9 research outputs found


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    Indonesia merupakan negara maritim yang memiliki luas perairan mencapai 6,32 juta km2, sedangkan luas daratan hanya sebesar 1,91 juta km2.. Dengan kondisi geografis tersebut ternyata belum mampu mensejahterakan mayarakat pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status kemiskinan dan hubungan antara kebahagiaan dan status kemiskinan pada rumah tangga nelayan di Indonesia, dengan menggunaka metode logit dan uji statistik Chi-Square. Data yang digunakan berasal dari Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) gelombang lima. Sementara itu perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalam analisis ini adalah Stata 14 dan MegaStat. Hasil estimasi regresi menunjukkan bahwa kemiskinan rumah tangga nelayan secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh jumlah anggota rumah tangga, kepemilikan kapal, dan kepemilikan akses kredit. Di sisi lain terdapat hubungan antara kebahagiaan dan status kemiskinan rumah tangga nelayan di Indonesia

    Pola Perdagangan Global pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Berteknologi Tinggi

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    This study deals with firm level data of Indonesian high-tech manufacturing industries to determine firm’s production, especially among global trade variables, such as export intensity, vertical trade integration, and two-way trade. This study employs a generalized method of moments (GMM) approach to examine the most important factors of a global trade phenomenon. In the full-sample, the result demonstrates that vertical trade integration and two-way trade are significant determinants on firm’s production while export intensity is not. In ordinary trader sub-sample, export intensity is a significant determinant of firm’s production, whereas in vertical trader sub-sample export intensity is not. ........................................... Penelitian ini menggunakan data tingkat perusahaan pada industri manufaktur berteknologi tinggi di Indonesia untuk menentukan kemampuan produksi suatu perusahaan, dari berbagai variabel perdagangan global, seperti intensitas ekspor, perdagangan vertikal yang terintegrasi, dan perdagangan dua arah terhadap. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan generalized method of moment (GMM) untuk menguji faktor terpenting dari fenomena perdagangan global. Pada sampel penuh, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perdagangan vertikal yang terintegrasi dan perdagangan dua arah merupakan faktor penentu yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan produksi perusahaan sedangkan intensitas ekspor tidak. Pada sub-sampel pedagang biasa, intensitas ekspor merupakan faktor penentu yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan produksi perusahaan, sedangkan pada sub-sampel pedagang vertikal intensitas ekspor bukan merupaka faktor penentu

    Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Konsentrasi Pasar Terhadap Efisiensi Industri Pengolahan Besar Dan Sedang Di Jawa Timur

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of market concentration on industrial efficiency. Large and medium processing industry data in East Java and the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) approach were used to investigate the impact of market concentration on the efficiency of the industry. The results of the study indicate that market concentration in the processing industry in East Java leads to oligopoly. The variable of firm size (FSize) and the level of market concentration (CR4) have a negative effect on the level of technical efficiency of large and medium industries in East Java.This study aims to investigate the effect of market concentration on industrial efficiency. Large and medium processing industry data in East Java and the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) approach were used to investigate the impact of market concentration on the efficiency of the industry. The results of the study indicate that market concentration in the processing industry in East Java leads to oligopoly. The variable of firm size (FSize) and the level of market concentration (CR4) have a negative effect on the level of technical efficiency of large and medium industries in East Java

    Is the Oil Palm Land Efficient in Indonesia?

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    The plantation’s sub-contribution sector to the country’s gross domestic product reflects the role oil palm plantations have played in boosting the economy. The goal of this study is to examine land efficiency and the variables that affect its value in Indonesian national superior plantations, by the application of the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) method. Age, education, financial situation, and geographic location of the farmer all affect their engagement in agriculture, particularly when it comes to spreading new techniques. Therefore, policies that are based on input variables that demonstrate substantial outcomes in boosting the output of rubber plantations in Indonesia must be implemented by the government through certain institutions. Keywords: palm oil, efficiency, Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA

    The Effect of Economic and Social Infrastructure on Household Food Security in Indonesia

