64 research outputs found

    Pleiotropic Roles of Calmodulin in the Regulation of KRas and Rac1 GTPases: Functional Diversity in Health and Disease

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    Calmodulin is a ubiquitous signalling protein that controls many biological processes due to its capacity to interact and/or regulate a large number of cellular proteins and pathways, mostly in a Ca2+-dependent manner. This complex interactome of calmodulin can have pleiotropic molecular consequences, which over the years has made it often di cult to clearly define the contribution of calmodulin in the signal output of specific pathways and overall biological response. Most relevant for this review, the ability of calmodulin to influence the spatiotemporal signalling of several small GTPases, in particular KRas and Rac1, can modulate fundamental biological outcomes such as proliferation and migration. First, direct interaction of calmodulin with these GTPases can alter their subcellular localization and activation state, induce post-translational modifications as well as their ability to interact with e ectors. Second, through interaction with a set of calmodulin binding proteins (CaMBPs), calmodulin can control the capacity of several guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) to promote the switch of inactive KRas and Rac1 to an active conformation. Moreover, Rac1 is also an effector of KRas and both proteins are interconnected as highlighted by the requirement for Rac1 activation in KRas-driven tumourigenesis. In this review, we attempt to summarize the multiple layers how calmodulin can regulate KRas and Rac1 GTPases in a variety of cellular events, with biological consequences and potential for therapeutic opportunities in disease settings, such as cancer

    ROCK1 is a novel Rac1 effector to regulate tubular endocytic membrane formation during clathrin-independent endocytosis

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    Clathrin-dependent and -independent pathways contribute for β1-integrin endocytosis. This study defines a tubular membrane clathrin-independent endocytic network, induced with the calmodulin inhibitor W13, for β1-integrin internalization. This pathway is dependent on increased phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) levels and dynamin activity at the plasma membrane. Exogenous addition of PI(4,5)P2 or phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase (PIP5K) expression mimicked W13-generated-tubules which are inhibited by active Rac1. Therefore, the molecular mechanisms downstream of Rac1, that controls this plasma membrane tubulation, were analyzed biochemically and by the expression of different Rac1 mutants. The results indicate that phospholipase C and ROCK1 are the main Rac1 effectors that impair plasma membrane invagination and tubule formation, essentially by decreasing PI(4,5)P2 levels and promoting cortical actomyosin assembly respectively. Interestingly, among the plethora of proteins that participate in membrane remodeling, this study revealed that ROCK1, the well-known downstream RhoA effector, has an important role in Rac1 regulation of actomyosin at the cell cortex. This study provides new insights into Rac1 functioning on plasma membrane dynamics combining phosphatidylinositides and cytoskeleton regulation

    KRAS phosphorylation regulates cell polarization and tumorigenic properties in colorectal cancer.

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    Oncogenic mutations of KRAS are found in the most aggressive human tumors, including colorectal cancer. It has been suggested that oncogenic KRAS phosphorylation at Ser181 modulates its activity and favors cell transformation. Using nonphosphorylatable (S181A), phosphomimetic (S181D), and phospho-/dephosphorylatable (S181) oncogenic KRAS mutants, we analyzed the role of this phosphorylation to the maintenance of tumorigenic properties of colorectal cancer cells. Our data show that the presence of phospho-/dephosphorylatable oncogenic KRAS is required for preserving the epithelial organization of colorectal cancer cells in 3D cultures, and for supporting subcutaneous tumor growth in mice. Interestingly, gene expression differed according to the phosphorylation status of KRAS. In DLD-1 cells, CTNNA1 was only expressed in phospho-/dephosphorylatable oncogenic KRAS-expressing cells, correlating with cell polarization. Moreover, lack of oncogenic KRAS phosphorylation leads to changes in expression of genes related to cell invasion, such as SERPINE1, PRSS1,2,3, and NEO1, and expression of phosphomimetic oncogenic KRAS resulted in diminished expression of genes involved in enterocyte differentiation, such as HNF4G. Finally, the analysis, in a public data set of human colorectal cancer, of the gene expression signatures associated with phosphomimetic and nonphosphorylatable oncogenic KRAS suggests that this post-translational modification regulates tumor progression in patients

