233 research outputs found

    Quantitative Biological Electron Probe Microanalysis with a Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer

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    This paper describes the details of quantitative electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) performed with a wavelength dispersive spectrometer (WDS). EPMA was carried out on the giant neuron of a fresh frozen ganglion from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The freeze-dried cryosections were compared with sections of freeze-dried, embedded tissue. It was found, that in the ganglion there are two kinds of neurons with a different chlorine concentration of 11 mmole/liter and 32 mmole/liter. Isolated neurons in culture were shown to differ in elemental composition from those in the ganglion tissue

    New sequence-based data on the relative DNA contents of chromosomes in the normal male and female human diploid genomes for radiation molecular cytogenetics

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The objective of this work is to obtain the correct relative DNA contents of chromosomes in the normal male and female human diploid genomes for the use at FISH analysis of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations. RESULTS: The relative DNA contents of chromosomes in the male and female human diploid genomes have been calculated from the publicly available international Human Genome Project data. New sequence-based data on the relative DNA contents of human chromosomes were compared with the data recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2001. The differences in the values of the relative DNA contents of chromosomes obtained by using different approaches for 15 human chromosomes, mainly for large chromosomes, were below 2%. For the chromosomes 13, 17, 20 and 22 the differences were above 5%. CONCLUSION: New sequence-based data on the relative DNA contents of chromosomes in the normal male and female human diploid genomes were obtained. This approach, based on the genome sequence, can be recommended for the use in radiation molecular cytogenetics

    The use of titanium alloys for details of downhole hammers

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    The influence of cementation technology of titanium alloy Ti-Al-Mn on its wear resistance is studied. It is established that after lubrication a friction pair with mineral oil the wear resistance of the cemented titanium alloy is comparable to wear resistance of the tempered steel 12HN3A, and in water medium surpasses it by 1.5 times. Decrease in the tendency to seizure with steel is the main reason for increase of wear resistance of titanium alloy. Industrial tests of the ASH43 hammer have shown that the use of titanium alloys for the manufacture of hammer strikers allows to increase impact capacity by 1.5 times and to increase drilling rate by 30 % compared to hammers with steel strikers

    Efficacy of sildenafil therapy in children with pulmonary hypertension secondary to congenital heart disease

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    Mother and Child’s Institute, Department of Cardiology, Republic of MoldovaPurpose: pulmonary hypertension (PH) resulting from congenital heart disease (CHD) remains one of the most difficult childhood illness to treat. Sildenafil, a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase-5, is known as an effective and promising pulmonary vasodilator, with minors and insignifi cant reverse effects. Methods: we have evaluated the efficacy and the tolerability of sildenafil in chidren with advanced PH secondary CHD with shunts (simple (14 pts), mixed (35 pts) and complex (28 pts). In this monocentric, double-blind, placebocontrolled study we randomly assigned 77 pts with advanced PH (35 with repaired shunts, 31-palliative procedure and 11 inoperable pts) to placebo or Sildenafil orally, with the dose of 1-2 mg/kg/day each 8h for 6-12 months. The Sildenafil group consisted of 38 pts (mean age 19,9±5,3 months: 16 boys/22 girls) and the placebo group – 39 pts (mean age 21,7±7,8 months: 22 boys/17 girls). The study protocol included: functional class (FC) NYHA/Ross; O2 saturation; 6-min walk test; transthoracic echocardiogram (mean PAP, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), myocardial performance index (MPI or Tei index), right cardiac catheterisation, measuring pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). In addition a special questionnaire of evidence of adverse reactions was available. Results: at the patients treated with Sildenafil was observed an improvement of FC NYHA/Ross from 3,16±0,1 to 2,15±0,1 (p<0,001); O2 sat (+3,1±0,5%) comparing with placebo (+0,6±0,3%), (p<0,001); an effort tolerance estimated by 6-minute walk test (+152,5±17,4 m at 6 months and +184,3±21,2m at 12 months of treatment), (p<0,001); the decreasing of mean PAP, with 22,0±2,22 at 6 months and with 19,03±2,3 mmHg at 12 months (p<0,001) and PVRI had decreased with 2,45±0,19 UW·m2 (p<0,001); the improvement of the systolic function, TAPSE from 16,55±0,34 to 20,7±0,64 mm/m2 (p<0,001) and global function of RV (Tei index) with 0,15±0,01(-31%) to initial (p<0,001). In placebo group the respective signs slightly changed and only PVR diminished from 6,4±0,1 to 5,7±0,3 UW/m2 (p<0,05). There was no death in the sildenafil-treated cases, contrary to 5 in the placebo group. Conclusions: Sildenafil is efficient in treating PH secondary to congenital systemic-to-pulmonary shunts, but even more effective in corrected surgical shunts. Sildenafil improves FC, tolerability at effort, O2 sat, systolic and global function of RV, diminishing PAPm and PVRI comparing with placebo. This remedy has good tolerability, with minors and insignifi cant adverse reactions and favourable impact on the quality of life

