19 research outputs found

    On the persistence of memory : soft clocks and terrestrial biosphere-atmosphere interactions

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    The circadian clock is considered a central "orchestrator" of gene expression and metabolism. Concomitantly, the circadian clock is considered of negligible influence in the field and beyond leaf levels, where direct physiological responses to environmental cues are considered the main drivers of diel fluctuations. I propose to bridge the gap across scales by examining current evidence on whether circadian rhythmicity in gas exchange is relevant for field settings and at the ecosystem scale. Nocturnal stomatal conductance and water fluxes appear to be influenced by a "hard" clock that may override the direct physiological responses to the environment. Tests on potential clock controls over photosynthetic carbon assimilation and daytime transpiration are scant yet, if present, could have a large impact on our current understanding and modeling of the exchanges of carbon dioxide and water between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere

    Responses of microbial populations and processes to pulses of precipitation in semiarid forests ecosystems

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    Understanding how abiotic factors regulate soil microbial activity is key in understanding the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to anticipated climate change. Soil microbes catalyze biogeochemical reactions and the exchange of nutrients between heterotroph and autotroph organisms, as well as between the soil and atmosphere. Semiarid forests are driven by "pulses" of precipitation (episodic and irregular events of precipitation) which activate soil microbial activity and their processes. Our knowledge on the functioning of semiarid forest ecosystems in response to pulse events has increased substantially over the last decade. However, a comprehensive paper synthesizing this literature and making conceptual progress at global scale is yet missing. This paper is a review of the current knowledge on microbial populations and their processes in forest semiarid ecosystems after pulse events. First, we briefly describe distribution and abundance of soil microbial biota in these systems. Second, we review ecosystem processes, and how they are regulated by microbial communities. These ecosystem processes include soil respiration, carbon and nitrogen dynamics and decomposition. Third, we address the effects that climatic change may exert on these populations and processes. The effects described are increased CO2 concentrations, elevated temperatures and changes in precipitation regimes

    Environmental and physiological controls on the carbon isotope composition of CO2 respired by leaves and roots of a C3 woody legume (Prosopis velutina) and a C4 perennial grass (Sporobolus wrightii)

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    Accurate estimates of the δ13C value of CO2 respired from roots (δ13CR_root) and leaves (δ13CR_leaf) are important for tracing and understanding changes in C fluxes at the ecosystem scale. Yet the mechanisms underlying temporal variation in these isotopic signals are not fully resolved. We measured δ13CR_leaf, δ13CR_root, and the δ13C values and concentrations of glucose and sucrose in leaves and roots in the C4 grass Sporobolus wrightii and the C3 tree Prosopis velutina in a savanna ecosystem in southeastern Arizona, USA. Night-time variation in δ13CR_leaf of up to 4.6 ± 0.6‰ in S. wrightii and 3.0 ± 0.6‰ in P. velutina were correlated with shifts in leaf sucrose concentration, but not with changes in δ13C values of these respiratory substrates. Strong positive correlations between δ13CR_root and root glucose δ13C values in P. velutina suggest large diel changes in δ13CR_root (were up to 3.9‰) influenced by short-term changes in δ13C of leaf-derived phloem C. No diel variation in δ13CR_root was observed in S. wrightii. Our findings show that short-term changes in δ13CR_leaf and δ13CR_root were both related to substrate isotope composition and concentration. Changes in substrate limitation or demand for biosynthesis may largely control short-term variation in the δ13C of respired CO2 in these species

    Modifying rainfall patterns in a Mediterranean shrubland : system design, plant responses, and experimental burning

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    Global warming is projected to increase the frequency and intensity of droughts in the Mediterranean region, as well as the occurrence of large fires. Understanding the interactions between drought, fire and plant responses is therefore important. In this study, we present an experiment in which rainfall patterns were modified to simulate various levels of drought in a Mediterranean shrubland of central Spain dominated by Cistus ladanifer, Erica arborea and Phillyrea angustifolia. A system composed of automatic rainout shelters with an irrigation facility was used. It was designed to be applied in vegetation 2 m tall, treat relatively large areas (36 m 2), and be quickly dismantled to perform experimental burning and reassembled back again. Twenty plots were subjected to four rainfall treatments from early spring: natural rainfall, long-term average rainfall (2 months drought), moderate drought (25% reduction from long-term rainfall, 5 months drought) and severe drought (45% reduction, 7 months drought). The plots were burned in late summer, without interfering with rainfall manipulations. Results indicated that rainfall manipulations caused differences in soil moisture among treatments, leading to reduced water availability and growth of C. ladanifer and E. arborea in the drought treatments. However, P. angustifolia was not affected by the manipulations. Rainout shelters had a negligible impact on plot microenvironment. Experimental burns were of high fire intensity, without differences among treatments. Our system provides a tool to study the combined effects of drought and fire on vegetation, which is important to assess the threats posed by climate change in Mediterranean environments