    Lack of Annexin A6 exacerbates liver dysfunction and reduces lifespan of Niemann-Pick type C protein-deficient mice

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    Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is a lysosomal storage disorder characterized by cholesterol accumulation caused by loss-of-function mutations in the Npc1 gene. NPC disease primarily affects the brain, causing neuronal damage and affecting motor coordination. In addition, considerable liver malfunction in NPC disease is common. Recently, we found that the depletion of annexin A6 (ANXA6), which is most abundant in the liver and involved in cholesterol transport, ameliorated cholesterol accumulation in Npc1 mutant cells. To evaluate the potential contribution of ANXA6 in the progression of NPC disease, double-knockout mice (Npc1-/-/Anxa6-/-) were generated and examined for lifespan, eurologic and hepatic functions, as well as liver histology and ultrastructure. Interestingly, lack of ANXA6 in NPC1-deficient animals did not prevent the cerebellar degeneration phenotype, but further deteriorated their compromised hepatic functions and reduced their lifespan. Moreover, livers of Npc1-/-/Anxa6-/- mice contained a significantly elevated number of foam cells congesting the sinusoidal space, a feature commonly associated with inflammation. We hypothesize that ANXA6 deficiency in Npc1-/- mice not only does not reverse neurologic and motor dysfunction, but further worsens overall liver function, exacerbating hepatic failure in NPC disease

    Arsenic exposure, diabetes-related genes and diabetes prevalence in a general population from Spain

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    Inorganic arsenic exposure may be associated with diabetes, but the evidence at low-moderate levels is not sufficient. Polymorphisms in diabetes-related genes have been involved in diabetes risk. We evaluated the association of inorganic arsenic exposure on diabetes in the Hortega Study, a representative sample of a general population from Valladolid, Spain. Total urine arsenic was measured in 1451 adults. Urine arsenic speciation was available in 295 randomly selected participants. To account for the confounding introduced by non-toxic seafood arsenicals, we designed a multiple imputation model to predict the missing arsenobetaine levels. The prevalence of diabetes was 8.3%. The geometric mean of total arsenic was 66.0 µg/g. The adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for diabetes comparing the highest with the lowest tertile of total arsenic were 1.76 (1.01, 3.09) and 2.14 (1.47, 3.11) before and after arsenobetaine adjustment, respectively. Polymorphisms in several genes including IL8RA, TXN, NR3C2, COX5A and GCLC showed suggestive differential associations of urine total arsenic with diabetes. The findings support the role of arsenic on diabetes and the importance of controlling for seafood arsenicals in populations with high seafood intake. Suggestive arsenic-gene interactions require confirmation in larger studies

    Annexin A6 is critical to maintain glucose homeostasis and survival during liver regeneration in mice

