640 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of a thin magnetic film with vertical anisotropy

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    We describe a discrete micromagnetic model for a thin magnetic layer which has been developed to perform computer simulations of the system. The magnetisation in this model is given in terms of a cubic array of interacting microscopic spins. The dynamics of the spins is given by a time discretisation of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations of motion. The array is continued periodically in the x- and y-direction in order to reduce boundary effects, and is finite in the z-direction. The mutual interactions that are incorporated are exchange and dipole interaction, and the crystal lattice interaction is modeled by a roughly vertical uniaxial anisotropy term. The strengths of the different interactions are scaled so as to conform to values for CoCr, fitted to experimental results within the context of continuum models. For this setup we have determined full hysteresis curves and compared with experimental results of these films

    A HREM study of the atomic structure and the growth mechanism of the YBa2Cu3O7/YSZ interface

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    The interface between yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) substrate and YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) film was studied by high-resolution electron microscopy. In all specimens we have observed an intermediate layer of BaZrO3 located between the substrate YSZ and YBCO. The BaZrO3 layer is composed of almost equally aligned domains being 4¿8 nm in the lateral directions. Reaction products such as Y and Cu oxides were never observed in or close to the BaZrO3 reaction layer but they do occur in the YBCO film. The stacking sequence of BaZrO3/YBCO is predominantly (BaZrO3)-ZrO2-BaO/CuO-BaO-(YBCO) with CuO layer as the beginning YBCO layer. Sometimes a stacking sequence (BaZrO3)-ZrO2-BaO/BaO-CuO2-(YBCO) with a BaO layer as the beginning YBCO layer was observed. This stacking is related to a dislocation with Burgers vector a'/2 [111], where a' = 0.42 nm is the lattice constant of the cubic BaZrO3. Three main epitaxial relations (0°, 45°, 9°) between YSZ and YBCO were observed. These can be explained by near-coincidence site lattices ¿ = 25, ¿ = 49 and ¿ = 13 (for a YSZ substrate). Usually the (001) plane of the YBCO film is parallel to the (001) plane of the BaZrO3 layer and parallel to the substrate surface. In case YBCO is grown on an inclined YSZ substrate, the (001) plane of the YBCO film is parallel to the substrate surface and thus not parallel to the (001) plane of the YSZ substrate

    Haptic Water; Haptics on an Animated Surface

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    Haptic rendering is becoming an important element of multimodal interaction. Often a real-time coupling between haptics and visualization is required, based upon an underlying physical model. In this paper, we study haptic rendering and visualization of the generation of waves in shallow water. For applications, it is usually more important to come up with a believable simulation, rather than a physically accurate simulation. Therefore our focus was on obtaining suitable simplifications of the Kas-Miller model, and incorporation into a multimodal environment, aiming at haptic rendering and real-time visualization of waves. The result has been implemented and tested using a Haptic Master device, produced by FCS Control Systems

    Evaluation of the probing profile of scanning force microscopy tips

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    It is demonstrated that a high-temperature-treated (305) surface of a SrTiO3 crystal can be used to evaluate the probing profile of AFM tips routinely, to provide a means of selecting perfect tips and to evaluate possible image distortions. This is important in order to recognize typical AFM artifacts which are caused by tips with truncated or twinned peaks which occur rather often in the case of microfabricated AFM needles. By means of selected needles, it is shown that also defective tips can give apparently rather perfect atomic resolution from flat crystal surfaces. Scope and limitations of the resolution of structural defects are discussed as the criterion for real atomic resolution

    Interrelationships of Systemic Changes in Hepatic Encephalopathy

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    Hepatic encephalopathy is a temporary decline in mental function that is often associated with liver disease and/or portal-systemic disease. Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) symptoms can range from minor cognitive declines to coma and are known to result from excess ammonia accumulations in the blood stream subsequent to liver failure. While HE is known to result from hepatobiliary disorder, many of the physiological process underlying its development and progression remain to be elucidated. Recent studies have identified neurological, metabolic, and microbiome changes implicated in the disease state of HE. In this review, the roles of traditional pharmaceutical interventions and newly developing understandings of the molecular biology underlying hepatic encephalopathy will be explored

    Influence of PrBa2Cu3-xGaX07 barrier material on electrical behaviour of ramp-type Josephson junctions

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    The use of PrBa2Cu3-xGaxO7 barrier material with increased resistivity by Ga doping (x=0; 0.05 and 0.1) in ramp-type DyBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3-xGaxO7/DyBa2Cu3O7 Josephson junctions has been investigated. All junctions have been fabricated with very smooth sputtered films and show good RSJ-like I-V characteristics with clear Josephson behaviour. Both critical current Ic and normal state resistance Rn are influenced by the doping level as well as the barrier thickness. The temperature dependence of the normal state resistance at different Ga doping levels and barrier thicknesses will be discussed

    Inventarisatie van mogelijke fytotherapeutica met een werking tegen wormen bij pluimvee

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    Deze literatuurstudie is uitgevoerd naar aanleiding van een inventarisatie naar de meest voorkomende aandoeningen bij biologisch legpluimvee. Uit deze inventarisatie bleek dat de bedrijven vooral last hadden van vogelmijt (17 van de 29 bedrijven), wormen (11 van de 29) en E. coli (10 van de 29). De stuurgroep koos voor de aanpak van wormen omdat bij de bestrijding ervan men vrijwel altijd een allopathisch middel gebruikt. In Nederland is één gangbaar middel beschikbaar tegen wormen, flubendazole. Dit is weliswaar toegestaan in de biologische sector, maar past niet in het biologische gedachtegoed. Het streven is immers geen gebruik te maken van gangbare geneesmiddelen en deze alleen curatief te gebruiken indien behandeling noodzakelijk is. Het toepassen van fytotherapeutica tegen wormen kan het gebruik van allopathische middelen in de biologische pluimveehouderij verminderen

    Electrical resistivity of PrBa2Cu3-xGaxO7-y (001) and (105) oriented thin films

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    In the past almost all studies on the anisotropy of the transport properties in 1-2-3 materials were performed on single crystals. This study is focused particularly on the anisotropy of the specific resistivity p as measured on almost single domain thin films of PrBa2Cu3-xGaxO7-y. Gallium doped PrBa2Cu3O7-y was deposited on (305) SrTiO3 to obtain (105) oriented, almost single domain thin films [1]. The films are deposited by rf magnetron sputtering in a one-step process, at low deposition rate. A relatively simple route for the preparation of single-phase gallium doped PrBa2Cu3O7-y target material by a citrate synthesis and pyrolysis [2] is presented