    Surgical treatment of ventricular septal defect associated with tricuspid valve insufficiency

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    Departamentul Cardiochirurgie, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Insuficienţa tricuspidiană (IT) congenitală izolată se întâlneşte foarte rar şi constituie 0,3-0,6% din toate malformaţiile cardiace congenitale (MCC). Mult mai frecvent IT are caracter secundar ca consecinţă şi complicaţie a altor MCC. După datele literaturii de la 10 pînă la 30% din pacienţii cu defect septal ventricular (DSV) localizat în regiunea perimembranoasă pot dezvolta IT.Scopul: Evaluarea comparativă a diverselor tactici şi metode de corecţie chirurgicală a DSV asociat cu IT şi elaborarea algoritmului optimal de tratament al acestor bolnavi. Material şi metode: În lotul de bolnavi cu DSV asociat cu IT, operaţi în Centrul de Chirurgie a Inimii pe parcursul anilor 2005- 2014, au fost incluşi 35 de pacienţi cu vârsta medie de 80,9±20,5 luni. Greutatea medie a pacienţilor din acest grup a fost 19,3±3,2 kg şi varia în limitele 4-68 kg. Rezultate: În 20 (57,0%) cazuri s-a diagnosticat IT de gradul II, în 8 (23,0%) cazuri – IT de gradul III şi în 7 (20,0%) cazuri – IT de gradul IV. Concomitent cu plastia DSV, la toţi pacienţii s-a efectuat şi repararea VT: la 4 (11,0%) pacienţi s-a efectuat plastia VT De Vega, la 14 (40,0%) pacienţi – comisuroplastia, la 6 (17,0%) pacienți – suturare de cleft, la 1 (4,0%) pacient – plastia VT De Vega şi comisuroplastie, la 10 (29,0%) pacienţi – comisuroplastie şi suturare de cleft. La etapa postoperatorie s-a ameliorat semnificativ tabloul clinic: s-au redus dispneea (de la 91,7% cazuri la 8,3% cazuri), palpitaţiile (de la 91,7% cazuri la 33,3% cazuri) şi edemele periferice (de la 10,8% cazuri la 4,2% cazuri). Numărul de pacienţi cu insuficienţă cardiacă NYHA 1, care la etapa preoperatorie nu s-a determinat nici la un pacient cu DSV asociat cu IT, a crescut postoperator de la 0 la 54,2% pacienţi, NYHA 2 s-a redus de la 60,0% la 41,7% pacienţi, NYHA 3 – de la 36,0% la 4,2% pacienţi. Concluzii: În marea majoritate de cazuri s-a utilizat metoda prin sutură la comisura antero-septală. Această procedura chirurgicală este simplă, necostisitoare, durează nu mai mult de 5-10 min., practic lipsită de complicaţii şi diminuează semnificativ regurgitarea tricuspidiană.Introduction: Isolated congenital tricuspid valve insufficiency is rare accounting 0.3-0.6% of all congenital heart malformations (CHM). More frequently tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is of secondary origin being a consequence or complication of other CHM. According to the literature 10-30% of patients with ventricular septal defect (VSD) localized in the perimembranous region can develop TR. Aim: Comparative evaluation of various tactics and methods of surgical correction of VSD associated with TR and creation of optimized treatment algorithm. Material and methods: Between 2010 and 2014, 35 patients with average age of 80.9±20.5 months underwent tricuspide annuloplasty within correction of VSD in the Center of Cardiac Surgery of Republic of Moldova. The mean patients’ weight was 19.3±3.2 kg with range of 4-68 kg. Results: There were grade II regurgitation of tricuspide valve in 20 (57.0%) of cases, regurgitation of grade III in 8 (23.0%) of cases and regurgitation of grade IV in 7 (20.0%) of cases. Within correction of VSD there was plasty of tricuspide valve performed: in 4 cases (11.0%) of patients plasty of tricuspide valve De Vega, in 14 cases (40.0%) of patients comisuroplasty, in 6 case (17.0%) of patients comisuroplasty and suture of cleft, in 1 case (4.0%) of patients plasty of tricuspide valve De Vega and comisuroplasty, in 10 cases (29.0%) of patients comisuroplasty and suture of cleft. After operation the clinic state of patients improved significantly: asthma reduced from 91.7% of cases till 8.3% of cases, cases of tachycardia reduced from 91.7% till 33.3% of cases and other cardiac failure symptoms from 10.8 % till 4.2% of cases. The number of patients with cardiac failure NYHA classification class I was present after operation in 54.2% of cases comparing with its absence before operation, class II diminished from 60.0% to 41.7% of cases, class III from 36.0% to 4.2% of cases. Conclusions: In majority of cases the sutures were applied to approximate the septal and anterior leaflet close to the commisure. It is simple, reliable, inexpensive method, requiring not more than 5-10 min to perform and in our experience free of complications and effective in correction of TR


