103 research outputs found

    Mining for viral fragments in methylation enriched sequencing data

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    Most next generation sequencing experiments generate more data than is required for the experimental set up. For example, methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) affinity purification based sequencing is often used for DNA-methylation profiling, but up to 30% of the sequenced fragments cannot be mapped uniquely to the reference genome. Here we present and evaluate a methodology for the identification of viruses in these otherwise unused paired-end MBD-seq data. Viral detection is accomplished by mapping non-reference alignable reads to a comprehensive set of viral genomes. As viruses play an important role in epigenetics and cancer development, 92 (pre)malignant and benign samples, originating from two different collections of cervical samples and related cell lines, were used in this study. These samples include primary carcinomas (n=22), low- & high-grade cervical intrapeithelial neoplasia (CIN1 & CIN2/3 - n=2/n=30) and normal tissue (n=20), as well as control samples (n=17). Viruses that were detected include phages, adenoviruses, herpesviridae and HPV. HPV, which causes virtually all cervical cancers, was identified in 95% of the carcinomas, 100% of the CIN2/3 samples, both CIN1 samples and in 55% of the normal samples. Comparing the amount of mapped fragments on HPV for each HPV-infected sample yielded a significant difference between normal samples and carcinomas or CIN2/3 samples (adjusted p-values resp. < 10^-5, < 10^-5), reflecting different viral loads and/or methylation degrees in non-normal samples. Fragments originating from different HPV types could be distinguished and were independently validated by PCR-based assays with a specificity of 98% and a sensitivitity of 66%. In conclusion, although limited by the a priori knowledge of viral reference genome sequences, the proposed methodology can provide a first but substantial insight into the presence, concentration and types of methylated viral sequences in MBD-seq data without additional costs

    Differential In Vitro Immortalization Capacity of Eleven, Probable High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Types

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    Epidemiological studies identified 12 high-risk HPV (hrHPV) types and 8 probable/possible hrHPV types that display different cancer risks. Functional studies on transforming properties of hrHPV are mainly limited to HPV16 and -18, which induce immortalization of human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) by successive bypass of two proliferative life span barriers, senescence and crisis. Here, we systematically compared the in vitro immortalization capacities, as well as influences on p53, pRb, hTERT, growth behavior, and differentiation capacity, of nine hrHPV types (HPV16, -18, -31, -33, -35, -45, -51, -52, and -59), and two probable hrHPV types (HPV66 and -70). By retroviral transduction, the respective E6/E7 coding sequences were expressed in HFKs from two or three independent donors. Reduced p53 levels and low-level hTERT expression in early-passage cells, as seen in HPV16-, -31-, -33-, and -35-, and to a lesser extent HPV18-transduced HFKs, was associated with continuous growth and an increased immortalization capacity. Less frequent immortalization by HPV45 and -51 and immortalization by HPV66 and -70 was preceded by an intervening period of strongly reduced growth (crisis) without prior increase in hTERT expression. Immortalization by HPV59 was also preceded by a period crisis, despite the onset of low hTERT expression at early passage. HPV52 triggered an extended life span but failed to induce immortality. Variations in p53 and pRb levels were not correlated with differences in alternative E6/E7 mRNA splicing in all hrHPV-transduced HFKs. On collagen rafts, transductants showed disturbed differentiation reminiscent of precancerous lesions. In conclusion, in vitro oncogenic capacities differ between the established hrHPV types, and both some established and probable hrHPV types display weak or moderate immortalization potential

    Genomic profiling identifies common HPV-associated chromosomal alterations in squamous cell carcinomas of cervix and head and neck

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is well known that a persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) is causally involved in the development of squamous cell carcinomas of the uterine cervix (CxSCCs) and a subset of SCCs of the head and neck (HNSCCs). The latter differ from hrHPV-negative HNSCCs at the clinical and molecular level.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To determine whether hrHPV-associated SCCs arising from different organs have specific chromosomal alterations in common, we compared genome-wide chromosomal profiles of 10 CxSCCs (all hrHPV-positive) with 12 hrHPV-positive HNSCCs and 30 hrHPV-negative HNSCCs. Potential organ-specific alterations and alterations shared by SCCs in general were investigated as well.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Unsupervised hierarchical clustering resulted in one mainly hrHPV-positive and one mainly hrHPV-negative cluster. Interestingly, loss at 13q and gain at 20q were frequent in HPV-positive carcinomas of both origins, but uncommon in hrHPV-negative HNSCCs, indicating that these alterations are associated with hrHPV-mediated carcinogenesis. Within the group of hrHPV-positive carcinomas, HNSCCs more frequently showed gains of multiple regions at 8q whereas CxSCCs more often showed loss at 17p. Finally, gains at 3q24-29 and losses at 11q22.3-25 were frequent (>50%) in all sample groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study hrHPV-specific, organ-specific, and pan-SCC chromosomal alterations were identified. The existence of hrHPV-specific alterations in SCCs of different anatomical origin, suggests that these alterations are crucial for hrHPV-mediated carcinogenesis.</p