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    Background and aims: Liver regeneration requires the organized and sequential activation of events that lead to restoration of hepatic mass. During this process, other vital liver functions need to be preserved, such as maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis, balancing the degradation of hepatic glycogen stores, and gluconeogenesis (GNG). Under metabolic stress, alanine is the main hepatic gluconeogenic substrate, and its availability is the rate-limiting step in this pathway. Na+ -coupled neutral amino acid transporters (SNATs) 2 and 4 are believed to facilitate hepatic alanine uptake. In previous studies, we demonstrated that a member of the Ca2+ -dependent phospholipid binding annexins, Annexin A6 (AnxA6), regulates membrane trafficking along endo- and exocytic pathways. Yet, although AnxA6 is abundantly expressed in the liver, its function in hepatic physiology remains unknown. In this study, we investigated the potential contribution of AnxA6 in liver regeneration. Approach and results: Utilizing AnxA6 knockout mice (AnxA6-/- ), we challenged liver function after partial hepatectomy (PHx), inducing acute proliferative and metabolic stress. Biochemical and immunofluorescent approaches were used to dissect AnxA6-/- mice liver proliferation and energetic metabolism. Most strikingly, AnxA6-/- mice exhibited low survival after PHx. This was associated with an irreversible and progressive drop of blood glucose levels. Whereas exogenous glucose administration or restoration of hepatic AnxA6 expression rescued AnxA6-/- mice survival after PHx, the sustained hypoglycemia in partially hepatectomized AnxA6-/- mice was the consequence of an impaired alanine-dependent GNG in AnxA6-/- hepatocytes. Mechanistically, cytoplasmic SNAT4 failed to recycle to the sinusoidal plasma membrane of AnxA6-/- hepatocytes 48 hours after PHx, impairing alanine uptake and, consequently, glucose production. Conclusions: We conclude that the lack of AnxA6 compromises alanine-dependent GNG and liver regeneration in mice

    AMPK activation promotes lipid droplet dispersion on detyrosinated microtubules to increase mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) are intracellular organelles that provide fatty acids (FAs) to cellular processes including synthesis of membranes and production of metabolic energy. While known to move bidirectionally along microtubules (MTs), the role of LD motion and whether it facilitates interaction with other organelles are unclear. Here we show that during nutrient starvation, LDs and mitochondria relocate on detyrosinated MT from the cell centre to adopt a dispersed distribution. In the cell periphery, LD-mitochondria interactions increase and LDs efficiently supply FAs for mitochondrial beta-oxidation. This cellular adaptation requires the activation of the energy sensor AMPK, which in response to starvation simultaneously increases LD motion, reorganizes the network of detyrosinated MTs and activates mitochondria. In conclusion, we describe the existence of a specialized cellular network connecting the cellular energetic status and MT dynamics to coordinate the functioning of LDs and mitochondria during nutrient scarcity

    Annexin A6 and late endosomal cholesterol modulate integrin recycling and cell migration.

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    Annexins are a family of proteins that bind to phospholipids in a calcium-dependent manner. Earlier studies implicated annexin A6 (AnxA6) to inhibit secretion and participate in the organization of the extracellular matrix. We recently showed that elevated AnxA6 levels significantly reduced secretion of the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin (FN). Because FN is directly linked to the ability of cells to migrate, this prompted us to investigate the role of AnxA6 in cell migration. Up-regulation of AnxA6 in several cell models was associated with reduced cell migration in wound healing, individual cell tracking and three-dimensional migration/invasion assays. The reduced ability of AnxA6-expressing cells to migrate was associated with decreased cell surface expression of αVβ3 and α5β1 integrins, both FN receptors. Mechanistically, we found that elevated AnxA6 levels interfered with syntaxin-6 (Stx6)-dependent recycling of integrins to the cell surface. AnxA6 overexpression caused mislocalization and accumulation of Stx6 and integrins in recycling endosomes, whereas siRNA-mediated AnxA6 knockdown did not modify the trafficking of integrins. Given our recent findings that inhibition of cholesterol export from late endosomes (LEs) inhibits Stx6-dependent integrin recycling and that elevated AnxA6 levels cause LE cholesterol accumulation, we propose that AnxA6 and blockage of LE cholesterol transport are critical for endosomal function required for Stx6-mediated recycling of integrins in cell migration

    Selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors: a promising target for cognition enhancement

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    # The Author(s) 2008. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Rationale One of the major complaints most people face during aging is an impairment in cognitive functioning. This has a negative impact on the quality of daily life and is even more prominent in patients suffering from neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and depression. So far, the majority of cognition enhancers are generally targeting one particular neurotransmitter system. However, recently phosphodiesterases (PDEs) have gained increased attention as a potential new target for cognition enhancement. Inhibition of PDEs increases the intracellular availability of the second messengers cGMP and/or cAMP. Objective The aim of this review was to provide an overvie