1,175 research outputs found

    Health insurance as a strategy for access: streamlined facts of the colombian health care reform

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    The Colombian reform to the health system (Law 100 of 1993) established, as strategy to facilitate the access, the universality of a health insurance that is acquired by means of the quotation in the contributive regime or by means of the gratuitous affiliation to the subsidized regime, in order to cover all the population with a unique plan of benefits that includes services in all levels of complexity. In this paper we intend to cover the main streamlined facts of the reform as far as coverage and access of the insurance, by means of logit models, the determinants of the enrollment and the access are considered, using data from the Living Standards Surveys of 1997 and 2003. It stands out that the coverage rose from 20% of the population in 1993 to 60% in 2003, although it seems very difficult to reach the universality; the structure and evolution of the coverage show that both regimes complement each other, while the contributive one has greater presence in the cities and among the population with formal employment, the subsidized one has greater weight among the rural population and in those with low levels of income; on the other hand, the insurance has advantages for the subsidized population, with a greater probability for use of the services, although the plan offers less benefits than the contributive one there are some barriers for the access.health insurance, access, enrollment affiliation, social security, Colombia

    Flexibility and Academic Credits within Higher Education trends

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    La globalización en la Educación Superior y el nuevo marco de mercado dentro del sistema universitario ha introducido el concepto de flexibilidad. Uno de Ios instrumentos principales en el desarrollo de este proceso ha sido el Sistema de Crédito Académico (el Marco de Crédito), que es un modo de reestructurar el currículum hacia la Flexibilidad de Suministros. Muchos países en el mundo entero han introducido este modelo, después del Sistema de Crédito americano. Este trabajo explorará conceptualmente los eslabones entre las tendencias principales en la enseñanza superior y este nuevo concepto.Globalisation in Higher Education and the new market framework within the University System have introduced the concept of flexibility. One of the main tools in the development of this process has been the Academic Credit System (Credit Framework), which is a way of restructuring the curriculum towards Frexibility of Provision. Many countries around the world have introduced this model, following the American Credit System. This paper will conceptually explore the links between the main trends in higher education and this new concept.Fil: Restrepo Abondano, José Manuel. Universidad de Rosario (Colombia

    Alcance Jurisprudencial de la iniciativa legislativa reservada del Gobierno Nacional

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    A pesar de que en el constitucionalismo colombiano la regla general es el principio de libertad de iniciativa legislativa de los miembros del Congreso en el proceso de formación de las leyes, la Constitución ha establecido respecto de ciertas materias que la iniciativa corresponde de manera exclusiva al Gobierno Nacional. En ese orden de ideas, el presente artículo expone los argumentos empleados por la Corte Constitucional para precisar el alcance de la aplicación de las causales que limita la iniciativa legislativa en forma reservada al Gobierno Nacional

    Descongestiónar la justicia administrativa, soluciones para un problema endémico

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    La congestión de los juzgados y tribunales administrativos es uno de los problemas del sistema judicial colombiano. La investigación llevada a cabo en los despachos judiciales de Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cartagena, Tunja y Bucaramanga busca encontrar las causas del represamiento. Entre éstas se encuentran la falta de recursos, la ineficacia de la conciliación y el trámite excesivo de demandas, muchas de ellas innecesarias. Finalmente, sugiere que la descongestión de la justicia administrativa se puede lograr a través de una estrategia que agilice los procesos de toma de decisión y una serie de medidas que eviten el trámite innecesario de demandas

    Adaptación del modelo de Estado y del derecho nacional a la globalización económica y compatibilización con la vigencia del estado social de derecho

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    La globalización económica ha determinado una redefinición del papel del Estado, que de intervencionista y prestador pasa a regulador y garante de la prestación, determinando una adaptación del régimen jurídico aplicable por los Estados nacionales y propiciando la creación de un nuevo orden en el ámbito global, que pone en entredicho la capacidad actual de las organizaciones políticas de las sociedades para cumplir con los cometidos del Estado social, cuya vía de resolución parece ser la calidad del sistema regulatorio

