283 research outputs found

    Absence of a Periodic Component in Quasar z-Distribution

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    Since the discovery of quasars in papers often appeared and appear the assertions that the redshift quasar distribution includes a periodic component with the period Δz=0.063\Delta z = 0.063 or 0.11. A statement of such kind, if it is correct, may manifest the existence of a far order in quasar distribution in cosmological time, that might lead to a fundamental revision all the cosmological paradigm. In the present time there is a unique opportunity to check this statement with a high precision, using the rich statictics of 2dF and SDSS catalogues (about 85000 quasars). Our analysis indicates that the periodic component in distribution of quasar redshifts is absent at high confidence level

    Fear and Greed in Financial Markets: A Clinical Study of Day-Traders

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    We investigate several possible links between psychological factors and trading performance in a sample of 80 anonymous day-traders. Using daily emotional-state surveys over a five-week period as well as personality inventory surveys, we construct measures of personality traits and emotional states for each subject and correlate these measures with daily normalized profits-and-losses records. We find that subjects whose emotional reaction to monetary gains and losses was more intense on both the positive and negative side exhibited significantly worse trading performance. Psychological traits derived from a standardized personality inventory survey do not reveal any specific "trader personality profile", raising the possibility that trading skills may not necessarily be innate, and that different personality types may be able to perform trading functions equally well after proper instruction and practice.

    Experimental results on mass-thickness distribution in spacecraft equipment

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    A technique is described for evaluating the shielding properties of spacecraft equipment with respect to cosmic radiation. A gamma-ray source is used in conjunction with a scintillation detector to determine mass-thickness distribution both in plane geometry for equipment units, and in spherical geometry for given points within the spacecraft. Equations are presented for calculating mass-thickness distribution functions, and the results are compared with experimental measurements

    A gamma-ray testing technique for spacecraft

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    The simulated cosmic radiation effect on a spacecraft structure is evaluated by gamma ray testing in relation to structural thickness. A drawing of the test set-up is provided and measurement errors are discussed

    StochNetV2: A Tool for Automated Deep Abstractions for Stochastic Reaction Networks

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    We present a toolbox for stochastic simulations with CRN models and their (automated) deep abstractions: a mixture density deep neural network trained on time-series data produced by the CRN. The optimal neural network architecture is learnt along with learning the transition kernel of the abstract process. Automated search of the architecture makes the method applicable directly to any given CRN, which is time-saving for deep learning experts and crucial for non-specialists. The tool was primarily designed to efficiently reproduce simulation traces of given complex stochastic reaction networks arising in systems biology research, possibly with multi-modal emergent phenotypes. It is at the same time applicable to any other application domain, where time-series measurements of a Markovian stochastic process are available by experiment or synthesised with simulation (e.g. are obtained from a rule-based description of the CRN)

    Symplectic methods for Hamiltonian systems with additive noise

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    Stochastic systems, phase flows of which have integral invariants, are considered. Hamiltonian systems with additive noise being a wide class of such systems possess the property of preserving symplectic structure. For them, numerical methods preserving the symplectic structure are constructed. A special attention is paid to systems with separable Hamiltonians, to second order differential equations with additive noise, and to Hamiltonian systems with small additive noise

    Quantitative Biological Electron Probe Microanalysis with a Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer

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    This paper describes the details of quantitative electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) performed with a wavelength dispersive spectrometer (WDS). EPMA was carried out on the giant neuron of a fresh frozen ganglion from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The freeze-dried cryosections were compared with sections of freeze-dried, embedded tissue. It was found, that in the ganglion there are two kinds of neurons with a different chlorine concentration of 11 mmole/liter and 32 mmole/liter. Isolated neurons in culture were shown to differ in elemental composition from those in the ganglion tissue
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