 research outputs found
On factorization hierarchy of equations for banana Feynman amplitudes
We present a review of the relations between various equations for maximal
cut banana Feynman diagrams, i.e. amplitudes with propagators substituted with
-functions. We consider both equal and generic masses. There are three
types of equation to consider: those in coordinate space, their Fourier
transform and Picard-Fuchs equations originating from the parametric
representation. First, we review the properties of the corresponding
differential operators themselves, mainly their factorization properties at the
equal mass locus and their form at special values of the dimension. Then we
study the relation between the Fourier transform of the coordinate space
equations and the Picard-Fuchs equations and show that they are related by
factorization as well. The equations in question are the counterparts of the
Virasoro constraints in the much-better studied theory of eigenvalue matrix
models and are the first step towards building a full-fledged theory of Feynman
integrals, which will reveal their hidden integrable structure.Comment: 13 page
The American Civil Rights Tradition: Anticlassification or Antisubordination?
With the publication of Groups and the Equal Protection Clause, Owen Fiss inaugurated the antisubordination tradition in legal scholarship of the Second Reconstruction. Antisubordination theorists contend that guarantees of equal citizenship cannot be realized under conditions of pervasive social stratification and argue that law should reform institutions and practices that enforce the secondary social status of historically oppressed groups. As elaborated by Fiss and subsequent proponents, including Catharine MacKinnon, Charles Lawrence, Derrick Bell, Laurence Tribe, and Kenneth Karst, this principle is variously called the antisubordination principle, the antisubjugation principle, the equal citizenship principle, or the anticaste principle. The latter expression evokes the famous statement of John Marshall Harlan in Plessy v. Ferguson that there is no caste in the United States, as well statements made by framers of the Fourteenth Amendment that the amendment was designed to prohibit “class legislation” and practices that reduce groups to the position of a lower or disfavored caste. Fiss called his version of the antisubordination approach the “group disadvantaging principle” and he defined it as the principle that laws may not “aggravate” or “perpetuate” “the subordinate status of a specially disadvantaged group.
Principles, Practices, and Social Movements
Consider two current controversies in American law and politics: the first is whether the expansion of copyright, trademark, and other forms of intellectual property conflicts with the free speech principle; the second is whether government collection and use of racial data (in the census or in law enforcement) violates the antidiscrimination principle. What do these controversies have in common? Both involve constitutional challenges that call into question the legitimacy of existing practices. More importantly, these examples teach us something about how constitutional principles operate. In each case, controversy arises as people apply a longstanding principle to a longstanding practice—a practice that heretofore has not been understood to be implicated by the principle. People exercise creativity by applying the principles to these previously uncontroversial practices, and as they do, they can reshape the meaning of both the principle and the practice
Separation Trauma Nuggets
Contains 15 Nuggets which include narratives, power point presentations, and quizzes on separation trauma
Irreducible representations of simple Lie algebras by differential operators
We describe a systematic method to construct arbitrary highest-weight
modules, including arbitrary finite-dimensional representations, for any finite
dimensional simple Lie algebra . The Lie algebra generators are
represented as first order differential operators in variables. All rising
generators are universal in the sense that they do not depend on
representation, the weights enter (in a very simple way) only in the
expressions for the lowering operators . We present explicit formulas
of this kind for the simple root generators of all classical Lie algebras
Correlation of Doppler assessment of fetal aortic isthmus with perinatal outcome in intrauterine growth restriction
