26 research outputs found

    Comparison of Tissue Heat Balance- and Thermal Dissipation-Derived Sap Flow Measurements in Ring-Porous Oaks and a Pine

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    Sap flow measurements have become integral in many physiological and ecological investigations. A number of methods are used to estimate sap flow rates in trees, but probably the most popular is the thermal dissipation (TD) method because of its affordability, relatively low power consumption, and ease of use. However, there have been questions about the use of this method in ring-porous species and whether individual species and site calibrations are needed. We made concurrent measurements of sap flow rates using TD sensors and the tissue heat balance (THB) method in two oak species (Quercus prinus Willd. and Quercus velutina Lam.) and one pine (Pinus echinata Mill.). We also made concurrent measurements of sap flow rates using both 1 and 2-cm long TD sensors in both oak species. We found that both the TD and THB systems tended to match well in the pine individual, but sap flow rates were underestimated by 2-cm long TD sensors in five individuals of the two ring-porous oak species. Underestimations of 20–35% occurred in Q. prinus even when a “Clearwater” correction was applied to account for the shallowness of the sapwood depth relative to the sensor length and flow rates were underestimated by up to 50% in Q. velutina. Two centimeter long TD sensors also underestimated flow rates compared with 1-cm long sensors in Q. prinus, but only at large flow rates. When 2-cm long sensor data in Q. prinus were scaled using the regression with 1-cm long data, daily flow rates matched well with the rates measured by the THB system. Daily plot level transpiration estimated using TD sap flow rates and scaled 1 cm sensor data averaged about 15% lower than those estimated by the THB method. Therefore, these results suggest that 1-cm long sensors are appropriate in species with shallow sapwood, however more corrections may be necessary in ring-porous species

    Climate Change and Fire Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region

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    In this review, we summarize the potential impacts of climate change on wildfire activity in the mid­-Atlantic region, and then consider how the beneficial uses of prescribed fire could conflict with mitigation needs for climate change, focusing on patters of carbon (C) sequestration by forests in the region. We use a synthesis of field studies, eddy flux tower measurements, and simulation studies to evaluate how the use of prescibed fire affects short-and long-term forest C dynamics. Climate change may create weather conditions more conducive to wildfire activity, but successional changes in forest composition, altered gap dynamics, reduced understory and forest floor fuels, and fire suppression will likely continue to limit wildfire occurrence and severity throughout the region. Prescribed burning ls the only major viable option that land managers have for redudng hazardous fuels in a cost-effective manner, or ensuring the regeneration and maintenance of fire-dependent species. Field measurements and model simulations indicate that consumption of fine fuels on the forest floor and understory vegetation during most prescribed burns is equivalent t

    StoManager1: Automated, High-throughput Tool to Measure Leaf Stomata Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The characteristics of stomata on leaves are crucial for the performance of plants and their impact on global water and carbon cycling. However, manually counting stomata can be time-consuming, prone to bias, and limited to small scales and sample sizes. We have created StoManager1, a high-throughput tool that automates detecting, counting, and measuring stomata to address this issue. StoManager1 uses convolutional neural networks to estimate parameters such as stomatal density, area, orientation, and variance. Our results show that StoManager1 is highly precise and has an excellent recall for the stomatal characterizing leaves from various species. This tool can automate measuring leaf stomata, making it easier to explore how leaf stomata control and regulate plant growth and adaptation to environmental stress and climate change. An online demonstration of StoManager1 is available on GitHub at https://github.com/JiaxinWang123/StoManager.git. We have also developed a standalone, user-friendly Windows application for StoManager1 that does not require any programming or coding experience.Substantially improved group analysis speed. Added Toy dataset for users to play around. Updated line-edit default text

    Modeling respiration from snags and coarse woody debris before and after an invasive gypsy moth disturbance

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    Although snags and coarse woody debris are a small component of ecosystem respiration, disturbances can significantly increase the mass and respiration from these carbon (C) pools. The objectives of this study were to (1) measure respiration rates of snags and coarse woody debris throughout the year in a forest previously defoliated by gypsy moths, (2) develop models for dead stem respiration rates, (3) model stand-level respiration rates of dead stems using forest inventory and analysis data sets and environmental variables predisturbance and postdisturbance, and (4) compare total dead stem respiration rates with total ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem exchange. Respiration rates were measured on selected Pinus and Quercus snags and coarse woody debris each month for 1 year in a northeastern U.S. temperate forest. Multiple linear regression using environmental and biometric variables including wood temperature, diameter, density, species, and decay class was used to model respiration rates of dead stems. The mass of snags and coarse woody debris increased more than fivefold after disturbance and respiration rates increased more than threefold. The contribution of dead stems to total ecosystem respiration more than tripled from 0.85% to almost 3% and respiration from dead stems alone was approximately equal to the net ecosystem exchange of the forest in 2011 (fourth year postdisturbance). This study highlights the importance of dead stem C pools and fluxes particularly during disturbance and recovery cycles. With climate change increasing the ranges of many forest pests and pathogens, these data become particularly important for accurately modeling future C cycling

