854 research outputs found

    A Quasi-Polynomial Time Partition Oracle for Graphs with an Excluded Minor

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    Motivated by the problem of testing planarity and related properties, we study the problem of designing efficient {\em partition oracles}. A {\em partition oracle} is a procedure that, given access to the incidence lists representation of a bounded-degree graph G=(V,E)G= (V,E) and a parameter \eps, when queried on a vertex vVv\in V, returns the part (subset of vertices) which vv belongs to in a partition of all graph vertices. The partition should be such that all parts are small, each part is connected, and if the graph has certain properties, the total number of edges between parts is at most \eps |V|. In this work we give a partition oracle for graphs with excluded minors whose query complexity is quasi-polynomial in 1/\eps, thus improving on the result of Hassidim et al. ({\em Proceedings of FOCS 2009}) who gave a partition oracle with query complexity exponential in 1/\eps. This improvement implies corresponding improvements in the complexity of testing planarity and other properties that are characterized by excluded minors as well as sublinear-time approximation algorithms that work under the promise that the graph has an excluded minor.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    A Local Algorithm for the Sparse Spanning Graph Problem

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    Constructing a sparse spanning subgraph is a fundamental primitive in graph theory. In this paper, we study this problem in the Centralized Local model, where the goal is to decide whether an edge is part of the spanning subgraph by examining only a small part of the input; yet, answers must be globally consistent and independent of prior queries. Unfortunately, maximally sparse spanning subgraphs, i.e., spanning trees, cannot be constructed efficiently in this model. Therefore, we settle for a spanning subgraph containing at most (1+ε)n(1+\varepsilon)n edges (where nn is the number of vertices and ε\varepsilon is a given approximation/sparsity parameter). We achieve query complexity of O~(poly(Δ/ε)n2/3)\tilde{O}(poly(\Delta/\varepsilon)n^{2/3}), (O~\tilde{O}-notation hides polylogarithmic factors in nn). where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the input graph. Our algorithm is the first to do so on arbitrary bounded degree graphs. Moreover, we achieve the additional property that our algorithm outputs a spanner, i.e., distances are approximately preserved. With high probability, for each deleted edge there is a path of O(poly(Δ/ε)log2n)O(poly(\Delta/\varepsilon)\log^2 n) hops in the output that connects its endpoints


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    We study all-pay contests with an exogenous minimal effort constraint where a player can participate in a contest only if his effort (output) is equal to or higher than the minimal effort constraint. Contestants are privately informed about a parameter (ability) that affects their cost of effort. The designer decides about the size and the number of prizes. We analyze the optimal prize allocation for the contest designer who wishes to maximize either the total effort or the highest effort. It is shown that if the minimal effort constraint is relatively high, the winner-take-all contest in which the contestant with the highest effort wins the entire prize sum does not maximize the expected total effort nor the expected highest effort. In that case, the random contest in which the entire prize sum is equally allocated to all the participants yields a higher expected total effort as well as a higher expected highest effort than the winner-take-all contest.Winner-take-all contests, all-pay auctions, participation constraints.

    A Local Algorithm for Constructing Spanners in Minor-Free Graphs

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    Constructing a spanning tree of a graph is one of the most basic tasks in graph theory. We consider this problem in the setting of local algorithms: one wants to quickly determine whether a given edge ee is in a specific spanning tree, without computing the whole spanning tree, but rather by inspecting the local neighborhood of ee. The challenge is to maintain consistency. That is, to answer queries about different edges according to the same spanning tree. Since it is known that this problem cannot be solved without essentially viewing all the graph, we consider the relaxed version of finding a spanning subgraph with (1+ϵ)n(1+\epsilon)n edges (where nn is the number of vertices and ϵ\epsilon is a given sparsity parameter). It is known that this relaxed problem requires inspecting Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) edges in general graphs, which motivates the study of natural restricted families of graphs. One such family is the family of graphs with an excluded minor. For this family there is an algorithm that achieves constant success probability, and inspects (d/ϵ)poly(h)log(1/ϵ)(d/\epsilon)^{poly(h)\log(1/\epsilon)} edges (for each edge it is queried on), where dd is the maximum degree in the graph and hh is the size of the excluded minor. The distances between pairs of vertices in the spanning subgraph GG' are at most a factor of poly(d,1/ϵ,h)poly(d, 1/\epsilon, h) larger than in GG. In this work, we show that for an input graph that is HH-minor free for any HH of size hh, this task can be performed by inspecting only poly(d,1/ϵ,h)poly(d, 1/\epsilon, h) edges. The distances between pairs of vertices in the spanning subgraph GG' are at most a factor of O~(hlog(d)/ϵ)\tilde{O}(h\log(d)/\epsilon) larger than in GG. Furthermore, the error probability of the new algorithm is significantly improved to Θ(1/n)\Theta(1/n). This algorithm can also be easily adapted to yield an efficient algorithm for the distributed setting