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    In experimental work with experimental animals it is shown that creation of artificial deficiency of calcium in the blood of rats at the 2-hours infusion of sodium salt EDTA stimulates activation of resorption processes in a skeleton and promotes increase an urine temp excretion of plutonium-239, americium-241 and ittrium-91 whereas the temp of calcium-45 excretion with urine decreases and becomes below the level which was before EDTA intake. Activation of resorption processes begins after12 hours from the moment of EDTA intake and proceeds within 3 days and more. The effect can find practical application in the estimation of radionuclides content in a skeleton by method of indirect dosimetry using the value of excretion with urine velocity.В экспериментальной работе на подопытных животных показано, что создание искусственного дефицита кальция в крови крыс при 2-часовой инфузии натриевой соли этилендиаминтетрауксусной кислоты (ЭДТА) стимулирует активизацию процессов резорбции в скелете и способствует повышению скорости экскреции плутония-239, америция-241 и иттрия-91с мочой, тогда как темп выведения кальция-45 с мочой снижается и становится ниже уровня, предшествующего введению ЭДТА. Процесс активизации резорбционных процессов начинается через 12 ч с момента введения ЭДТА и продолжается в течение 3 суток и более. Эффект может найти практическое применение в оценке содержания радионуклидов в скелете методом косвенной дозиметрии по скорости выведения с мочой

