2,461 research outputs found

    Variability of the anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum graminicola in sorghum genotype mixtures.

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    This paper reports partial results obtained on the variability of Colletotrichum graminicola developed in response to the host diversity generated by three-line combination of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes. Nine sorghum lines were used in this study: CMSXS210B, CMSXS112B, CMSXS215B, CMSXS221B, CMSXS169R, CMSXS180R, CMSXS182R, CMSXS227R, and CMSXS116R. A total of 39 treatments on mixtures and pure stands of the component lines were evaluated in the field for the development of anthracnose, as a natural epidemic. Samples of the single spore isolates of the pathogen of each treatment indicated a reduction in the phenotypic diversity and an increase in the frequency of more complex races in genotype mixturesin relation to the pure stands of each genotype. O presente trabalho relata resultados parciais sobre a variabilidade de Colletotrichum graminicola, agente causal da antracnose do sorgo (Sorghum bicolor), desenvolvida em resposta à diversidade gerada na população hospedeira através de misturas formadas pela combinação, três a três, de diferentes linhagens de sorgo. Nove linhagens foram utilizadas neste estudo: CMSXS210B, CMSXS112B, CMSXS215B, CMSXS221B, CMSXS169R,CMSXS180R, CMSXS182R, CMSXS227R, and CMSXS116R. Misturas e estandes puros de cada linhagem componente, em um total de 39 tratamentos, foram avaliados no campo, para o desenvolvimento da antracnose em condições de infecção natural. Amostras de isolados monospóricos do patógeno obtidas de cada tratamento indicaram uma redução na diversidade fenotípica do patógeno e um aumento na freqüência de raças de maior complexidade em todas as misturas em relação aos estandes puros de cada genótipo

    Repeatability of fruits and seeds production and selection of Brazil nut genotypes in native populations in Roraima.

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    This study estimates the repeatability coefficients of two production traits in two native populations of Brazil nut trees. It determines the number of years of suitable evaluations for an efficient selection process, determines the permanent phenotypic correlation between production traits and also the selection of promising trees in these populations. Populations, located in the Itã region (ITA) and in the in the Cujubim region (CUJ), are both belonging to the municipality of Caracaraí, state of Roraima - Brazil, and consist of 85 and 51 adult trees, respectively. Each tree was evaluated regarding the number of fruits per plant (NFP) and fresh seed weight per plant (SWP), for eight (ITA) and five consecutive years (CUJ). Statistical analyses were performed according to the mixed model methodology, using Software Selegen-REML/BLUP (RESENDE, 2007). The repeatability coefficients were low for NFP (0.3145 and 0.3269 for ITA and CUJ, respectively) and also for SWP (0.2957 and 0.3436 for ITA and CUJ, respectively). It on average takes nine evaluation years to reach coefficients of determination higher than 80%. Permanent phenotypic correlation values higher than 0.95 were obtained for NFP and SWP in both populations. Although trees with a high number of fruits and seed weight were identified, more evaluation years are needed to perform the selection process more efficiently

    Seleção de matrizes e tipo de propágulo na enxertia de substituição de copa em Ilex paraguariensis.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a técnica da sobreenxertia em Ilex paraguariensis, visando a substituição de copas. Para tanto, foi avaliada a influência da posição do enxerto na planta matriz, a idade e a matriz, bem como, a definição da melhor época para avaliação do pegamento e vigor dos enxertos. Árvores com 13 anos de idade localizadas em Colombo ? PR, foram submetidas ao corte a 10 cm do solo para indução de brotações, sobre as quais foi realizada a enxertia por garfagem no topo em fenda cheia. Os enxertos foram coletados de sete árvores matrizes com idade de 10 anos e sete árvores com idade acima de 80 anos. Das matrizes selecionadas foram retirados enxertos observando-se a posição apical, mediana e basal dentro da planta matriz. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições e 42 tratamentos, no esquema fatorial hierárquico 2 x 7 x 3 (duas idades; 7 matrizes, para cada idade; e 3 posições de coleta). A variável resposta de interesse foi proporção de pegamentos e número e comprimento de brotos. Obteve-se um comportamento diferenciado das matrizes quando amostradas em diferentes posições de coleta. A herdabilidade individual dos efeitos genotípicos, estimada para o pegamento dos enxertos, foi superior a 74%, para todos os períodos de avaliação, cujo valor é considerado alto. O coeficiente de variação genética foi da ordem de 34%, para os períodos de acompanhamento iguais ou superiores a 90 dias, indicando boas perspectivas de ganho no melhoramento do material genético. O coeficiente de variação experimental, nesse mesmo período, ficou entre 78% e 94%. Não houve diferenças entre os parâmetros genéticos a partir dos 90 dias. Pode-se concluir que a sobreenxertia de erva-mate diretamente a campo é tecnicamente viável; melhores taxas de pegamento são obtidas em árvores mais novas e com brotações apicais; e as matrizes apresentam respostas diferenciadas quanto ao pegamento na enxertia

    Efeito do consórcio cultural no manejo ecológico de insetos em tomateiro.

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    Avaliação da variabilidade espacial do solo em experimentos de eficiência nutricional em milho, conduzidos em área com baixos teores de nutrientes: um estudo de caso.

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    O presente trabalho trata de um estudo de caso em uma área experimental, descrevendo a abordagem utilizada e as recomendações sugeridas para redução da variabilidade espacial do solo.bitstream/CNPMS-2010/22533/1/Bol-18.pd

    Atrazine sorption in soil treated with biochar.

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    Biochar has been used worldwide as soil amendment. Due to the high sorption capacity of organic compounds by charcoal in general, the use of biochar can change the soil sorptive properties, that could result in a environmental protective strategy in one hand and/or in need of higher pesticides doses in another hand. However no data in the literature is available about the long term effect of biochar application in the sorptive properties of the soil, even studies about the sorptive properties of soil treated with biochar are scarce, the few available papers are with pure biochar. This unprecedented work, evaluating the sorption of atrazine in a clayed soil treated with biochar, under experimental field conditions, evaluated the sorption isotherms one and three years after the single biochar application (16 Mg ha-1 of biochar). One year after the biochar application the Kf was two times higher for the biochar amended soil than for the control one (without biochar). This effect decreases after three years from the application, but it is even significantly higher (50% higher) than the control treatment

    Collaria oleosa (Hemiptera:Miridae) on Brachiaria ruziziensis and Penissetum purpureum (Poaceae): Charaterization of injury and biological aspects.

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    Injuries caused by Collaria oleosa have often been observed in signal grass and elephant grass pastures. Therefore, the aim of this study was to diagnose and delineate the sites of the injuries caused by C. oleosa and to evaluate some biological aspects of this insect on forage. The duration and survival of the instars and nymph phase of the pest were analyzed. The epidermises were evaluated to identify the sites where the style of the pest entered and to characterize the anatomy of the injured site. The stoma was the entry place of the style and the main injuries were caused to the chlorenchyma of both grasses, and to the parenchymatic sheath of the signal grass. The lignified sheath remained intact, so this appears to be a feeding barrier for the insect. The duration was shorter from second to fifth instars and the nymphal phase when fed with the elephant grass. The way the food sources were hydrated did not alter the development of the nymphs. The survival was greater for the specimens maintained on elephant grass and the nymphs of the first instar were less sensitive when the grass blades were maintained on agar. This hydration method was also better for the survival of the mirid’s nymph phase