11 research outputs found

    Analisis Profitabilitas USAha Pengolahan Kedelai pada Irt Tasik Garut di Kabupaten Lebong

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    This research is aimed to estimate income and profitability of the soybean processing business in District of Lebong. The study is case study on Tasik Garut Home Industry. Two profitability methods are used to analyse data obtained, i.e., business income and Net Profit Margin. Results of research showed that business income is Rp. 30,682,083 per month or Rp. 1,022, 736.111 dayly and Profit Margin of 48.6%

    Audit Sumberdaya Manusia: Studi Kasus pada Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Indonesia

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    The aims of this study are to analyze human resources function in the employee' perpectives In Center for Indonesian Plantation Biotechnology Research (Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Indonesia), identify the aspects which should be improved, and identify functions needed to manage intensively. Descriptive research method is used and non – parametric statistics including range criteria test, cartesius diagram, and Whitney and Kruskall Wallis are applied to analyze data gathered from 59 respondent who are censused. The reserach concludes that human resource management has not been solidity. For the future, its implementation should be improved for human resources development in this research center

    Analisis Konsumsi Pangan Berbasis Protein Hewani di Kabupaten Lebong: Pendekatan Model AIDS (Almost Ideal Demand System)

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    This paper analyze the food consumtion base-on animal protein in Lebong. The study estimated a demand model for food base-on animal protein by using Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model. It also estimated demand elasticities for different food items by the models. The result show that the demand model for food-based on animal protein can be explained by AIDS models. The model is consistent with demand theory. The coefficient of determination show range from 12.59 percent to 29.36 percent. However, the homogenity test for restriction parameters have not been explained by the model. The estimated own-price elasticity of demand for Chicken, Goldfish and Egg indicated that if the price fell by 10% then the demand for the items would increase by 2.72%, 6.82%, and 9.05%, respectively. It show that the items are inelastic and necessities goods. The income elasticity of demand for Chicken, Goldfish and Egg were 1.000, 0.999, and 1.000, respectively. It shows that all commodities are normal goods. The estimates of cross price elasticity indicate that substitution effects of price change were not quite strong

    Analisis Pendapatan USAhatani pada Kopi Tradisional dan Kopi Sambung di Desa Lubuk Kembang, Kec. Curup Utara, Kab. Rejang Lebong

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    This research was conducted in the Desa Lubuk kembang, Kec. Curup Utara, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Prov. Bengkulu. The purpose of this study are: 1) to calculate revenue on the traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming and 2) to determine the condition of efficiency in traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming and their difference. The amount of 68 farmers of coffee were chosen by using the accidental sampling method. The respondents of farmers\u27 group consist of 34 farmers. Data analysis used descriptive analysis. The results of this research showed that the average income of traditional coffee farming is Rp. 7,369,461,00/hectar/year, while the average farm income of grafting coffee farming of Rp. 18,792,149/hectar/ year. The average value of R/C ratio in traditional coffee farming was 3.37, while in grafting coffee farming was 3.85. These indicataed that coffe farming, both on traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming, were eficient

    Analisis Subjectif Well-being Anak Usia Dini yang Berasal dari Keluarga Berstatus Ekonomi Sosial Rendah di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi anak adalah tingkat kebahagiaan anak dengan kondisi keluarganya. Seperti perhatian orangtua, fasilitas, dan sebagainya yang anak miliki. Kecenderungan yang terjadi adalah anak yang berasal dari keluarga miskin memiliki penilaian yang rendah terhadap kebahagiaan hidupnya. Tingkatan atau kadar kebahagiaan yang dirasakan individu satu akan berbeda dengan individu lain. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal yang menjadikan individu tersebut bahagia seperti keluarga yang harmonis, teman-teman atau lingkungan yang hangat, status sosial ekonomi, dan sebagainya. Namun seringkali kebahagiaan seseorang hanya diukur berdasarkan keterpenuhan kebutuhan dasar saja seperti kebutuhan sandang, pangan, dan papan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang tingkat Subjective well Being Anak Usia dini yang Berasal dari Keluarga Berstatus ekonomi Sosial yang Rendah di Kota Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis statistik. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa tingkat kesejahteraan subjectif well-being anak usia dini tinggi meskipun berasal dari keluarga berstatus ekonomi rendah

