1,522 research outputs found

    Why public trust in the WHO matters

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    Public faith in the World Health Organisation has held up so far. But Donald Trump’s efforts to discredit it are damaging not just because they inhibit America’s co-operation with other countries, writes Renu Singh (Georgetown Law). They also make it less likely that, in the absence of strong domestic leadership, US citizens will trust the WHO enough to follow its recommendations

    Artemisinin Content in Artemisia scoparia

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    Artemisinin is considered as the natural, active and potent antimalarial drug Artemisia annua Linn. is the only known source for the production of artemisinin reported till date. An attempt was made on a perennial faintly odoratus herb, A. scoparia Waldst et Kit. to find out an alternative of A. annua for the production of  artemisinin. Generation of hairy roots was also tried wih an attempt to increase the concentration of artemisinin in the biofactories. In the present investigation A. scoparia was shown to contain artemisini


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    Molecular simulation is increasingly used by medicinal chemists in the process and product development. Reliable computational predictions are of great value not only for the design of an active pharmaceutical ingredient with novel properties but also for the avoidance of an undesirable change of form in the late stages of development of an industrially important molecule. In the pharmaceutical industry, drug polymorphism can be a critical problem and is the subject of various regulatory considerations. This contribution tried to review the fuzzy frontiers between the chemical structure of the molecule and its crystal energy landscape with a particular focus on the crystal structure prediction (csp) methodology to complement polymorph screening. A detailed application of csp in the pharmaceutical industry is illustrated on ciprofloxacin; describing its putative polymorphs. This approach successfully identifies the known crystal form within this class, as well as a large number of other low-energy structures. The performance of the approach is discussed in terms of both the quality of the results and computational aspects. csp methods are now being used as part of the interdisciplinary range of studies to establish the range of solid forms of a molecule. Moreover, further methodological improvements aimed at increasing the accuracy of the predictions and at broadening the range of molecules i.e. cocrystals, salts and solvates

    The Impact of Webpage Visual Characteristics on Consumer\u27s Initial Trust In E-Vendors

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    In making decisions regarding transacting with web-based vendors, consumers typically consider the uncertainty about vendor behavior or the perceived risk of having personal information misused by vendors. To mitigate these concerns vendors convey cues to improve consumer trust at a very early stage. Initial trust plays a central role in helping consumers overcome perceptions of risk and insecurity and makes them feel comfortable about interacting and transacting with an e-vendor. Therefore, initial trust is critical to both researchers and practitioners. The present paper describes a research-in-progress study that concentrates on webpage visual complexity and order as central factors in the design of web pages to enhance consumers’ initial trust in an online e-vendor

    Impact of Next Generation Cognitive Radio Network on the Wireless Green Eco system through Signal and Interference Level based K Coverage Probability

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    Land mobile communication is burdened with typical propagation constraints due to the channel characteristics in radio systems.Also,the propagation characteristics vary form place to place and also as the mobile unit moves,from time to time.Hence,the tramsmission path between transmitter and receiver varies from simple direct LOS to the one which is severely obstructed by buildings, foliage and terrain. Multipath propagation and shadow fading effects affect the signal strength of an arbitrary Transmitter-Receiver due to the rapid fluctuations in the phase and amplitude of signal which also determines the average power over an area of tens or hundreds of meters. Shadowing introduces additional fluctuations, so the received local mean power varies around the area –mean. The present paper deals with the performance analysis of impact of next generation wireless cognitive radio network on wireless green eco system through signal and interference level based k coverage probability under the shadow fading effects