    Mediastinal cavernous hemangioma in a child with pulmonary hypertension

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    Department of Radiology, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Republic of Moldova, Moldova, Department of Cardiac Surgery, Clinical Republican Hospital, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Republic of Moldova, Moldova, Department of Pathology, Clinical Republican Hospital, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Republic of Moldova, MoldovaAbstract We present a rare case of mediastinal cavernous hemangioma in a 9-year old girl with advanced pulmonary hypertension. Dynamic contrast enhanced computed tomography of the chest revealed a heterogeneous mass in the antero-superior mediastinum with multiple scattered calcifications, gradually increasing puddles of contrast enhancement and a dilated central vein draining into the superior venae cavae. Surgical resection was performed via median sternotomy. The central vein was ligated in close proximity to its draining point and the entire mass was carefully dissected and excised. The histopathological findings were consistent with cavernous hemangioma. Her postoperative course was uneventful and she was subsequently discharged. The cause of her pulmonary hypertension, however, remained uncertain and required further investigation

    Congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis: surgical outcomes

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    Departamentul Chirurgie Cardiacă, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Catedra Radiologie și Imagistică, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Stenoza aortică supravalvulară congenitală (SASC) este cunoscută prin implicarea întregii rădăcini aortice. Ca urmare, unii chirurgii au schimbat tactica de diminuare a obstrucției prin aplicarea uni singur patch în favoarea tacticii de reconstrucție simetrică cu tehnica de aplicare a două patch-uri ori trei. Avantajul declarat, privind durabilitatea păstrării funcției valvei aortice și posibilitatea de creștere, este nedovedit. Scopul studiului. Constă în evaluarea comparativă a diverselor tactici şi metode de corecţie chirurgicală a SASC şi elaborarea algoritmului optimal de tratament al acestor bolnavi. Materiale şi metode. În lotul de bolnavi cu SASC, operaţi pe parcursul anilor 1992-2016, au fost incluşi 17 de pacienţi cu vârsta cuprinsă între 1 și 19 ani. Sindromul Williams a fost diagnosticat la 10 pacienţi. La toți pacienții a fost măsurat gradientul presional sistolic la nivelul stenozei pre- și postoperator. Metoda de plastie cu lărgirea uni sinus Valsalvae a fost folosită în 10 cazuri, tehnica de plastie după Doty la 7 pacienţi. La 2 pacienţi s-a efectuat şi plastia coarctaţiei aortice. Schimbările în aparatul supravalvular aortic au fost documentate prin datele ecocardiografice și ale aortografiei. Rezultate. La etapa postoperatorie precoce şi tardivă nu s-au determinat cazuri letale. Gradientul presional sistolic la nivelul stenozei preoperator a variat intre 50 – 145 mm Hg( media 82,6-17mmHg), în perioada postoperatorie a variat între 8-30mmHg (media 14,6-7 mm Hg) , fără modificări semnificative pe parcursul supravegherii. După datele ecocardiografiei și aortografiei nu s-au depistat diferențe privind incidența regurgitației și mărimea gradientului în raport cu tehnica aplicată. Concluzii. Operaţiile plastice în cazul stenozei aortice supravalvulare congenitale sunt efective, durabile în timp, având ca consecinţă lichidarea completă a obstrucţiei aortice supravalvulare indiferent de metoda de plastie folosită şi reduc necesitatea protezării aortei ascendente practic la zero.Background. Congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis (CSAS) is known to involve the whole aortic root. Some surgeons have therefore changed their approach from relief of obstruction using a single-patch to symmetric reconstruction with two-or three-patch technique. The argued advantages, as preserved long-term aortic valve function and allowance for growth, are unproven. Objective. Benchmarking of various tactics and methods of surgical correction of CSAS and developing optimal treatment of these patients. Methods. Seventeen patients (7 male, 10 female, mean ages of 8.25 years, range 1-19) underwent surgery for CSAS during 1992-2016 years were included in this retrospective analysis. Ten patients had features of Williams syndrome. Two patients had other concomitant procedures. A single patch was inserted into the longitudinal incision, which passed across the stenosis into the non-coronary sinus in 10 cases. A Doty technique was used in 7 patients. In 2 patients aortic coarctation plasty was performed. Changes in aortic root following repair were documented by echocardiography, aortography. Results. There were no operative deaths. The mean preoperative gradient was 82.6 ±17 mmHg (range 50 – 145 mmHg), which decreased to 14.6±7 mmHg (range 8-30 mmHg) early postoperatively. There was no significant difference in the incidence of postoperative aortic regurgitation or gradient across the repair between two techniques according to the echocardiograms and catheterization findings. Conclusion. According to our study, we cannot demonstrate any benefit in reconstructing the whole aortic root for CSAS. Good surgical outcome of CSAS can be achieved with the appropriate method of treatment in patients with both: single- and multiple-sinus reconstruction. The choice of material for the patch does not affect the long-term results of surgical treatment