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    ood is a basic requirement for living things. This study aims to analyze the effects of economic infrastructure, social infrastructure and household characteristics on food security in Indonesia using the Johnsson and Toole (1991) methods. There were 285,908 households studied originating from the 2015 SUSENAS data. The model used in this study was the general ordered logistics model. Based on the results of the study there were 29.51% of food security, 25.12% of vulnerable food, 23.14% of food shortages and 22.33% of households at food insecurity. The results of this study also revealed that ownership of transportation modes, electricity use, fuel use, education of household heads and household health insurance significantly affected food security. The government program in the form of giving poor rice (RASKIN) provides poor results reducing the chance of food security by 11% and increasing the chances of food insecurity by 6%

    The Source of Output Growth: Productivity Performance in the Indonesian Crude Palm Oil Industry

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    Indonesia has become the largest producer and exporter of crude palm oil commodities in the world. Therefore, the production of CPO turns out to be very greedy for land. There are any problems in production CPO, therefore the study aims to develop a conceptual framework of the source of output growth, whether driven by input or productivity growth, and to implement this concept by investigating the source of output growth in the crude palm oil industry in Indonesia. The investigation applies firm-level panel data and follows a quantitative approach using general method of moments to estimate the production coefficients and calculate the input and productivity growth. The result shows that the output growth of the crude palm oil industry does not lead in productivity growth driven. It seems to be driven by input growth, not by productivity growth. Since growth is still driven by input, the crude palm oil industry will be less competitive in the world market. The high world demand for crude palm oil commodities from Indonesia must be met by using more efficient input factors, optimizing production scale, and supporting technological progress. The government, therefore, must have strategies that are more competitive in the global market

    The impacts of foreign direct investment and export expansion on the performance of the high-tech manufacturing industry

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    This study investigates the impact of foreign direct investment and export expansion on firm performance. Using firmlevel data from the Indonesian high-tech manufacturing industry, we employ stochastic frontier analysis to determine firm efficiency. Our study provides evidence of negative backward and positive forward FDI spillovers on firms’ efficiency level. The results further show that foreign firms in the high-tech manufacturing industry are more efficient than local firms. Furthermore, a greater degree of fragmented trade integration is related to better performance among firm in the high-tech manufacturing industry. This indicates the significance of the production of component goods relative to the finished goods. In terms of the policy, the authority might need to consider whether the existence of FDI benefits local producers beyond promoting trading of component goods of the high-tech manufacturing industry

    The Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment and Export Expansion on the Performance of the High-Tech Manufacturing Industry

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    This study investigates the impact of foreign direct investment and export expansion on firm performance. Using firm-level data from the Indonesian high-tech manufacturing industry, we employ stochastic frontier analysis to determine firm efficiency. Our study provides evidence of negative backward and positive forward FDI spillovers on firms’ efficiency level. The results further show that foreign firms in the high-tech manufacturing industry are more efficient than local firms. Furthermore, a greater degree of fragmented trade integration is related to better performance among firm in the high-tech manufacturing industry. This indicates the significance of the production of component goods relative to the finished goods. In terms of the policy, the authority might need to consider whether the existence of FDI benefits local producers beyond promoting trading of component goods of the high-tech manufacturing industry

    Technical Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Crude Palm Oil: Variation across Years, Locations, and Firm Sizes in Indonesia

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    Crude palm oil (CPO) is a valuable commodity for Indonesia’s economy as the country has become the world’s biggest producer and exporter. Therefore, maintaining productivity in the CPO industry is crucial to ensure that the global demand is met. This study aims to examine Indonesian CPO productivity and its components using total factor productivity growth (TFPg) with stochastic frontier analysis. This study analyzes the variation in the TFPg across years, locations, and firm sizes. The first two analyses imply that, on average, the CPO industry’s productivity declines annually, with firms in 20 provinces experiencing negative TFPg. Regarding size, the analysis demonstrates that the technical efficiency change (TEC) and technical change (TC) have regressed the TFPg in all scale firms. However, medium firms saw a smaller decline in comparison to large firms. Conversely, large firms possess slightly better scale efficiency change (SEC) than medium firms, although both types attain a negative SEC. The findings also show that the main factor contributing to the gain or decline in productivity is TC, which suggests the urgency of innovative technology in the CPO industry