Background: The objective of the present study was to find out association between aortic isthmus Doppler changes and perinatal outcome in growth restricted fetuses with placental insufficiency.Methods: It is a prospective case control study, cases were 43 pregnant women with fetal growth restriction (FGR) with abnormal umbilical artery (UA) Doppler while 43 pregnant women with FGR but normal UA doppler, matched with period of gestation were taken as control. The direction of blood flow in aortic isthmus studied which may be antegrade, absent or retrograde and correlation between qualitative parameters of umbilical artery, aortic isthmus and ductus venosus were studied. Quantitative parameters, PI and RI were also calculated. Patients were managed as per hospital protocols. Perinatal outcome and any adverse event e.g. stillbirth, neonatal death, respiratory distress syndrome, intensive care unit stay >14 days etc. was noted.Results: The number of intrauterine death (IUD) and still birth was increased in women with absent and retrograde flow in aortic isthmus, 66.7% and 71.4% respectively (p value <0.001). Retrograde blood flow in the aortic isthmus is consistently associated with absent or reverse end diastolic velocity in umbilical artery and ductus venosus.Conclusions: Doppler of aortic isthmus is an additional parameter to assess severity of FGR. It plays an important role in termination of preterm FGR fetuses
Secretory activity of gastroduodenal zone before and after cholecystectomia
Вивчено функціональні особливості секреторної активності гастродуоденальної зони до та після холецистектомії. Встановлено пригнічення ферментовидільної функції шлунка у хворих із постхолецистектомічним синдромом. З’ясовано, що наявність дуодено-гастрального рефлюксу свідчить про дуоденостаз і недостатність замикальної функції пілоричного сфінктера. У хворих видалення жовчного міхура призводить до аритмії циркадних і ультрадіадних ритмів усієї травної системи й, у тому числі, до порушень активності секреторних залоз шлунка.Изучены функциональные особенности секреторной активности гастродуоденальной зоны до и пис¬ля холецистэктомии. Установлено угнетение ферментовыводящей функции желудка у больных с постхолецистэктомический синдромом. Выяснено, что наличие дуодено- гастральной рефлюкса свидетельствует о дуоденостаз и недостаточность замыкательной функции пилорического сфинктера. У больных удаление желчного пузыря приводит к аритмии циркадных и ультрадиадних ритмов всей пищеварительной системы и, в том числе, к нарушениям активности секреторных желез желудка.Functional features of the gastroduodenal zone secretory activity before and after cholecystectomia were studied. The oppression of the stomach enzymatic secretion in patients with postcholecystectomia syndrome was established. The presence of duodeno-gastral reflux testifies to the duodenostasis and incompetence of closing function of the pyloric sphincter. Cholecystectomia entails the arrhythmia of circadian and ultradian rhythms of the whole digestive apparatus, including the derangements of the stomach secretory glands
Abstrak Dalam dunia graffiti, hand lettering dan kaligrafi marker adalah salah satu produk penunjang yang digunakan oleh seorang seniman dalam membuat suatu karya baik pada media kertas, tembok, kaca, kain bahkan kayu. Dengan adanya produk marker tersebut seorang seniman graffiti, hand lettering dan kaligrafi dimudahkan dalam membuat pola bahkan membuat detail sebuah karya. Biasanya pada sebuah karya graffiti bila tidak dapat dijangkau dengan menggunakan pilox disitulah peran spidol marker dibutuhkan. Namun selama ini produk marker yang telah ada dipasaran dan sering digunakan oleh para seniman graffiti, hand lettering dan kaligrafi terdapat permasalahan yaitu pengisian tinta yang tidak praktis dan kebocoran pada produk tersebut mengganggu efektifitas kerja para penggunanya. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini dibuat perancangan ulang produk marker dengan memodifikasi produk marker yang dapat mencegah kebocoran dan mempermudah dalam mengisi tinta sehingga meningkatkan efektifitas produk yang akan berdampak pada penggunanya secara langsung.
Kata Kunci : kebocoran, pengguna, efektifitas
Low-temperature infrared spectra and hydrogen bonding in polycrystalline dl-serine and deuterated derivatives
The FT-IR spectra of polycrystalline dl-serine [[alpha]-amino-[beta]-hydroxypropionic acid; HO-CH2-CH(NH3)+-COO-] and isotopically substituted [ND/ODAlcohol (90% D); CD2 (>98% D)] dl-serine were recorded in the range 4000-500Â cm-1 in the temperature range 300-10Â K, and fully assigned. The isotopic-doping/low-temperature methodology, which allows for decoupling of individual proton vibrational modes from the crystal bulk vibrations, was used to estimate the energies of the different H-bonds present in dl-serine crystal. To this end, the frequency shifts observed in both the NH/OH stretching and out-of-plane bending spectral regions (relatively to reference values for these vibrations in non-hydrogen-bonded dl-serine molecules) were used, together with previously developed empirical correlations. The results are compared with available structural data on this amino acid.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6THW-4J91R39-2/1/f8f35f435466c8a5204879d330cbade
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