    DPHL: A DIA Pan-human Protein Mass Spectrometry Library for Robust Biomarker Discovery

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    To address the increasing need for detecting and validating protein biomarkers in clinical specimens, mass spectrometry (MS)-based targeted proteomic techniques, including the selected reaction monitoring (SRM), parallel reaction monitoring (PRM), and massively parallel data-independent acquisition (DIA), have been developed. For optimal performance, they require the fragment ion spectra of targeted peptides as prior knowledge. In this report, we describe a MS pipeline and spectral resource to support targeted proteomics studies for human tissue samples. To build the spectral resource, we integrated common open-source MS computational tools to assemble a freely accessible computational workflow based on Docker. We then applied the workflow to generate DPHL, a comprehensive DIA pan-human library, from 1096 data-dependent acquisition (DDA) MS raw files for 16 types of cancer samples. This extensive spectral resource was then applied to a proteomic study of 17 prostate cancer (PCa) patients. Thereafter, PRM validation was applied to a larger study of 57 PCa patients and the differential expression of three proteins in prostate tumor was validated. As a second application, the DPHL spectral resource was applied to a study consisting of plasma samples from 19 diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients and 18 healthy control subjects. Differentially expressed proteins between DLBCL patients and healthy control subjects were detected by DIA-MS and confirmed by PRM. These data demonstrate that the DPHL supports DIA and PRM MS pipelines for robust protein biomarker discovery. DPHL is freely accessible at https://www.iprox.org/page/project.html?id=IPX0001400000

    Downregulation of miR-193a/b-3p during HPV-induced cervical carcinogenesis contributes to anchorage-independent growth through PI3K-AKT pathway regulators

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    Cervical cancer is caused by a persistent infection with high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV) and an accumulation of (epi)genetic alterations in the host cell. Acquisition of anchorage-independent growth represents a critical hallmark during HPV-induced carcinogenesis, thereby yielding the most valuable biomarkers for early diagnosis and therapeutic targets. In a previous study, we found that miR-193a-3p and miR-193b-3p were involved in anchorage-independent growth. This study aimed to delineate the role of miR-193a/b-3p in HPV-induced carcinogenesis and to identify their target genes related to anchorage-independent growth. Cell viability and colony formation were assessed in SiHa cancer cells and HPV-16 and -18 immortalized keratinocytes upon miR-193a/b-3p overexpression. Both microRNAs reduced cell growth of all three cell lines in low-attachment conditions and showed a minor effect in adherent conditions. Online target-predicting programs and publicly available expression data were used to find candidate messenger RNA (mRNA) targets of miR-193a/b-3p. Seven targets showed reduced mRNA expression upon miR-193a/b-3p overexpression. For three targets, Western blot analysis was also performed, all showing a reduced protein expression. A direct interaction was confirmed using luciferase assays for six genes: LAMC1, PTK2, STMN1, KRAS, SOS2, and PPP2R5C, which are phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K-AKT) regulators. All six targets were overexpressed in cervical cancers and/or precursor lesions. Together with an observed downregulation of phosphorylated-AKT upon miR-193a/b-3p overexpression, this underlines the biological relevance of miR-193a/b-3p downregulation during HPV-induced cervical carcinogenesis. In conclusion, the downregulation of miR-193a-3p and miR-193b-3p is functionally involved in the acquisition of HPV-induced anchorage independence by targeting regulators of the PI3K-AKT pathway

    Reply to Fang & Buchwald

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    Alternative splicing of human papillomavirus type-16 E6/E6* early mRNA is coupled to EGF signaling via Erk1/2 activation

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    Certain types of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are etiologically linked to cervical cancer. Their transforming capacity is encoded by a polycistronic premRNA, where alternative splicing leads to the translation of functional distinct proteins such as E6, E6*, and E7. Here we show that splicing of HPV16 E6/E7 ORF cassette is regulated by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) pathway. The presence of EGF was coupled to preferential E6 expression, whereas depletion of EGF, or treatment with EGF receptor (EGFR) neutralizing antibodies or the EGFR inhibitor tyrphostin AG1478, resulted in E6 exon exclusion in favor of E6*. As a consequence, increased p53 levels and enhanced translation of E7 with a subsequent reduction of the retinoblastoma protein pRb could be discerned. E6 exon exclusion upon EGF depletion was independent from promoter usage, mRNA stability, or selective mRNA transport. Time-course experiments and incubation with cycloheximide demonstrated that E6 alternative splicing is a direct and reversible effect of EGF signal transduction, not depending on de novo protein synthesis. Within this process, Erk1/2-kinase activation was the critical event for E6 exon inclusion, mediated by the upstream MAP kinase MEK1/2. Moreover, siRNA knockdown experiments revealed an involvement of splicing factors hnRNPA1 and hnRNPA2 in E6 exon exclusion, whereas the splicing factors Brm and Sam68 were found to promote E6 exon inclusion. Because there is a natural gradient of EGF and EGF receptor expression in the stratified epithelium, it is reasonable to assume that EGF modulates E6/E7 splicing during the viral life cycle and transformation

    HPV16 variant analysis in primary and recurrent CIN2/3 lesions demonstrates presence of the same consensus variant.