    Independence and Professionalism in the Institutional Design of Supreme Audit Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    The primary purpose of this research is to determine whether the institutional design of supreme audit institutions (SAIs) in Latin America and the Caribbean meets the criteria of independence and professionalism established in the principles of the Lima and Mexico Declarations of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) as a condition for the development of an efficient external governmental audit whose results may provide input for improved performance by audited bodies for the benefit of society. In accordance with the descriptive variables defined for this paper and in function of the information sources consulted, we were able to establish that the institutional design of the regional SAIs fulfil these principles. Nevertheless, because this conclusion is based on an analysis of the constitutional and legal norms that regulate SAIs and the documents generated by SAIs, such as auditing guidelines and manuals, management reports and audit reports, we cannot say that this effectively means that SAIs meet the parameters of independence and professionalism intended by the INTOSAI. Instead, political, institutional and communication challenges have arisen that must be overcome to move from formal compliance to real application. © 2015 by De Gruyter

    Effects of Biodiesel Concentration on Microbial Deterioration of Polyethylene in a Simulated Fuel Storage Tank

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    In this study a simulated fuel storage tank was used to investigate the effect of biodiesel concentration on biodegradation of polyethylene. This research is relevant in the field of fuel storage. The simulated storage system consisted of a number of identical conical flasks. Each flask was comprised of two layers, an upper one consisting of a fuel blend of diesel with biodiesel in concentrations ranging from 0 to 100% of biodiesel and the bottom layer containing an aqueous mineral media inoculated with a community obtained from a real fuel storage facility. Polyethylene slabs cut to a specific size were immersed in the aqueous layer and were aged for 200 days, the system was kept at environmental temperature of approximate 25°. The microbial composition of the aqueous layer, biofilm development on polyethylene slabs and changes in polymer surface were studied. The results in this study confirm that biodiesel in a mixture of diesel-biodiesel can affect both the composition and metabolic capabilities of microbial communities in diesel storage tanks. Biodiesel can also affect the biofilm community structure and the biodegradation of polyethylene. However, microorganisms induced only surface damage and it is unlikely that in the short term it represents a risk for the infrastructure

    Driven open quantum systems and Floquet stroboscopic dynamics

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    We provide an analytic solution to the problem of system-bath dynamics under the effect of high-frequency driving that has applications in a large class of settings, such as driven-dissipative many-body systems. Our method relies on discrete symmetries of the system-bath Hamiltonian and provides the time evolution operator of the full system, including bath degrees of freedom, without weak-coupling or Markovian assumptions. An interpretation of the solution in terms of the strobo- scopic evolution of a family of observables under the influence of an effective static Hamiltonian is proposed, which constitutes a flexible simulation procedure of non-trivial Hamiltonians. We instan- tiate the result with the study of the spin-boson model with time-dependent tunneling amplitude. We analyze the class of Hamiltonians that may be stroboscopically accessed for this example and illustrate the dynamics of system and bath degrees of freedom.Comment: Corrected minor typos in reference

    Dealing and discovering a new organizational culture within a very traditional University

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    The Universidad del Rosario" is one of the oldest Universities in Colombia, it was founded in 1653, and has since then been characterized as a very traditional University. Within the University, one of the Faculties has developed a deeply rooted cultural change which has transformed the nature of its performance. This research explores this change using a model which studies the culture as a complex reality. The results of this paper are very interesting from a theoretical viewpoint, as they are an example for change agents of how a very old and traditional academic setting could be transformed and how to study this issue.**************************************************************************************************************La Universidad del Rosario es una de las universidades más antiguas de Colombia, fundada en 1653 y, desde entonces, caracterizada como una universidad tradicional. Existe al interior de la Universidad una Facultades ha desarrollado fuertemente un cambio cultural transformando la naturaleza y desempeño de la Universidad. Esta investigación explora este cambio utilizando un modelo que estudia la cultura como una realidad compleja. El resultado de este trabajo es interesante desde el punto de vista teórica dado que es un ejemplo de "cambio de los agentes" en como una institución antigua y tradicional en términos académicos puede transformarse y cómo puede estudiarse dicho caso."Universidad del Rosario, Education, Change Agent., culture, complex reality