    Analisis Distribusi Pendapatan pada USAha Ikan Nila di Kecamatan Seginim, Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan

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    Indonesia has a very rich fisheries resources and potential both in the fresh waters, the coast, and sea water covering land diversity of fish and fisheries. One type of fresh water fish that has been cultivated is Tilapia. In Indonesia, Tilapia is economically valuable fish which has been cultivated by fish farmers in various areas. Seginim district in Southern Bengkulu is one region in Sumatera that produces cultivator of Tilapia. The objectives of this study were to 1) know the income of Tilapia farmers and 2) know the income distribution in the business of Tilapia. The determination of respondents in this research was taken from the business of Tilapia. The respondents were determined by using census method and the number of respondents were 54 people. The primary data was taken directly from the respondents by using interview method to the enterpreneuss, and by using questionaires. The secondary data was obtain from the Seginim district office and related literature.the analysis instrument used was the income analysis and income distribution of the business of Tilapia. The results of the study showed that the income of the business of Tilapia in Seginim district of Southern Bengkulu was Rp22,204,786.27 per farm per season. The part obtained by fish feed businessman was 45.17 percent; by fish seed businessman was 29.25 percent; by fish farmers was 19.22 percent; and by farm workers was 6.36 percent

    Efisiensi USAha Pembibitan Itik Modern Dan Tradisional Pada Skala Rumah Tangga Di Kabupaten Lebong

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    The objectives of this research are to determine the income level and to estimate the differencies of income between modern and traditional techniques of breeding by the household in Amen and Lebong Sakti subdistrict, Lebong District. The determinationoftheamountofrevenueisdoneusinganalysisofrevenues,whilefor testingwhethertherearedifferencesintheincomeofboththeduckbreedingefforts carriedout by differentassayanalysisofaverageincome.Thecalculationtodeterminethe level of efficiencyof thebusiness activities ofbreedingducks usingR/Cratio. Basedon theresults of the research theaveragerevenuesofmodernducksnursery isRp.1.331.969,21forfourmonths,while theaverageincomeof thetraditionalduck breeding attempt amounted to Rp. 1.662.396,66 for four months. After a test of the difference of income between enterprises of modern and traditional duck breeding, breeding ofmodernducksrevenuessmaller revenuesequaltothetraditionalduckbreeding where therealdifferencesinthedegreesofconfidence95.The averagevalueoftheresults analysis of R/Cratioinmodernduckbreeding effortsLebongisequalto2.00while R/C ratio of thetraditional duck breeding amounted to 2.15

    Analisis Pendapatan, Efisiensi dan Risiko Usaha Ayam Pedaging (Broiler) (Studi Kasus : Peternakan Milik Bapak Ade di Desa Lagan Kecamatan Talang Empat Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah)

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan pada peternakan ayam pedaging broiler milik Bapak Ade di Desa Lagan Kecamatan Talang Empat Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pendapatan, efisiensi dan risiko usaha. Penentuan lokasi ditentukan secara purposive method dengan kriteria. Metode studi kasus dengan pengumpulan data primer berupa data time series dan sekunder. Metode analisis menggunakan deskriptif dengan metode penedekatan kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis efisien dan risiko usaha yaitu R/C Ratio dan FMEA kemudian dihitung (RPN). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan usaha ternak ayam pedaging broiler sebesar Rp. 44.572.190 per periode atau 267.433.143 per tahun. Nilai dari R/C ratio > 1 yaitu sebesar 1,24 artinya usaha efisien untuk dikembangkan. Risiko usaha memiliki 14 jenis risiko yang pertama harus ditangani dengan peringkat risiko tinggi adalah risiko cuaca. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan peringkat risiko yang lebih rendah hingga seterusnya