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    Recurrent cervical intraepithelial lesions (rCIN2/3) after treatment of CIN2/3 occur in 5-15% of cases. rCIN2/3 can result from incomplete resection of CIN2/3, where the same HPV type and variant remains present. rCIN2/3 could also occur following a new infection with a different HPV variant of the same HPV type as the initial lesion. This study investigates HPV16 consensus variants in paired HPV16 positive scrapes from baseline CIN2/3 and rCIN2/3 lesions. Paired HPV16 positive cervical scrapes of women with CIN2/3 at baseline and rCIN2/3 6 or 12 months after treatment were selected for whole-genome amplification and Illumina sequencing. Sequences were compared and nucleotide changes over time were characterized. From 14 paired samples, 10 had identical consensus variants in baseline CIN2/3 and rCIN2/3. Four paired samples showed one to three nucleotide variations at recurrent disease compared to baseline. Identical or nearly identical HPV16 consensus variants were found in scrapes of paired HPV16 positive baseline CIN2/3 and rCIN2/3 lesions after treatment, suggesting no need for HPV variant analysis when the same HPV type is found in both lesions. These results argue for either incomplete excision of baseline CIN2/3 or inability of clearance of the original HPV infection

    HPV-mediated cervical carcinogenesis: concepts and clinical implications

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    Persistent infection with a high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) is generally accepted as a necessary cause of cervical cancer. However, cervical cancer is a rare complication of an hrHPV infection since most such infections are transient, not even giving rise to cervical lesions. On average, it takes 12-15 years before a persistent hrHPV infection may ultimately, via consecutive premalignant stages (ie CIN lesions), lead to an overt cervical carcinoma. This argues that HPV-induced cervical carcinogenesis is multi-step in nature. In this review, the data from hrHPV-mediated in vitro transformation studies and those obtained from analysis of clinical specimens have been merged into a cervical cancer progression model. According to this model, a crucial decision maker in the early stages following infection involves individual susceptibility for certain HPV types depending on the genetic make-up of immune surveillance determinants. Once a CIN lesion has developed, altered transcriptional regulation of the viral E6/E7 oncogenes, resulting in genomic instability and distinguishing the process of cell transformation from a productive viral infection, probably provides the subsequent important step towards malignancy. The additional (epi)genetic alterations that subsequently accumulate in high-grade CIN lesions may result in overt malignancy via immortality and growth conditions that gradually become less sensitive to growth-modulating influences mediated by cytokines and cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions. The potential implications of hrHPV testing and some other biomarkers deduced from this model for cervical screening and the clinical management of CIN disease are also discussed

    The association between viral load and concurrent human papillomavirus infection at the genital and anal sites of young women and the impact of vaccination.

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    Concurrent genital-anal human papillomavirus (HPV) infections may impose an increased anal cancer risk in women with HPV-related genital lesions. High viral load may facilitate genital-anal HPV concurrence. Genital and anal HPV is reduced by a bivalent HPV16/18 vaccine, yet the effect on concurrent genital-anal HPV remains unclear. This study analyzed viral load in concurrent genital-anal HPV infections, relative to genital-only and anal-only HPV infections and the impact of vaccination in young women. We included 1074 women, who provided both genital and anal swabs. HPV detection and genotyping was performed using the SPF10-DEIA-LiPA25. HPV copy numbers were measured with type-specific qPCRs and corrected for cellular content to obtain the viral load. Concurrent genital-anal HPV often had significantly higher genital viral load (0.09–371 c/cell) than genital-only HPV (3.17E-04-15.9 c/cell, p < 0.0001 to p < 0.05). Moreover, nearly all concurrent genital-anal HPV types had higher genital copy numbers per PCR reaction (157-416E04 c/rxn) than anal copy numbers (0.90–884E01 c/rxn, p < 0.0001 to p < 0.001). Vaccinated women had significantly less infections with HPV16/18 vaccine-types (2.8% vs 13.7%, p < 0.0001) and HPV31/35/45 cross-protective types (7.4% vs 21.1%, p < 0.0001) than unvaccinated women. In conclusion, particularly high genital viral load is found in concurrent genital-anal HPV infections, which are effectively reduced by vaccination
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