    Transitions from grassland to savanna under drought through passive facilitation by grasses

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    Questions: Woody plant encroachment into former grasslands currently represents a major physiognomic shift globally. Seedling establishment is a critical demographic bottleneck and is considered to be alleviated by increases in water availability and negatively impacted by interactions with grasses, particularly when water stress increases. However, interactions with grasses that are not actively competing for resources ('passive interactions' when grasses are dead) has seldom been considered. Could the transition from a live to a dead grass (litter) canopy favour recruitment of woody seedlings in a semi-arid grassland of the American SW? How does the sign and intensity of grass-seedling interactions change across drastically different summer precipitation regimes with and without passive interactions? Location: Sonoran Desert shrub savanna at the Santa Rita Experimental Range, near Tucson, AZ, US. Methods: Four cohorts of Prosopis velutina seeds were planted annually (2002-2005) under rainout shelters that intercepted all incoming precipitation on a soil with sandy loam texture. Summer precipitation was manipulated to simulate either a 50% increase or decrease in the long-term mean, and cover was manipulated to simulate a grassland dominated by the C4 bunchgrass Heteropogon contortus or left unvegetated. Emergence and survival of P. velutina was monitored and compared across cover types, along with monitoring of soil water content and light interception. Results: Strong active competition was observed with live grasses, under both summer drought and also under ample summer water supply. However, the pattern was reversed and strong passive facilitation of P. velutina was observed over time when grass canopies died and remained in place. This passive facilitation under dry summers was so strong that recruitment under dead grass conditions was comparable to that observed when ample water supply removed the effects of competition on unvegetated plots. Conclusions: After significant mortality of standing grass canopies, which typically compete for limited soil moisture resources, rates of recruitment by shrubs may increase even with significant seasonal drought. This work extends our understanding of interactions among co-located organisms and their effects on plant community dynamics, and introduces a new hypothesis on how grass litter facilitates woody plant encroachment during seasonal droughts

    Relationships between climate of origin and photosynthetic responses to an episodic heatwave depend on growth CO2 concentration for Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. camaldulensis

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    Stressful episodic weather is likely to affect the C balance of trees as the climate changes, potentially altering survival. However, the role of elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) in tolerating off-season episodic extremes is not clear. We tested for interactive effects of elevated CO2 and springtime heat stress on photosynthesis for seven genotypes of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. var. camaldulensis, representing its widespread distribution across south-eastern Australia. We grew clonal material under glasshouse conditions of ambient (aCO2; 400 parts per million (ppm)) or elevated (eCO2; 640ppm) [CO2], and air temperatures of 25:17°C (day:night), and measured the electron transport rate in PSII (ETR), stomatal conductance to water vapour (gs) and net CO2 assimilation (A). Measurements were made before, during and after a four-day temperature excursion of 35:27°C. ETR and A were ∼17% higher for plants grown in eCO2 than in aCO2. Photosynthesis remained stable for plants in eCO2 during the heatwave. Based on the effect size ratio (eCO2:aCO2), gs and ETR were temporarily affected more by the heatwave than A. A reduction in ETR in eCO2 was the only lasting effect of the heatwave. There were no significant differences among genotypes. Correlations between photosynthesis and climate of origin differed for plants grown in aCO2 compared with eCO2, suggesting potential complex and multiple control points on photosynthesis

    Large-scale, dynamic transformations in fuel moisture drive wildfire activity across southeastern Australia

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    The occurrence of large, high-intensity wildfires requires plant biomass, or fuel, that is sufficiently dry to burn. This poses the question, what is "sufficiently dry"? Until recently, the ability to address this question has been constrained by the spatiotemporal scale of available methods to monitor the moisture contents of both dead and live fuels. Here we take advantage of recent developments in macroscale monitoring of fuel moisture through a combination of remote sensing and climatic modeling. We show there are clear thresholds of fuel moisture content associated with the occurrence of wildfires in forests and woodlands. Furthermore, we show that transformations in fuel moisture conditions across these thresholds can occur rapidly, within a month. Both the approach presented here, and our findings, can be immediately applied and may greatly improve fire risk assessments in forests and woodlands globally

