1,238 research outputs found

    Conduction velocity in nerve exposed to a high magnetic field

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    Conduction velocity in nerve exposed to high magnetic fiel

    Sea urchin mitosis in high magnetic fields

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    Retardation of sea urchin egg mitosis in intense magnetic fiel

    A venting alarm system for cryogenic liquids

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    Alarm system for cryogenic fluid storage tank

    Laurence M. Jones as a Property Teacher

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    Alienability and Transmissibility of Future Interests in Maryland

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    Non-Euclidean Zoning: the Use of the Floating Zone

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    Metafisika Informasi dalam Perspektif Pemikiran Jean Baudrillard: Kontekstualisasinya dengan Pertautan Media dan Politik di Indonesia

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    The 21st century is the age of information. Information spreads through newspapers, magazines, television; and also scattered very massively over the internet. This paper was written for two reasons. First, people sometimes perceive information identical with truth. Second, the metaphysics of information is important to be discussed when it is associated with the phenomenon of media and politics in Indonesia. This paper analyses the metaphysics of information by \u27disclosing\u27 information structures that refer to Jean Baudrillard\u27s thought. For Baudrillard, behind the phenomenon of information there are actually three elements at once, namely representation, manipulation, and simulation. The three elements above, influence each other. Real information is the result of the process of representation, ie the process of re-preserving reality and then transmitting that representation of reality to others. Manipulation also becomes an important element in information. According to Baudrillard, the element of simulation in this information is still closely related to the first element, namely representation. Baudrillard said that in the simulation, information will be actualized, meaning that it will be dramatized in a spectacular fashion, but at the same time kept away from communication, and reduced to a sign

    Imputed Contributory Negligence in Automobile Bailments

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    Korelasi antara Keterampilan Pemberian Penguatan dengan Hasil Belajar pada Pembelajaran IPS Kelas III

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    This research aims to describe the correlation between skill gift of reinforcement to the learning outcomes of students on learning social sciences at state Elementary School class III Pontianak City. The method used is descriptive method with form research correlation study. The population on this research is to number 32 student. The sample is to number 32 student. The results of data analysis to get coefisien correlation results between skill gift of reinforcement to the learning outcomes of students in the amount of 0,45 with standard significant of 5% is to N=32 was 0,349. And than r count > of r table or 0,45 > 0,349. So the correlation which included a middle category because there is to stretch 0,400 – 0,599. Based of this calculation results, alternative hypotesis (Ha) is to received and zero hypotesis (Ho) is to rejected because r count bigger of r table on standard significant 5% (0,45 > 0,349). Large correlation between skill gift of reinforcement to the learning outcomes of students on learning social sciences at state Elementary School class III Pontianak City is at 0.45 which included a middle category
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