    Testing bounded arboricity

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    In this paper we consider the problem of testing whether a graph has bounded arboricity. The family of graphs with bounded arboricity includes, among others, bounded-degree graphs, all minor-closed graph classes (e.g. planar graphs, graphs with bounded treewidth) and randomly generated preferential attachment graphs. Graphs with bounded arboricity have been studied extensively in the past, in particular since for many problems they allow for much more efficient algorithms and/or better approximation ratios. We present a tolerant tester in the sparse-graphs model. The sparse-graphs model allows access to degree queries and neighbor queries, and the distance is defined with respect to the actual number of edges. More specifically, our algorithm distinguishes between graphs that are ϵ\epsilon-close to having arboricity α\alpha and graphs that cϵc \cdot \epsilon-far from having arboricity 3α3\alpha, where cc is an absolute small constant. The query complexity and running time of the algorithm are O~(nmlog(1/ϵ)ϵ+nαm(1ϵ)O(log(1/ϵ)))\tilde{O}\left(\frac{n}{\sqrt{m}}\cdot \frac{\log(1/\epsilon)}{\epsilon} + \frac{n\cdot \alpha}{m} \cdot \left(\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right)^{O(\log(1/\epsilon))}\right) where nn denotes the number of vertices and mm denotes the number of edges. In terms of the dependence on nn and mm this bound is optimal up to poly-logarithmic factors since Ω(n/m)\Omega(n/\sqrt{m}) queries are necessary (and α=O(m))\alpha = O(\sqrt{m})). We leave it as an open question whether the dependence on 1/ϵ1/\epsilon can be improved from quasi-polynomial to polynomial. Our techniques include an efficient local simulation for approximating the outcome of a global (almost) forest-decomposition algorithm as well as a tailored procedure of edge sampling

    Faster and Simpler Distributed Algorithms for Testing and Correcting Graph Properties in the CONGEST-Model

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    In this paper we present distributed testing algorithms of graph properties in the CONGEST-model [Censor-Hillel et al. 2016]. We present one-sided error testing algorithms in the general graph model. We first describe a general procedure for converting ϵ\epsilon-testers with a number of rounds f(D)f(D), where DD denotes the diameter of the graph, to O((logn)/ϵ)+f((logn)/ϵ)O((\log n)/\epsilon)+f((\log n)/\epsilon) rounds, where nn is the number of processors of the network. We then apply this procedure to obtain an optimal tester, in terms of nn, for testing bipartiteness, whose round complexity is O(ϵ1logn)O(\epsilon^{-1}\log n), which improves over the poly(ϵ1logn)poly(\epsilon^{-1} \log n)-round algorithm by Censor-Hillel et al. (DISC 2016). Moreover, for cycle-freeness, we obtain a \emph{corrector} of the graph that locally corrects the graph so that the corrected graph is acyclic. Note that, unlike a tester, a corrector needs to mend the graph in many places in the case that the graph is far from having the property. In the second part of the paper we design algorithms for testing whether the network is HH-free for any connected HH of size up to four with round complexity of O(ϵ1)O(\epsilon^{-1}). This improves over the O(ϵ2)O(\epsilon^{-2})-round algorithms for testing triangle freeness by Censor-Hillel et al. (DISC 2016) and for testing excluded graphs of size 44 by Fraigniaud et al. (DISC 2016). In the last part we generalize the global tester by Iwama and Yoshida (ITCS 2014) of testing kk-path freeness to testing the exclusion of any tree of order kk. We then show how to simulate this algorithm in the CONGEST-model in O(kk2+1ϵk)O(k^{k^2+1}\cdot\epsilon^{-k}) rounds

    A Sublinear Tester for Outerplanarity (and Other Forbidden Minors) With One-Sided Error

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    We consider one-sided error property testing of F\mathcal{F}-minor freeness in bounded-degree graphs for any finite family of graphs F\mathcal{F} that contains a minor of K2,kK_{2,k}, the kk-circus graph, or the (k×2)(k\times 2)-grid for any kNk\in\mathbb{N}. This includes, for instance, testing whether a graph is outerplanar or a cactus graph. The query complexity of our algorithm in terms of the number of vertices in the graph, nn, is O~(n2/3/ϵ5)\tilde{O}(n^{2/3} / \epsilon^5). Czumaj et~al.\ showed that cycle-freeness and CkC_k-minor freeness can be tested with query complexity O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) by using random walks, and that testing HH-minor freeness for any HH that contains a cycles requires Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) queries. In contrast to these results, we analyze the structure of the graph and show that either we can find a subgraph of sublinear size that includes the forbidden minor HH, or we can find a pair of disjoint subsets of vertices whose edge-cut is large, which induces an HH-minor.Comment: extended to testing outerplanarity, full version of ICALP pape

    Characterizing Efficient Referrals in Social Networks

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    Users of social networks often focus on specific areas of that network, leading to the well-known "filter bubble" effect. Connecting people to a new area of the network in a way that will cause them to become active in that area could help alleviate this effect and improve social welfare. Here we present preliminary analysis of network referrals, that is, attempts by users to connect peers to other areas of the network. We classify these referrals by their efficiency, i.e., the likelihood that a referral will result in a user becoming active in the new area of the network. We show that by using features describing past experience of the referring author and the content of their messages we are able to predict whether referral will be effective, reaching an AUC of 0.87 for those users most experienced in writing efficient referrals. Our results represent a first step towards algorithmically constructing efficient referrals with the goal of mitigating the "filter bubble" effect pervasive in on line social networks.Comment: Accepted to the 2018 Web conference (WWW2018