    Processes driving nocturnal transpiration and implications for estimating land evapotranspiration

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    Evapotranspiration is a major component of the water cycle, yet only daytime transpiration is currently considered in Earth system and agricultural sciences. This contrasts with physiological studies where 25% or more of water losses have been reported to occur occurring overnight at leaf and plant scales. This gap probably arose from limitations in techniques to measure nocturnal water fluxes at ecosystem scales, a gap we bridge here by using lysimeters under controlled environmental conditions. The magnitude of the nocturnal water losses (12-23% of daytime water losses) in row-crop monocultures of bean (annual herb) and cotton (woody shrub) would be globally an order of magnitude higher than documented responses of global evapotranspiration to climate change (51-98 vs. 7-8 mm yr-1). Contrary to daytime responses and to conventional wisdom, nocturnal transpiration was not affected by previous radiation loads or carbon uptake, and showed a temporal pattern independent of vapour pressure deficit or temperature, because of endogenous controls on stomatal conductance via circadian regulation. Our results have important implications from large-scale ecosystem modelling to crop production: homeostatic water losses justify simple empirical predictive functions, and circadian controls show a fine-tune control that minimizes water loss while potentially increasing posterior carbon uptake

    Genetic variation in circadian regulation of nocturnal stomatal conductance enhances carbon assimilation and growth

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    Circadian resonance, whereby a plant’s endogenous rhythms are tuned to match environmental cues, has been repeatedly shown to be adaptive, although the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Concomitantly, the adaptive value of nocturnal transpiration in C3 plants remains unknown because it occurs without carbon assimilation. These seemingly unrelated processes are interconnected because circadian regulation drives temporal patterns in nocturnal stomatal conductance, with maximum values occurring immediately before dawn for many species. We grew individuals of six Eucalyptus camaldulensis genotypes in naturally lit glasshouses and measured sunset, predawn and midday leaf gas exchange and whole-plant biomass production. We tested whether sunrise anticipation by the circadian clock and subsequent increases in genotype predawn stomatal conductance led to rapid stomatal opening upon illumination, ultimately affecting genotype differences in carbon assimilation and growth. We observed faster stomatal responses to light inputs at sunrise in genotypes with higher predawn stomatal conductance. Moreover, early morning and midday stomatal conductance and carbon assimilation, leaf area and total plant biomass were all positively correlated with predawn stomatal conductance across genotypes. Our results lead to the novel hypothesis that genotypic variation in the circadian-regulated capacity to anticipate sunrise could be an important factor underlying intraspecific variation in tree growth

    Soil phosphorous and endogenous rhythms exert a larger impact than CO2 or temperature on nocturnal stomatal conductance in Eucalyptus tereticornis

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    High nocturnal transpiration rates (5-15% of total water loss in terrestrial plants) may be adaptive under limited fertility, by increasing nutrient uptake or transport via transpiration-induced mass flow, but the response of stomata in the dark to environmental variables is poorly understood. Here we tested the impact of soil phosphorous (P) concentration, atmospheric CO2 concentration and air temperature on stomatal conductance (g s) during early and late periods in the night, as well as at midday in naturally, sun-lit glasshouse-grown Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. seedlings. Soil P was the main driver of nocturnal gs, which was consistently higher in low soil P (37.3-79.9mmolm-2s-1) than in high soil P (17.7-49.3mmolm-2-1). Elevated temperature had only a marginal (P = 0.07) effect on gs early in the night (gs decreased from 34.7 to 25.8mmolm-2s-1 with an increase in temperature of 4°C). The effect of CO2 depended on its interaction with temperature. Stomatal conductance responses to soil P were apparently driven by indirect effects of soil P on plant anatomy, since g s was significantly and negatively correlated with wood density. However, the relationship of gs with environmental factors became weaker late in the night, relative to early in the night, likely due to apparent endogenous processes; gs late in the night was two times larger than gs observed early in the night. Time-dependent controls over nocturnal gs suggest that daytime stomatal models may not apply during the night, and that different types of regulation may occur even within a single night. We conclude that the enhancement of nocturnal gs under low soil P availability is unlikely to be adaptive in our species because of the relatively small amount of transpiration-induced mass flow that can be achieved through rates of nocturnal water loss (3-6% of daytime mass flow)