78 research outputs found

    Vocational Education Training Centres in the context of the challenges associated with RIS3. The case of Navarre

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    Berrikuntzako sistema erregionalek eta espezializazio estrategia adimentsuek heziketa teknikoan, ETEentzako zerbitzu teknologikoen prestakuntzan eta tokiko garapenean izandako hutsuneak azaldu ondoren, (LH) lanbide-heziketako ikastetxeek haien konponbidean bete lezaketen papera erakusten du artikulu honek. Horretarako, LHko ikastetxeek funtzio bakarrekoak izatetik funtzio anitzekoak izatera igaro behar dute. Ohikoak ez diren eginkizun berri horiek egin ahal izateak zer ikusia du LHko ikastetxe-motarekin eta LHko ikastetxeen barne eta kanpo-faktoreekin. Nafarroako kasuaren azterketak, aurrekoa argitzeaz gainera, erkidego horretan LHko ikastetxeen eredua eraldatu ahal izateko hainbat orientabide eskaintzen du.After exposing the shortcomings of regional innovation systems and smart specialisation strategies with regard to the technical training, the provision of technological services to SMEs and local development, this paper shows how Vocational Education and Training (VET) centres could contribute to solve them. For that, it is necessary to turn unitary VET centres into multi-functional VET centres. The performance of the new non-traditional functions by the VET centres depends on the prevalent type of centre, and internal and external factors to them. The analysis of the case of Navarre allows us, on top of illustrating the previous points, to draw some orientations about how the transformation of the VET centre model should be undertaken.Tras exponer las carencias que los sistemas regionales de innovación y las estrategias de especialización inteligente han presentado en el ámbito de la formación técnica, de los servicios tecnológicos a las pymes y del desarrollo local, el artículo muestra el papel que los centros educativos de Formación Profesional pueden jugar en su resolución. Para eso es necesaria la transformación de los centros de FP unitarios en centros integrados y multifuncionales. El desempeño de esas nuevas funciones no tradicionales depende de la tipología de centros imperante, y de factores internos y externos a estos. El análisis del caso de Navarra permite, además de ilustrar todo lo anterior, extraer orientaciones para llevar a cabo esa transformación del modelo de centro de FP en dicha comunidad

    Evaluation of a strategy-oriented method to identify and prioritise knowledge management initiatives in SMEs

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    Purpose: This article presents the process followed for the definition, application and evaluation of a strategy-oriented method for identifying and prioritising knowledge management (KM) initiatives in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach: To develop the method, the research team conducted a literature review of the existing business strategies and processes and models of maturity in KM. Based on this, the first version of the method is proposed. Subsequently, the method was explored through a focus group composed of regional development centres, business innovation centres and industry representatives. Then, the four-step method, called KM-EZAGUTUZ, for the identification and prioritisation of KM initiatives in SMEs was proposed. Afterwards, a field test was performed in five companies. Findings: The conclusions obtained through the research show the validity of the method, which helps SMEs identify and prioritise KM initiatives. Research limitations/implications: More field tests should be done to confirm the validity of the method and improve it. Furthermore, the research concludes that strategy-focused KM is a good approach for SMEs, allowing them to approach KM from a consistent and pragmatic perspective. The research also provides insights into the main difficulties faced by SMEs in implementing KM. Practical implications: The method, which is developed and supported in a prototype tool, helps companies quickly determine and prioritise the actions for better KM in accordance with company strategies. In addition, the method supports a common understanding of the strategic vision of the organisation among the participants taking part in the process. Social implications: Management practices are usually designed for medium- and large-sized companies. The significant resources required make it difficult for SMEs to benefit from the implementation of such practices. Given that SMEs account for a large share of employment in countries and that they need to manage knowledge effectively, this research helps address this important socio-economic need. Originality/value: The method described in the article combines strategy, knowledge management and a user-friendly identification and prioritisation tool adapted to SMEs

    Trends and Proposals for European Industrial Engineering

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    This article analyses the trends in scientific publications (Web of Science) in the field of industrial engineering (IE) from 1950 to the present. Specifically, it presents the evolution of the emergence of ‘concepts’ associated with IE for decades, their quantitative or qualitative nature and the prominence of the different world regions in their origin. The analysis reveals a decline in the capacity of the academe and the industry to propose new ‘concepts’ during the last 20 years, a considerable variation of the leading role of world regions in IE and significant changes in the preponderance of IE ‘concepts’ with a quantitative or qualitative character. To foster the capacity of the IE academe in contributing to European industrial development, the transformations that the industry will have to face during the next decades are proposed as areas of development of the research activity. Enhancing training and research on the consequences of digitisation on industrial management, enlarging the optimization scope from company to value chain and industrial ecosystems and prioritizing research aimed at developing new ‘concepts’, methodologies and tools are suggested as some of the future paths for IE