    Univentricular repair for complex congenital heart defect

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    Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica Moldova, Departamentul Chirurgie Cardiovasculară și Toracică, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican ”Timofei Moșneaga”, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Aprecierea rezultatelor corecției viciilor cardiace complexe poate sugera noi interpretări ale conduitei chirurgicale . Material şi metode: 99 pacienţi, cu vârsta 1 zi - 30 ani, au urmat corecţia univentriculară în următoarele patologii: atrezia valvei tricuspide - 36, atrezia valvei mitrale - 16, ventricul cu cale dublă de intrare - 23, canal A-V cu ventricule nebalansate - 17, calea dublă de ieșire din VD cu “struddling valve”, “noncommited” DSV - 2, atrezia AP cu SIV intact - 5, anomalia Ebstein (tip D) – 2, transpoziția vaselor magistrale cu stenoza AP si DSV tip canal A-V - 1, transpoziția corijată a vaselor magistrale cu stenoza AP si DSV - 2. Rezultate: Din 132 operaţii efectuate 49 au fost paliative: în hipertensiune pulmonară – îngustarea AP; În stenoză/atrezie AP – anastomoză intersistemică (14 - anastomoză modificată Blelock-Taussing din stânga, 3 – şunt central); în DSA restrictiv – 8 atrioseptostomii din care 7 cu CEC. 38 pacienţii după operaţia Glenn şi Fontan au dezvoltat transudare pleurală, care a necesitat drenarea cavităţii pleurale timp de 3-5 zile (32 pacienți), sau până la 30 zile (6 pacienţi). Într-un caz transudarea pleurală s-a observat peste 2 luni după operaţie. Hilotorax au avut imediat după intervenţie 2 pacienti, iar spontan peste o lună – 1 pacient. Concluzie: Corecţia univentriculară asigura îmbunătățirea stării funcționale a pacienților. Rezultatele nu sunt direct legate de operaţia în sine, ci de severitatea modificărilor morfologice cardiace.Introduction: Assessment of the results of surgical repair in patients with complex heart defects may suggest election of new surgical approaches. Material and methods: 99 patients aged 1 day - 30 years underwent univentricular correction in the following pathologies: the tricuspid valve atresia - 36, mitral atresia – 16, double inlet ventricles – 23, AV channel with unbalanced ventricles - 17, double outlet RV with "straddling valve» or "noncommited" VSD – 2, PA atresia with intact IVS – 5, Ebstein anomaly (Type D) – 2, TGA with PA stenosis and VSD type AV- canal - 1, congenitally corrected TGA with PA stenosis and VSD – 2. Results: From 132 operations, 49 were palliative: in unobstructed pulmonary blood flow - PA banding; in case of inadequate pulmonary blood flow - systemic pulmonary shunt (14 - modified B-T shunt and 3 – central shunt); in 4 restrictive ASD - atrioseptostomy (3 - on pump, 1 – off pump). In 32 patients with Glenn and Fontan operation was observed pleural effusion which required pleural drainage for 3-5 days, another 6 patients – up to 30 days after surgery. In one case pleural effusion occurred 2 months after surgery. Chylothorax evolved in 2 patients after surgery, and in 1 case - spontaneously after 1 month. Conclusion: Univentricular correction provides improved functional status of patients. The result is not directly related to the surgery itself, but depends of cardiac morphology and functional status