    Vaccine Politics: Law and Inequality in the Pandemic Response to COVID-19

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    International mechanisms failed to achieve equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines—prolonging and deepening the pandemic. To understand why, we conduct process tracing of the first year of international policymaking on vaccine equity. We find that, in the absence of a single venue for global negotiation, two competing law and policy paradigms emerged. One focused on demand and voluntary action by states and firms, while the alternative focused on opening knowledge and expanding production through national and international law. While these could have been complementary, power inequalities between key actors kept the second paradigm from gaining traction on the global agenda. The failure of the prevailing policy paradigm to secure equity is explained, not by unforeseen technical and financing challenges as some suggest, but by a fundamental misalignment with the political environment. While norm entrepreneurs encouraged sharing, political incentives pushed governments towards securing and hoarding doses. Firms responded to the latter. Mechanisms like COVAX proved incapable of countering these predictable international and domestic political forces. Earlier funding would not likely have changed the behaviour of states or firms in the absence of legal commitment. Barring significant geopolitical changes, a shift to include open/supply-focused policies will be necessary to achieve equity in future pandemics


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    Dysmenorrhea is the most common gynecological problem faced by women during their adolescence and also in reproductive age which causes significant discomfort and anxiety for the women. In modern medicine dysmenorrhea is treated by oral contraceptive pills, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodic, analgesics etc. This treatment may relieve symptoms of dysmenorrhoea but it does not address the root of the problem. Long term use of these causes side effects. So to minimize these complications, an attempt is made to find out safe, potent, cost effective remedy from Ayurveda for the management of Kashtartava. In Ayurveda Kashtartava, term which is being used for the condition where in a women may suffer with pain during menstruation. Pain is the main feature of Kashtartava, so it has strong relation with Vata Dosha. For the management of this vitiated Vata, treatment that effect direct on the place of Vata should be selected therefore by administering Basti to normalize vitiation of Vata and proper measures to correct the Agnivikara should be the prime objectives of the treatment. Keeping this point in view, the present clinical trial, a clinical study to evaluate efficacy of “Trivritadi Taila Anuvasan-Basti” in the management of Kashtartava with special reference to Primary Dysmenorrhea was taken. Trivritadi Taila Anuvasan-Basti due to the properties of Anulomana and Vatahara may it effectively brings down the Pratiloma Gati Vata which is mentioned in A.S.Utt. 39/29 for Udavartini Yonivyapad, which is one of the main disease conditions compares with Kashtartava (Primary dysmenorrhoea). Results were assessed on the basis of improvement in the subjective parameters. The study reveals that patients of Kashtartava after treatment showed significant improvement in chief complaints, from the above trial it is clear that Trivritadi Taila Anuvasan-Basti can be used as a safe and effective therapeutic agent in the management of Kashtartava

    Assessment of serum lipid profile in early pregnancy and its relation with pre eclampsia: a prospective study

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    Background: Pathophysiology of pre eclampsia and atherosclerosis seems to be similar as a hyperlipidemic state, due to hormonal changes in pregnancy. We tried to assess the relationship between maternal plasma lipid concentration and risk of developing pre eclampsia.Methods: This is a prospective cohort study, for a period of one year from August 2009 to August 2010. Total no of subjects (N=270) were divided into two groups: Control group:  who remained normotensive during study and Study group: who developed pre-eclampsia.Results: The mean level of cholesterol in study group was (226.74±39.77 mg/dl) significantly higher as compared to control group (164±22.48 mg/dl). That was statistically significant (p=0.001). Mean levels of cholesterol in mild PET group was 216±28.90mg/dl and in severe PET group was 252.3±50.63 mg/dl respectively, that was also significantly higher as compared to control group (p=0.001). In our study mean levels of Triglyceride was 153.95±23.52 mg/dl in control group and 205.25±42.48 mg/dl in study group. There were statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.001). In mild PET mean value of Triglyceride was 198.99±36.12 mg/dl and in severe PET it was 220.35± 53.13mg/dl. It was seen that both the study group had significantly higher mean value as compared to control group (p=0.001).Conclusions: In present study we have observed that maternal dyslipidemia in early second trimester is associated with increased risk of developing pre eclampsia. So dyslipidemia in early second trimester is a very good predictor of pre eclampsia
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