    Is there in danger the Comb of the Wind sculpture because of the surge´s force that flogs it? Design of a PBL orientated to the active learning in the formation of Technical Architects

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    In this communication, the design of a PBL, Problem Based Learning, for the teaching of physical and mechanical properties of materials in the subject of Fundamentals of Materials I for a degree in Technical Arquitecture is presented. This new methodology of teaching orientated to the active learning was implemented in the academic course 2012/13. On the basis of the results obtained in the exams, we can confirm that the methodology is suitable and positive for the acquisition of the results of learning proposed for the subject.En esta comunicación, se presenta el diseño de un ABP, aprendizaje basado en problemas, para la enseñanza de las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de los materiales en la asignatura de Fundamentos de Materiales I del grado de Arquitectura Técnica. Esta nueva metodología de enseñanza orientada al aprendizaje activo se implementó en el curso académico 2012/13, y en base a los resultados obtenidos en los exámenes parciales, se puede confirmar que la metodología resulta adecuada y positiva para la adquisición de los resultados de aprendizaje propuestos para la asignatura

    Eyeface : a new multimethod tool to evaluate the perception of conceptual user experiences

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    Based on the identification of a new multimethod tool necessity, a new tool called Eyeface has been created by combining two different devices: the Eye-tracking and the Facereader. This research work analyses a new multimethod tool to evaluate the user experience perception in the conceptualisation phase within the experience design process. To this end, an experiment has been carried out analysing the correlation between the Eyeface and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – Expanded Form (PANAS-X) evaluation tool. The result of this study showed a high similarity between each devicés results, and thus concluded that the Eyeface fits as a concept evaluation tool within the experience design process

    Company Maturity Models: Application to Supplier Development Program in Oil and Gas Sector

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    Purpose: In order to achieve excellence, outsourced maintenance contractors in Oil&Gas sector play a key role due to the important impact of their task on security, availability and energy consumption. This paper presents the process followed in order to implement a Supplier Development Program in a refinery using Company Maturity Model (CoMM) and the results obtained in three cases validating the method to obtain a strategic improvement project medium term grid. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology followed consists of constructing a CoMM capturing the knowledge existing in the refinery and applying it with three supplier improvement teams. Findings and conclusions have arised through an observation of the three processes and extracting common conclusions. Findings: The resulting CoMM has been used for self-assessment by three suppliers and has demonstrated its potential to define a medium-term improvement project road map validated by the customer. Furthermore, during the design and application processes, the contribution of CoMMs to the SECI process of knowledge management has been observed. Practical implications: The use of CoMMs in a service contractor context can be applied in other sectors. It contributes to alignment of targets between the supplier and customer companies and to knowledge sharing inside both firms. Originality/value: Maturity models in many transversal fields (CMMI, EFQM, BPMM, PEMM, etc.) have been thoroughly studied in the literature. Less effort has been made analysing the case of using maturity models constructed and implemented by a company for its specific purposes. In this paper, the process followed by a company to establish a Supplier Development Process using CoMMs is described

    Hezkuntzari buruzko hausnarketa filosofikoak: John Deweyren pentsamendua

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    Every time we talk more about education reforms, it seems that conventional methodologies are becoming old-fashioned and they need to be renewed. Experts speak about new solutions or Alternative Schools. However, what do they alternate to? This article take advantage of the thinking of the xx1h century American philosopher John Dewey. His proposals for schools and the influence of pragmatism and democracy were central in the development of the Free School movements.; On parle de plus en plus au su jet des réformes éducatives. On dirait que les méthodes traditionnelles sont devenues démodées et qu 'elles doivent etre obligatoirement renouvelées. Les experts -insistent sur la nécessité de trouver des solutions et a leur avis on a besoin des Écoles Alternatives. Mais, elles doivent etre une alternative a quoi? Cet article résume certains points de la pensée du philosophe américain du XX' siecle John Dewey. Ses propositions pour les écoles et l'influence du pragmatisme et de la démocratie ont été fondamentaux dans le développement du mouvement des Écoles Modernes.; Cada vez se habla más de las reformas educativas, parece que las metodologías de antes se están quedando atrás y que necesitan ser renovadas. Los expertos no dejan de insistir en que necesitamos nuevas soluciones y que urgen las Escuelas Alternativas. Mas ¿qué es lo que deberían de cambiar? Este artículo resume ciertos puntos del pensamiento de un filósofo norteamericano del siglo XX: John Dewey. Dado que sus propuestas para las escuelas y la influencia del pragmatismo y la democracia fueron fundamentales en el desarrollo del movimiento de las Escuelas Libres

    [Txirrita'ren testamentua].

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    Descripción tomada de: Txirrita / Antonio ZavalaEjemp. incompleto, falto de portDigitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 200