    StoManager1: Automated, High-throughput Tool to Measure Leaf Stomata Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    <p>The characteristics of stomata on leaves are crucial for the performance of plants and their impact on global water and carbon cycling. However, manually counting stomata can be time-consuming, prone to bias, and limited to small scales and sample sizes. We have created StoManager1, a high-throughput tool that automates detecting, counting, and measuring stomata to address this issue. StoManager1 uses convolutional neural networks to estimate parameters such as stomatal density, area, orientation, and variance. Our results show that StoManager1 is highly precise and has an excellent recall for the stomatal characterizing leaves from various species. This tool can automate measuring leaf stomata, making it easier to explore how leaf stomata control and regulate plant growth and adaptation to environmental stress and climate change. An online demonstration of StoManager1 is available on GitHub at <a href="https://github.com/JiaxinWang123/StoManager.git">https://github.com/JiaxinWang123/StoManager.git</a>. We have also developed a standalone, user-friendly Windows application for StoManager1 that does not require any programming or coding experience.</p><ul><li>Substantially improved group analysis speed. </li><li>Added Toy dataset for users to play around. </li><li>Updated line-edit default text. </li><li>Fine-tuned weights for Hardwoods. </li><li>Enhanced detection capacity for blurred images. </li><li>Enhanced version with more stomatal metrics measured with geometrical algorithms!! </li><li>Note: to use gpu version, you must have your cuda11.7 installed. </li><li>Bugs fixed. </li><li>Enhanced weights for non-nail polish images. </li><li>Added functions to convert the units of width and length from pixels to μm. </li><li>Added Stomata arrangement pattern indices, such as stomata evenness index, stomatal divergence index, and stomatal aggregation index. </li><li>Enhanced models trained with more species such as ginkgo, poplar, cuticle, and usnm images from: Fetter, Karl C. et al. (2019), Data from: StomataCounter: a neural network for automatic stomata identification and counting, Dryad, Dataset, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.kh2gv5f. </li><li>Bugs fixed (calculate stomata/guard cell area for image size over 1280*760). ---Fixed issues in generating stomatal indices.</li><li>Support more image formats such as .jpg, .png, .tif, .jpeg.</li><li>Fixed bugs for not continuing measurement when no stoma detected.</li><li>Integrated custom datatset model training module.</li><li>Fine-tunned weights for more species (over 100 species that were not in training dataset were tested).</li></ul&gt

    StoManager1: Automated, High-throughput Tool to Measure Leaf Stomata Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    <p>The characteristics of stomata on leaves are crucial for the performance of plants and their impact on global water and carbon cycling. However, manually counting stomata can be time-consuming, prone to bias, and limited to small scales and sample sizes. We have created StoManager1, a high-throughput tool that automates detecting, counting, and measuring stomata to address this issue. StoManager1 uses convolutional neural networks to estimate parameters such as stomatal density, area, orientation, and variance. Our results show that StoManager1 is highly precise and has an excellent recall for the stomatal characterizing leaves from various species. This tool can automate measuring leaf stomata, making it easier to explore how leaf stomata control and regulate plant growth and adaptation to environmental stress and climate change. An online demonstration of StoManager1 is available on GitHub at <a href="https://github.com/JiaxinWang123/StoManager.git">https://github.com/JiaxinWang123/StoManager.git</a>. We have also developed a standalone, user-friendly Windows application for StoManager1 that does not require any programming or coding experience.</p><ul><li>Substantially improved group analysis speed. </li><li>Added Toy dataset for users to play around. </li><li>Updated line-edit default text. </li><li>Fine-tuned weights for Hardwoods. </li><li>Enhanced detection capacity for blurred images. </li><li>Enhanced version with more stomatal metrics measured with geometrical algorithms!! </li><li>Note: to use gpu version, you must have your cuda11.7 installed. </li><li>Bugs fixed. </li><li>Enhanced weights for non-nail polish images. </li><li>Added functions to convert the units of width and length from pixels to μm. </li><li>Added Stomata arrangement pattern indices, such as stomata evenness index, stomatal divergence index, and stomatal aggregation index. </li><li>Enhanced models trained with more species such as ginkgo, poplar, cuticle, and usnm images from: Fetter, Karl C. et al. (2019), Data from: StomataCounter: a neural network for automatic stomata identification and counting, Dryad, Dataset, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.kh2gv5f. </li><li>Bugs fixed (calculate stomata/guard cell area for image size over 1280*760). ---Fixed issues in generating stomatal indices.</li><li>Support more image formats such as .jpg, .png, .tif, .jpeg.</li><li>Fixed bugs for not continuing measurement when no stoma detected.</li><li>Integrated custom datatset model training module.</li><li>Fine-tunned weights for more species (over 100 species that were not in training dataset were tested).</li></ul&gt